

Youtube profile pic for Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[00:00 - 00:17]The speaker was low-key upset about being taken to get Italian food on their first night in Japan.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[00:18 - 00:30]They discuss a rumor about doctors being able to see tape worms in a person's butt.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[00:31 - 01:43]The podcast is introduced as being about favorite places and places they hope to visit.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[01:03 - 02:44]The speaker also mentions that if someone can't travel, they can learn about other cultures through resources like Wikipedia.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[02:44 - 02:57]An anecdote is shared about the speaker trying Indian food for the first time and not liking it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[02:57 - 05:09]The speaker was low-key upset about being taken to get Italian food on their first night in Japan.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[05:09 - 05:23]An anecdote is shared about the speaker trying Indian food for the first time and not liking it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[05:23 - 06:04]They discuss the different reactions to trying new foods, with the speaker being open to trying most things.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[06:04 - 08:22]An anecdote is shared about the speaker trying Indian food for the first time and not liking it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[07:14 - 07:39]They discuss the different reactions to trying new foods, with the speaker being open to trying most things.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[07:59 - 09:53]The speaker talks about living near a good Indian restaurant and missing the food now.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[09:53 - 10:30]The podcast ends with a discussion about the speaker not having any specific food they dislike, but trying a muffin with fish eggs in it and still enjoying it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[10:30 - 11:46]Discussion about the prison system and how it differs in other countries, such as Sweden

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[12:04 - 12:25]Mention of the documentary "13th" which talks about the 13th amendment and how it legalizes slavery in prisons

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[12:25 - 13:31]Discussion about how prisoners in California are being trained to fight fires but are not able to become firefighters after their release

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[12:39 - 14:04]Mention of the documentary "13th" which talks about the 13th amendment and how it legalizes slavery in prisons

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[13:31 - 13:38]Discussion about finding a happy medium between using copyrighted material and the rights of the creator

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[13:52 - 14:39]Suggestion for all YouTubers to band together and change copyright law

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[14:39 - 14:50]Discussion about a potential future where music can be used in YouTube videos through a subscription service

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[14:50 - 15:55]Mention of the punishment for companies that make false copyright claims on YouTube videos

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[15:55 - 17:01]Discussion about a potential future where music can be used in YouTube videos through a subscription service

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[17:01 - 18:25]Discussion about finding a happy medium between using copyrighted material and the rights of the creator

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[18:25 - 19:56]Discussion about whether a speech can be copyrighted and references to lawsuits involving similar tunes in music

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[18:40 - 18:54]Mention of a specific example where a parody was claimed and reversed

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[19:56 - 20:50]Kim Kardashian wanted to copyright the word "kimono" for her underwear line.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[20:50 - 21:38]The Lelo Hex condom is made of interconnected hexagons and is difficult to put on.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[21:58 - 22:23]The podcast is sponsored by a Swedish brand of condoms called "Lelo Hex".

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[22:23 - 22:41]It is advertised as being more durable and less prone to breakage.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[22:54 - 23:36]The Lelo Hex condom is made of interconnected hexagons and is difficult to put on.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[23:36 - 23:47]The discussion turns to a show called "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant".

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[23:47 - 24:20]Kim Kardashian also has a brand of condoms called "kimono".

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[24:20 - 25:08]The discussion turns to a show called "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant".

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[25:08 - 26:02]One clip from the show featured a woman mistaking labor pains for a bowel movement and giving birth in a toilet.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[25:30 - 25:42]The discussion turns to a show called "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant".

