

Youtube profile pic for We’re Now Too Old For Anime | Trash Taste #166

We’re Now Too Old For Anime | Trash Taste #166

A youtube thumbnail wor We’re Now Too Old For Anime | Trash Taste #166

[00:00 - 00:06] Trash Taste announces Europe tour in September 2023

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[00:06 - 00:15]Tickets still available for some shows, links in description

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[00:15 - 00:22]Hosts discuss their experiences with Final Fantasy games

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[00:15 - 00:22]Joey has not finished any Final Fantasy games

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[00:41 - 00:46]They discuss their previous and current orders of Thai food

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[00:41 - 00:46]Connor receives very spicy Thai food after requesting extra spice

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[02:09 - 02:17]Garnt mentions his growing tolerance for spicy food since moving to Japan

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[03:51 - 03:57]They discuss the spiciness of different Southeast Asian cuisines

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[05:02 - 05:12]The hosts wrap up the episode with a discussion about their previous spice levels and experiences with spicy food

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[06:39 - 06:49]Connor and Garnt plan to order level 15 spicy curry from CoCo Ichibanya as a challenge

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[00:00 - 06:49]Trash Taste is heading to Europe in September 2023, and the hosts discuss their experiences with spicy food. They also plan to order level 15 spicy curry from CoCo Ichibanya as a challenge.

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[06:49 - 07:00]The speaker discusses how eating spicy food with friends has helped them handle it better

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[07:25 - 07:30]They mention trying various spicy foods like spicy ramen and ghost peppers for videos

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[08:08 - 08:24]They mention their preference for fresh chilies over chili sauce in cooking

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[08:25 - 08:33]The speaker talks about making chili with two ghost peppers and how it was too spicy for their housemate

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[08:42 - 08:51]Having one ghost pepper has changed their perception of spice and made them reevaluate the spiciness of jalapenos

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[08:42 - 08:51]The speaker talks about the lack of flavor in a ghost pepper, compared to the intense spiciness

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[08:59 - 09:06]They mention a video of them eating a habanero and struggling with it

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[09:13 - 09:20]They mention trying the one chip challenge and being surprised by how spicy it was

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[10:39 - 10:48]The conversation shifts to the speaker's existential crisis about getting older and having a gray hair

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[11:16 - 11:22]They mention their upcoming video which is "degenerate" and question how long they can keep doing this kind of content

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[11:22 - 11:28]The speaker mentions their parents telling them they would "grow out" of anime, but they never did

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[11:50 - 12:18]They discuss how fandoms like Star Wars have older demographics and how they think people won't "grow out" of anime anymore

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[12:47 - 13:05]The speaker jokes about when they will stop liking anime lewds on Twitter, potentially when they have a child

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[13:05 - 13:11]They mention possibly cutting back on social media when they have a child

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[13:05 - 13:11]The speaker jokes about making their child the new "star" and managing their social media accounts

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[06:49 - 13:29]The overall theme is the speaker's reflection on getting older and their love for anime and spicy food.

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[13:29 - 13:48]Speaker discusses how their friend June will like something based on his taste

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[14:02 - 14:08]They mention that their taste has nothing to do with it

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[15:36 - 15:43]They discuss how as they get older, certain behaviors become less socially acceptable

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[15:36 - 15:43]Speaker mentions their changing opinions and tastes, including their past love for lewd shows

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[15:36 - 15:43]They acknowledge that their opinions and tastes will continue to change as they grow older

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[17:23 - 17:28]Speaker talks about how contradicting oneself is natural and opinions are supposed to change

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[18:23 - 18:29]Speaker talks about how having kids will change their behavior

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[19:26 - 19:34]They question when they will feel like a "real" adult and be comfortable in their own skin

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[19:57 - 20:02]Speaker shares their personal struggle with feeling out of place at events and gatherings due to their job as a YouTuber

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[13:29 - 20:40]The speaker's main point is that as they grow and change, their opinions, tastes, and comfort level will also change, and that is a natural and normal part of life.

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[20:40 - 21:00] The speaker reflects on their initial expectations of adulthood and how they thought people would become more competent in the working world.

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[21:01 - 21:10]However, they soon realized that incompetence exists in every industry and even in high positions of power.

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[21:31 - 21:37]They had a similar realization when they entered the working world and saw that people still didn't do their jobs properly.

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[22:05 - 22:13]This made them question how these companies function with so many incompetent individuals.

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[23:03 - 23:10]They also discuss how some people never grow out of their tendencies to take credit without doing the work.

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[24:21 - 24:27]They believe that being an adult comes with consequences and a sense of purpose.

