

Youtube profile pic for Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[00:19 - 00:25]Page content includes a conversation about downloading files and a joke about being at the gates of heaven.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[02:39 - 02:48]The hosts introduce themselves as Little Matthew Watson and Big Ryan.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[02:59 - 03:04]They discuss their co-worker, Big Nick, and his height and age.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[04:06 - 04:15]The hosts talk about their jobs at Mr. Beast's chicken tender restaurant and their preferences for steak.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[06:50 - 07:00]They mention three different Eminem skins in a game and try to figure out which era of Eminem they represent.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[07:44 - 07:55]The hosts joke and rhyme with the word "shady."

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[08:27 - 08:34]One host recalls a time when he needed the other's help but was unable to get it between 5-6am.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[09:04 - 09:10]They make a joke about setting boundaries for their friendship.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[00:19 - 09:25]The hosts discuss various topics such as downloading files, their co-worker Big Nick, their jobs at Mr. Beast's restaurant, and Eminem skins in a game. They also joke and make references to Eminem and set boundaries for their friendship.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[09:37 - 09:45] The speaker discusses setting boundaries with someone regarding finishing a task by a specific deadline.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[09:45 - 09:55]They also mention setting boundaries around not eating spicy food in front of them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[10:25 - 10:30]They then discuss setting a boundary around not wiping or flushing the toilet after using it in a shared office.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[10:48 - 10:57]The speaker mentions feeling uncomfortable and jealous when their boundaries are not respected.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[14:40 - 14:54]The speaker brings up the fact that they missed out on a limited edition item in a video game due to their therapy appointments conflicting with the item shop refresh time.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[15:37 - 15:47]They also mention discussing this with their therapist.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[16:24 - 16:32]They then call their therapist to reschedule and ask if their friend can attend the session instead.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[17:50 - 18:12]The speaker's therapist mentions a program they had titled "Some Stupid Person" and the speaker expresses discomfort with discussing this on a public podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[18:12 - 18:24]The speaker's therapist seems understanding and offers to make sure the speaker can access the item shop without feeling stressed.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[18:33 - 18:39]The speaker expresses frustration with themselves for missing out on the limited edition item and mentions being mad at themselves.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[09:25 - 18:39]The speaker discusses setting boundaries and feeling uncomfortable when they are not respected. They also mention discussing this with their therapist and missing out on a limited edition item in a video game due to therapy appointments conflicting with the item shop refresh time.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[18:39 - 18:44]The speakers discuss saving something for therapy and joking about it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[18:44 - 18:52]One speaker asks what the other is drinking and they talk about their beverages.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[18:53 - 18:58]They make a joke comparing one of the drinks to the other speaker's stepdad.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[18:59 - 19:05]The second speaker accidentally interrupts the first speaker's joke.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[19:37 - 19:43]They continue joking about the drinks and the upcoming presidential election.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[19:53 - 20:00]The first speaker makes a joke about a screen saver coming up on their laptop.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[22:12 - 22:35]They briefly discuss the last known Holocaust survivor passing away and the rise of anti-Semitism.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[24:23 - 24:29]The second speaker talks about their 112-year-old grandmother and how they think she will outlive the rest of their family.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[26:16 - 26:28]They discuss the mental and physical decline that often comes with old age.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[26:52 - 27:03]Despite this, they acknowledge the strength of the human body.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[27:03 - 27:10]They mention the dangers of falling at an old age and how it can lead to a rapid deterioration.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[18:39 - 27:46]The speakers discuss therapy, joke about beverages, make political jokes, discuss the passing of a Holocaust survivor and the rise of anti-Semitism, and talk about their 112-year-old grandmother and the effects of aging. They also mention the dangers of falling at an old age but acknowledge the strength of the human body.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[27:46 - 27:55] apparently, gel in between spinal column, backshots, only got one backshot, held hand during first one

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[28:26 - 28:39]squeezed hand, purple, doctor, only one I trust, gave backshots, most friendship bonding

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[30:35 - 31:08]reaching old age, health, outlive friends, wife dying, loss of energy, decline

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[33:09 - 33:37]ages of presidential candidates, both over 70, potential for mental decline, concerns about their age and ability to lead

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[35:59 - 36:05]watched news report of biden, black and white, concerns about dementia or alzheimer's, shouldn't be boiled down to two old men

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[27:46 - 36:29]Old age and health can affect mental and physical abilities, concerns about ability to lead, for both presidential candidates and individuals in general.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[36:37 - 36:43]Mm-hmm, scared of surge of dopamine

