

Youtube profile pic for Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

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[00:00 - 00:51]The speaker heard that the person being interviewed keeps two birds hostage in their home

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[00:51 - 02:54]The conversation shifts to the birds' species and the person being interviewed describes them as small and prone to biting

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[01:21 - 03:30]The speaker heard that the person being interviewed keeps two birds hostage in their home

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[03:31 - 04:11]The interviewer introduces the guest, Jaden, as an animator with 10 million subscribers and a net worth of $5 million

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[04:24 - 04:29]The interviewer asks about the ethics of keeping animals as pets and the person being interviewed brushes it off as a routine

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[04:30 - 07:49]The conversation shifts to Korean barbecue, with the interviewer and another person discussing their recent experience at a Korean barbecue restaurant

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[07:49 - 08:49]The guest talks about enjoying the meat at Korean barbecue and the conversation turns to the ethics of eating meat and its impact on the environment.

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[08:49 - 11:01]They joke about experiencing things once, like the Redwood Forest, but acknowledge that everyone will experience societal collapse together

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[10:41 - 14:17]Charlie reveals his deep knowledge of the movie and his nightly ritual of watching it

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[12:58 - 14:05]Schlatt discusses his change in career from storytelling to playing and talking about video games

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[14:05 - 15:41]They discuss Hallmark Christmas movies and their favorite Christmas movies

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[14:18 - 14:25]They joke about experiencing things once, like the Redwood Forest, but acknowledge that everyone will experience societal collapse together

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[15:28 - 17:16]The group jokes about the movie and its absurd plot points, including a reindeer hitting a grandmother and a sister trying to frame Santa Claus for murder

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[17:16 - 18:11]Charlie reveals his deep knowledge of the movie and his nightly ritual of watching it

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[18:11 - 19:05]Keeps is a sponsor that offers hair loss prevention treatments

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[18:29 - 20:20]Hello Fresh is a sponsor that delivers fresh ingredients and recipes to your door

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[20:21 - 22:15]Ted and Jane discuss their love for animation and the DSI FlipNote Studio

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[20:38 - 22:28]They discuss a Dungeons and Dragons game they played where they met Marvin the magic meatball

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[22:01 - 25:43]They reminisce about stick figure animations and share drawings they used to make

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[24:39 - 27:21]Ted talks about his comic book series, Pie Wars, where everything is fought with pie

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[25:56 - 28:10]They reminisce about stick figure animations and share drawings they used to make

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[28:10 - 30:19]They discuss a Dungeons and Dragons game they played where they met Marvin the magic meatball

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[28:40 - 30:11]Ted greased Jane during the game and they discuss their one previous experience playing D&D

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[29:24 - 29:43]The speaker discusses their lack of experience with something and mentions it can be good or bad.

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[29:44 - 29:50]The speaker recalls playing a game a few years ago and not remembering much about the people they played with.

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[29:50 - 31:01]They talk about their love for board games and being open to playing anything.

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[30:02 - 30:26]The speaker agrees, mentioning how frustrating it was when someone did something unexpected.

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[31:01 - 31:06]The other person asks about their favorite game series and they mention "infamous" games.

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[31:07 - 33:03]They briefly discuss a Nickelodeon game and express excitement for a character they want to play.

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[31:36 - 32:47]The conversation ends with the speaker mentioning Ian's abilities to quickly find information and the other person jokingly giving him more tasks.

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[31:42 - 32:04]The speaker agrees, mentioning how frustrating it was when someone did something unexpected.

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[33:03 - 34:12]The speaker recalls playing a game a few years ago and not remembering much about the people they played with.

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[33:28 - 33:43]The speaker agrees, mentioning how frustrating it was when someone did something unexpected.

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[34:24 - 35:02]They talk about playing "Word Hunt" games and the speaker mentions not feeling anything when they lose.

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[35:02 - 35:20]The conversation ends with the speaker mentioning Ian's abilities to quickly find information and the other person jokingly giving him more tasks.

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[35:20 - 35:26]They talk about their love for board games and being open to playing anything.

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[35:26 - 35:40]The speaker expresses interest in trying it and the other person asks what they mean by it being bad.

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[35:41 - 36:00]The other person brings up therapy again and the speaker agrees that everyone should go.

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[35:48 - 36:48]They briefly discuss mental health and "mental abs."

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[36:00 - 36:07]The conversation shifts to the other person asking about the speaker's knowledge of a song.

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[36:48 - 37:06]They briefly discuss mental health and "mental abs."

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[37:07 - 37:16]They talk about playing "Word Hunt" games and the speaker mentions not feeling anything when they lose.

