

Youtube profile pic for LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

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[00:00 - 01:12]The group introduces themselves and talks about partnering with Postmates for food delivery.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[00:14 - 01:40]Peter introduces himself as a variety streamer on Twitch and talks about the length of his streaming career.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[01:12 - 01:55]They discuss ordering food from a restaurant called "Novelty" and joke about Peter's name starting with the letter "P."

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[02:18 - 03:18]Peter says he is waiting for someone to open the door, mentions being a "muggle" and talks about killing insects in his household.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[02:29 - 03:59]The group discusses whether humanity is inherently good or evil, and if free will exists.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[03:59 - 06:02]They also talk about the idea of immortality and having the option to choose when to die.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[05:34 - 05:47]The conversation turns to the idea of being preserved as a celebrity head, which the group agrees would not be ideal.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[06:02 - 07:24]They also talk about the idea of immortality and having the option to choose when to die.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[07:24 - 08:39]Peter shares a story about being hosted by a popular streamer who is much younger and talks about the future of streaming.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[09:09 - 10:42]They discuss the possibility of uploading consciousness into an AI and the importance of having the option to die.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[09:50 - 11:15]Peter shares a spoiler about an anime called "Psychopaths" and discusses the concept of a society ruled by a network of brains.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[11:15 - 11:51]The conversation turns to the idea of being preserved as a celebrity head, which the group agrees would not be ideal.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[11:54 - 14:12]They mention their toilet paper holder and how they thought it was a hand towel holder until someone else pointed it out.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[14:12 - 15:26]The speaker reveals their biggest irrational fear is thinking about their own mortality.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[14:54 - 16:33]They discuss horror movie tropes and the fear of seeing something move in a mirror.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[15:26 - 15:51]Another person mentions their fear of mirrors.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[16:33 - 17:47]The speaker talks about their fear of sleepwalking and how they used to do it frequently.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[17:47 - 20:09]They mention a time when someone peeked over the stall while they were using the bathroom.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[19:03 - 19:50]They discuss the strangest things they did as children, such as jumping down a flight of stairs to try and fly.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[19:18 - 19:55]They mention a time when someone peeked over the stall while they were using the bathroom.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[20:09 - 21:14]They discuss the strangest things they did as children, such as jumping down a flight of stairs to try and fly.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[21:22 - 22:44]The speaker reveals a repressed memory of trying to fly and crying when they realized they couldn't.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[21:28 - 22:11]The speaker attempted to start a boy band in elementary school but it didn't work out.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[21:28 - 23:34]They discuss the strangest things they did as children, such as jumping down a flight of stairs to try and fly.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[21:44 - 22:23]They tried to be like the Asian Backstreet Boys of their elementary school.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[22:23 - 22:44]The speaker's memories before the age of 13 are blurry.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[22:44 - 23:34]Their mom would often mention things they did when they were younger, like doing something disgusting on the playground.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[23:34 - 26:41]The speaker remembers other kids at their elementary school talking about "pooping bandits" who would smear feces on the walls and draw hieroglyphs.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[25:22 - 26:09]They witnessed a senior student snorting cocaine in their first period art class.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[26:09 - 26:23]The speaker's table at lunch was known for liking anime and being quiet and introverted.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[26:41 - 26:57]The speaker's memories before the age of 13 are blurry.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[26:57 - 28:03]The speaker's high school had a mix of local and magnet programs.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[28:03 - 29:09]They remember having a lot of freedom and wealth in high school, with some students having expensive cars and two different cafeterias.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[29:09 - 29:52]The speaker's high school had a mix of local and magnet programs.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[29:52 - 30:39]They witnessed a senior student snorting cocaine in their first period art class.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[30:04 - 30:09]The speaker's table at lunch was known for liking anime and being quiet and introverted.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[30:39 - 31:49]The speaker's high school had fights and riots, but not as many as they initially expected.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[31:49 - 32:52]They remember having a lot of freedom and wealth in high school, with some students having expensive cars and two different cafeterias.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[32:00 - 32:11]They tried to be like the Asian Backstreet Boys of their elementary school.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[32:52 - 33:36]They remember having a lot of freedom and wealth in high school, with some students having expensive cars and two different cafeterias.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[33:36 - 34:42]They attempted to join an anime club in college but it was not what they expected.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[33:58 - 34:03]Their mom would often mention things they did when they were younger, like doing something disgusting on the playground.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[33:58 - 34:42]Lily and others discuss their experiences with a certain activity, but Lily no longer has interest in it.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[34:23 - 34:52]Lily mentions having a couple of reasons for her lack of interest.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[34:23 - 35:04]The speaker's memories before the age of 13 are blurry.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[34:52 - 35:55]They discuss their happiness and how they have found success in their current endeavors.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[35:20 - 35:35]The speaker struggled with finding a career path after graduation.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[35:20 - 35:49]The group reflects on their past and present lives, discussing the ups and downs of being a public figure.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[35:55 - 36:28]Lily talks about how she has been lucky to have a good friend group in the industry.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[36:28 - 37:39]The group jokes about being racist and sexist, with Toast pretending to be someone else.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[37:25 - 38:28]Michael shares his history with bugs and his extreme reactions to them.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[37:39 - 41:16]They then shift the conversation to a more serious topic, talking about the recent influx of bugs in their household.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[41:16 - 44:40]Lily talks about living in a place with no bugs and how she wishes she could wipe out mosquitoes.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[42:42 - 44:13]They then shift the conversation to a more serious topic, talking about the recent influx of bugs in their household.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[43:29 - 44:19]Michael shares his history with bugs and his extreme reactions to them.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[44:40 - 46:05]Lily talks about living in a place with no bugs and how she wishes she could wipe out mosquitoes.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[45:22 - 45:33]Lily mentions having a couple of reasons for her lack of interest.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[45:22 - 48:36]The conversation then moves to the topic of seasons and the desire to live somewhere with distinct seasons.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[48:36 - 49:31]Next, the conversation shifts to the current weather and the dislike of mosquitoes and cockroaches.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[48:41 - 50:21]The conversation then moves to the topic of seasons and the desire to live somewhere with distinct seasons.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[49:37 - 49:50]Next, the conversation shifts to the current weather and the dislike of mosquitoes and cockroaches.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[50:21 - 51:39]The group expresses a desire to attend conventions, specifically TwitchCon, but acknowledges that it is not possible due to the pandemic.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[51:39 - 54:23]A potential third wave of the virus is mentioned, as well as the normalization of wearing masks in Asia.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[54:30 - 56:35]It is revealed that Apple takes a 30% commission from in-app purchases, which leads to a debate about the fairness of this practice.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[57:03 - 57:41]The discussion ends with a mention of the "Flappy Bird effect" and the resale of iPhones with Fortnite installed at a premium price.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[57:23 - 59:32]Mr. Beast immediately offers $100k, causing other offers to be off the table

