

Youtube profile pic for Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[00:15 - 07:07]The episode of Creep Cast introduces Twitter ARGs, which are stories told through the medium of Twitter.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[03:56 - 09:14]On August 27th, he tweets about his grandfather passing away and how his mother never talked about him.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[04:50 - 06:12]The creator of the account, Greg, starts off with normal tweets about his daily life.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[05:11 - 23:53]On October 29th, Greg tweets about finding a strange artifact on his doorstep, which he assumes is a prank from the neighbors.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[08:13 - 11:08]The speaker inherited a house from their grandfather who recently passed away.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[08:58 - 12:28]They go to the house to sell it but find a strange artifact on their door.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[10:12 - 14:09]The speaker is initially not too concerned but then finds a campsite with more artifacts and a journal.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[11:27 - 16:00]The speaker inherited a house from their grandfather who recently passed away.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[14:10 - 16:07]The speaker doesn't know what to do with the house and hires someone from their grandfather's estate to help.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[14:27 - 17:02]The speaker is alone in the house for a few weeks, trying to handle everything.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[15:47 - 20:49]They come back the next day and see a figure standing on their lawn, staring at the house.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[19:29 - 24:48]The speaker is initially not too concerned but then finds a campsite with more artifacts and a journal.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[20:21 - 25:03]They come back the next day and see a figure standing on their lawn, staring at the house.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[21:59 - 27:22]The speaker is initially not too concerned but then finds a campsite with more artifacts and a journal.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[25:03 - 34:26]They come back the next day and see a figure standing on their lawn, staring at the house.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[25:41 - 29:56]The protagonist encounters a strange, feminine figure with no facial hair and standing in broad daylight, but with no eyes

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[27:07 - 34:26]The protagonist begins hearing strange noises at night and finds animal remains in their yard the next morning

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[27:53 - 31:08]The speaker doesn't know what to do with the house and hires someone from their grandfather's estate to help.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[32:05 - 34:57]The protagonist encounters a strange, feminine figure with no facial hair and standing in broad daylight, but with no eyes

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[32:05 - 35:40]They come back the next day and see a figure standing on their lawn, staring at the house.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[34:11 - 38:09]The protagonist shares this encounter on social media and receives little support or belief from others

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[34:26 - 39:04]The speaker is alone in the house for a few weeks, trying to handle everything.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[34:26 - 40:28]Two days later, the protagonist shares a photo of the figure in their yard and reports it to the police

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[35:17 - 39:10]They come back the next day and see a figure standing on their lawn, staring at the house.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[35:33 - 38:15]On Halloween, the protagonist shares an eerie photo of their dark, empty yard, and later finds a photo of an eye in their oatmeal

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[35:52 - 38:15]The speaker is alone in the house for a few weeks, trying to handle everything.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[37:41 - 38:09]They come back the next day and see a figure standing on their lawn, staring at the house.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[38:43 - 42:45]The protagonist begins hearing strange noises at night and finds animal remains in their yard the next morning

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[42:21 - 44:56]On Halloween, the protagonist shares an eerie photo of their dark, empty yard, and later finds a photo of an eye in their oatmeal

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[44:16 - 50:02]The protagonist begins hearing strange noises at night and finds animal remains in their yard the next morning

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[45:47 - 48:09]Greg finds an effigy on his doorknob and decides to leave the town.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[47:04 - 47:52]He decides to try the charcoal rubbing on the notebook and discovers a cryptic message.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[47:26 - 51:18]In a later post, the protagonist shares a photo of a message repeating "They took my eyes" written in blood

