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Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

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[00:00 - 00:18]The speaker is afraid to talk in someone's chat and keeps mentioning a person named Squeeze.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[00:18 - 02:04]The speaker gets angry and mentions something about their house being trashed.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[00:49 - 00:54]They are playing a game and focusing on it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[01:21 - 03:03]The speaker and others recently did a two and a half hour play of Wizard of Oz, which was a surprise event organized by Cutie.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[01:41 - 01:59]They joke about how the four of them look like the chart at a barber shop.

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[02:28 - 02:41]They talk about how they are too complicit and fall in line easily.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[02:41 - 03:49]The speaker and others recently did a two and a half hour play of Wizard of Oz, which was a surprise event organized by Cutie.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[04:01 - 04:15]They are upset because someone named Will recorded their podcast and trashed their set as a joke.

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[04:33 - 05:17]They also mention that they have been invited to a podcast at Hassan's house, but they don't want to go.

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[04:42 - 04:50]They call out Fear for copying their ideas.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[04:50 - 06:41]They joke about how the four of them look like the chart at a barber shop.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[05:17 - 05:42]They welcome everyone to episode 100 of their podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[05:42 - 06:24]They joke about how the four of them look like the chart at a barber shop.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[06:24 - 08:47]The speaker mentions that they are balding and talks about potential solutions, such as a hair transplant.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[07:12 - 07:29]They mention a bet they made while streaming and lost, resulting in them having to get a hair transplant.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[07:29 - 07:50]The speaker reveals that they are the worst person and sleep on the floor next to a real bed.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[07:58 - 08:36]They joke about projecting and being well-adjusted.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[08:47 - 09:21]The speaker is afraid to talk in someone's chat and keeps mentioning a person named Squeeze.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[09:03 - 09:09]They mention a bet they made while streaming and lost, resulting in them having to get a hair transplant.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[09:03 - 10:41]Conversation about the game "the circle game" and the speaker's ongoing feud with another person

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[09:10 - 09:15]They mention the possibility of getting a cowboy hat from Woody's collection.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[09:16 - 10:12]Story about the speaker throwing a stress ball at someone in the shower and taking a hammer to a wall

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[09:21 - 10:04]They discuss the possibility of getting lip injections for bigger lips.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[09:52 - 11:02]They mention the possibility of getting a cowboy hat from Woody's collection.

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[10:12 - 12:47]Remarks about being used to sadness and watching someone create an imaginary friend

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[10:48 - 11:02]Conversation about the game "the circle game" and the speaker's ongoing feud with another person

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[11:02 - 11:41]The speaker reveals that they are the worst person and sleep on the floor next to a real bed.

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[11:12 - 13:15]Remarks about being used to sadness and watching someone create an imaginary friend

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[12:07 - 13:26]Jokes about lying about the president and getting away with it

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[12:47 - 15:00]Discussion about being on "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" and making racist comments accidentally

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[13:27 - 15:31]Story about ordering Indian food and reclaiming the meal from colonizers

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[15:06 - 16:20]Conversation about age and mistaken identities

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[16:21 - 19:36]Conversation about the game "the circle game" and the speaker's ongoing feud with another person

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[16:59 - 19:43]Streamer reveals he has been streaming for six or seven years, but only recently became popular thanks to other streamers watching him play Mario 64

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[18:03 - 21:04]Discussion about Mario 64 and how it has helped the speaker gain popularity

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[20:38 - 21:10]Jokes about Armada's Mario 64 speedrun and his admission that he is 10 seconds off from the world record

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[21:11 - 22:43]Story about the speaker throwing a stress ball at someone in the shower and taking a hammer to a wall

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[21:25 - 23:10]Conversation about the game "the circle game" and the speaker's ongoing feud with another person

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[22:05 - 23:04]Speaker reveals he has been taking interesting dumps recently

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[22:43 - 23:52]Discussion about being on "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" and making racist comments accidentally

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[23:16 - 23:36]Conversation about the game "the circle game" and the speaker's ongoing feud with another person

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[23:16 - 25:12]Person recalls a conversation with a friend about a group chat and suggests they should both join.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[23:24 - 23:52]Talk about being interviewed and the discomfort of talking in someone else's chat.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[23:53 - 24:23]Conversation about age and mistaken identities

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[23:58 - 24:59]Memories of playing multiplayer games without microphones and using makeshift microphones.

