

Youtube profile pic for Summer In Japan IS HELL | Trash Taste #63

Summer In Japan IS HELL | Trash Taste #63

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[00:00 - 00:06] The speaker and others are discussing the heat and lack of AC in the room

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[00:07 - 00:16]They introduce the podcast as Trash Taste

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[00:16 - 00:22]The host is joined by two others

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[01:02 - 01:07]They discuss the heat and lack of AC in Japan during summer

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[02:36 - 02:41]The speaker prefers summer in England because it's not as hot

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[04:08 - 04:20]They discuss the nostalgia of using fans to cool down instead of AC

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[05:25 - 05:35]The host prefers summer over winter and explains why

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[05:53 - 06:02]They discuss the lack of sunlight during the work day and how it affects mood

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[05:53 - 06:02]The host and others express their opinions on sunlight and the different seasons

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[05:53 - 06:02]The speaker and others talk about the podcast being called Trash Taste

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[06:09 - 06:16]They discuss the lack of sunlight and its effects on mood during winter

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[06:09 - 06:16]The host introduces the topic of discussing their favorite season

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[06:32 - 06:38]The host enjoys waking up early and beating the morning during winter

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[06:44 - 06:53]The speaker asks how someone can not want sunlight in their life

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[00:00 - 06:53]The speakers discuss the heat and lack of AC in the room and introduce the podcast as Trash Taste. They talk about the nostalgia of using fans instead of AC and the host's preference for summer over winter. They discuss the effects of sunlight on mood and the lack of it during winter. They also mention the podcast topic of discussing their favorite season.

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[06:53 - 07:00] The speaker discusses their preference for having curtains closed during hot weather and the lack of color during winter.

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[07:14 - 07:20]They believe that winter is boring and the only redeeming factor is Christmas.

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[07:20 - 07:26]They mention being from Australia and how Christmas was possibly invented to give people something to look forward to.

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[07:52 - 07:58]The speaker then talks about the benefits of winter, such as feeling cozy and having the best sleep.

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[09:08 - 09:14]They also mention the limitations of winter fashion and their preference for British summers.

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[12:42 - 12:53]The topic shifts to a discussion about a mobile game called Mecarina and the speaker receives a promotional box with various items inside.

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[12:59 - 13:07]The speaker promotes the game and its current events and rewards, and provides a link for viewers to download it.

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[13:15 - 13:21]The speaker expresses their preference for having sunlight and their favorite time of the year.

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[13:15 - 13:21]Winter is boring but has its benefits, while summer has its limitations but is still enjoyable.

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[06:53 - 13:21]Overall, the speaker discusses their opinions on weather, fashion, and a mobile game promotion.

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[13:22 - 13:27]Person describes the feeling of watching a sunset in summertime, comparing it to a scene from an anime

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[14:27 - 14:33]They discuss their favorite season in Japan, with one person preferring spring and the other preferring autumn

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[16:59 - 17:05]One person shares their disappointment in how short the cherry blossom season is compared to its prevalence in anime

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[17:38 - 17:46]They discuss the aesthetic of Japan and recommend traveling outside of Tokyo during Hanami to avoid crowds

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[18:11 - 18:21]They explain the cultural event of Hanami, where people gather to drink and picnic under cherry blossom trees during their short blooming period

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[19:21 - 19:27]One person shares their experience of celebrating Hanami in Hakone, with a scenic view of Sakura trees and Mount Fuji

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[13:22 - 19:33]The person concludes that it is worth traveling outside of Tokyo for a peaceful and aesthetically pleasing Hanami experience.

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[19:48 - 19:55] Discussing a crowded event where it was not enjoyable to get drunk

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[20:08 - 20:14]Mention of staying in an Airbnb in Japan and government rules

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[22:04 - 22:09]Drinking cheap beer and getting drunk with friends

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[23:47 - 23:54]One friend getting sick and the other friend taking care of them

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[24:22 - 24:30]Memories of a house party in England and a friend making a disgusting drink

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[19:33 - 25:52]The speaker discusses a crowded event and mentions staying in an Airbnb in Japan with strict government rules. They talk about drinking cheap beer with friends and one friend getting sick, with the other taking care of them. They also reminisce about a house party in England and a friend making a disgusting drink.

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[26:00 - 26:05]The speaker is disgusted with being pressured to mix red wine and energy drinks.

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[26:53 - 26:58]They differentiate between being broke and being poor, stating that broke is a mindset while poverty is a financial situation.