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[57:41 - 59:47]Offline TV considering making an offer for a custom brand appearance in a game for charity

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[59:47 - 1.00:32]Discussion of Fall Guys gameplay and suggestions for future updates

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[1.00:32 - 1.04:29]Mention of a cancelled battle royale game made by high res

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[1.04:29 - 1.07:26]Discussion of a popular fantasy novel series by J.K. Rowling and mention of separating the art from the artist

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[1.05:02 - 1.06:16]Discussion of a scam artist anime called "Great Pretender"

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[1.06:16 - 1.09:02]Discussion of the series "Harry Potter" and its lasting popularity

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[1.07:09 - 1.08:16]Discussion of a popular fantasy novel series by J.K. Rowling and mention of separating the art from the artist

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[1.08:21 - 1.10:40]Discussion of the question "If you see a locked door, how do you get in?" and various answers from different people

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[1.10:40 - 1.12:35]Mention of getting a new cat and naming it Winry

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[1.12:21 - 1.13:55]Participants discuss their love for the video game "Kingdom Hearts" and their disappointment with the third installment.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[1.14:00 - 1.15:43]They mention the upcoming release of "Pokemon Snap 2" and some of the features from the original game.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[1.17:10 - 1.18:53]The group talks about the decline of turn-based RPGs and the lack of a sequel to "Bravely Default."

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[1.19:37 - 1.20:18]One participant announces the release of their new song and their plans for a music video.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[1.20:18 - 1.21:08]They mention their excitement for the upcoming "Fall Guys" Twitch Rivals tournament and their team composition.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[1.21:08 - 1.22:27]One participant announces the release of their new song and their plans for a music video.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[1.22:27 - 1.23:19]They discuss the productivity of some members during quarantine and the draining effects of the pandemic.

A youtube thumbnail wor LIFE STORIES ft. PeterParkTV | OfflineTV Podcast #33

[1.23:19 - 1.24:12]The episode ends with a reminder to like, comment, and subscribe to the podcast and mentioning their availability on other platforms.