

Youtube profile pic for SuperMegaCast - EP 45: Tetris Is Fun

SuperMegaCast - EP 45: Tetris Is Fun

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[00:10 - 00:19]Introduction to Super Mega Cast 45

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[00:20 - 00:26]Discussion of having guests on previous episodes

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[00:20 - 00:26]Excitement about being back with just the two hosts

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[00:40 - 00:45]Conversation about a quote from a movie, "Big Fish"

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[00:45 - 00:52]One host has not seen the movie, other host recommends it

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[01:25 - 01:32]Actor Billy Crudup is mentioned as being in the movie

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[01:25 - 01:32]Hosts discuss Crudup's varied roles and acting skills

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[02:31 - 02:51]Host mentions watching the movie "Fargo" recently

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[02:51 - 02:56]Discussion of the unique look of the characters in the movie

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[02:56 - 03:14]Host mentions watching a jail show on Netflix

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[04:32 - 04:40]One host shares a story about seeing Ming with police officers

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[05:54 - 06:00]Host compares the officers' actions to those in the Harry Potter series

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[06:41 - 06:57]Ming is described as yelling and dancing outside of the apartment at 3:30 in the morning

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[07:11 - 07:19]Police officers arrive and tell her to leave

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[00:10 - 07:27]Hosts discuss recent movie and TV viewing experiences, including a recommendation for "Big Fish" and a discussion about the unique look of characters in "Fargo." They also share a story about seeing a recurring character, Ming, with police officers outside of their apartment.

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[07:36 - 07:44] Discussion about using magic instead of guns

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[07:44 - 07:50]Ming's wand designed like a cigarette

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[07:44 - 07:50]The idea of a big, oversized cigarette as a toy

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[08:51 - 09:05]Promises to quit and needing to do it for oneself

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[09:47 - 09:55]The struggles of quitting smoking and seeking support

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[09:47 - 09:55]Request for advice from former smokers

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[11:09 - 11:21]Finding replacement habits for smoking

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[11:54 - 12:06]Cleaning the apartment and ordering food

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[13:13 - 13:26]Ryan's poor diet and feeling bad in the morning

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[14:35 - 14:44]Humorous suggestion of covering apartment in grass

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[14:44 - 14:53]Need to record more videos before Ryan leaves for Japan

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[15:11 - 15:22]Upcoming special edition live-action video and four albums

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[15:40 - 15:56]Discussion of taking violin lessons and learning the viola

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[07:27 - 15:56]Discussion of magic vs guns, struggles of quitting smoking, seeking support and advice, cleaning apartment, recording more videos, upcoming special edition video and four albums, taking violin lessons.

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[15:56 - 16:09]The speakers discuss the word "viola" and its pronunciation

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[16:09 - 16:15]They mention Viola Davis and her learning how to play the instrument

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[16:09 - 16:15]One of the speakers reveals they used to play violin

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[16:31 - 16:48]They bring up a picture of a crossover game between Mario and Rabbids

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[16:58 - 17:05]They discuss upcoming releases for E3

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[17:20 - 17:31]They mention a new Far Cry game set in America with religious undertones

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[18:01 - 18:16]They mention a controversial article about the Far Cry series and its portrayal of people of color

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[18:01 - 18:16]They briefly discuss other video games and their settings

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[21:55 - 22:09]They mention Reese's and Red Vines candies

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[21:55 - 22:09]They joke about someone making a hybrid candy of Twizzlers and Red Vines

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[23:13 - 23:19]They mention a NASCAR race and a race car driver named Malcolm

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 45: Tetris Is Fun

[23:13 - 23:19]The speakers also bring up a race car driver from Malcolm in the Middle

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 45: Tetris Is Fun

[23:26 - 23:32]The last speaker asks what the previous speaker is doing if he's not a NASCAR driver

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 45: Tetris Is Fun

[15:56 - 23:32]The speakers discuss various topics including the pronunciation of "viola," Viola Davis, video games, candies, and NASCAR, with humorous banter throughout.

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[23:32 - 23:40]Discussion about NASCAR and other types of races

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[23:46 - 23:58]Mention of videos on YouTube of cars flipping and NASCAR being a brand or a thing like the NFL

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[23:58 - 24:09]Comparison of Malcolm in the Middle to being a drummer and then a race car driver

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[25:42 - 25:50]Discussion of other movies like "Kangaroo Jack" and "Cats and Dogs"

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[25:50 - 25:58]Mention of Tobi Maguire voicing the main dog in "Cats and Dogs"

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[25:58 - 26:06]Mention of Stamper voicing the narrator in "Battle Block Theater"

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[26:48 - 26:55]Mention of Ding-Dong's skill in video games

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[26:55 - 27:03]Discussion about "Dance Dance Revolution" and challenging Ding-Dong to play

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[27:18 - 27:27]Discussion about going to the gym and working out with someone from New Grounds

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[27:27 - 27:33]Mention of wanting to lose weight and trying different diets

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[28:29 - 28:34]Mention of getting daily vitamins and getting drinks from Jamba Juice

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[29:11 - 29:16]Discussion of the movie "Big Fat Liar" and confusion about the title

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[29:16 - 29:25]Mention of watching "Big Fat Liar" or "Agent Cody Banks"

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[29:31 - 29:36]Discussion about the series of books "Alex Ryder"

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[29:55 - 30:05]Mention of not reading a lot of books and being in love

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[30:19 - 30:24]Ryan playing Puyo Puyo Tetris during the break

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[23:32 - 30:31]The discussion covers various topics including NASCAR, movies like "Big Fat Liar" and "Cats and Dogs", playing video games with Ding-Dong, wanting to lose weight, and reading books like "Alex Ryder". The conversation also touches on going to the gym and getting daily vitamins.