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[25:11 - 25:32]They share their experiences of feeling lost and realizing that many others also feel the same way.

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[26:03 - 26:12]The speaker and their friends all feel lost and unsure of their place in the world.

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[27:51 - 28:15]The speaker personally found a sense of purpose in their job as a YouTuber, but also acknowledges the seriousness of the consequences if they were to fail.

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[20:40 - 28:32]Overall, the speaker reflects on how adulthood is filled with incompetence and feeling lost, but also finding one's place and purpose in the world.

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[30:38 - 31:01]Speaker reflects on their own feelings about adulthood and acknowledges that others may have valid feelings as well.

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[32:13 - 32:23]The speaker questions the traditional definition of adulthood and how it relates to their own circumstances.

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[32:24 - 32:31]They discuss the perception of YouTube content creators as "kids" having fun, despite having stable jobs and responsibilities.

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[32:37 - 32:48]They feel fortunate to have a fulfilling job and acknowledge that not everyone has found the same success.

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[32:48 - 32:54]They feel blessed and grateful for their job, as they know many have had to endure unfulfilling jobs for years.

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[33:16 - 33:26]They reflect on their own personal definition of adulthood and the turning point where they began to feel like an adult.

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[33:16 - 33:26]The speaker identifies responsibility as a key aspect of feeling like an adult, with no buffers between their actions and consequences.

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[33:16 - 33:26]They talk about wanting independence as a child and how it differs from the reality of adulthood.

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[33:16 - 33:26]They talk about wanting independence as a child and how it differs from the reality of adulthood.

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[33:16 - 33:26]The speaker asks their co-host if they ever feel like they missed out on childhood experiences by wanting to be an adult too quickly.

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[33:16 - 33:26]They discuss their own personal experiences and how they would still choose to be an adult, but miss certain aspects of their childhood.

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[33:51 - 33:58]The speaker and their co-host discuss the changing times and how societal norms and expectations have shifted.

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[34:08 - 34:15]The speaker asks their co-host which age they would go back to if they had the chance.

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[34:53 - 35:04]They both reflect on the benefits of being a certain age, where they could still enjoy childlike activities while also being taken more seriously.

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[34:53 - 35:04]The speaker mentions being able to indulge in any hobby without feeling guilty or judged.

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[35:35 - 35:44]They reflect on how as adults, they miss the freedom and lack of responsibilities they had as children.

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[28:33 - 35:58]The speaker and their co-host discuss their feelings about adulthood, reflecting on their own success and the changing societal norms. They talk about their personal definitions of adulthood and how they would still choose to be adults, but miss the freedom and lack of responsibilities they had as children. They also discuss which age they would go back to if they could, and the benefits of being young and being taken seriously while still being able to indulge in childlike activities.

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[35:58 - 36:07]Speaker discusses childhood and excitement for Christmas

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[36:14 - 36:24]Last memorable Christmas was at age 12/13 when received Nintendo Wii

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[36:24 - 36:30]Childhood holidays felt like a "fucking event" with presents and good food

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[37:16 - 37:25]Pure happiness experienced as a child that may never be experienced again as an adult

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[37:25 - 37:40]Believes the only way to experience that happiness again is through having own children

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[37:55 - 38:03]Speaker is a gamer and values leveling up in real life skills

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[38:46 - 38:53]Download Cash App for financial assistance

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[38:53 - 38:58]Sponsored by Cash App

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[41:25 - 41:31]Speaker tries spicy food and realizes it's not as bad as expected

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[41:25 - 41:31]Predicts future regret for eating spicy food

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[42:53 - 43:08]Discusses good childhood and importance of supportive and understanding parents

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[42:53 - 43:08]Parents allowed speaker to pursue interests and hobbies

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[35:58 - 43:32]Speaker reflects on childhood excitement and happiness during holidays, particularly around age 12/13 when receiving a Nintendo Wii. Believes this pure happiness may never be experienced again as an adult, but hopes to experience it vicariously through own future children. Sponsored by Cash App and values leveling up in real life skills. Concludes by discussing the importance of supportive and understanding parents in creating a good childhood experience.

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[44:25 - 44:35] The speaker discusses having parents who were supportive of their childhood interests and hobbies, even if they changed frequently.

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[44:35 - 44:41]They mention the privilege of being able to afford lessons and activities for their kids.

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[45:09 - 45:16]The speaker's parents would often joke about putting things "on the tab" for their child to pay back in the future.

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[46:09 - 46:16]They talk about the amount of money parents spend on their children and how it has changed over time.