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[37:08 - 37:50]Biden and Trump should be spending time with families, not making decisions

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[37:50 - 38:07]They are old and stressed, not fit to be in charge of serious situations

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[41:39 - 42:04]Comments on Ellen Degeneres' appearance

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[43:15 - 43:28]Mark Ruffalo's part in celebrity sing-along for COVID

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[44:14 - 44:22]Other celebrities involved in sing-along

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[46:05 - 46:10]Some celebrities are tone deaf

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[46:18 - 46:29]Celebrities are showing off

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[36:29 - 46:38]The speaker discusses fear of dopamine, comments on the age and stress of politicians like Biden and Trump, comments on Ellen Degeneres' appearance, and discusses the celebrity sing-along for COVID and the involvement of various celebrities. They also mention that some celebrities are tone deaf and are showing off.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[46:44 - 46:56]The speaker discusses how YouTubers and online content creators are breaking into the mainstream.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[46:57 - 47:12]They mention Josh Peck's role in an Oscar-nominated movie and King Bach's role in The Walking Dead.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[47:13 - 47:21]The speaker and the other person in the conversation discuss King Bach's appearance in The Walking Dead and his skincare routine.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[48:00 - 48:09]They mention Josh Peck's excitement about being in an Oscar-nominated film and how it may overshadow his previous work.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[52:37 - 52:53]The speaker recalls a childhood memory of pretending to be in an action movie with a knife, and almost poking their eye out.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[53:33 - 53:44]They briefly discuss doing the "passout game" in their youth.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[53:33 - 53:44]They share a personal story of doing the "passout game" in an English class.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[53:51 - 53:59]The speaker mentions that it is bad for the brain.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[46:38 - 54:18]The speaker summarizes the conversation by mentioning the topics of YouTubers breaking into the mainstream, Josh Peck and King Bach's roles in mainstream media, and personal childhood memories.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[54:18 - 54:25] Matt remembers doing something after waking up from a nap, with his friend advising against it

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[54:25 - 54:45]Matt hyperventilates and sucks on his thumb, with blue appearing on it

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[54:45 - 54:50]Matt does not pass out, but experiences a brief blindness and sparkles

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[56:13 - 56:26]Ryan makes a joke about "God's thumb" and "Megannus"

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[56:26 - 56:40]They discuss politicians' egos and the movie Holes

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[58:50 - 59:03]They talk about their editing process and making a fake penis for a video

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[1.01:13 - 1.01:25]They both have nostalgia for their old editing process

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[1.01:25 - 1.01:36]They reminisce about their old editing process and working on videos late at night

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[1.01:36 - 1.01:43]Ryan and Matt have been working hard recently, with Ryan staying up until 2am every night

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[1.01:55 - 1.02:00]The last night, Ryan went to bed before midnight for the first time in two months

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[1.02:00 - 1.02:11]Matt often stays at the office until 3, 4, or 5am

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[54:18 - 1.02:11]Matt and Ryan reminisce about their old editing process and discuss their recent work ethic, with Ryan staying up late every night and Matt staying at the office until the early hours of the morning. They also discuss a joke about "God's thumb" and "Megannus" and their process for making a fake penis for a video. They also talk about politicians' egos and the movie Holes.

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[1.02:16 - 1.02:34] Speaker discusses how their sleep schedule is affected by hearing birds chirping in the morning

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[1.02:34 - 1.02:41]They mention struggling to get back on track after pulling an all-nighter

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[1.02:54 - 1.03:00]Speaker describes waking up confused and turning off alarms while half asleep

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[1.05:38 - 1.05:56]They discuss the new podcast set and equipment, mentioning some "growing pains"

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[1.06:41 - 1.06:50]Speaker goes undercover to test a phrase with someone named Luke, who catches on and calls them out

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[1.08:56 - 1.09:02]They receive a voicemail from a debt collector and plan to call them back

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[1.08:56 - 1.09:02]They receive a voicemail from a debt collector and plan to call them back

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[1.10:05 - 1.10:28]Discussion about supporting the patreon and upcoming extras for supporters

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[1.10:28 - 1.10:36]Speaker shares a childhood memory of being disturbed by a scene from the movie "Fargo"

A youtube thumbnail wor Brotherhood of Man | supermegashow - 003

[1.02:11 - 1.10:51]Speaker talks about their sleep schedule, the new podcast set and equipment, and a childhood memory of being disturbed by a movie scene. They also discuss supporting the patreon and receiving a voicemail from a debt collector.