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[48:10 - 49:55]He returns to the town and stops at a grocery store, but they are out of some items.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[49:55 - 52:29]He decides to try the charcoal rubbing on the notebook and discovers a cryptic message.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[50:19 - 52:07]Greg finds an effigy on his doorknob and decides to leave the town.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[52:36 - 55:53]The narrator has encountered weird experiences, such as a note telling them to leave and a strange restaurant with no eggs on the menu.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[52:47 - 55:43]Greg calls his mom to ask about his grandfather, but she is cagey about it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[53:36 - 56:10]While in town, he realizes that people are starting to recognize him and he feels uncomfortable.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[55:43 - 59:00]Greg finds an effigy on his doorknob and decides to leave the town.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[56:10 - 58:44]He finds a wine cellar in the basement and discovers some very old and rare wine bottles.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[56:10 - 1.00:36]They found a barrel with a crest on the wall, resembling a bird.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[57:06 - 1.00:04]While sorting through debris, he finds rusty letters and tries to make sense of them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[58:06 - 1.00:21]The speaker finds strange items on their property, including a collapsed shed and a strange object covered in vines.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[58:26 - 1.00:21]They also found a street sign with the word "Bermuda."

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[59:00 - 59:34]Greg finds an effigy on his doorknob and decides to leave the town.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.00:04 - 1.02:45]While sorting through debris, he finds rusty letters and tries to make sense of them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.00:04 - 1.03:47]They start to experience cabin fever and go for a walk in the woods, where they stumble upon a strange chair pointing towards their house.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.00:04 - 1.09:47]The narrator has encountered weird experiences, such as a note telling them to leave and a strange restaurant with no eggs on the menu.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.02:05 - 1.06:16]Greg finds an effigy on his doorknob and decides to leave the town.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.03:18 - 1.07:19]The speaker finds strange items on their property, including a collapsed shed and a strange object covered in vines.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.03:47 - 1.05:30]He returns to the town and stops at a grocery store, but they are out of some items.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.04:59 - 1.05:11]Greg finds an effigy on his doorknob and decides to leave the town.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.07:19 - 1.12:20]On November 29th, they mention that something new seems to happen every day.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.07:19 - 1.12:30]They start to experience cabin fever and go for a walk in the woods, where they stumble upon a strange chair pointing towards their house.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.08:25 - 1.11:45]The narrator suspects it could be the people in the boat who wrote the note.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.11:05 - 1.17:46]The narrator has encountered weird experiences, such as a note telling them to leave and a strange restaurant with no eggs on the menu.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.11:58 - 1.14:24]The speaker is feeling scared and unsure about their situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.12:03 - 1.16:25]They discuss the possibility of the woman having a mystical sense or power.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.12:31 - 1.14:17]They feel uneasy and leave, but then stumble upon a rock with a carving and a strange woman standing on a hill.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.12:54 - 1.17:24]They start to experience cabin fever and go for a walk in the woods, where they stumble upon a strange chair pointing towards their house.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.15:14 - 1.17:24]They discuss the idea of referencing popular horror movies in the context of their situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.17:24 - 1.19:40]The speaker believes that they are becoming spiritually affected and is trying to understand the significance of Deep Water Chapel and the town.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.17:24 - 1.21:52]The speaker takes a video and later finds polaroid photos in a book revealing that their house is an old chapel.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.19:19 - 1.21:37]The speaker responds to a comment about the woman being familiar with the house, indicating a larger involvement of the town in the events.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.19:56 - 1.21:59]The speaker believes that they are becoming spiritually affected and is trying to understand the significance of Deep Water Chapel and the town.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.20:15 - 1.20:44]The speaker feels like they are in a daze and believes that they are being prepped for some kind of ritual.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.22:00 - 1.23:33]The speaker responds to a comment about the woman being familiar with the house, indicating a larger involvement of the town in the events.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.22:00 - 1.24:48]The person feels sick and wants the situation to end.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.22:05 - 1.29:50]The person is connected to a grandfather who has been here before.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.22:30 - 1.25:27]The speaker is feeling scared and unsure about their situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.22:48 - 1.25:58]The speaker got lost in the woods and saw something glowing in the distance.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.22:56 - 1.23:49]The speaker was in the woods when it started pouring rain.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.23:24 - 1.24:35]The speaker heard scratching and footsteps outside and saw the woman running into the woods.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.23:57 - 1.28:54]They receive a picture of their kitchen accompanied by the statement "Is there somebody watching you sleep right now?"

