

Youtube profile pic for All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[00:06 - 00:22]They mention that they are live.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[00:23 - 00:57]They mention that they are filming on a Wednesday instead of their usual Monday.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[00:46 - 02:07]They make jokes about one of them being on vacation.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[00:58 - 01:03]One of them mentions the other had a show and a stream.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[01:11 - 01:39]They joke about one of them being "the gayest man in America" and Europeans being "so gay."

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[01:44 - 02:19]Two individuals, possibly podcast hosts, are having a conversation.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[02:07 - 02:14]They joke about the cancelled individual wanting to take a vacation after a 2.5 hour tub show.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[02:19 - 02:31]Two individuals, possibly podcast hosts, are having a conversation.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[02:32 - 03:26]They joke about one of them being "not damp" and cover themselves with a blanket.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[03:13 - 03:40]They mention that they recorded a podcast earlier and talk about drama.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[03:40 - 03:58]Two individuals, possibly podcast hosts, are having a conversation.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[03:58 - 04:29]They make jokes about one of them being on vacation.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[04:29 - 06:45]Two individuals, possibly podcast hosts, are having a conversation.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[04:34 - 05:00]One of them reveals that they invited themselves onto the podcast and now has a "chip on their shoulder."

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[05:00 - 05:25]Two individuals, possibly podcast hosts, are having a conversation.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[05:12 - 06:14]One of them mentions getting cancelled on Twitter for saying streaming is the hardest job on the planet.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[05:39 - 05:54]They mention that the cancelled individual's statement was taken out of context and spread on social media.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[06:21 - 07:44]They joke about being "out of touch" and not being able to name five difficult jobs.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[07:47 - 08:44]They joke about the cancelled individual wanting to take a vacation after a 2.5 hour tub show.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[08:12 - 10:07]They mention that the cancelled individual's statement was taken out of context and spread on social media.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[08:17 - 08:49]They mention that the cancelled individual's day includes a meeting, going to the gym, showering, and getting a facial.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[09:18 - 09:44]One of them mentions the other had a show and a stream.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[09:24 - 09:32]Two individuals, possibly podcast hosts, are having a conversation.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[09:44 - 10:01]They mention a person who defended the cancelled individual and received backlash.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[10:07 - 10:52]They mention that they clickbait their own podcast episode.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[10:53 - 11:00]Two individuals, possibly podcast hosts, are having a conversation.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[11:00 - 11:09]The speaker discusses their background in labor and workplace conditions

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[11:09 - 11:50]They mention streaming not being a tough job and wanting to see someone work on a farm

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[11:51 - 15:11]The speaker talks about their family's potato farm and how their cousin now runs it

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[14:15 - 14:54]The subject of death threats against the speaker's friend, Ludwig, on LinkedIn is brought up

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[14:28 - 14:33]The speaker expresses excitement about working out with Ronnie Coleman, calling it a childhood dream come true.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[14:54 - 15:17]The speaker talks about their family's potato farm and how their cousin now runs it

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[15:17 - 15:40]The speaker accidentally drops a heavy weight on their ribcage during the workout

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[15:40 - 16:11]They express frustration towards people who criticize their work ethic

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[16:11 - 18:15]They express annoyance at people using the situation to paint themselves as "in touch" and "one of the good ones"

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[18:15 - 19:02]The topic shifts to Wilneff's recent injury while working out with Ronnie Coleman

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[19:02 - 20:01]They express annoyance at people using the situation to paint themselves as "in touch" and "one of the good ones"

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[19:22 - 20:08]The speaker expresses excitement about working out with Ronnie Coleman, calling it a childhood dream come true.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[20:08 - 20:42]The speaker accidentally drops a heavy weight on their ribcage during the workout

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[20:36 - 22:04]Discussion about a golf cart accident and potential fat shaming

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[20:42 - 21:07]The speaker expresses excitement about working out with Ronnie Coleman, calling it a childhood dream come true.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[21:12 - 21:33]Discussion about Ronnie Coleman charging $20 for photos

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[22:04 - 22:51]Discussion about potential trafficking by PD

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[22:32 - 22:57]Discussion about Art Kelly and PD possibly being the same person

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[22:57 - 23:58]Discussion about red flags and green flags in relationships