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[27:12 - 27:17]The speaker has a moral issue with mixing the two drinks and considers it a sign of being poor.

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[27:17 - 27:24]They question whether the energy drink would even be noticeable with the strong flavor of red wine.

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[27:57 - 28:05]The speaker enjoys a Japanese vitamin drink and thinks it is healthier than energy drinks.

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[28:37 - 28:43]They joke about being able to quit drinking coffee and then justify their caffeine consumption.

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[29:06 - 29:12]They discuss the difference between being ugly and unattractive, and claim that British people eat tea.

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[29:39 - 29:45]The speaker does not want to partake in something they consider morally wrong.

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[30:37 - 30:43]The conversation turns to the speaker's sleep schedule and how it affects their productivity.

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[30:52 - 30:58]They mention how YouTubers who get cancelled often take a break and come back without repercussions.

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[30:52 - 30:58]The speaker is jealous of this and wonders what the right amount of time for a cancelled YouTuber to take a break is.

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[31:51 - 31:57]They discuss how YouTubers like Logan Paul and David Dobrik have come back from controversy without consequences.

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[31:57 - 32:03]The other person in the conversation points out that the speaker made a lot of jumps in logic.

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[32:08 - 32:14]The speaker makes a joke about their friend Joey possibly getting cancelled.

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[32:08 - 32:14]The speaker brushes this off and continues talking about cancelled YouTubers.

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[25:52 - 32:24]The speaker discusses the topic of mixing red wine and energy drinks, expresses their moral issue with it, and talks about the difference between being broke and poor. They also mention the health benefits of a Japanese vitamin drink and their own caffeine consumption. The conversation turns to cancelled YouTubers and the speaker's jealousy of their breaks. They also make a joke about their friend Joey possibly getting cancelled.

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[34:39 - 34:47] The speaker discusses the constant workload and lack of breaks as a YouTuber.

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[35:06 - 35:18]They mention the trend of taking a month off for a mental health break, but note that getting cancelled can result in a better vacation due to continued attention.

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[35:39 - 35:46]They mention the cancel culture phenomenon and how some people are able to easily bounce back from being cancelled, while others face more severe consequences.

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[35:53 - 35:59]The speaker poses a hypothetical scenario of doing something mildly controversial to take a break and come back from, such as farting on a dog.

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[36:52 - 36:57]The speaker mentions a specific YouTuber, EDP 445, who got caught trying to meet up with 14-year-olds and is now trying to make a comeback.

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[36:52 - 36:57]The speaker mentions their envy of another YouTuber who views streaming as a downtime activity.

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[36:58 - 37:04]They discuss the lack of set vacations and the desire to take a break to catch up on personal interests and hobbies.

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[37:28 - 37:35]They talk about their own streaming schedule and the pressure to have a consistent schedule.

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[37:59 - 38:06]The speaker mentions their current involvement in a chess tournament.

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[38:06 - 38:15]They note the importance of having one go-to game for streaming when running out of ideas.

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[38:15 - 38:23]The speaker is currently trying to find a popular game to stream regularly.

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[32:24 - 38:23]The overall theme is the constant workload and lack of breaks as a YouTuber, as well as the impact of cancel culture on the platform.

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[38:24 - 38:29]Streamer discusses playing games for sponsorships and personal enjoyment

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[38:29 - 38:44]Noticed a drop in viewership when streaming Apex, but continued to play because they liked it

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[38:29 - 38:44]Over time, viewership increased and now Apex is their most streamed game

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[38:53 - 39:05]Has built up a following and feels obligated to stick with it

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[38:53 - 39:05]Attributes part of the success to the sudden popularity of Apex among VTubers

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[39:19 - 39:29]Talks about their comfort game, Final Fantasy, and how it's not popular for streaming

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[41:08 - 41:15]Wishes they could stream non-anime shows/movies like Loki, but DMCA prevents it

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[41:30 - 41:35]Mentions their friend who watches a lot of horror movies and their own niche taste in horror

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[42:40 - 42:47]Discusses the success of Paranormal Activity and why it became popular

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[44:13 - 44:19]Talks about watching Hereditary and their thoughts on it

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[45:03 - 45:08]Watched Final Destination in school as a teenager and recently binged the series

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[38:24 - 45:08]Overall, the streamer enjoys playing and watching things that are unsettling or creepy, but also has a variety of interests and content they wish they could stream.

