

Youtube profile pic for Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[00:00 - 00:23]The speaker reflects on how they always thought they knew a lot and had great stories.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[00:05 - 02:13]The speaker knows the person they are talking to is wearing a diaper

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[00:16 - 01:52]They were in LA and asked for suggestions on what to do, someone suggested the show

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[00:26 - 01:24]They introduce someone named Green who is an artist, educator, thief, and villain.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[00:26 - 01:24]The speaker bought a shirt online and had it shipped to a friend’s house in Glendale

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[00:37 - 00:50]The person being interviewed is a WWE superstar

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[00:59 - 01:17]They compliment Green's accent and recall a previous conversation where they discussed bringing a seven-year-old to the event, but decide against it due to cost.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[01:24 - 02:45]The speaker and Green discuss how they know a lot of people and make fun of people they've never met.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[01:24 - 02:45]They know everyone on the show

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[01:31 - 03:36]They had to look up the speaker in their car

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[01:31 - 04:50]The speaker reflects on how they always thought they knew a lot and had great stories.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[01:53 - 02:13]They mention the young age of the group and the speaker's desire to have one of the objects being discussed.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[02:26 - 02:58]The speaker's phone rings and they mention needing to cook.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[03:12 - 05:41]The speaker is familiar with the person from vlogbrothers

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[03:18 - 04:22]They were at a YouTube event where they smoked opium with Linus Tech Tips and Susan Wojcicki

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[03:24 - 06:04]The speaker is familiar with the person from vlogbrothers

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[03:59 - 05:53]They mention making money instead of playing video games and reference their father's disapproval of playing video games.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[04:10 - 07:06]The speaker mentions wearing a diaper and talks about their life being like a video game.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[04:22 - 06:04]The speaker and Green discuss how they know a lot of people and make fun of people they've never met.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[04:32 - 07:06]The speaker knows the person they are talking to is wearing a diaper

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[05:35 - 07:00]They talk about being tall and compare themselves to Rhett and Link.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[05:41 - 07:12]The speaker is familiar with the person from vlogbrothers

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[07:12 - 07:37]The speaker knows the person they are talking to is wearing a diaper

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[07:18 - 08:27]The speaker reflects on how they always thought they knew a lot and had great stories.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[07:38 - 09:18]They have written two novels

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[07:45 - 08:27]They started VidCon

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[08:53 - 10:25]They mention making money instead of playing video games and reference their father's disapproval of playing video games.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[08:53 - 11:13]The speaker is familiar with the person from vlogbrothers

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[09:18 - 10:25]The person being interviewed has done executive work for companies

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[10:25 - 11:07]The speaker is familiar with the person from vlogbrothers

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[10:25 - 11:32]Nick is introduced as the "misogynist" member of their group.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[11:08 - 14:02]They discuss the speaker's "dad look" and his age of 33.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[11:14 - 14:28]The speaker knows the person they are talking to is wearing a diaper

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[11:49 - 13:07]The speaker bought a shirt online and had it shipped to a friend’s house in Glendale

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[11:49 - 13:25]They mention the young age of the group and the speaker's desire to have one of the objects being discussed.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[13:08 - 14:15]They had to look up the speaker in their car

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[13:38 - 15:28]The speaker asks about hair coming back and discusses science.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[13:38 - 16:18]The speaker talks about deciding to have a child and how it happened at the right time.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[13:50 - 15:39]The speaker talks about being compared to Bill Nye and the evolution of science content creation.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[14:02 - 14:15]The speaker's phone rings and they mention needing to cook.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[14:02 - 15:19]The speaker knows the person they are talking to is wearing a diaper

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[14:51 - 15:28]They were invited to be a guest on a show and they said yes

