

Youtube profile pic for WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203


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[00:00 - 00:11] Joey receives a lovey-dovey message while drunk and replies in the same style

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[00:11 - 00:32]He wakes up to find out he accidentally sent the message to his editor, Alan

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[00:11 - 00:32]Alan promises to keep it a secret and never mentions it again

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[01:09 - 01:15]They drink Trash Taste beer on the podcast, which is only available in Australia

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[03:06 - 03:13]They discuss the logistics of the beer's availability and how much they want to drink

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[04:32 - 04:37]Joey and Garnt talk about playing Chrono Trigger and its short length compared to other JRPGs

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[04:32 - 04:37]Garnt praises Chrono Trigger's storytelling and handling of time travel

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[06:11 - 06:19]They briefly mention the Trails series and how long it takes to get invested in it

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[06:51 - 06:56]Garnt is a big fan of the game and talks about the characters he likes

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[00:00 - 07:27]Joey accidentally sends a lovey-dovey message while drunk, and they drink Trash Taste beer on the podcast while discussing their love for Chrono Trigger and its unique storytelling.

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[13:48 - 13:53]Discussion about the game Chrono Trigger and its use of time travel

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[14:01 - 14:14]Comparison to other games and anime

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[14:01 - 14:14]Mention of other JRPGs, including Persona 3 Reload

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[14:01 - 14:14]Discussion of the gameplay in Persona 3 Reload and its improvements in Persona 5

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[14:01 - 14:14]Mention of multiple endings in Persona 3 Reload

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[14:01 - 14:14]Discussion of the enjoyment of the game and the different ways to play it

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[14:01 - 14:14]Mention of potential spoilers and plot twists in Persona 3 Reload

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[14:01 - 14:14]Mention of the game Chrono Cross and its convoluted storyline

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[14:01 - 14:14]Mention of the game Chrono Cross and its convoluted storyline

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[07:27 - 14:14]Discussion about the game Chrono Trigger and its use of time travel, including comparisons to other games and anime. Mention of other JRPGs, specifically Persona 3 Reload, and discussion of its gameplay and multiple endings. Overall discussion about the enjoyment and different ways to play JRPGs, as well as mention of potential spoilers and plot twists. Brief mention of the game Chrono Cross and its convoluted storyline, leading to a final discussion about JRPGs and their fans.

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[14:32 - 14:38]Person talking about Final Fantasy and JRPGs, mentions not having enough free time to play

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[15:09 - 15:19]Talks about differences between Rebirth and Remake

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[15:26 - 15:45]Mentions side quests, particularly the card game in Rebirth

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[18:42 - 18:56]Talks about the original game and its magic, but acknowledges that it may be difficult for younger players to go back to it

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[19:03 - 19:09]Mentions rumors of remakes for Final Fantasy 9 and 10

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[19:39 - 19:46]Talks about wanting to play 10, 9, or 6 next, but unsure due to length

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[20:19 - 20:25]Mentions using "how long to beat" for streaming purposes

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[20:53 - 20:58]Notes that JRPGs may not be as popular for streaming as other games

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[14:15 - 21:22]Person discusses Final Fantasy and JRPGs, mentioning lack of free time, differences between Rebirth and Remake, side quests, rumors of remakes for Final Fantasy 9 and 10, and considering playing 10, 9, or 6 next.

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[23:24 - 23:30] Content creator discusses streaming and the games they enjoy playing

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[24:28 - 24:33]They mention Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, and other JRPGs

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[26:27 - 26:38]They mention specific games they've played and their experiences with them

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[26:38 - 26:47]They talk about challenges in making YouTube videos and streaming games

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[26:48 - 26:59]They discuss their editing process for videos and working with an editor

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[27:00 - 27:05]They mention a sponsored ad for MeUndies

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[21:23 - 27:58]Content creator discusses their experiences with streaming and making YouTube videos, including their love for JRPGs and specific games they've played, as well as their editing process and working with an editor. They also mention a sponsored ad for MeUndies.

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[28:04 - 28:09] The speaker discusses a brand called Me Undies and offers a discount.

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[29:55 - 30:06]They mention a game called Near Automata and its multiple endings.

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[32:05 - 32:10]They discuss a game called Void Stranger and its confusing story.

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[34:17 - 34:24]The speaker mentions talking to John about the game and realizing they were playing different versions.

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[34:38 - 34:53]The game is knowledge-based and requires knowledge to progress.