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[49:06 - 49:14]The speaker's mother encouraged them to learn guitar in order to attract girls.

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[49:37 - 49:44]The speaker shares their experience learning piano and guitar as a child.

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[49:44 - 49:55]They mention accidentally starting a band because of their guitar lessons.

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[43:32 - 50:09]The last bullet point summarizes the speaker's discussion about their childhood and the impact their parents had on their hobbies and interests.

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[50:10 - 50:16] The speaker struggled to understand rhythm and gave up on learning it quickly

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[52:32 - 52:38]They focused on playing individual sports, particularly squash and badminton

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[52:59 - 53:05]The speaker's brother was better at technique while the speaker relied on raw ability and sprinting

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[53:35 - 53:40]They also played basketball for a short period of time

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[54:23 - 54:28]The speaker also briefly played baseball in Japan

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[55:46 - 56:01]They found baseball more satisfying than cricket

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[56:30 - 56:38]The speaker had a dislike for cricket, possibly due to painful experiences with the ball

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[56:39 - 56:53]They always wanted to get into different sports but didn't have the opportunity

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[56:39 - 56:53]Speaker's sports experiences: struggling with rhythm, playing squash and badminton, playing basketball and baseball, not liking cricket, wanting to try more sports

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[50:10 - 56:53]The speaker had a love for sports but didn't have the means to explore them fully.

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[57:02 - 57:12] The speaker talks about their enjoyment of hockey, specifically field hockey in England.

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[57:21 - 57:30]They express disappointment in not being able to join a girls' team in school.

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[57:44 - 57:56]They mention their surprise and admiration for sports like military patrol and biathlon.

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[58:18 - 58:26]The speaker discusses their interest in trying various sports, including clay pigeon shooting and curling.

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[1.02:01 - 1.02:11]They mention their desire to get back into dancing.

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[1.02:11 - 1.02:21]The speaker shares their experience with ballroom and Latin American dancing, and how it made them feel powerful as a man.

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[1.03:39 - 1.03:45]The speaker brings up the stereotype of ballet being a hobby for white parents, similar to piano for Asian parents.

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[1.03:54 - 1.04:00]Harry's is mentioned as a sponsor.

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[56:53 - 1.04:14]The speaker talks about their interest in trying various sports, their admiration for unique sports, and their experience with ballroom dancing, ultimately expressing a desire to get back into it.

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[1.04:15 - 1.04:29]The speaker talks about using Harry's shaving products for a clean shave.

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[1.04:29 - 1.04:37]They mention a promotion for a starter set.

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[1.04:57 - 1.05:03]The conversation shifts to playing drums and the possibility of starting a band.

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[1.05:09 - 1.05:19]The speaker believes that musical skills can be trained.

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[1.10:15 - 1.10:25]Retirement for the speaker means not having to worry about financial stability and being able to do things without obligation or generating income.

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[1.10:25 - 1.10:31]The speaker's father recently retired and has a new job as a bus driver.

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[1.10:25 - 1.10:31]Retirement for the speaker's father means having something to do during the week.

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[1.11:19 - 1.11:28]They discuss the concept of retirement and what it means to them.

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[1.11:19 - 1.11:28]They discuss their own ideas of retirement and what it means to them.

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[1.04:15 - 1.11:38]A comprehensive summary of the conversation is about the concept of retirement and what it means to the speaker and their father.

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[1.11:38 - 1.11:45] The speaker discusses their plans for retirement and how they will continue making YouTube videos casually.

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[1.12:19 - 1.12:25]They mention Felix and how he is still making videos despite having made enough money.

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[1.12:33 - 1.12:51]The speaker hopes to reach a point where they are financially stable enough to retire.

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[1.13:24 - 1.13:31]Retirement is seen as a time to pursue hobbies and interests without obligation.

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[1.13:54 - 1.14:03]They feel bad for those who cannot consider retirement due to financial constraints.

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[1.15:24 - 1.15:31]The age of retirement is rising in many countries, making it difficult for some to reach.

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[1.15:45 - 1.15:51]Retirement is a goal for the speaker, and they hope to reach a point where they can pursue their interests without worry.

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[1.16:05 - 1.16:14]The speaker's happiest moment was being able to give their dad his retirement.

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[1.17:23 - 1.17:44]The speaker's dad had to work until they were financially stable enough to retire.

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[1.17:44 - 1.17:54]The speaker remembers the moment they were able to pay off the family's mortgage and saw the tension release from their dad.

