

Youtube profile pic for SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4


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[00:00 - 01:58]Episode four of the podcast with guest Scarra

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[00:06 - 01:34]The group talks about the potential success of Sean selling his feet pics

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[01:58 - 02:16]Scarra shares his favorite theme song from Teen Titans Go

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[02:17 - 05:23]The hosts ask Scarra about his fursona, to which he responds with a dragon

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[02:46 - 03:26]The group discusses the difference between the English and Japanese versions of the theme song

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[03:49 - 05:03]He also shares that he still has nightmares about missing exams or being naked in class

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[04:16 - 04:54]The hosts then ask Scarra to do a "fursona transformation" to the camera, which he does reluctantly

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[05:10 - 05:51]He also shares that he still has nightmares about missing exams or being naked in class

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[05:52 - 07:58]Scarra shares an embarrassing story from his high school debate club days where he peed his pants during a competition

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[06:18 - 07:43]He also shares that he still has nightmares about missing exams or being naked in class

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[06:41 - 08:54]Scarra shares an embarrassing story from his high school debate club days where he peed his pants during a competition

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[08:19 - 12:06]He also shares that he still has nightmares about missing exams or being naked in class

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[11:02 - 12:15]The speaker discusses having vivid dreams, and the only one they remember is a scary one.

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[11:19 - 11:53]They mention taking ashwagandha and having weird dreams as a side effect.

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[11:29 - 12:26]Scarra mentions taking ashwagandha for his stress levels, prescribed by his naturopathic doctor.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[11:47 - 12:21]He also shares that he still has nightmares about missing exams or being naked in class

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[11:59 - 12:53]The dream caused the speaker to wake up in a cold sweat and feel their heartbeat racing.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[12:53 - 13:36]The speaker discusses having vivid dreams, and the only one they remember is a scary one.

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[14:31 - 15:36]The speaker and their friends watched a horror movie for a birthday celebration.

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[15:36 - 17:22]The speaker's room has attic access and they had to go up there, similar to a scene from the horror movie.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[17:22 - 17:55]The speaker does not like to take risks with potentially paranormal situations.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[17:43 - 18:22]The speaker's room has attic access and they had to go up there, similar to a scene from the horror movie.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[18:23 - 18:58]They debate with their friend about a movie scene from "Master of Disguise".

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[19:12 - 19:58]They mention watching part of a new podcast and enjoying the hosts' conversation skills.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[19:58 - 20:33]The speaker's friend tells them they are a "professional yapper" and the speaker admits to being a weep (likely referring to being a fan of Japanese anime/manga).

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[20:34 - 21:11]They mention a movie scene where a character talks with their lips moving up and down.

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[21:11 - 21:47]The speaker's favorite movie as a kid was "Warriors of Virtue".

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[21:31 - 21:55]The text ends with a humorous discussion about pronunciation and being a "cinema buff".

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[22:09 - 23:45]One speaker talks about how they used to read a lot of fiction, but now they mainly stick to manga.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[23:20 - 24:22]They mention a specific manga series that they both enjoy and recommend to others.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[24:22 - 26:25]One speaker talks about how they used to read a lot of fiction, but now they mainly stick to manga.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[26:07 - 26:32]The speaker talks about how they used to read a lot in college, even sometimes skipping studying to read.

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[26:32 - 27:31]They also mention how they used to sleep on the floor in college.

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[26:53 - 28:23]The conversation ends with the speaker talking about how they sometimes drop their phone while reading on public transportation, and their friend constantly catching them in this act.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[27:31 - 28:32]The conversation shifts to the topic of having a TV in the bedroom and how it can impact sleep.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[28:32 - 30:07]One speaker mentions they have a hard time falling asleep to TV, while the other can fall asleep anywhere.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[29:43 - 30:23]They discuss their different methods for falling asleep, with one using reading or watching something, and the other using their phone.

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[30:23 - 31:21]One speaker shares a unique experience of seeing lights stretch due to a stigmatism, and how it can indicate their level of tiredness.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[31:21 - 32:09]The conversation ends with the speaker talking about how they sometimes drop their phone while reading on public transportation, and their friend constantly catching them in this act.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[32:09 - 33:24]After the first or second time, the speaker realized they didn't learn much.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[32:32 - 32:42]They mention a past embarrassing moment that could be turned into a joke.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[32:42 - 33:04]They have a tendency to act goofy and dumb.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[32:47 - 35:16]They have learned humor from those around them.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[33:05 - 33:18]They try to learn a lot and acknowledge their own shortcomings.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[34:24 - 35:36]They have a tendency to act goofy and dumb.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[35:36 - 35:41]They have had to do a stand-up routine for a college course.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[35:41 - 36:04]After the first or second time, the speaker realized they didn't learn much.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[35:53 - 36:46]They discuss the differences in their humor styles.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[36:46 - 37:05]They have learned humor from those around them.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[37:05 - 38:35]They are terrified of performing in front of strangers.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[37:11 - 37:55]They mention their brother's failed attempt at stand-up comedy.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[38:11 - 39:54]They have had to do a stand-up routine for a college course.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[38:21 - 39:10]They are impressed by the professional approach of their friend's voice acting.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[39:54 - 40:28]They have had to do a stand-up routine for a college course.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[40:29 - 40:35]After the first or second time, the speaker realized they didn't learn much.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[40:35 - 41:13]They mention the difficulty of writing jokes.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[40:49 - 40:55]They have learned humor from those around them.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[41:14 - 43:32]They mention a past embarrassing moment that could be turned into a joke.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[41:49 - 43:14]The group discusses their experiences with karaoke, including going to bars and performing for strangers

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[42:49 - 42:55]They also talk about going to a karaoke bar during their younger years and how it was a fun experience

