

Youtube profile pic for Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[00:00 - 01:23]The speaker recounts a conversation with Nick about the Olympics and their frustration with constantly discussing it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[00:36 - 01:37]The speaker mentions that they called Aiden for help with the login information.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[00:58 - 02:11]The speaker concludes by saying that they were able to check the sales and end the conversation.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[01:37 - 02:02]The speaker recounts a conversation with Nick about the Olympics and their frustration with constantly discussing it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[02:11 - 03:12]The speaker reveals that they are Nick's boss and that they had trouble logging into their PayPal account to check merch sales.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[03:48 - 05:13]The speaker recounts a conversation with Nick about the Olympics and their frustration with constantly discussing it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[04:45 - 07:09]The speaker reveals that they are Nick's boss and that they had trouble logging into their PayPal account to check merch sales.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[07:09 - 07:52]The speaker finally gets the login information and is able to check the sales.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[07:09 - 07:52]Phone call is from the speaker's friend, who is relaxed and has elevator music in the background

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[07:52 - 08:34]The speaker shares that every time they need something from Aiden's computer, they use the same password.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[07:52 - 08:34]Friend gets angry and curses at speaker after thinking the call has ended

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[08:35 - 09:00]Friend reveals that he has been saying "fuck Ludwig" after hanging up the phone during frustrating situations

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[08:41 - 09:15]Speaker starts laughing and friend curses at him, thinking the call has ended

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[09:15 - 10:38]Friend misses turn due to being on the phone call

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[09:23 - 09:29]Friend gets angry and curses at speaker after thinking the call has ended

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[10:38 - 12:17]Person is driving and receives a phone call

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[11:03 - 11:16]On the way, they encounter a school bus dropping off kids

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[11:25 - 12:07]Phone call is from the speaker's friend, who is relaxed and has elevator music in the background

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[12:17 - 13:05]Speaker cannot multitask and gets absorbed in other tasks

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[12:33 - 12:38]Speaker apologizes for yelling and explains that friend should have declined the call responsibly

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[13:05 - 13:39]Friend gets angry and curses at speaker after thinking the call has ended

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[13:39 - 14:22]Friend reveals that he has been saying "fuck Ludwig" after hanging up the phone during frustrating situations

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[14:22 - 14:34]Speaker explains that his least favorite trait of friend is when he ignores him while looking at something else

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[14:34 - 15:01]Friend reveals that he has been saying "fuck Ludwig" after hanging up the phone during frustrating situations

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[14:42 - 14:55]Friend gets angry and curses at speaker after thinking the call has ended

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[15:01 - 15:20]Speaker gets mad and flicks friend off while shaking his hand

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[15:20 - 17:21]Friend rolls down the window and jokingly introduces the speaker to the kids as "Ludwig"

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[15:25 - 15:32]Speaker starts laughing and friend curses at him, thinking the call has ended

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[15:32 - 16:05]On the way, they encounter a school bus dropping off kids

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[16:05 - 16:17]Speaker stops too close behind the bus according to friend

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[16:17 - 17:14]Friend then quickly rolls up the window as the kids get off the bus.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[16:26 - 17:28]A group of around 30 kids leave a box and nearly kill the speaker.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[17:21 - 17:28]Speaker is not concerned and tells friend to take his time

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[17:28 - 17:43]Friend rolls down the window and jokingly introduces the speaker to the kids as "Ludwig"

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[17:44 - 18:54]The speaker and his friends discuss different types of humor and how Americans approach it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[19:01 - 20:54]The speaker's friend pranks him by pretending to call the cops.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[20:32 - 22:16]A group of around 30 kids leave a box and nearly kill the speaker.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[20:54 - 24:51]The speaker's friend pranks him by pretending to call the cops.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[24:51 - 25:54]The speaker is upset that no one woke him up for a podcast recording.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[25:00 - 26:03]Ayman found the speaker and they talk about waking up in a more open space

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[25:14 - 28:08]They mention hanging out with someone who was tripping on acid and how it was noticeable

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[26:35 - 26:43]The speaker talks about using the Ludwig system, which is about letting things go

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[26:43 - 28:21]The speaker mentions being in a music video with Ludwig

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[26:59 - 27:44]They discuss how only a small fraction of commenters bother them and they need to focus on the positive ones

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[28:08 - 28:33]They mention hanging out with someone who was tripping on acid and how it was noticeable