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[26:02 - 27:47]The hosts discuss other gross reality TV shows, such as ones about people discovering they have tapeworms.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[27:16 - 27:29]One man farted out a tapeworm and cut it off with scissors.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[27:47 - 28:53]There is a method for doctors to shine a light on a person's anus to see if there is a tapeworm present.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[28:53 - 29:15]They mention having Romanian food for the first time and describe the dishes they tried, including a chicken stew and a fried ball filled with cheese and vegetables.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[29:15 - 31:26]They mention trying a fermented tea leaf salad at a Burmese food place and describe the unique flavors and ingredients.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[29:58 - 31:32]The speaker recalls a previous trip to Japan where they had Italian food and were pleasantly surprised by its quality.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[30:13 - 31:50]The speaker notes the prevalence of jalapenos in East Asian cooking and expresses surprise at this.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[31:50 - 32:51]The speaker recalls a previous trip to Japan where they had Italian food and were pleasantly surprised by its quality.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[32:51 - 34:04]They mention upcoming travel plans to Japan and express excitement for trying various types of seafood, including takoyaki, okonomiyaki, and tonkatsu.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[34:41 - 37:20]The speaker recalls a previous trip to Japan where they had Italian food and were pleasantly surprised by its quality.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[37:20 - 39:12]The speaker mentions a past experience of spending a large amount of money at Red Lobster in order to have the full experience, but ultimately not enjoying the food.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[39:12 - 39:40]They would like to try an isolation tank.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[39:40 - 40:01]They want to visit places where they know people or can have a unique experience.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[40:01 - 40:32]They have not traveled to every continent, but have been to Europe, North America, and Asia.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[40:32 - 43:18]They have concerns about safety when traveling.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[43:18 - 44:52]They would like to try an isolation tank.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[44:52 - 45:45]They are not very experienced with traveling.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[45:45 - 46:09]They want to visit places where they know people or can have a unique experience.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[46:09 - 46:37]They mention the importance of addressing climate change and suggest volunteering for causes like Team Trees.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[46:14 - 46:20]They mention a lighthouse in the desert, which could be underwater due to rising sea levels.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[46:37 - 49:03]They would like to visit Japan, China, Germany, France, England, and other places in Europe.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[47:22 - 47:39]They are not very experienced with traveling.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[47:44 - 48:22]They would like to go to Portugal and the Basque region.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[48:47 - 48:55]They want to visit places where they know people or can have a unique experience.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[49:03 - 50:05]They mention a lighthouse in the desert, which could be underwater due to rising sea levels.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[50:06 - 51:19]They mention the importance of addressing climate change and suggest volunteering for causes like Team Trees.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[51:19 - 51:27]They would also like to visit Canada and South Africa.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[51:27 - 51:54]They discuss raising their hand to show five minutes left in a lunch break.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[51:43 - 53:26]They mention the concept of conspiracy and conspiracy theories, specifically related to Hilary Duff controlling the weather.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[53:09 - 54:00]They discuss mosquitoes and flies in relation to the weather and mention being from Alaska.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[54:00 - 55:17]The conversation shifts to mansplaining and "normal splaining."

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[55:17 - 56:37]They mention wanting to go to Logan or Jake Paul's bank and imagine diving into a pile of coins.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[55:43 - 57:00]The topic turns to Comic Con and the possibility of using a cherry picker or human cannon to navigate the event.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[56:03 - 58:03]The speaker talks about a recent sign off and mentions feeling sad.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[56:37 - 58:55]They mention wanting to go to Logan or Jake Paul's bank and imagine diving into a pile of coins.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[57:00 - 58:44]The topic turns to Comic Con and the possibility of using a cherry picker or human cannon to navigate the event.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[58:55 - 1.00:10]The discussion moves to the hit clips trend and the speaker shares a personal anecdote.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[1.00:10 - 1.00:50]The speaker discusses a recent warning about a Chinese chip in computers and expresses frustration with the lack of transparency.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[1.01:16 - 1.02:08]They mention a recent credit card breach and the use of a credit union.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[1.02:08 - 1.02:16]They discuss raising their hand to show five minutes left in a lunch break.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[1.02:49 - 1.04:19]The conversation turns to condoms and the speaker encourages using them at all times.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[1.03:07 - 1.03:35]The conversation shifts to a discussion about the "Boys in Five" and the speaker's list.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[1.04:19 - 1.05:17]The discussion moves to the hit clips trend and the speaker shares a personal anecdote.

A youtube thumbnail wor Travel Talk & Future Condoms - SmoshCast #39

[1.05:17 - 1.06:38]They wrap up by thanking their guests and promoting their coffee brand before signing off.