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[27:58 - 35:08]The speaker summarizes that the audio is a discussion about Me Undies and two video games, Near Automata and Void Stranger, and how knowledge is important in the latter game.

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[35:08 - 35:13] The speaker discusses a game that is difficult to complete without a guide.

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[35:13 - 35:19]They mention a puzzle that was particularly challenging and required a guide to complete.

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[35:19 - 35:28]The speaker had live consultations with viewers to try and solve the puzzle, but no one could figure it out.

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[35:28 - 35:34]They looked at the solution and found it frustrating.

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[36:01 - 36:06]They mention that many Finnish games feature suicide as an ability.

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[36:07 - 36:14]The speaker praises Finnish game developers for their creativity and unique experiences.

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[37:21 - 37:27]The speaker then transitions to discussing another game, "Fear and Hunger," and their experience streaming it.

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[37:21 - 37:27]The speaker shares their love for the game and its world, and mentions that it has been a memorable experience for them.

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[37:21 - 37:27]They talk about the difficulty of finding a game that gives them the same level of excitement and newness as "Fear and Hunger."

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[39:19 - 39:32]They mention that they played the game after being inspired by a video by another content creator.

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[41:17 - 41:23]The speaker reflects on the past days of gaming where there were no internet tutorials or strategies available.

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[41:41 - 41:48]They mention an old NES game called "Mystery of Convoy" and how it was considered one of the most difficult games at the time.

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[41:49 - 42:01]The speaker discusses how people can now easily beat the game due to the abundance of strategies and information available.

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[35:08 - 42:24]The speaker discusses a difficult game that required a guide to complete, praises Finnish game developers and their unique experiences, and reflects on the past days of gaming without internet tutorials.

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[42:24 - 42:36]Gathered at friend's house to test rumors about video games

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[42:36 - 42:42]Miss the mystique of discovering things on our own

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[42:42 - 42:48]Can now easily find solutions and speedruns on YouTube

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[43:11 - 43:18]Would often show others how to play and join in on their credits

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[43:19 - 43:27]Remember playing Metal Slug 3 with the speaker

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[43:35 - 43:42]Used to play Metal Slug and was addicted to it

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[43:42 - 43:52]Was able to beat the game on one credit at the arcade

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[43:58 - 44:04]Also addicted to Time Crisis, could beat it with two credits

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[44:35 - 44:45]Sony is releasing an auto play function for certain video games

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[45:18 - 45:24]Gamers have grown up with less time and want to shut off and experience the game

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[46:06 - 46:19]Accessibility options are important for all players

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[46:43 - 46:54]Some gamers have knee jerk reactions to any changes in gaming

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[47:06 - 47:17]Auto play function could be useful for replaying certain sections of a game

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[48:15 - 48:21]Skipped episodes of TV shows before, but not with Invincible

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[48:51 - 49:13]Enjoy the ripple consequences and seed planting in Invincible

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[49:26 - 49:34]Wish there was less focus on romance in the show

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[42:24 - 49:34]The speaker reminisces about playing video games with friends, missing the mystique of discovering things on their own, and being able to beat games like Metal Slug and Time Crisis. They discuss Sony's upcoming auto play function and the importance of accessibility options. They also mention skipping episodes of TV shows and appreciate the ripple consequences and seed planting in Invincible, though they wish there was less focus on romance in the show.

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[49:34 - 49:45] The speaker talks about their realization about not being able to get into Western or live action romances.

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[50:59 - 51:04]They suggest that love is "cringe" and messy, but women seem to enjoy it.

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[52:23 - 52:28]The speaker discovers old saved Skype logs of themselves and their partner and cringes at their past romantic conversations.

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[52:57 - 53:04]They argue that real romance is too messy and cringe to watch, especially when viewed from a third person perspective.

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[54:39 - 55:02]The speaker shares a personal story about accidentally sending a lovey-dovey message to their editor while drunk.

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[55:56 - 56:12]They explain that they prefer anime romance because it feels more idealized and unrealistic.

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[56:23 - 56:41]The speaker brings up the show Invincible and how it does a good job of portraying messy and uncomfortable romance.

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[56:52 - 57:01]They express frustration with the show being split into two parts, making the romance scenes feel like a waste of time.

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[49:34 - 57:31]In the end, the speaker argues that romance in shows is meant to be messy and uncomfortable, but it ultimately highlights the characters' feelings and impact.