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[45:09 - 45:16] The speaker recalls a time in middle school when they were around 12-13 years old.

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[46:07 - 46:14]The speaker's class would often watch the movie Shrek, but one day a classmate brought in the movie Final Destination.

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[46:44 - 46:51]At the end of the school term, the teachers would allow students to watch movies in class.

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[46:51 - 47:00]The teacher was unaware of the movie and allowed the class to watch it, but quickly regretted it due to the graphic content.

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[48:46 - 48:59]The speaker also shares a story about a classmate who played a prank on their art teacher by putting a shocking video on the classroom computers.

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[50:55 - 51:00]The speaker then brings up the horror movie Annihilation and gives a brief plot summary.

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[51:01 - 51:11]The movie involves an alien artifact that creates a force field, and a team of scientists is sent to investigate.

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[52:21 - 52:28]The movie is unsettling and terrifying due to its ideas and concepts, rather than jump scares.

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[45:09 - 52:34]Overall, the speaker discusses their experiences with horror movies in middle school and shares a brief summary of the movie Annihilation.

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[52:40 - 52:48]Person discussing horror movies and asking for recommendations

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[52:55 - 53:02]Recalls a movie with Nicholas Cage and numbers

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[54:55 - 55:04]Mentions watching "51st Dates" and almost including it in a top 3 list

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[55:04 - 55:16]Describes childhood experience of watching movies in Thailand

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[55:04 - 55:16]Describes watching "Knowing" while stuck indoors in Thailand

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[55:28 - 55:33]Recalls the plot of "Knowing" involving a time capsule and apocalypse predictions

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[56:25 - 56:30]Mentions Nicholas Cage's acting and losing track of his career

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[57:35 - 57:46]Discusses favorite Nicholas Cage YouTube clips

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[58:27 - 58:32]Continues talking about Nicholas Cage and his films

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[58:33 - 58:40]Talks about another Nicholas Cage film, "The Wicker Man"

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[58:47 - 58:58]Recalls watching "The Wicker Man" because of a famous meme scene

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[59:05 - 59:13]Describes watching the scene in context and not understanding its significance

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[59:38 - 59:43]Mentions the lack of understanding about the plot of "The Wicker Man"

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[52:34 - 59:43]Person discusses various Nicholas Cage films and their experiences watching them.

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[59:56 - 1.00:18] The speaker reflects on their childhood fascination with horror films, specifically the experience of going to the rental store and seeing the terrifying DVD covers in the horror aisle.

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[1.00:42 - 1.00:51]They mention being terrified of walking down the horror aisle and avoiding horror films altogether.

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[1.03:13 - 1.03:19]The speaker recalls watching "Brokeback Mountain" with their parents at a young age and feeling awkward during the gay scenes.

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[1.03:27 - 1.03:34]They talk about watching American Pie and other teenage comedy films with their parents, and how those movies have not aged well.

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[1.04:07 - 1.04:13]The speaker's parents would walk in at awkward moments during movies, causing discomfort.

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[1.05:41 - 1.05:49]They mention watching humorous porn with their friends, but not watching sex scenes in regular movies with friends.

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[59:44 - 1.06:13]Overall, the speaker discusses their childhood experiences with horror films and awkward movie moments with their parents and friends.

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[1.07:59 - 1.08:05]A conversation about a friend's discomfort with watching gay sex scenes in movies

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[1.10:24 - 1.10:30]The narrator's confusion and attempts to understand the friend's perspective

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[1.10:49 - 1.10:56]The mention of "lads culture" and toxic masculinity in the UK and Australia

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[1.10:56 - 1.11:02]The narrator's defense of enjoying watching other people in movies

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[1.11:03 - 1.11:17]The narrator's personal experiences with lads culture and confrontations with friends about their behavior

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[1.11:03 - 1.11:17]The importance of discussing and understanding one's feelings, even with friends

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[1.11:24 - 1.11:30]The friend's denial of being homophobic

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[1.11:24 - 1.11:30]The narrator's belief in not discriminating against others

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[1.11:38 - 1.11:46]The sensitivity of the topic and the narrator's willingness to openly discuss it

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[1.06:13 - 1.11:46]Overall, the conversation revolves around understanding and addressing issues related to toxic masculinity and homophobia in "lads culture" and the importance of open and respectful communication.

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[1.14:11 - 1.14:16] Speaker starts by acknowledging that some topics may be uncomfortable but believes it's important to have conversations about them.