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[1.11:38 - 1.18:31]The speaker discusses their plans for retirement, the rising age of retirement, and their own personal experience with their father's retirement. They hope to eventually reach a point where they can retire and pursue their interests without financial constraints.

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[1.18:37 - 1.18:45]The speaker is satisfied with their life and has entered a "monk mode" where they are content with their achievements.

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[1.18:45 - 1.18:51]They mention that paying for their parents' retirement is the most important financial move.

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[1.18:51 - 1.19:00]The father used to work hard for his age and is now enjoying his retirement.

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[1.19:00 - 1.19:10]The speaker's father is now retired and spends his time learning guitar and reading books.

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[1.19:36 - 1.19:42]The speaker's father is skilled in fixing things and knows how to do tasks like plumbing and remodeling.

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[1.20:19 - 1.20:28]The speaker and their partner once had a car breakdown in Ireland and they didn't know what to do.

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[1.21:17 - 1.21:25]They mention that these skills could easily be learned through YouTube tutorials.

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[1.22:31 - 1.22:37]The speaker admits to pretending to know what they're doing in these situations.

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[1.23:20 - 1.23:31]The speaker reflects on the lack of life skills they were taught, such as changing a tire or being responsible with money.

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[1.24:06 - 1.24:11]They wish they were taught more life skills, such as handling credit cards and calling for repairs.

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[1.24:32 - 1.24:38]The speaker wonders where their father learned these skills from, as they were never taught.

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[1.24:32 - 1.24:38]It is suggested that the father may have learned from his own experiences and was not formally taught.

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[1.18:32 - 1.25:09]The speaker reflects on their contentment with life, mentions the importance of paying for their parents' retirement, and discusses their father's retirement and handyman skills. They also express frustration with not being taught important life skills and wonder where their father learned these skills from.

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[1.25:09 - 1.25:19]Learning how to write drugs for the future

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[1.25:20 - 1.25:28]Preparing for future kids' questions

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[1.25:40 - 1.25:50]Learning everything about the internet and its use

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[1.26:21 - 1.26:27]The process of learning how to shave

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[1.27:09 - 1.27:14]Personal experiences with learning how to shave

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[1.30:36 - 1.30:41]Questioning the existence of old people in those times

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[1.30:36 - 1.30:41]Closing thoughts on old age in history and modern times

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[1.31:01 - 1.31:07]Factors that affected life expectancy

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[1.31:01 - 1.31:07]Personal examples of people living to old age

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[1.31:23 - 1.31:29]Discussion about old age in medieval settings

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[1.31:29 - 1.31:35]Average life expectancy during the dark ages

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[1.25:09 - 1.31:57]Learning from past generations and preparing for the future

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[1.31:57 - 1.32:13]Living in the 1300s, village elders were not respected or listened to

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[1.31:57 - 1.32:13]Living in the 1300s, village elders were not respected or listened to

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[1.33:01 - 1.33:10]In the dark ages, an 80-year-old person was equivalent to a 120-year-old today

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[1.33:01 - 1.33:10]Rare, but not uncommon, for someone in a position of power to live to an old age

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[1.33:11 - 1.33:21]In video games, elders are often portrayed as being 90+ years old

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[1.33:44 - 1.33:53]People in older media, such as movies from the 80s, often look older than they actually were

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[1.34:59 - 1.35:09]As our generation gets older, we may start to share more of our wild stories with our children

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[1.35:10 - 1.35:16]Our generation has limited evidence of our parents' youth, making it hard to believe their stories

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[1.37:32 - 1.37:38]There may be pressure on the firstborn child of each generation to do something impressive

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[1.37:58 - 1.38:07]Discovering old social media accounts of our parents would be interesting

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[1.38:25 - 1.38:30]In the future, there may be social media accounts of people from generations past

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[1.31:57 - 1.38:37]In the past, village elders were not respected and people often lived to old ages despite war and death being common. Our generation may share wild stories with our children and in the future, there may be social media accounts of people from generations past.

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[1.38:37 - 1.38:45] At a school party, discussing the idea of using social media to track ancestors

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[1.40:15 - 1.40:21]Trying out Final Fantasy game, discussing the different versions and combat style preferences

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[1.43:13 - 1.43:22]Cutscenes in the game are too long, making it feel more like a movie than a game

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[1.44:05 - 1.44:14]Some issues with constant switching between cutscenes and gameplay

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[1.44:41 - 1.44:56]Active lore button allows players to better understand the story and characters

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[1.44:57 - 1.45:03]Potential spoilers in the last 10% of the game

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[1.38:37 - 1.45:15]Overall, the game is a good in-between point for the series and has potential for future games to improve upon its formula.

