

Youtube profile pic for SuperMegaCast - EP 166: Yet Another Podcast Episode

SuperMegaCast - EP 166: Yet Another Podcast Episode

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 166: Yet Another Podcast Episode

[00:12 - 00:19]The speaker talks about not knowing the next line and guessing at it

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[00:31 - 00:38]They discuss a song by Beyonce and the possibility of making up lyrics for it

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[00:39 - 00:47]The speaker sings lyrics from a song about being beautiful and words bringing you down

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[00:48 - 00:59]They mention watching videos on YouTube that compile hit songs from the last 20 years

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[01:07 - 01:18]The speaker talks about a specific type of video that reviews popular events from a certain year

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[01:18 - 01:23]They mention being surprised by how long ago certain events happened

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[03:46 - 03:58]The speaker discusses a playlist they made for themselves and their recent interest in music

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[04:11 - 04:16]They mention working on their room and wanting it to be cozy

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[04:28 - 04:33]There is a joke about expanding the room or adding a second floor to just their room

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[04:52 - 04:59]The speaker talks about a bunk bed they used to have and memories associated with it

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[06:11 - 06:17]They mention putting soundproofing in their room

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[06:35 - 06:41]The speaker talks about their childhood room and how they love it

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[06:56 - 07:03]There is a discussion about having posters in their room and the irony of having them now versus in high school

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 166: Yet Another Podcast Episode

[00:12 - 07:35]The speaker discusses their recent activities, including guessing at song lyrics, watching compilation videos on YouTube, making a playlist, and working on their room. They also reminisce about their childhood room and joke about expanding it.

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[07:41 - 07:47]Two people express their excitement about being podcast hosts and reminisce about a SpongeBob pinata and a digital clock with a wand that creates images.

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[11:16 - 11:23]They discuss the concept of space and the possibility of intelligent life in the universe.

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[13:55 - 14:01]One person shares a sketch idea about Ellen DeGeneres being a monster and possibly featuring it on her show.

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[14:38 - 14:52]The other person shares a story about a high school classmate's homophobic mindset.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 166: Yet Another Podcast Episode

[07:35 - 15:05]Two podcast hosts discuss their interests, including space and a sketch idea about Ellen DeGeneres, and share a story about a classmate's homophobic mindset.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 166: Yet Another Podcast Episode

[15:42 - 15:55] Louis C.K. bit about fear of homosexuality and its implications

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[15:55 - 16:05]People's fear of homosexuality due to religion and past discrimination

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[20:55 - 21:05]Discussion about natural segregation in communities and sticking together due to shared oppression

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[22:24 - 22:32]Mention of current events in China and the lack of recognition for Taiwan as its own country

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 166: Yet Another Podcast Episode

[15:05 - 22:32]The audio covers a variety of topics including a Louis C.K. bit about fear of homosexuality and its implications, people's fear of homosexuality due to religion and past discrimination, natural segregation in communities due to shared oppression, and current events in China and the lack of recognition for Taiwan as its own country.

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[22:33 - 22:42]Discussion of censorship in China and how the government is very smart about it.

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[22:43 - 22:52]Comparison to North Korea and the fact that China is a well-established world power with citizens who are not impoverished.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 166: Yet Another Podcast Episode

[23:11 - 23:16]Acknowledgement of propaganda in China and how things seem perfect due to censorship.

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[23:23 - 23:32]Mention of China having its own social media platforms and the banning of websites like YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 166: Yet Another Podcast Episode

[23:40 - 23:48]Possible concern about getting banned in China and the desire to visit Hong Kong.

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[23:49 - 23:55]Personal anecdotes about layovers in China and not knowing if one is blacklisted.

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[24:08 - 24:17]Discussion of China's cool culture and people, but criticism of their government's actions.

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[25:11 - 25:16]Comparison to slavery and the argument that it is not a valid excuse for past actions.

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[26:47 - 27:06]Mention of parents' memories of segregation and the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

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[27:33 - 27:39]Acknowledgement of personal racism.

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[27:46 - 27:54]Joking about shaving heads and potential hairstyles.

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[29:12 - 29:19]Discussion of mullets and how some people can pull them off.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 166: Yet Another Podcast Episode

[29:36 - 29:43]Personal anecdote about having an Amish-style beard.

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[29:49 - 29:54]Acknowledgement of judgement and the decision to shave.

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[22:33 - 29:54]Discussion of censorship in China and the comparison to North Korea -> Acknowledgement of propaganda and censorship in China -> Mention of China's own social media platforms and banning of websites -> Personal anecdotes about layovers in China -> Discussion of China's culture and government -> Comparison to segregation and the Civil Rights Act -> Joking about personal racism and hairstyles.

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[29:55 - 30:04]The speaker talks about needing a kick in the ass to not look like a bum.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 166: Yet Another Podcast Episode

[30:04 - 30:12]They mention their bushy beard and how it looks stupid.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 166: Yet Another Podcast Episode

[30:32 - 30:38]They discuss the different types of beards and how they don't want a chin strap.

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[30:38 - 30:44]The speaker's beard is currently stubble and they talk about their lack of facial hair growth.

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[32:00 - 32:07]They mention the word "fulcrum" and look it up, but realize it's not related to facial hair.

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[32:27 - 32:32]The word "filtrum" is mentioned and they wonder about the evolutionary benefit of it.

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[34:57 - 35:05]The speaker talks about their hair genes and how they are blessed with thick hair.

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[35:31 - 35:40]They mention their receding hairline and how their nose and ears will continue to grow as they age.

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[36:05 - 36:12]The speaker describes their nose and nostrils as being long and deviated.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 166: Yet Another Podcast Episode

[36:44 - 36:51]They mention needing surgery on their feet and surgery on their face (jokingly).