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[1.14:16 - 1.14:23]They discuss how people's upbringings and lifestyles can shape their views and how exposure to different ideas can challenge those views.

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[1.14:16 - 1.14:23]Speaker encourages not getting angry about uncomfortable topics and instead questioning why they make someone angry.

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[1.14:16 - 1.14:23]They mention how conversations about LGBTQ+ topics are becoming more common on the internet and in social media, but may not be the norm in everyone's communities.

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[1.14:16 - 1.14:23]Speaker talks about their own experiences with educating their family and friends about LGBTQ+ topics.

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[1.14:16 - 1.14:23]They discuss how ignorance can often be the root of negative views towards LGBTQ+ individuals.

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[1.14:36 - 1.14:42]The conversation briefly turns to Heath Ledger and his performance in Brokeback Mountain.

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[1.15:13 - 1.15:21]They mention how some actors are good at doing American accents but struggle with British accents.

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[1.17:22 - 1.17:29]The speaker realizes they have been pronouncing the word "cicada" incorrectly their whole life.

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[1.17:43 - 1.17:49]The conversation ends with the speaker reflecting on their past mistake and correcting their pronunciation.

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[1.11:46 - 1.18:17]Overall, the speakers discuss the importance of having conversations about uncomfortable topics and the impact of upbringing and exposure on one's views. They also touch on LGBTQ+ topics and the struggles of actors with accents. The conversation ends with a lighthearted moment about a mispronounced word.

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[1.18:17 - 1.18:33]Person talks about cicadas in Japan and realizing they are not a stock sound effect

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[1.21:00 - 1.21:08]Person thinks cicadas are like a swarm of insects, but it's just one making a loud noise

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[1.21:17 - 1.21:23]Cicadas make loud noise and only mate during summer

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[1.21:17 - 1.21:23]Person gets startled by cicada flying in their face and hitting a woman

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[1.21:24 - 1.21:32]Cicadas can land on balconies and appear dead, but are still alive

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[1.21:42 - 1.21:48]Cicadas sound like a loud alarm and suddenly stop making noise

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[1.21:49 - 1.21:55]They are loud because they are trying to mate

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[1.22:11 - 1.22:16]The cicada's lifespan is short and they die after mating

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[1.23:05 - 1.23:15]People also do stupid things with animals and can get hurt or killed

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[1.23:15 - 1.23:21]Person thinks it's hard to die from a cow or vending machine unless you are doing something stupid

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[1.23:21 - 1.23:33]People die from cows and vending machines in Japan

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[1.24:35 - 1.24:40]The person watches videos of people messing with animals and getting hurt

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[1.18:17 - 1.25:09]Person talks about cicadas in Japan, their loud noise and mating habits, and shares anecdotes about being startled by them. They also discuss statistics of people dying from cows and vending machines and how people can also get hurt or killed by animals.

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[1.25:10 - 1.25:18]The speaker discusses the use of the live-link logo and people mistreating animals

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[1.25:40 - 1.25:45]They mention seeing disturbing content on the internet and questioning whether live-link is a meme or not

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[1.26:24 - 1.26:31]The conversation shifts to spelling and how reliant they are on autocorrect

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[1.29:08 - 1.29:15]Mental arithmetic is discussed and how it has become a party trick

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[1.29:47 - 1.29:53]The speaker talks about not being able to spell certain words and relying on autocorrect

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[1.30:59 - 1.31:06]The other person mentions a video where spelling doesn't matter as long as the first and last letters are correct

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[1.31:06 - 1.31:14]The conversation ends with a discussion about the viral dress and its color perception

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[1.25:10 - 1.31:14]The overall theme is the reliance on technology and the changing attitudes towards spelling and mental arithmetic.

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[1.31:19 - 1.31:27]The speaker remembers a meme about a dress that caused controversy on the internet.

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[1.31:28 - 1.31:35]The speaker recalls people analyzing the colors of the dress using Photoshop.

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[1.32:11 - 1.32:19]They mention the popularity of audio illusions and frequency tests.

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[1.32:37 - 1.32:48]The speaker remembers feeling old when their frequency test results changed.

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[1.34:10 - 1.34:19]They discuss a high frequency alarm used in Japan to deter teenagers and animals.

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[1.35:57 - 1.36:07]The speaker talks about missing the summer experience of going to the beach and enjoying the heat.

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[1.36:37 - 1.36:42]The speaker notes that they do not get bitten by mosquitoes.