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[23:03 - 23:17]Discussion about being a CEO of a company called "Phase"

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[23:26 - 23:39]Discussion about being a "Swiftie" and having a strong opinion on Taylor Swift

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[23:46 - 24:22]Discussion about the importance of having a good relationship with family.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[24:22 - 25:35]Discussion about someone who makes time for you being a green flag in a relationship

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[24:48 - 25:15]Discussion about astrology and witchcraft being red flags for some people

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[24:55 - 26:26]Discussion about closeted entertainers and being openly gay in the entertainment industry

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[25:15 - 25:28]Discussion about being a "Swiftie" and having a strong opinion on Taylor Swift

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[26:26 - 27:04]Discussion about someone who makes time for you being a green flag in a relationship

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[26:45 - 27:17]Discussion about the importance of having a good relationship with family.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[27:17 - 27:27]Discussion about red flags and green flags in relationships

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[27:29 - 28:23]Discussion about astrology and witchcraft being red flags for some people

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[28:24 - 28:48]Discussion about the importance of having a good relationship with family.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[28:49 - 29:06]They mention loving dogs and going to the gym as green flags.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[29:06 - 30:42]The speaker and her group discuss green and red flags in potential partners.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[29:52 - 32:42]The conversation ends with the speaker jokingly saying she's not anyone's "person."

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[32:16 - 34:51]The speaker and her group discuss green and red flags in potential partners.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[34:52 - 35:43]The conversation ends with the speaker jokingly saying she's not anyone's "person."

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[35:43 - 37:41]The topic shifts to trashy TV and the speaker mentions watching "Love is Blind."

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[37:30 - 38:20]They mention a couple named Jeremy and Chelsea and hint at possible conflicts between them.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[37:56 - 38:56]The conversation ends with the speaker jokingly saying she's not anyone's "person."

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[38:07 - 38:51]There is another guy named Jeremy who is also interested in Chelsea, but he loses interest when he finds out she has a child

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[38:21 - 38:51]The speaker criticizes the phrase "my person" as cringy and a red flag.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[39:23 - 41:02]Jeremy still proposes to Chelsea, but later admits he doesn't think she looks like Megan Fox

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[39:58 - 43:03]They mention a guy named Trevor and a girl named Chelsea, who they think should have ended up together because they both have physical features the other likes

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[41:02 - 43:13]Jeremy still proposes to Chelsea, but later admits he doesn't think she looks like Megan Fox

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[42:30 - 44:12]The conversation ends with someone saying that they should call this segment "Austin Gases"

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[43:29 - 44:19]The group discusses who they think they look like, including Danny DeVito and Margot Robbie

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[44:19 - 46:46]They compliment each other's appearance and make jokes about who they could be mistaken for

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[44:25 - 48:53]The group discusses who they think they look like, including Danny DeVito and Margot Robbie

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[48:54 - 49:23]They compliment each other's appearance and make jokes about who they could be mistaken for

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[49:32 - 49:57]The group discusses who they think they look like, including Danny DeVito and Margot Robbie

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[49:45 - 51:00]The speakers discuss various topics such as TikTok hashtags, streamers, and spring break in Miami.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[51:48 - 54:58]They then talk about a remake of the movie "The Crow" and show images of the new actor playing the lead role.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[54:25 - 56:07]The internet has not reacted positively to the new look of the character.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[55:12 - 55:43]The conversation shifts to discussing actor Jared Leto's portrayal of the Joker in the movie "Morbius."

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[55:18 - 57:25]The internet has not reacted positively to the new look of the character.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[56:07 - 57:40]The conversation shifts to discussing actor Jared Leto's portrayal of the Joker in the movie "Morbius."

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[56:54 - 57:51]The conversation ends with a lighthearted exchange about potential sexual encounters at the speaker's house.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[57:25 - 1.00:11]They share their personal experiences with Halloween costumes, including one controversial costume.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[1.00:11 - 1.01:43]One of the speakers mentions their plans to host a film night behind the paywall portion.

A youtube thumbnail wor All Streamers Are Red Flags | Fear&

[1.00:54 - 1.02:10]The conversation ends with a lighthearted exchange about potential sexual encounters at the speaker's house.