

Youtube profile pic for S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[00:00 - 01:57]They decide to leave Lady, the pony, behind and the furnace attempts to communicate with her before leaving.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[00:28 - 02:39]The Faye Court is influenced by the rageful instincts of the furnace, but the group manages to escape and take the piece with them using a magical paper.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[01:34 - 02:22]The furnace realizes he has killed many animals in the past, and now wants to save their spirits.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[02:39 - 03:42]The Faye Court is influenced by the rageful instincts of the furnace, but the group manages to escape and take the piece with them using a magical paper.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[03:42 - 04:29]Lady reveals she is just hungry and the group decides to leave quickly.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[04:03 - 04:17]The group uses a powerful core to enhance the furnace's abilities and regain his memories.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[04:17 - 05:26]The furnace realizes he has killed many animals in the past, and now wants to save their spirits.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[04:30 - 06:13]The turtle dragon reveals that he remembers the group and is now under the influence of the furnace.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[04:42 - 06:07]The group uses a powerful core to enhance the furnace's abilities and regain his memories.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[06:14 - 07:12]The furnace realizes he has killed many animals in the past, and now wants to save their spirits.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[08:06 - 10:35]The turtle dragon is freed and the group rides him back to their ship.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[08:45 - 09:58]The Faye Court is influenced by the rageful instincts of the furnace, but the group manages to escape and take the piece with them using a magical paper.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[09:14 - 09:31]The furnace realizes he has killed many animals in the past, and now wants to save their spirits.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[10:06 - 10:47]The turtle dragon is freed and the group rides him back to their ship.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[10:35 - 12:57]Lady reveals she is just hungry and the group decides to leave quickly.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[10:47 - 11:26]They decide to leave Lady, the pony, behind and the furnace attempts to communicate with her before leaving.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[11:47 - 12:51]Lady reveals she is just hungry and the group decides to leave quickly.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[12:22 - 13:06]They encounter a red dragon and continue their journey

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[12:30 - 14:17]The group decides to leave and go on an adventure

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[13:58 - 14:56]They receive a third piece of a manual and realize it is complete

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[14:56 - 18:47]They see a drawing of a village and realize it is their hometown

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[16:33 - 17:19]They learn that the village has gone downhill since they left

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[17:27 - 18:57]They receive a third piece of a manual and realize it is complete

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[18:18 - 19:37]They encounter a red dragon and continue their journey

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[18:30 - 20:50]The turtle dragon takes them to the village and they are greeted by happy goblins

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[19:09 - 19:15]Bug learns that his name is actually a celebration of his strength

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[19:50 - 20:38]The people in the village do not like Linda, who stole from them

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[20:50 - 23:06]They see a statue of Bug and are welcomed by his brother and friends

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[21:07 - 22:23]They learn that the village has gone downhill since they left

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[21:49 - 24:09]They see a statue of Bug and are welcomed by his brother and friends

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[22:36 - 25:06]Bug learns that his name is actually a celebration of his strength

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[23:23 - 24:03]They see a statue of Bug and are welcomed by his brother and friends

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[24:31 - 25:24]Bug asks if he can use a spell called "thunderclap" on his enemies

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[25:24 - 27:09]Nestor, another brother, comes to talk to Bug and his friends

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[25:40 - 26:47]Chester, Bug's brother, dies in the attack

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[26:12 - 26:53]Bug asks if he can use a spell called "thunderclap" on his enemies

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[26:54 - 29:06]They head towards their next destination.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[27:43 - 31:05]Nestor, another brother, comes to talk to Bug and his friends

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[29:25 - 29:37]They use the key card at a statue of Bug to uncover a secret about the village

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[30:07 - 32:33]Nestor, another brother, comes to talk to Bug and his friends

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[31:24 - 31:55]They head towards their next destination.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[32:33 - 33:10]Nestor gives them an emerald and a key card from their parents

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[32:51 - 35:15]They use the key card at a statue of Bug to uncover a secret about the village

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[33:41 - 35:01]The group discusses their past, including a friend named Reno who they do not talk about

