

Youtube profile pic for OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[00:00 - 00:16]The podcast starts with confusion and discussion about whether or not they are recording.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[00:16 - 00:39]They mention Toast is not present due to quarantine and he will not be hosting until it is over.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[00:39 - 01:14]They discuss their recent activities, including Lily getting into music, Michael working on a video for 12 hours a day, and Scar's life remaining unchanged.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[01:14 - 02:53]The topic of Enneagrams and personality tests is brought up, with Scar expressing his dislike for them.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[02:53 - 03:06]The podcast starts with confusion and discussion about whether or not they are recording.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[03:06 - 03:56]They discuss their previous jobs, including Lily being a kumu instructor and Michael and Scar attending Kumu classes as children.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[03:12 - 04:09]They mention attending religious classes on the weekends and after school programs during the week.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[03:57 - 04:45]They discuss their previous jobs, including Lily being a kumu instructor and Michael and Scar attending Kumu classes as children.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[04:22 - 04:39]The topic of Enneagrams and personality tests is brought up, with Scar expressing his dislike for them.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[04:45 - 06:03]They mention attending religious classes on the weekends and after school programs during the week.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[05:32 - 06:58]They also worked at a Chinese company, but only as an intern doing menial tasks.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[05:40 - 06:53]They were forced to go to the library every day for volunteer hours and homework.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[06:58 - 08:42]The speaker's mom wanted them to have hands-on experience, so they went to a sweatshop but ended up not working there.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[09:01 - 09:21]The speaker's parents compared them to other Asian kids and always wanted them to do better.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[09:21 - 09:45]The speaker's mom was convinced they would get into a good college.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[09:45 - 10:46]They were forced to go to the library every day for volunteer hours and homework.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[10:46 - 11:36]The speaker's mom wanted them to have hands-on experience, so they went to a sweatshop but ended up not working there.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[11:36 - 12:56]The speaker's mom was convinced they would get into a good college.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[11:43 - 12:02]Overall, the speaker's parents had high expectations and pushed them to be successful, sometimes to the point of being overbearing.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[12:03 - 13:45]The speaker's mom also made them work at their family's restaurant as a waitress.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[13:22 - 13:33]They found the job to be difficult and overwhelming, but it gave them empathy and respect for people in the service industry.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[13:33 - 14:04]The speaker's mom also made them work at their family's restaurant as a waitress.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[14:05 - 14:33]The speaker dropped many things, leading to a conversation about weight balance.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[14:33 - 15:51]The customer was understanding and the speaker's mother helped diffuse the situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[15:52 - 16:42]The speaker talks about a tutoring job they had in college, where they ended up writing essays for a Korean man in exchange for Starbucks drinks.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[16:04 - 17:50]The speaker discusses dealing with entitled customers and how they can be frustrating.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[17:51 - 19:49]The speaker talks about a tutoring job they had in college, where they ended up writing essays for a Korean man in exchange for Starbucks drinks.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[19:50 - 22:02]One wealthy parent flew the speaker to a different island to help with a project and treated them to a nice steak dinner.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[20:49 - 22:29]The customer was understanding and the speaker's mother helped diffuse the situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[21:10 - 21:36]The speaker dropped many things, leading to a conversation about weight balance.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[22:02 - 22:21]The speaker still talks to a man who asked for a recommendation for a gaming PC for his daughter.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[22:21 - 23:10]The speaker jokes about dying young from overworking and electrocution.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[22:29 - 23:20]The speaker used to work long hours editing for Dom and would aim to make his videos better.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[22:36 - 24:05]The speaker once worked for a man named Dom before joining Offline.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[24:05 - 24:40]The speaker used to work long hours editing for Dom and would aim to make his videos better.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[24:27 - 26:10]Dom once got mad at the speaker for choosing a bad game to edit.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[25:01 - 25:37]The speaker used to work long hours editing for Dom and would aim to make his videos better.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[25:25 - 25:59]Dom once got mad at the speaker for choosing a bad game to edit.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[26:17 - 27:19]The speaker now enjoys working with the creative team at Offline.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[27:19 - 28:15]The speaker once did landscaping for a rich man in Maui.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[28:43 - 29:59]The speaker jokes about dying young from overworking and electrocution.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[28:43 - 30:56]The speaker talks about being in day five of quarantine and reflects on their previous thoughts about the coronavirus.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[28:51 - 29:54]The speaker initially thought the virus was a joke, but now the mayor of Los Angeles has shut down everything.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[28:51 - 30:22]The speaker believes that many people did not take the pandemic seriously, leading to its spread.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[28:58 - 30:15]The speaker mentions the mortality rate for different age groups and the possibility of being a carrier without showing symptoms.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[29:11 - 29:59]The speaker initially thought the virus was a joke, but now the mayor of Los Angeles has shut down everything.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[29:28 - 30:22]The speaker mentions the mortality rate for different age groups and the possibility of being a carrier without showing symptoms.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[30:22 - 30:44]The speaker does not regret anything and has been on the podcast for five years.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[30:27 - 30:33]The speaker once did landscaping for a rich man in Maui.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[30:27 - 31:32]The speaker mentions throwing a party at the end of March, but ultimately deciding against it due to the escalating situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[30:56 - 33:32]The speaker talks about how they are quarantining themselves, including using gloves to pick up food and washing their hands thoroughly.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[31:38 - 32:03]The speaker mentions throwing a party at the end of March, but ultimately deciding against it due to the escalating situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[32:23 - 32:44]They discuss their own precautions, including not interacting with anyone for five days and being careful about touching their face.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[32:50 - 33:38]The speaker mentions the mortality rate for different age groups and the possibility of being a carrier without showing symptoms.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[33:38 - 33:59]The speaker mentions throwing a party at the end of March, but ultimately deciding against it due to the escalating situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[33:59 - 34:36]They reflect on how quickly things have escalated and the impact on events like EDC, VidCon, and TwitchCon.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[34:06 - 34:12]The speaker talks about being in day five of quarantine and reflects on their previous thoughts about the coronavirus.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[34:37 - 35:47]The speaker also discusses their thoughts on the mortality rate and the virus being a "perfect disease" for this time in history.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[35:22 - 35:41]They mention people in Florida and Canada not taking the virus seriously and the impact of being an asymptomatic carrier.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[35:48 - 36:10]The speaker mentions the mortality rate for different age groups and the possibility of being a carrier without showing symptoms.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[36:32 - 37:12]The speaker talks about how they are quarantining themselves, including using gloves to pick up food and washing their hands thoroughly.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[37:12 - 37:58]They reflect on the idea of selling toilet paper at a higher price and mention the concept of sharing a cloth instead.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV PAST JOBS | OfflineTV Podcast #13

[39:35 - 39:57]The speaker ends by mentioning a funny video they saw and gives a brief outro.