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[1.36:43 - 1.36:50]They mention getting bitten by mosquitoes and how it may be related to blood type.

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[1.37:37 - 1.37:42]They discuss how they are often the "bait" for mosquitoes and how it affects others around them.

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[1.31:14 - 1.37:56]The speaker recalls past internet controversies, discusses audio illusions and frequency tests, and reflects on missing the summer experience of going to the beach. They also mention getting bitten by mosquitoes and how it may be related to blood type.

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[1.39:08 - 1.39:13]Mosquitoes are attracted to certain people due to their blood type and skin type.

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[1.40:53 - 1.40:59]Mosquitoes are considered a nuisance and carry diseases.

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[1.41:19 - 1.41:25]There are theories about why mosquitoes go for certain people, but no scientific confirmation.

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[1.42:43 - 1.42:57]There have been attempts to eradicate certain animals in Australia, such as cane flies and emus, but they have had unintended consequences.

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[1.42:43 - 1.42:57]Australia has a history of trying to eradicate animals with disastrous results.

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[1.42:58 - 1.43:04]The emus ultimately won the war and continue to roam freely in Australia.

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[1.43:04 - 1.43:11]The Great Emu War is a popular topic on internet videos.

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[1.43:24 - 1.43:37]The Great Emu War was a failed attempt to combat emus invading farmland.

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[1.44:46 - 1.44:52]The war was a waste of money and ammunition and resulted in embarrassment for Australia.

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[1.37:56 - 1.45:47]In summary, Australia has a history of failed attempts to eradicate animals and the Great Emu War is a prime example of this.

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[1.45:47 - 1.45:52]Speaker expresses frustration with a situation

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[1.45:52 - 1.46:02]They mention a lazy solution that was chosen

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[1.45:52 - 1.46:02]They compare it to a firing squad

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[1.45:52 - 1.46:02]They question the decision-making process

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[1.46:03 - 1.46:10]They suggest a Hollywood film about the situation

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[1.46:10 - 1.46:16]They joke about casting choices for the film

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[1.47:01 - 1.47:08]They discuss the climate and seasons in Australia

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[1.48:33 - 1.48:45]They recall a hot New Year's Eve experience

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[1.48:50 - 1.48:59]They mention a broken fridge due to the heat

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[1.49:05 - 1.49:23]They discuss their preferences for appliances

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[1.51:24 - 1.51:35]They mention receiving appliances from a friend

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[1.51:55 - 1.52:05]They mention the difficulty of disposing appliances in Japan

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[1.52:13 - 1.52:21]They discuss the process of scheduling appliance disposal

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[1.52:21 - 1.52:28]They recount their recent experience disposing furniture

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[1.53:08 - 1.53:15]They mention a four week waiting period

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[1.45:47 - 1.53:22]Speaker expresses frustration with a lazy solution and suggests a potential Hollywood film about the situation. They also discuss climate and seasons in Australia, a hot New Year's Eve experience, and their preferences for appliances. They mention receiving appliances from a friend and the difficulty of disposing them in Japan. They recount their recent experience disposing furniture and the process of scheduling disposal with a four week waiting period.

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[1.53:22 - 1.53:29]Next open slot for scheduling is 40 days from now

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[1.53:36 - 1.53:45]Precise measurements must be given for item

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[1.53:36 - 1.53:45]Moving company must be notified of items to be thrown out

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[1.53:46 - 1.53:54]Services available for taking away old appliances when new ones are delivered

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[1.55:06 - 1.55:14]Nightmare to schedule getting rid of old items and getting new ones

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[1.56:05 - 1.56:15]Willing to pay for convenience and to avoid stress

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[1.56:34 - 1.56:41]Disassembling furniture is a hassle, but enjoys assembling it

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[1.57:14 - 1.57:19]Offered budget gaming chair for free, Russian man took it

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[1.57:46 - 1.57:55]Difficult to do activities outside in summer heat, especially with lockdown restrictions

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[1.58:48 - 1.58:57]Support our suffering by becoming a patron or following us on social media

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[1.59:13 - 1.59:19]That concludes this summary-themed episode of trash taste, hope you have a good summer

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[1.53:22 - 1.59:19]The speaker talks about the difficulty and stress of scheduling and getting rid of old items and getting new ones, as well as their dislike for disassembling furniture and doing activities outside in the summer heat. They also mention their support for their audience before ending the episode.