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[24:59 - 26:39]Mention of a chat member who has a controversial name and the discomfort that comes with it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[26:25 - 28:10]Person recalls a conversation with a friend about a group chat and suggests they should both join.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[26:46 - 29:03]Discussion about streaming and how some people are more comfortable with it than others, and how some people just naturally have charisma.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[28:39 - 29:50]Talk about being interviewed and the discomfort of talking in someone else's chat.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[29:50 - 30:09]Talk about how the old guard of Twitch were insular and excluded certain viewers.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[30:10 - 32:32]Person recalls a conversation with a friend about a group chat and suggests they should both join.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[30:35 - 31:52]Talk about how the old guard of Twitch were insular and excluded certain viewers.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[31:15 - 32:43]Talk about being interviewed and the discomfort of talking in someone else's chat.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[32:43 - 35:05]Discussion about streaming and how some people are more comfortable with it than others, and how some people just naturally have charisma.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[32:52 - 33:14]Person recalls a conversation with a friend about a group chat and suggests they should both join.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[33:32 - 36:58]Initial dislike of a popular streamer, but eventually coming to like them after getting to know them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[34:19 - 35:05]The speaker is discussing someone who hasn't been active for 8 months and is not happy.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[34:38 - 35:40]The speaker mentions that fitness helps them focus on other things and they talk about their commitment to beating someone in a video game.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[34:51 - 35:31]They mention that this person likes to write and can get upset if their name is spelled wrong.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[35:40 - 36:58]The speaker mentions their failed attempt at a self-improvement YouTube channel.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[36:08 - 37:16]Mention of a chat member who has a controversial name and the discomfort that comes with it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[36:20 - 37:16]They mention that this person likes to write and can get upset if their name is spelled wrong.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[36:33 - 37:05]The speaker met this person in person and found them to be insufferable.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[37:17 - 37:44]The speaker mentions that fitness helps them focus on other things and they talk about their commitment to beating someone in a video game.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[37:44 - 38:04]They discuss their own fitness and waking up early routines.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[38:04 - 38:18]The speaker mentions their failed attempt at a self-improvement YouTube channel.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[38:18 - 38:45]They discuss their past behavior and mention showing their "balls" when drunk.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[38:45 - 39:29]They mention a time when the speaker stayed over and their feet were pointed towards the bathroom.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[39:00 - 39:05]They discuss their past behavior and mention showing their "balls" when drunk.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[39:05 - 39:12]The speaker mentions that fitness helps them focus on other things and they talk about their commitment to beating someone in a video game.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[39:13 - 39:49]The speaker mentions cleaning up after themselves and jokes about having a 30 minute orgasm.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[39:50 - 40:07]The speaker mentions that fitness helps them focus on other things and they talk about their commitment to beating someone in a video game.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[40:08 - 40:37]The speaker mentions cleaning up after themselves and jokes about having a 30 minute orgasm.

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[40:37 - 41:17]The speaker mentions their own experience with Feng Shui and how it may have affected their nocturnal emissions.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[40:43 - 42:56]They mention a time when the speaker stayed over and their feet were pointed towards the bathroom.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[42:43 - 42:49]The speaker is discussing someone who hasn't been active for 8 months and is not happy.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[42:43 - 46:12]A conversation about ghosts and belief in ghosts takes place.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[46:12 - 46:51]The conversation shifts to the susceptibility of people to advertising and the use of Instagram to buy products.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[46:52 - 48:53]The conversation moves to discussing aliens and whether it is logical to believe in them if one believes in ghosts.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[48:53 - 49:33]The group discusses the likelihood of aliens existing and the possibility that we are living in a simulation.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[49:35 - 50:07]The conversation shifts to the susceptibility of people to advertising and the use of Instagram to buy products.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[50:07 - 50:42]A conversation about ghosts and belief in ghosts takes place.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[50:07 - 51:25]The speaker talks about not being able to hear someone and not having kidney stones yet.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[50:42 - 51:19]The group also discusses the use of Reddit to find real opinions on products, but notes that it can also be manipulated by marketers.

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[51:26 - 52:23]The speaker talks about buying car insurance from Birmingham and getting double riz.

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[52:00 - 53:21]They discuss how finance is just moving money from one place to another and how it's all packed in a way for companies to sell a service.