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[37:17 - 37:45]The conversation ends with the speaker mentioning Ian's abilities to quickly find information and the other person jokingly giving him more tasks.

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[37:46 - 39:47]The other person brings up being impressed by tall people and the speaker disagrees.

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[39:22 - 40:09]They discuss their height and how their family is shorter, but they ended up being taller.

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[40:25 - 41:14]The speaker doesn't know the song and the other person brings up Martin Luther King Jr.'s height.

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[41:03 - 41:46]The speaker mentions being allergic to cats, but then clarifies that they're not anymore.

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[41:14 - 42:33]The conversation ends with the speaker mentioning Ian's abilities to quickly find information and the other person jokingly giving him more tasks.

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[41:47 - 42:04]The speaker mentions being allergic to cats, but then clarifies that they're not anymore.

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[41:53 - 42:27]The conversation ends with the speaker mentioning Ian's abilities to quickly find information and the other person jokingly giving him more tasks.

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[41:59 - 43:57]The speaker has recently acquired guinea pigs who scream for food

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[42:34 - 44:23]Snails have the ability to create an "epilogue" using their mucus to weather cold temperatures

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[44:24 - 46:45]Owning a falcon has been a long-time dream for the speaker, but they don't have time for it

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[44:57 - 47:36]The speaker's birds have drawn blood but are mostly just tactile with their beaks

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[46:05 - 48:26]Owning a falcon has been a long-time dream for the speaker, but they don't have time for it

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[46:46 - 49:06]The speaker's birds have drawn blood but are mostly just tactile with their beaks

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[47:37 - 50:28]Their cat has learned to unplug the automatic feeder for instant gratification

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[49:35 - 51:11]A cautionary tale is shared about an old lady who died and was eaten by her cats

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[51:31 - 53:17]Human bodies last 24-72 hours before starting to decompose

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[52:58 - 55:34]The speaker has recently acquired guinea pigs who scream for food

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[54:37 - 55:17]After one month, a human body will completely liquefy after death.

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[54:42 - 56:45]The speaker discusses their recent break from the internet and social media

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[56:52 - 57:40]The speaker talks about their use of Twitter and how they only started using it a few years ago

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[56:57 - 58:16]They discuss watching old videos and realizing how cringe-worthy they were

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[58:22 - 1.02:23]The speaker talks about a stuffed animal they had as a child named "Favorite Puppy"

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[1.02:24 - 1.02:30]They mention feeling overwhelmed in life and needing time to be alone

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[1.02:30 - 1.04:09]The speaker talks about a stuffed animal they had as a child named "Favorite Puppy"

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[1.03:28 - 1.04:37]They also mention playing a game called "Castle Crashes" and using a character named "Rami"

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[1.04:38 - 1.06:04]The speaker explains how their online name "Jaden" came about and mentions knowing other people with the same name

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[1.06:05 - 1.07:34]They admit to not really listening to music and instead playing video games, specifically "Mario Maker"

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[1.07:28 - 1.08:38]The speaker is unsure of what they want to do during this time and plans to figure it out in the future

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[1.08:12 - 1.09:08]They mention being ahead in their work and having a specific amount of months to do whatever they want

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[1.08:38 - 1.09:41]The speaker discusses their lack of knowledge and motivation in regards to their work and future plans

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[1.09:41 - 1.11:13]They mention playing Super Smash Bros as a current hobby and briefly discuss past hobbies such as working out and playing Castle Crashers

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[1.10:30 - 1.11:51]The topic of steroids is brought up and the dangers and effects of using them are discussed

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[1.12:37 - 1.13:19]They briefly discuss their beliefs in God and make a joke about divine intervention

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[1.13:19 - 1.14:07]The speaker accidentally fires an airsoft gun in the Game Grumps office, causing damage to a shelf and nearly injuring someone

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[1.13:33 - 1.15:08]The speaker is unsure of what they want to do during this time and plans to figure it out in the future

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[1.13:48 - 1.15:13]They briefly discuss their beliefs in God and make a joke about divine intervention

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[1.14:07 - 1.15:36]The topic of steroids is brought up and the dangers and effects of using them are discussed

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[1.15:14 - 1.15:49]They wrap up the podcast and thank their guest, Jayden Animations, who mentions having nothing to promote or share with viewers.

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[1.15:49 - 1.16:49]The speaker is unsure of what they want to do during this time and plans to figure it out in the future

A youtube thumbnail wor Jaiden Animations - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 26

[1.15:58 - 1.16:57]They wrap up the podcast and thank their guest, Jayden Animations, who mentions having nothing to promote or share with viewers.