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.24:49 - 1.25:58]The speaker is feeling scared and unsure about their situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.25:27 - 1.29:06]The speaker has an unsettling dream about being watched while they sleep.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.25:58 - 1.29:50]The kitchen door, which is usually locked, was found open and their wet clothes were gone.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.26:53 - 1.29:06]The speaker heard scratching and footsteps outside and saw the woman running into the woods.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.27:44 - 1.31:24]The speaker responds to a comment about the woman being familiar with the house, indicating a larger involvement of the town in the events.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.27:44 - 1.31:47]The person feels sick and wants the situation to end.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.27:50 - 1.29:36]The kitchen door, which is usually locked, was found open and their wet clothes were gone.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.29:01 - 1.32:03]The person is connected to a grandfather who has been here before.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.29:06 - 1.31:53]The speaker got lost in the woods and saw something glowing in the distance.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.29:36 - 1.31:53]The speaker believes that they are becoming spiritually affected and is trying to understand the significance of Deep Water Chapel and the town.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.29:50 - 1.31:47]The speaker heard scratching and footsteps outside and saw the woman running into the woods.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.29:57 - 1.30:10]The speaker got lost in the woods and saw something glowing in the distance.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.30:10 - 1.30:25]The speaker was in the woods when it started pouring rain.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.30:35 - 1.33:23]The speaker called a locksmith and stayed in a motel.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.32:03 - 1.36:27]The speaker got lost in the woods and saw something glowing in the distance.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.32:03 - 1.36:53]Animals can sense something is wrong.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.33:06 - 1.40:06]The person is connected to a grandfather who has been here before.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.34:07 - 1.34:42]They found artifacts tied to their belongings that were stolen by a woman.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.34:42 - 1.36:42]The author is alone and can't stop thinking about the strange occurrences in the woods.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.35:17 - 1.38:08]They come across a tree with large white eggs in the middle of the forest and feel compelled to touch one.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.36:27 - 1.38:08]The speaker got lost in the woods and saw something glowing in the distance.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.36:54 - 1.39:30]The person is discussing a giant chicken.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.38:46 - 1.39:30]The speaker got stuck in a ditch and had to walk back to the house.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.39:03 - 1.41:11]The speaker got lost in the woods and saw something glowing in the distance.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.39:03 - 1.45:42]The person feels sick and wants the situation to end.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.39:03 - 1.46:04]The author is alone and can't stop thinking about the strange occurrences in the woods.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.39:50 - 1.41:38]The speaker heard scratching and footsteps outside and saw the woman running into the woods.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.41:04 - 1.45:59]The next new moon is on January 5th.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.42:51 - 1.45:59]The author runs into the woods and hears and sees strange things, including lights and creatures moving through the trees.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.44:42 - 1.45:42]They feel a connection between the eyeless woman they saw earlier and Greg.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.45:59 - 1.48:45]The person feels sick and wants the situation to end.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.46:04 - 1.46:51]The author stays inside during a storm and nothing happens.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.46:18 - 1.48:54]The narrator stays inside and eventually decides to go back to the house.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.46:38 - 1.47:58]The person is connected to a grandfather who has been here before.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.46:52 - 1.49:09]The eyeless woman appears in the cellar and tells the author she won't hurt them and explains that she made stick figures for their protection.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.47:12 - 1.47:58]The author is alone and can't stop thinking about the strange occurrences in the woods.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.48:15 - 1.53:59]The narrator is trying to make sense of things and mentions someone telling them everything.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.49:11 - 1.51:05]She reveals that something came from the sky and landed in the lake, and the people in the town are blessed with many children but at a cost.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.49:59 - 1.51:35]A gift was given to the people, giving them long and healthy lives and many children.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.50:08 - 1.54:57]The narrator speculates that the creatures may be giant alien chickens.