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[58:45 - 58:55]The speaker and their conversation partner discuss a list of popular anime ships in Japan.

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[58:55 - 59:01]They mention that the top 20 ships are mostly non-heterosexual pairings.

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[59:32 - 59:41]They reference a popularity poll from the manga Free Ren, and discuss how the character Himmel did not confess his feelings for Free Ren.

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.01:02 - 1.01:07]They briefly mention the show Bleach and talk about one of the characters, Stark, and his relationships with two female characters.

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.02:04 - 1.02:10]The speaker praises the show Free Ren for its well-written characters and their flaws.

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[1.04:54 - 1.05:01]The speaker expresses frustration with Himmel's actions and believes he should have asked Free Ren about her feelings.

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[1.04:54 - 1.05:01]The conversation ends with the speaker criticizing Himmel for not communicating his feelings and ultimately dying single because of it.

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[57:31 - 1.05:01]The speaker and their conversation partner discuss popular anime ships in Japan and reference a popularity poll from the manga Free Ren. They also discuss a character named Himmel and criticize his lack of communication about his feelings for a female character. They praise the show Free Ren for its well-written characters and flaws, and end with criticism for Himmel's actions.

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.09:51 - 1.10:10] A group of friends is discussing a character named "Free Rent" who is socially awkward but relatable

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.10:24 - 1.10:32]They praise the writing of the character and the empathy shown towards social awkwardness

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.10:24 - 1.10:32]The group discusses the difficulty of writing teenage characters and how they become harder to relate to as they get older

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.10:37 - 1.10:44]They mention a character from the show Invincible who is in college but still relatable

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.10:51 - 1.11:03]The group talks about how they can now relate to older characters in their 40s

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.11:39 - 1.11:47]The conversation ends with praise for an older character named "the old guy" who is well-liked

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.05:01 - 1.11:47]In summary, the group discusses a relatable and well-written socially awkward character and how they can now relate to older characters as they get older.

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.11:48 - 1.11:53] The discussion starts with the topic of the old magic guy with a monocle and beard.

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.12:17 - 1.12:24]They express their love for his character and how he was initially thought to be hated but turned out to be the sanest one in the room.

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.12:24 - 1.12:30]The show's strong character writing is praised.

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[1.13:26 - 1.13:32]The last arc of the show is mentioned and some criticism is expressed for it being too long.

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[1.14:20 - 1.14:27]The introduction of the character known as "armpit lady" is discussed and her purpose as fan service is mentioned.

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[1.17:19 - 1.17:29]The changing attitudes towards fan service in recent times is discussed.

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[1.17:40 - 1.17:47]The question is raised whether a shot of Freeran's feet counts as fan service.

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[1.18:25 - 1.18:30]One of the speakers admits to wearing socks in bed.

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.18:46 - 1.18:56]The discussion ends with a humorous remark about going undercover with socks.

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.11:48 - 1.18:56]The discussion centers around a beloved character and the changing attitudes towards fan service, ultimately praising the show's strong character writing.

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.19:05 - 1.19:11]Person has a problem with their body temperature and circulation, specifically with their feet being cold and sweaty

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.20:29 - 1.20:38]They have a preference for wearing socks and taking them off when they get too hot

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.21:49 - 1.21:55]They discuss their preferences for wearing socks and not wearing pants at home

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[1.22:11 - 1.22:17]One person likes to wear pants while the other prefers to not wear them at all

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.23:35 - 1.23:44]They also discuss their preferences for sleeping with or without clothes on

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.25:43 - 1.25:49]They do not understand the need for pajamas and find them unnecessary

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.25:49 - 1.25:55]They suggest phasing out pajamas altogether

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.18:56 - 1.25:55]Overall, they have a strong preference for being comfortable and not constricted by clothing, especially at home.

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[1.25:55 - 1.26:01]Phased out pajama hats

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[1.26:01 - 1.26:11]Hats are cool but not practical

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.26:19 - 1.26:26]Hats are good for hair and head protection while sleeping

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.27:04 - 1.27:12]Discussion about the possibility of dolphins having sex with humans

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.27:12 - 1.27:25]Otters and dolphins have sex for pleasure

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[1.27:25 - 1.27:35]Argument that animals who have sex for pleasure also have mental capacity to make art

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[1.29:27 - 1.29:39]Mention of playing Earthbound video game

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[1.29:46 - 1.29:52]Earthbound was never officially translated into English

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[1.29:46 - 1.29:52]Creator of Mother 3 has not done an English translation

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[1.30:41 - 1.30:49]Lucas from Mother 3 is a character in Super Smash Bros.