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[43:14 - 43:24]They praise the humor of their friend Lily.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[43:14 - 44:45]They mention wanting to do karaoke again, possibly at a bar, and the benefits of performing for strangers

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[43:33 - 44:03]They are terrified of performing in front of strangers.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[43:33 - 46:17]Sid doesn't like doing karaoke with a group because she prefers performing in front of strangers

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[43:39 - 43:45]After the first or second time, the speaker realized they didn't learn much.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[45:28 - 46:29]They mention wanting to do karaoke again, possibly at a bar, and the benefits of performing for strangers

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[46:30 - 47:11]The conversation shifts to discussing upcoming events, such as the release of "Arcane" and the re-release of "Lord of the Rings" in theaters

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[47:11 - 48:46]They talk about their excitement for these events and how they plan to watch the trilogy in theaters

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[48:46 - 49:14]The group also discusses dressing up and getting into character for the "Bar Maidens" experience at a Renaissance fair

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[48:55 - 50:12]They mention trying different drinks and weapons, and discuss how this experience may be a scientific experiment for some of them

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[49:01 - 49:14]Options include dragon, grunge fairy elf, fox girl

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[49:15 - 50:04]Toast is suggested as a potential performer for this stunt

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[49:23 - 49:39]The conversation takes a humorous turn as the group discusses the idea of peeing and pooping on stream as a power move and pushing boundaries

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[50:05 - 50:41]Group discusses potential costume ideas for a Renaissance fair

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[50:12 - 51:54]The group also discusses dressing up and getting into character for the "Bar Maidens" experience at a Renaissance fair

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[50:18 - 51:40]Group discusses the potential experience of attending a furry convention

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[50:42 - 51:06]The conversation ends with a lighthearted reference to The Lion King and the circle of life.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[51:40 - 52:04]Group discusses the potential experience of attending a furry convention

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[52:04 - 53:39]Scarra shares a story about a high school lockdown due to a student larping on school property

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[52:19 - 52:26]Toast is suggested as a potential performer for this stunt

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[52:36 - 53:46]Scarra shares a story about a high school lockdown due to a student larping on school property

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[53:46 - 54:12]Group discusses the potential experience of attending a furry convention

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[54:12 - 54:43]Discussion of furries and furry conventions ensues

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[54:43 - 55:21]Group discusses the potential experience of attending a furry convention

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[54:49 - 56:01]The conversation circles back to the topic of furries and furry conventions, with the group discussing potential famous furries and signings at conventions

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[56:02 - 56:08]Toast is suggested as a potential attendee due to his love for heights and spectacle

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[56:08 - 58:07]The conversation takes a humorous turn as the group discusses the idea of peeing and pooping on stream as a power move and pushing boundaries

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[57:26 - 58:47]Scarra suggests the idea of skydiving and catching pee in a cup as a potential stunt for Red Bull

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[58:07 - 59:00]Toast is suggested as a potential attendee due to his love for heights and spectacle

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[59:00 - 1.00:22]The conversation takes a humorous turn as the group discusses the idea of peeing and pooping on stream as a power move and pushing boundaries

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[1.00:22 - 1.00:53]The conversation circles back to the topic of costumes for the Renaissance fair, with Scarra joking about using the same washer and dryer as Sid's dog who pees on everything

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[1.00:54 - 1.02:02]The speaker and others discuss their favorite Disney movies, including Wall-E, Bambi, Snow White, and The Little Mermaid.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[1.01:01 - 1.01:08]The conversation shifts to how they went from "shitting their pants" to loving The Lion King.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[1.02:02 - 1.02:43]They also mention Pixar movies, such as Shrek and Toy Story.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[1.02:43 - 1.03:22]The group talks about the rise in popularity of Crocs and how they went from being "ugly" to cool.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[1.03:05 - 1.04:16]They mention various collaborations with Crocs, including a Sesame Street collection and a Spongebob collaboration.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[1.03:33 - 1.04:58]The group discusses the origin of the term "jibbitz" for the decorations on Crocs.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[1.04:58 - 1.05:22]The speaker shares their favorite fashion collaboration with Crocs, a pair of platform sandals.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[1.05:22 - 1.06:05]The group discusses the origin of the term "jibbitz" for the decorations on Crocs.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[1.06:05 - 1.07:42]The conversation shifts to manga and anime, and the speaker recommends Chainsaw Man and Fullmetal Alchemist.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[1.06:14 - 1.07:12]The speaker talks about Amanda's crazy podcast ideas and how they often lead to getting in trouble.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[1.06:37 - 1.08:45]The conversation shifts to manga and anime, and the speaker recommends Chainsaw Man and Fullmetal Alchemist.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[1.06:56 - 1.09:48]They mention how reading manga is like reverting back to their childhood.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[1.09:18 - 1.09:36]The speaker talks about their podcast with Peter, where they discuss manga and anime.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[1.09:36 - 1.12:55]The conversation shifts to manga and anime, and the speaker recommends Chainsaw Man and Fullmetal Alchemist.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[1.11:01 - 1.11:38]The group jokes about their podcast ideas and how they often involve illegal activities.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[1.11:38 - 1.12:30]The speaker talks about their podcast with Peter, where they discuss manga and anime.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[1.12:31 - 1.14:22]They mention the idea for a podcast where they rip apart a Costco chicken and discuss life.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[1.12:55 - 1.13:21]The group jokes about their podcast ideas and how they often involve illegal activities.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[1.14:22 - 1.15:03]The speaker talks about Amanda's crazy podcast ideas and how they often lead to getting in trouble.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[1.15:03 - 1.15:30]The podcast ends with the group wrapping up and discussing the patreon portion of the episode.

A youtube thumbnail wor SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

[1.15:14 - 1.15:26]The speaker talks about their podcast with Peter, where they discuss manga and anime.