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.50:16 - 1.53:28]Creatures from the water lay eggs and the people care for them until they hatch.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.51:12 - 1.54:24]The woman explains that this happens every year and they need to provide one of their own offspring.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.52:35 - 1.56:46]The author runs into the woods and hears and sees strange things, including lights and creatures moving through the trees.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.52:35 - 1.57:06]The narrator is taking a break and will be back to try and prevent it from happening again.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.54:58 - 1.56:18]The narrator speculates that the creatures may be giant alien chickens.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.55:09 - 1.56:40]They come across a tree with large white eggs in the middle of the forest and feel compelled to touch one.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.55:15 - 1.59:54]They see that it is over and they were too late.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.55:49 - 1.59:10]They end up back at the clearing where the eggs were, but they are gone.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.56:47 - 1.58:39]The creatures lay their eggs on land and crawl back into the water to feed.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.57:31 - 2.00:34]The woman explains that this happens every year and they need to provide one of their own offspring.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.57:58 - 1.59:54]The author reaches the water, but there is nothing there and it feels like it all happened to someone else or was a dream.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.57:58 - 2.07:37]The narrator compares this story to the concept of sacrificing to a deity in ancient religions.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[1.58:40 - 2.00:24]The narrator is taking a break and will be back to try and prevent it from happening again.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.00:27 - 2.10:22]The narrator is trying to make sense of things and mentions someone telling them everything.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.00:34 - 2.02:27]The speaker discusses the story's realistic approach and how it doesn't provide too much detail at once.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.00:53 - 2.02:07]The woman in the story is likely the twin of the protagonist's mother and is trying to protect him.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.01:04 - 2.01:54]The town members could have been a cult worshiping a deity that falls to Earth and offers immortality or prolonged life.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.01:54 - 2.05:58]The Deepwater Chapel is mentioned as a church that deals with American Gothic aesthetics.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.02:28 - 2.02:41]The narrator compares this story to the concept of sacrificing to a deity in ancient religions.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.02:28 - 2.02:47]The speaker finds the concept of the story cool, but has issues with the ending.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.02:35 - 2.05:14]The speaker suggests that the protagonist's grandfather could have been a pastor and convinced the townspeople to give in to alien invaders.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.02:54 - 2.05:33]The speaker believes that the story could have explored more themes and utilized the creepy visuals of an old-timey church and a pastor convincing his congregation to worship alien invaders.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.03:01 - 2.03:28]The speaker believes that the story has too many unresolved plot threads.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.05:34 - 2.07:58]The protagonist's grandfather could have been alive and still living in the house, which would give more reason for the protagonist to stay.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.05:58 - 2.08:12]The speaker believes that the story has too many unresolved plot threads.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.05:58 - 2.09:16]The narrator speculates that the creatures may be giant alien chickens.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.06:38 - 2.10:08]There is a squatter living in the protagonist's grandfather's old house, which raises questions about its history and connection to the family.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.07:52 - 2.10:22]The lack of eggs in the town may be a result of worshiping the creatures as a god.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.08:13 - 2.10:22]The speaker suggests tying in the theme of eating eggs with the cult's beliefs and practices.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.08:18 - 2.08:23]The speaker believes that the story wrote itself into a corner and didn't provide a strong enough reason for the protagonist to stay in the town.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.08:18 - 2.10:22]The speaker describes the argy as "ballsy" and thinks the creator ended it because they got bored.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.08:38 - 2.09:08]The Deepwater Chapel is mentioned as a church that deals with American Gothic aesthetics.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.08:38 - 2.11:34]The narrator stays inside and eventually decides to go back to the house.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.08:38 - 2.13:32]The speaker thinks the creator may be someone who writes elsewhere and cannot find their real name.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.09:52 - 2.13:26]The narrator compares this story to the concept of sacrificing to a deity in ancient religions.