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.31:39 - 1.31:48]Discussion of the importance of being in the right mood for watching shows or movies

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.32:31 - 1.32:41]Mention of other sci-fi movies like Ex Machina

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.32:51 - 1.33:01]Watching Blade Runner 2046 and feeling immersed in the sci-fi world

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.32:51 - 1.33:01]Watching Blade Runner in theaters and being confused

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[1.33:02 - 1.33:08]Leaving the movie feeling confused and not knowing how to Google it

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[1.25:55 - 1.33:15]The speaker discusses various topics such as phasing out pajama hats, the possibility of dolphins having sex with humans, and the importance of being in the right mood for watching shows and movies. They also mention playing the Earthbound video game and watching Blade Runner 2046 and Ex Machina in a sci-fi mood.

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.33:16 - 1.33:22]The speaker discusses watching a movie as a child

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[1.33:42 - 1.33:48]They mention Harrison Ford and the original movie

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[1.33:42 - 1.33:48]They discuss the actor's involvement in the current movie

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[1.34:30 - 1.34:39]The speaker talks about the expectation they have for media

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.34:30 - 1.34:39]They mention their mindset of wanting to not waste time with media

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.36:28 - 1.36:33]They mention watching Blade Runner and X Machina

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.36:39 - 1.36:52]The speaker talks about finding the right mood for media

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.37:15 - 1.37:28]They mention the manga 20th Century Boys and their approach to reading it

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.38:10 - 1.38:19]The speaker discusses their approach to consuming media

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.39:39 - 1.39:47]The speaker talks about their interest in urban planning and playing Risk online

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.40:37 - 1.40:43]They mention playing Civilization 2 with friends in high school

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.33:16 - 1.40:43]The speaker discusses their overall approach to consuming media and finding the right mood for it

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[1.40:43 - 1.40:49] The speaker discusses how they have made a lot of good content and don't have enough time to stream it all.

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.40:50 - 1.40:55]They mention wanting to stream a new RPG on their second channel.

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.41:30 - 1.41:35]They express interest in streaming the game Undertale and talk about the different endings.

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.44:13 - 1.44:25]The speaker talks about their limitations with streaming, including their stamina and need for time to wind down.

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.46:05 - 1.46:12]They mention sacrificing streaming in order to focus on other projects.

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.47:01 - 1.47:09]The speaker prefers recording videos for their second channel because it allows them time to research and fact-check.

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.47:14 - 1.47:21]They discuss the distractions of having a live chat during streams.

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.47:34 - 1.47:46]The speaker mentions their focus on delivering their message when they know there is a chat present.

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.40:43 - 1.47:58]The speaker discusses their content creation process and limitations with streaming, including their preference for recording videos for their second channel and the distractions of a live chat.

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.48:00 - 1.48:07]Joey is focused on the present and is confident in his words

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.48:13 - 1.48:18]He is envious of other streamers who can stream without getting tired

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.48:18 - 1.48:24]He sometimes finishes streaming and feels like he hasn't accomplished anything

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.48:24 - 1.48:37]Streaming multiple days in a row drains him and makes him feel like he's losing his soul

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.48:48 - 1.48:55]One time he had nightmares about streaming and forgetting to turn it off

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.48:48 - 1.48:55]Connor once forgot to turn his stream off, but just had a black screen and still made money

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.50:04 - 1.50:12]Some streamers exploit their contracts by streaming for the required hours without actually providing content

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.51:03 - 1.51:09]This gives streamers a bad reputation for being lazy and unreliable

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.52:20 - 1.52:26]The Trash Taste Pale Ale is delicious and smooth on the tongue, with a hoppy and berry flavor profile

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.53:27 - 1.53:33]They upload weekly behind the scenes and extra content on Patreon

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.53:27 - 1.53:33]They also have a subreddit and are on Spotify

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.53:39 - 1.53:45]They discuss whether they wear socks to bed or not (Joey does, Garnt doesn't, Connor sometimes does)

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.54:02 - 1.54:08]They will be back in Japan for the next episode

A youtube thumbnail wor WE GOT DRUNK WITH OUR OWN BEER | Trash Taste #203

[1.48:00 - 1.54:10]Overall, they had a fun time drinking the beer and discussing various topics.