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[14:58 - 16:11]They mention the young age of the group and the speaker's desire to have one of the objects being discussed.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[15:29 - 15:51]They have been watching vlogbrothers since 2008 or 2009.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[15:39 - 17:18]They discuss not being familiar with certain popular content creators and how that is viewed by others.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[15:51 - 17:42]They mention a video about why people get shingles and introduce a person with shingles in the room.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[17:43 - 20:20]They discuss the societal expectations for what counts as useful or interesting facts.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[17:50 - 20:31]The speaker talks about their own experience with cancer and hair growth, including the possibility of curly hair.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[19:53 - 21:23]The speaker asks about hair coming back and discusses science.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[20:52 - 21:11]They discuss the societal expectations for what counts as useful or interesting facts.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[21:11 - 22:20]The speaker asks about hair coming back and discusses science.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[22:20 - 23:51]They discuss the societal expectations for what counts as useful or interesting facts.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[23:52 - 25:42]They discuss Dr. Mario and his legitimacy as a doctor.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[25:42 - 27:17]The speaker talks about being compared to Bill Nye and the evolution of science content creation.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[26:32 - 27:43]They discuss not being familiar with certain popular content creators and how that is viewed by others.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[26:38 - 28:17]The speaker talks about being compared to Bill Nye and the evolution of science content creation.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[27:23 - 27:51]The speaker expresses admiration for a performer's stage presence and ability to connect with the audience.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[27:38 - 28:58]The speaker mentions Hank Green's video on atoms and how it helped them understand semiconductors.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[27:52 - 29:37]They mention being scared of atoms and how they are held together by forces.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[29:43 - 31:53]The speaker talks about their experience with Factor Meals, a ready-to-eat meal kit, and discusses the different meal options available.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[30:41 - 30:46]The speaker expresses admiration for a performer's stage presence and ability to connect with the audience.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[31:27 - 31:58]The speaker talks about their experience with Factor Meals, a ready-to-eat meal kit, and discusses the different meal options available.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[31:59 - 32:27]The speaker brings up the topic of existence and how it is strange that the universe has stuff instead of nothing.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[32:39 - 32:50]They mention being scared of atoms and how they are held together by forces.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[32:50 - 33:26]They mention how science is constantly evolving and how our understanding of it has changed in recent years.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[33:32 - 34:40]The speaker brings up the topic of existence and how it is strange that the universe has stuff instead of nothing.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[34:40 - 35:54]They talk about how people always want to be doing something different and how quickly trends and interests change.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[34:48 - 35:11]The speaker mentions how in a hundred years, people will likely look back at us and think we were "dumb."

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[35:30 - 35:49]They talk about how people always want to be doing something different and how quickly trends and interests change.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[35:54 - 36:39]The speaker discusses the difference between science fiction written for fans and science fiction that is popular.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[36:26 - 37:11]The speaker brings up the topic of existence and how it is strange that the universe has stuff instead of nothing.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[36:59 - 38:35]They mention their fascination with the fact that air is "stuff" and can cause explosions when moving at high speeds.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[37:44 - 38:10]They jokingly suggest a TV show called "Mark vs. Mark" featuring Mark Wahlberg and Mark Rober competing in various tasks.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[38:35 - 40:13]They discuss whippits and whether or not the speaker has done them

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[39:00 - 42:40]The speaker's doctor asks if he is circumcised and the speaker is unsure

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[41:24 - 42:29]The speaker talks about his childhood interest in astronomy and how he learned that certain stars will eventually cease to exist

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[42:29 - 43:24]The speaker introduces a science question about the plank distance and why it cannot be smaller

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[43:10 - 45:21]They discuss the concept of touching and how it is not actually physical in the way we perceive it

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[44:19 - 45:51]The speaker shares a personal question about the way he holds his head and they joke about it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[46:51 - 49:36]The speaker talks about his childhood interest in astronomy and how he learned that certain stars will eventually cease to exist

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[48:59 - 49:52]They discuss the idea of wanting an audience and how the internet has made it easier for nerds to find each other

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[49:44 - 50:47]Person talking about their love for making things and being on stage in middle school

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[49:52 - 52:04]The speaker shares a personal question about the way he holds his head and they joke about it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[50:29 - 51:52]Mention of only having one girlfriend in high school

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[50:54 - 51:30]Reference to writing notes to girls and being a "hound"

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[51:09 - 52:04]Mention of Dan Harmon and a quote about being funny in high school

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[51:31 - 51:42]Reference to writing notes to girls and being a "hound"

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[52:06 - 52:42]Reference to a puppet animal and not knowing about the person's brother until Tumblr

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[52:42 - 53:02]Reference to writing notes to girls and being a "hound"

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[53:12 - 53:19]Mention of a Tumblr post made by brother that changed the rules of the website

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[53:20 - 53:52]Clarification that the post did not actually change the website, but caused backlash for John Green

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[53:57 - 54:03]Feeling alone because of people who don't understand or know certain things

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[54:03 - 54:53]Mention of a Tumblr post made by brother that changed the rules of the website

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[54:12 - 54:36]Criticism of quote retweet culture

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[54:37 - 56:29]Comparison to hating Dave Matthews Band in high school because of the people who liked it

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[56:29 - 57:10]Discussion of the internet and its ability to magnify differences

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[56:50 - 57:29]Feeling alone because of people who don't understand or know certain things

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[57:11 - 58:44]Discussion of the internet and its ability to magnify differences

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[58:08 - 58:34]Mention of a tweet about Vladimir Lenin and the filter bubble on Twitter

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[58:44 - 59:12]Criticism of quote retweet culture

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[58:53 - 59:52]Hank Green's reasons for using Twitter, including wanting a little treat and using it for practical purposes like selling tickets and products