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.10:23 - 2.11:48]The speaker suggests adding elements that make it harder for the protagonist to leave, such as being snowed in or having car trouble.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.10:36 - 2.12:51]The protagonist's grandfather could have been alive and still living in the house, which would give more reason for the protagonist to stay.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.12:51 - 2.13:18]The speaker suggests that the protagonist could have had a caretaking role for his grandfather, which could have added more tension to the story.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.13:19 - 2.13:32]The speaker finds the concept of the story cool, but has issues with the ending.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.13:26 - 2.14:10]The creatures do not seem to need to eat the eggs and are willing to throw them away.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.13:33 - 2.17:10]The speaker believes that the story should have provided more information and explanations, such as why there is an uneaten eye in a photo.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.13:33 - 2.18:40]The speaker describes the argy as "ballsy" and thinks the creator ended it because they got bored.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.14:00 - 2.17:54]The speaker mentions a character named Alexandra and speculates that she may be a twin or related to the protagonist's family.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.14:11 - 2.15:08]The speaker recommends checking out their Wendigoon t-shirt and beanie available for a limited time.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.14:11 - 2.15:28]The creatures lay their eggs on land and crawl back into the water to feed.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.14:18 - 2.14:53]The narrator compares this story to the concept of sacrificing to a deity in ancient religions.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.14:18 - 2.16:43]The speaker has issues with the supernatural aspects of the story, such as the dinosaurs giving people powers and the eyeless woman living in the woods.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.14:25 - 2.16:43]The speaker describes the argy as "ballsy" and thinks the creator ended it because they got bored.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.14:53 - 2.18:27]The speaker believes that the introduction of giant eggs in the story should have been better executed and provided a satisfying explanation.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.15:01 - 2.15:28]The speaker suggests tying in the theme of eating eggs with the cult's beliefs and practices.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.15:44 - 2.18:40]The speaker believes that the introduction of giant eggs in the story should have been better executed and provided a satisfying explanation.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.17:17 - 2.18:00]The speaker has issues with the supernatural aspects of the story, such as the dinosaurs giving people powers and the eyeless woman living in the woods.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.18:00 - 2.19:14]The speaker believes that the story wrote itself into a corner and didn't provide a strong enough reason for the protagonist to stay in the town.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.18:00 - 2.21:00]The speaker thinks the creator may be someone who writes elsewhere and cannot find their real name.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.18:09 - 2.20:38]The speaker forgot the ending because it felt abrupt and in the middle of the action.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.18:15 - 2.23:12]The speaker describes the argy as "ballsy" and thinks the creator ended it because they got bored.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.18:41 - 2.20:15]The speaker is discussing a Twitter "argy" (alternate reality game) called Gregory88.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.18:57 - 2.21:00]The speaker has issues with the supernatural aspects of the story, such as the dinosaurs giving people powers and the eyeless woman living in the woods.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.19:04 - 2.22:56]The speaker describes the argy as "ballsy" and thinks the creator ended it because they got bored.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.20:38 - 2.20:47]The speaker believes that the story has too many unresolved plot threads.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.20:38 - 2.24:49]They mention the story taking place over winter break and compare it to college writing assignments.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.21:00 - 2.21:08]The speaker believes that the story wrote itself into a corner and didn't provide a strong enough reason for the protagonist to stay in the town.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.22:56 - 2.26:53]The speaker describes the argy as "ballsy" and thinks the creator ended it because they got bored.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.23:49 - 2.24:20]The speaker thinks the creator may be someone who writes elsewhere and cannot find their real name.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.24:49 - 2.27:35]They discuss the potential and good ideas in the story, but feel it was rushed and poorly executed.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.25:57 - 2.29:28]The speaker encourages listeners to follow Gregory88 on Twitter in case the story continues.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.27:14 - 2.29:37]They thank listeners for watching and invite them to stay spooked.

A youtube thumbnail wor Gr3gory88 | Creep Cast

[2.28:14 - 2.29:38]The speaker recommends checking out their Wendigoon t-shirt and beanie available for a limited time.