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[28:54 - 30:23]The group discusses weed and the speaker's dislike for promoting it due to past experiences with stoners

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[30:23 - 30:29]The speaker mentions being in a music video with Ludwig

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[30:29 - 30:53]The speaker talks about going to buy edibles by themselves and stealing something from a store

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[30:53 - 31:42]The speaker talks about using the Ludwig system, which is about letting things go

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[31:22 - 34:26]They mention hanging out with someone who was tripping on acid and how it was noticeable

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[34:05 - 34:59]The speaker reveals that they consume edibles a few times a week, but do not work or stream while high

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[35:04 - 36:29]Mentions having to buy their own edibles after bumming from a friend

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[35:04 - 36:41]The speaker talks about going to buy edibles by themselves and stealing something from a store

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[35:56 - 36:16]Shares a story of getting pulled over with weed in their car and convincing the cop it belonged to friends

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[36:29 - 37:44]Finally finds a sketchy dispensary in an apartment complex, has to fill out a form and is buzzed in

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[36:41 - 38:31]Goes on an adventure to find a dispensary that is open

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[38:31 - 39:30]Finally finds a sketchy dispensary in an apartment complex, has to fill out a form and is buzzed in

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[39:36 - 42:39]Purchases edibles from a woman and gets a good deal

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[39:49 - 41:15]Finally finds a sketchy dispensary in an apartment complex, has to fill out a form and is buzzed in

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[42:39 - 43:33]Purchases edibles from a woman and gets a good deal

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[43:33 - 45:11]Recounts a time when they used to sell weed and had a system for collecting payment

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[45:11 - 47:14]Shares a story of getting pulled over with weed in their car and convincing the cop it belonged to friends

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[47:15 - 48:43]Someone got high and had a panic attack while driving home and called the cops on themselves

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[48:03 - 51:02]The person's father had a similar experience where he self-snitched to the cops about having drugs in the car while his wife and newborn son were present

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[50:12 - 50:50]The police searched the car and found nothing

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[51:02 - 54:16]Another person shares a story about getting pulled over for speeding, but using a Jesus bobblehead to get out of a ticket

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[54:16 - 57:27]The group then discusses a recent incident where one person drank another's special tea without asking and caused a fight between roommates

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[57:04 - 57:48]The person's father had a similar experience where he self-snitched to the cops about having drugs in the car while his wife and newborn son were present

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[57:34 - 59:13]The group then discusses a recent incident where one person drank another's special tea without asking and caused a fight between roommates

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[59:13 - 1.02:46]Discussion about male bonding and expressing emotions

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[1.02:47 - 1.03:31]Olympics gold medal count and women's volleyball team winning

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[1.03:31 - 1.04:09]Juventus women's soccer team tweet controversy

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[1.04:09 - 1.05:04]Republican backlash towards a previous story

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[1.05:04 - 1.06:47]Social media managers and their influence on corporate accounts

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[1.06:47 - 1.08:01]Denny's as a popular brand and their water

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[1.08:01 - 1.09:30]Discussion about living in different countries and Sweden's social programs

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[1.08:06 - 1.08:20]Denny's as a popular brand and their water

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[1.08:43 - 1.10:35]Swedish uncle's conservative views on Bernie Sanders

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[1.10:35 - 1.11:21]The speaker discusses their preference for living in Japan over Sweden.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[1.11:21 - 1.14:06]The speaker's friend, Anthony, expresses interest in living as a gambling degenerate or a monk.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[1.13:34 - 1.16:46]The speaker discusses their preference for living in Japan over Sweden.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[1.14:51 - 1.16:19]They discuss their desire to travel and the disappointment of the COVID pandemic.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[1.16:34 - 1.19:19]The speaker's friend, Slime, shares his first experience watching porn on his phone.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[1.18:38 - 1.20:48]The speaker shares their own embarrassing experience with porn involving a girl named Amber.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[1.20:27 - 1.22:16]The speaker's friend, Ludwig, shares his experience of watching porn for the first time.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[1.20:56 - 1.21:47]The speaker's friend, Anthony, expresses interest in living as a gambling degenerate or a monk.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[1.22:16 - 1.22:45]They thank their sponsor, Coinbase, and close out the podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out | The Yard

[1.22:45 - 1.23:52]The speaker's friend, Slime, shares his first experience watching porn on his phone.