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[52:23 - 55:08]The speaker mentions the cult leader Jim Jones and how he tricked old women into giving him their houses.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[55:11 - 58:42]The speaker talks about collecting currency from different countries and accidentally taking some from the co-speaker's drawer.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[58:42 - 1.00:23]The speaker talks about not being able to hear someone and not having kidney stones yet.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[59:08 - 1.00:57]They discuss attending a party and playing a game called Bureo, with the co-speaker rating themselves an 8 out of 10.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[59:16 - 1.01:36]They rate themselves an 8 out of 10 in Mario Kart and believe they could beat others in the game.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[59:21 - 59:27]The speaker mentions a Mario Party speedrunner who they know personally and their impressive records.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[59:27 - 1.00:08]The speaker recently participated in a Double Dash tournament and believes they are unbeatable in the game.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[1.00:08 - 1.00:14]They rate themselves an 8 out of 10 in Mario Kart and believe they could beat others in the game.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[1.00:24 - 1.00:29]They rate themselves a 3 out of 10 in general gaming ability, with a specific weakness in chugging drinks.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[1.00:30 - 1.00:41]The speaker mentions a friend who manages young gamers and their lack of knowledge about using a stove.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[1.00:42 - 1.01:28]They rate themselves an 8 out of 10 in Mario Kart and believe they could beat others in the game.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[1.00:52 - 1.00:57]They rate themselves a 3 out of 10 in general gaming ability, with a specific weakness in chugging drinks.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[1.01:36 - 1.03:32]The speaker used to play competitive Mario Kart and believes Mario Kart Wii is the most challenging and skill-based version.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[1.02:31 - 1.02:40]They think Mario Party has aged poorly compared to Mario Kart.

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[1.03:32 - 1.05:05]The speaker used to play competitive Mario Kart and believes Mario Kart Wii is the most challenging and skill-based version.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[1.05:22 - 1.07:49]They think Mario Party has aged poorly compared to Mario Kart.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[1.06:04 - 1.06:16]The speaker mentions a friend who manages young gamers and their lack of knowledge about using a stove.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[1.07:49 - 1.08:36]They believe the clash royale tournament on a stage with players using phones is funny.

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[1.08:36 - 1.09:16]They believe the alpha generation will have their own pyramids, with a Logitech logo on them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[1.08:46 - 1.08:59]The speaker mentions a friend who manages young gamers and their lack of knowledge about using a stove.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[1.09:16 - 1.09:45]The speaker recently participated in a Double Dash tournament and believes they are unbeatable in the game.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[1.09:16 - 1.10:13]The speaker is discussing a hypothetical scenario where they have to choose one game to play against a general streamer audience.

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[1.09:45 - 1.12:38]The speaker mentions two gamers, void and box box, who they believe make mistakes and learn from them, making them skilled gamers.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[1.10:13 - 1.12:48]The speaker mentions being bad at games like Global and Countershike, but good at games like Mario and Tetris.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[1.11:30 - 1.11:37]They rate themselves a 3 out of 10 in general gaming ability, with a specific weakness in chugging drinks.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[1.11:37 - 1.12:14]The speaker mentions a Mario Party speedrunner who they know personally and their impressive records.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[1.11:44 - 1.11:57]The speaker mentions a friend who manages young gamers and their lack of knowledge about using a stove.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[1.12:38 - 1.15:22]A conversation between friends about various topics, including being scared, giving speeches, and buying a truck.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[1.12:48 - 1.13:40]The speaker also talks about the performance aspect of streaming, and how it can affect gameplay.

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[1.13:40 - 1.14:04]They mention that they have been told they are an "electric" Valorant streamer, but they prefer CS:GO.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[1.14:04 - 1.19:50]They mention the difference between those who can switch on and off their skills and those who are always good at any game.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[1.14:36 - 1.17:35]A discussion about generations and self-hate, with jokes about getting buried with pyramids and having a Harry Potter house on one's tombstone.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[1.16:35 - 1.21:33]A conversation between friends about various topics, including being scared, giving speeches, and buying a truck.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[1.18:39 - 1.20:23]The speaker mentions being bad at games like Global and Countershike, but good at games like Mario and Tetris.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[1.19:29 - 1.21:33]The speaker is asked what game they would choose to be "absolutely fucking sick at" if it didn't impact their stream's success.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[1.20:24 - 1.28:13]A conversation about playing video games and cracking open cases, with mentions of CS:GO and Valorant.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[1.21:11 - 1.21:59]The speaker talks about their current rank in Valorant and their preference for CS:GO when choosing an FPS game to stream.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[1.26:19 - 1.28:28]A discussion about the culture surrounding Valorant and the differences between it and CS:GO.

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[1.28:13 - 1.29:45]A conversation about the oil industry and sending people to work for an oil company in Texas.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[1.29:46 - 1.31:09]An announcement that the conversation will continue on the patreon episode.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our podcast got raided. | The Yard

[1.30:09 - 1.31:32]A conversation between friends about various topics, including being scared, giving speeches, and buying a truck.