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[34:39 - 38:21]The group is resting in front of a statue that opens to reveal a sleek iron staircase leading to a futuristic village built in a canyon.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[38:21 - 39:38]They are preparing to enter the village and face the CEO, who is the leader of True Neutral.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[39:38 - 41:45]Nestor, a young boy from the group's hometown, arrives with a bag containing powerful weapons from their parents.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[41:46 - 44:37]Bug summons a war horse named Bed to join them.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[43:31 - 45:25]The group is resting in front of a statue that opens to reveal a sleek iron staircase leading to a futuristic village built in a canyon.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[44:38 - 46:16]Nestor, a young boy from the group's hometown, arrives with a bag containing powerful weapons from their parents.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[45:26 - 46:11]They find enough fragmentation grenades for everyone and Dolores improvises a makeshift belt to carry them.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[45:34 - 47:08]The group is resting in front of a statue that opens to reveal a sleek iron staircase leading to a futuristic village built in a canyon.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[46:11 - 46:51]They see a flicker of light at the end and realize it's a huge window overlooking a ship docking station.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[46:31 - 47:29]The group sees rows of Fern Z units, all standing in salute, and upgraded CEO addressing them.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[47:10 - 48:29]They are preparing to enter the village and face the CEO, who is the leader of True Neutral.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[47:42 - 48:18]The group goes down the hallway and comes across another set of double doors.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[47:48 - 49:13]Nestor, a young boy from the group's hometown, arrives with a bag containing powerful weapons from their parents.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[48:19 - 48:29]The group sees rows of Fern Z units, all standing in salute, and upgraded CEO addressing them.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[48:43 - 49:13]They see a flicker of light at the end and realize it's a huge window overlooking a ship docking station.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[49:15 - 51:06]Ferny uses their abilities to determine that there must be a control unit for the Fern Z units near the power source.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[49:24 - 49:30]The group goes down the hallway and comes across another set of double doors.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[49:24 - 51:29]Someone casts True Strike on one of the machines.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[49:48 - 51:14]Furnace throws his chain at one of the robots, successfully hitting it.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[49:48 - 51:37]The group notices many barrels of glowing green liquid being loaded onto three giant ships.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[49:57 - 51:37]The group successfully defeats all of the robots without damaging the machines in front of them.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[50:25 - 51:29]They see a flicker of light at the end and realize it's a huge window overlooking a ship docking station.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[51:38 - 52:42]They break the window and see a hundred foot drop below.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[51:38 - 55:31]Someone casts True Strike on one of the machines.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[52:43 - 53:40]They throw grenades towards the green barrels, causing explosions and pointing the way to the hallway leading to the core room.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[52:57 - 53:29]Another person suggests using grenades to blow things up.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[53:40 - 54:57]The group enters a staircase that leads to a long hallway, which is used for cargo.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[53:40 - 54:57]The group successfully defeats all of the robots without damaging the machines in front of them.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[53:47 - 54:44]Furnace then uses his machine gun to destroy another robot.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[53:57 - 54:02]The group decides to use the war horse as a method of transportation.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[53:57 - 55:18]The group goes down the hallway and comes across another set of double doors.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[54:59 - 55:25]They see a long hallway with four Fern Z units and unknown machines.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[55:13 - 56:44]Furnace then uses his machine gun to destroy another robot.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[55:50 - 57:26]Someone casts True Strike on one of the machines.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[56:44 - 58:14]Dolores uses Eldridge Blast to destroy one of the robots.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[57:15 - 1.00:15]Someone casts True Strike on one of the machines.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[57:42 - 1.00:21]Furnace then uses his machine gun to destroy another robot.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[59:33 - 1.01:59]Someone casts True Strike on one of the machines.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[1.01:25 - 1.02:06]Coda then uses Eldridge Blast to finish off the injured robot.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[1.01:49 - 1.02:12]Group notices that their electricity interferes with the green electricity from the robot's core

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[1.02:07 - 1.02:36]One person demonstrates how to ride the war horse.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[1.02:12 - 1.07:00]They find a group of motorcycles and decide to each ride one, with one person riding a horse as well

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[1.02:37 - 1.03:14]Dolores uses Eldridge Blast to destroy one of the robots.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[1.07:00 - 1.09:19]They come across a barrier made of motorcycles and use a grenade to destroy them

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[1.08:54 - 1.10:49]Battle begins between the group and the cronged on

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[1.10:15 - 1.10:32]They are interrupted by the appearance of a battered and bruised helmetless cronged on, who reveals he is now a freelancer and working for them

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[1.10:49 - 1.12:08]They drive through a set of automatic doors, causing some damage to themselves and the doors

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[1.11:54 - 1.13:23]They enter a smaller room with multiple doors, including one labeled "stolen core containment" and one labeled "treasure room"

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E6 Bug's Homecoming | Sword AF

[1.12:58 - 1.13:49]They are interrupted by the appearance of a battered and bruised helmetless cronged on, who reveals he is now a freelancer and working for them