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 166: Yet Another Podcast Episode

[29:55 - 36:56]The comprehensive summary is that the speaker talks about their appearance, specifically their facial hair, hair genes, and physical features such as their nose and feet. They also mention needing surgery and their lack of facial hair growth.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 166: Yet Another Podcast Episode

[37:03 - 37:10] A conversation about being funny and the person's looks

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[37:35 - 37:41]Mention of a recent shootout in Mexico involving a drug cartel

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[37:53 - 38:02]Mention of a YouTuber being killed by the cartel

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[38:47 - 38:53]Mention of a recent siege on a town by the cartel

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[39:37 - 39:43]Discussion about the cartel's influence in society and government

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[40:03 - 40:10]Conversation about potential bravery of running against the cartel

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 166: Yet Another Podcast Episode

[40:56 - 41:01]Mention of the speaker's sister and her behavior at a previous event

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 166: Yet Another Podcast Episode

[42:03 - 42:11]An incident involving a dead body on the highway and a reminder not to drink and drive

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 166: Yet Another Podcast Episode

[43:20 - 43:28]A discussion about the last time the speaker saw a dead body

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 166: Yet Another Podcast Episode

[43:20 - 43:28]Mention of a recent death and the speaker's feelings about it

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[44:12 - 44:19]A conversation about a hat and shoes

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 166: Yet Another Podcast Episode

[36:56 - 44:39]A group discusses various topics including humor, the recent Mexican cartel shootout, a YouTuber killed by the cartel, the cartel's influence in society and government, bravery of running against the cartel, a previous incident with the speaker's sister, and a recent encounter with a dead body on the highway. They also mention a hat and shoes.

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[44:46 - 44:59] Boys discuss Halloween and their excitement for trick or treaters at the studio

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[45:19 - 45:30]They plan to give out cigarettes to trick or treaters and joke about a "golden cigarette" prize

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[47:05 - 47:13]They talk about being dressed up as by fans in the past and promote a friend's song about Bigfoot

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 166: Yet Another Podcast Episode

[49:15 - 49:20]They switch to discussing a Harry's razor ad read and Ryan shares his positive experience with their product

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 166: Yet Another Podcast Episode

[51:23 - 51:36]They joke about starting a monkey Instagram account to try and collaborate with owners for a video

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 166: Yet Another Podcast Episode

[51:43 - 51:49]Instagram has denied Ryan's verification request and the process for getting verified is discussed

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 166: Yet Another Podcast Episode

[44:40 - 52:09]Boys discuss Halloween, giving out cigarettes as treats, being dressed up as by fans, promoting a friend's song, doing an ad read for Harry's razors, joking about starting a monkey Instagram account, and Ryan's failed verification request.

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[52:10 - 52:26] The speaker discusses knowing people who are verified but not famous or featured in the news.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 166: Yet Another Podcast Episode

[52:26 - 52:31]They mention having an article written about them regarding their claim to have the world's biggest penis.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 166: Yet Another Podcast Episode

[52:44 - 52:51]Squarespace is praised for its easy-to-use templates and features for creating websites.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 166: Yet Another Podcast Episode

[52:51 - 53:04]The speaker suggests that having a well-designed website on Squarespace may help them get verified on Instagram.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 166: Yet Another Podcast Episode

[53:19 - 53:24]The speaker talks about the various reasons one may need a website, such as starting a podcast or selling merchandise.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 166: Yet Another Podcast Episode

[55:10 - 55:15]Squarespace is promoted with a discount code for listeners.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 166: Yet Another Podcast Episode

[55:16 - 55:24]Squarespace is a great platform for creating a website and the speaker missed out on using a discount code for a domain.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 166: Yet Another Podcast Episode

[55:59 - 56:05]The speaker and co-host discuss wearing shoes and keeping them clean.

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[57:27 - 57:37]The speaker shares a story about visiting Rodeo Drive and a Louis Vuitton museum in Beverly Hills.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 166: Yet Another Podcast Episode

[59:15 - 59:26]They mention seeing a pair of shoes on Rodeo Drive.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 166: Yet Another Podcast Episode

[59:26 - 59:33]Squarespace is praised again and the co-host mentions a pair of dice.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 166: Yet Another Podcast Episode

[52:10 - 59:33]The speaker discusses their desire to be verified on Instagram and how having a well-designed website on Squarespace may help them achieve this. They also promote Squarespace and discuss their visit to Rodeo Drive and a Louis Vuitton museum.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 166: Yet Another Podcast Episode

[59:45 - 59:50] Person talks about seeing expensive designer items in a store

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[59:57 - 1.00:04]They question the high prices and wonder why people would pay so much

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 166: Yet Another Podcast Episode

[1.00:04 - 1.00:10]Person notes that those who can afford such items have a lot of disposable income

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 166: Yet Another Podcast Episode

[1.02:59 - 1.03:10]They discuss how some people are willing to pay for the name and status associated with luxury items

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 166: Yet Another Podcast Episode

[1.03:58 - 1.04:04]Person mentions how they are comfortable in their current financial situation

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 166: Yet Another Podcast Episode

[1.05:03 - 1.05:11]They express gratitude for the support of their fans, whether through donations, merch purchases, or simply watching their content

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 166: Yet Another Podcast Episode

[1.05:03 - 1.05:11]They note that not everyone is able to financially support them and that is okay

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[1.05:57 - 1.06:04]They emphasize their appreciation for all of their supporters and their excitement for what is to come in the future

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[59:34 - 1.06:21]In conclusion, the person expresses their gratitude for their fans and their amazement at the kindness and support they have received.