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[1.49:45 - 1.49:53]The speaker discusses their experience with Final Fantasy 16, including time skips and difficulty keeping track of characters and the story.

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[1.51:51 - 1.52:02]The speaker praises the addition of an "active law" button to help explain the lore.

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[1.52:10 - 1.52:21]They compare the storytelling to Game of Thrones and express frustration with the amount of information they have to keep track of.

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[1.52:10 - 1.52:21]The speaker and the interviewer discuss their different gaming styles and the speaker's tendency to research and consume additional information about a game.

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[1.52:29 - 1.52:36]They express disappointment with the lack of compelling characters in the game so far, and mention that they typically fall in love with the cast in JRPGs.

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[1.52:29 - 1.52:36]The side quests in Final Fantasy 16 are described as boring and lacking in depth.

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[1.52:29 - 1.52:36]The speaker reveals their tendency to drop or not finish games, particularly due to turn-based combat.

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[1.52:29 - 1.52:36]They mention being emotionally invested in the world of Final Fantasy 16 and wanting to know more about it.

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[1.52:29 - 1.52:36]The importance of finishing a game in order to fully appreciate the lore and world is mentioned.

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[1.52:29 - 1.52:36]The speaker reveals that they have not yet finished a Final Fantasy game, but have played many.

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[1.52:29 - 1.52:36]A comparison is made to the speaker's love for the manga/anime series One Piece.

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[1.52:29 - 1.52:36]The speaker clarifies that they have not dropped Final Fantasy 16, but have not finished it.

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[1.52:36 - 1.52:43]The interviewer expresses shock and disbelief.

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[1.52:43 - 1.52:50]The speaker and interviewer discuss Hunter x Hunter and the idea of "dropping" a game.

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[1.45:15 - 1.52:50]The speaker discusses their experience with Final Fantasy 16, comparing its storytelling and lore to Game of Thrones and expressing disappointment with the lack of compelling characters and side quests. They reveal their tendency to research and consume additional information about a game, but also struggle with finishing games due to turn-based combat. They have not yet finished a Final Fantasy game, but have played many, and the interviewer expresses shock at this revelation.

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[1.52:50 - 1.52:57] The speaker has a rule of thumb where they will only continue playing a game if they are invested by 20-30% of the way through

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[1.53:56 - 1.54:02]They struggle with games that require a lot of time to become enjoyable

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[1.54:47 - 1.54:53]They mention playing Final Fantasy VII and finding it difficult to get into

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[1.56:03 - 1.56:08]They discuss the characters and their lack of interest in them so far

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[1.57:17 - 1.57:24]The speaker is still waiting for the characters to become interesting

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[1.57:30 - 1.57:36]They mention a TikTok video about Sephiroth twerking

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[1.57:50 - 1.58:05]The speaker has played other JRPGs and expected more from Final Fantasy VII's characters

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[1.58:59 - 1.59:04]They express interest in playing Chrono Trigger, which is considered one of the best JRPGs

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[1.52:50 - 1.59:10]The speaker discusses their rule of thumb for investing in games, their struggle with games that take a long time to become enjoyable, and their experience playing Final Fantasy VII and finding it difficult to get into. They also mention a TikTok video about Sephiroth twerking, their expectations for the characters based on critical acclaim, and their interest in playing Chrono Trigger. They are still waiting for the characters to become more interesting.

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[1.59:10 - 1.59:16] Chrono Trigger is the best game according to the speaker

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[1.59:17 - 1.59:30]It has an amazing soundtrack and an interesting combat concept

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[1.59:42 - 1.59:50]The story is incredible and the speaker wants to play it again

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[1.59:56 - 2.00:02]The completion time for Final Fantasy games varies, with some taking 35 hours and others taking 50-60 hours

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[2.01:59 - 2.02:07]Persona 5 is a long game, with an average completion time of 100 hours

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[2.02:48 - 2.02:55]The speaker enjoys reading lore and world building in games

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[2.03:35 - 2.03:41]The aliens watching World War II would be fascinated by the background lore

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[2.03:58 - 2.04:04]The podcast is called Trash Taste and the hosts are Joey, Connor, and Garnt

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[2.04:11 - 2.04:18]The speaker wants recommendations for the best Final Fantasy game to play

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[2.04:31 - 2.04:36]The hosts have a Patreon and other social media channels

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[1.59:10 - 2.05:04]The comprehensive summary is that Chrono Trigger is the best game according to the speaker and they enjoy games with good world building and lore. They are open to recommendations for the best Final Fantasy game to play.