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[58:59 - 59:29]A conversation about using Twitter and learning languages

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[59:29 - 59:42]Aiden struggles with saying "my money long" in Mandarin

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[59:42 - 1.00:08]The deal is only for listeners of the podcast "The Yard"

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[59:52 - 1.02:05]The speaker and their friend discuss a sold out comedy show on Tuesday that sold out within 24 hours

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[1.00:09 - 1.00:32]The app is called Babble and offers quick lessons with language experts

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[1.00:33 - 1.00:38]Aiden is using the app to learn Mandarin

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[1.00:38 - 1.01:30]Aiden struggles with saying "my money long" in Mandarin

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[1.00:44 - 1.01:11]The app is called Babble and offers quick lessons with language experts

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[1.01:30 - 1.01:50]The deal is only for listeners of the podcast "The Yard"

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[1.01:35 - 1.02:05]Babble is only for good listeners and can be found at

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[1.02:05 - 1.04:59]They mention rules and restrictions that may apply to the show and discuss the idea of people showing up because they like the comedian rather than the quality of the jokes

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[1.05:00 - 1.06:03]The speaker talks about their own experience with writing and performing stand-up comedy and the challenges of turning it into a successful product

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[1.07:26 - 1.10:37]They mention some of their favorite comedians and jokes, and the importance of being able to make people feel lost or uncomfortable in a performance

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[1.09:24 - 1.11:07]The speaker talks about their own experience with writing and performing stand-up comedy and the challenges of turning it into a successful product

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[1.10:56 - 1.12:29]The conversation turns to the trend of YouTubers quitting and the speaker discusses the idea of a "hard close" in terms of novel writing versus the constant expectation to create content on YouTube

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[1.11:48 - 1.14:05]They use the example of YouTuber Tom Scott as someone who has created a body of work rather than a career, and the freedom that comes with being able to try new things and move on from a successful project.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[1.12:09 - 1.13:51]The conversation turns to the trend of YouTubers quitting and the speaker discusses the idea of a "hard close" in terms of novel writing versus the constant expectation to create content on YouTube

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[1.13:39 - 1.14:42]Comparison of YouTube to a "slop treadmill"

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[1.14:06 - 1.15:16]Mention of ASMR slime and a YouTuber quitting

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[1.15:16 - 1.16:30]Mention of Home Star Runner and Red vs. Blue

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[1.16:16 - 1.17:11]Discussion of internet usage and birth years

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[1.16:40 - 1.18:13]Comparison to Irish goodbye and comments on old YouTube videos

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[1.16:46 - 1.17:16]Discussion of internet usage and birth years

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[1.17:17 - 1.17:40]Comparison to Irish goodbye and comments on old YouTube videos

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[1.17:47 - 1.19:59]Streamer talking about streaming and potential backlash

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[1.17:53 - 1.18:07]Question of how a slime YouTuber would announce their departure

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[1.19:16 - 1.21:42]Streamer talking about streaming and potential backlash

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[1.20:05 - 1.20:39]YouTuber discussing their channel and content

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[1.21:05 - 1.21:20]Mention of ASMR slime and a YouTuber quitting

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[1.21:20 - 1.22:59]YouTuber discussing their channel and content

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[1.22:07 - 1.23:38]Discussion of vlogbrothers, its origins, and recent videos

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[1.23:11 - 1.25:14]Mention of yearly charity livestream, The Project for Awesome

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[1.24:25 - 1.25:30]Personal note on never missing a vlogbrothers video and fandom

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[1.24:57 - 1.26:12]Discussion of idea for a 48-hour show with a lock-in theme.

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[1.25:31 - 1.26:17]Mention of hosting a separate convention for fans

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[1.25:41 - 1.26:44]A group of people are discussing an idea for a game involving statues and swords where players can't leave the room.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[1.26:29 - 1.30:10]The conversation shifts to a discussion about how holding pee or poop for too long can have serious health consequences.

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[1.29:31 - 1.34:19]They then take a break to play a science quiz game called Kahoot, which ends up being won by someone named Dylan Morris.

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[1.34:19 - 1.36:12]The group continues to discuss various topics, including turning Nicki Minaj into a stoner in a song.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[1.34:25 - 1.36:17]They then take a break to play a science quiz game called Kahoot, which ends up being won by someone named Dylan Morris.

A youtube thumbnail wor Asking Dumb Questions About Science w\ Hank Green | The Yard

[1.36:18 - 1.37:22]One person shares that they have a charity sock business and encourages others to buy from their website.

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[1.37:04 - 1.38:47]The group ends the conversation by jokingly discussing how they are a "family business" of making YouTube shorts and selling socks.

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[1.38:25 - 1.38:40]They propose that the last person remaining in the room will win $10,000.