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[36:19 - 36:27]Ryan and others are discussing the difficulty of a level in Tetris

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[37:30 - 37:38]They mention the game's Soviet origins and the unfairness of it

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[37:30 - 37:38]They continue to talk about Tetris and its gameplay mechanics

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[37:39 - 37:49]They segue into talking about the movie Alien: Covenant

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 45: Tetris Is Fun

[37:49 - 37:59]Ryan brings up the brutal history of Soviet prison camps

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[37:49 - 37:59]Some people hate the movie, but Ryan enjoyed it

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[37:49 - 37:59]Ryan mentions that the movie treats the audience as if they are idiots

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[37:49 - 37:59]They give a spoiler warning and continue to discuss the movie

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[37:49 - 37:59]The discussion ends with a brief summary of the movie's flaws, but overall enjoyment

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[37:59 - 38:13]They discuss the alien's behavior in the movie and compare it to previous movies

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[30:31 - 38:19]Covenant, which some people hate but Ryan enjoyed. They discuss the alien's behavior and the movie's treatment of the audience, giving a spoiler warning. The discussion ends with a brief summary of the movie's flaws, but overall enjoyment.

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[38:20 - 38:28]The speaker describes the movie as feeling like being trapped in a room with an angry monkey.

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[39:01 - 39:09]The speaker mentions a moment in the climax of the movie that elicited a loud reaction from the audience.

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[39:01 - 39:09]The speaker mentions a moment in the climax of the movie that elicited a loud reaction from the audience.

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[39:30 - 39:35]They enjoyed the movie for its entertainment value and compared it to a fun sci-fi movie.

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[40:22 - 40:28]They mention the return of a character from the previous movie, "Prometheus."

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[40:28 - 40:33]The speaker enjoyed this movie more than "Prometheus."

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[40:38 - 40:53]The speaker gives a pass to the human characters for being poorly developed.

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[40:53 - 41:04]They discuss the character of David and how he is the main focus for the speaker.

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[41:26 - 41:35]They mention the trend of short-haired female protagonists in the "Alien" franchise.

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[41:53 - 41:58]The speaker briefly discusses J.K. Rowling's recent works.

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[42:11 - 42:19]The speaker briefly discusses the movie "Fantastic Beasts" and their dislike of it.

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[42:26 - 42:45]They mention the commercialization of the "Harry Potter" universe.

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[44:14 - 44:23]They mention a movie with Terry Crews and plants drinking "Gatorade."

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[44:33 - 44:41]The speaker brings up the movie "Idiocracy" and how they forgot about it.

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[45:11 - 45:23]The speaker discusses how they forget what they talk about in previous podcast episodes.

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[38:20 - 45:47]The last bullet point is a concise summary of the main points mentioned.

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[45:47 - 45:58]Brain spewing out thoughts, used burp to explain situation

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[45:58 - 46:09]Mother says hello and loves baby Dash

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[45:58 - 46:09]Discussion about dropping off Lego, joking about getting rid of it

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[46:59 - 47:05]Joking about catfishing mother and pretending to be a muscular man named "Gym"

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[47:32 - 47:37]Discussion about chewing with mouth open and alphabet

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[48:06 - 48:17]Conversation about recording equipment and using rubber bands

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[48:30 - 48:50]Mention of Vernon Shaw

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[50:37 - 50:54]Discussion about humidity in the South and opening oven heat waves

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[51:13 - 51:18]Talk about shaving eyebrows, 40-1 odds for Ryan to shave them off

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[51:38 - 51:45]Ryan's eyebrow has a nick from being touched by an electric razor

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[52:05 - 52:16]Matt got hit in the head with a golf club and got stitches, ate ice as a reward

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[52:51 - 53:11]Matt's mom had to stop him from eating ice at markets in Seattle

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[45:47 - 53:19]Matt and Ryan have a random conversation about different topics such as burping, Matt's mother, dropping off Lego, catfishing, chewing with mouth open, alphabet, recording equipment, humidity in the South, shaving eyebrows, and eating ice at markets in Seattle.

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[53:19 - 53:27]Friends planning a trip up the west coast to visit Seattle, San Francisco, and Portland

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[53:27 - 53:32]Want to visit Charleston to eat at Mama Kim's

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[55:39 - 55:46]Idea to prank people with Ricky Burwick in a stroller dressed as a baby

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[56:39 - 56:45]Discussion about helping a baby left in a stroller in public

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[59:30 - 59:36]Discussion about glass blowing as a hobby

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[59:57 - 1.00:05]Mention of playing Minecraft on the Switch and discussing the fan base

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[1.00:12 - 1.00:20]Minecraft is a good game, but the fan base is strange

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[53:19 - 1.00:28]Friends discuss travel plans, reminisce about eating at Mama Kim's, and share ideas for pranks with Ricky Burwick. They also discuss helping a baby left in a stroller and their opinions on the fan base of Minecraft.

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[1.00:28 - 1.00:33] The speaker talks about a work of art and a podcast episode.

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[1.00:33 - 1.00:39]He mentions being DM'd by someone who offered to adopt him.

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[1.00:45 - 1.00:59]The speaker talks about getting barbecue and other southern food.

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[1.01:11 - 1.01:17]They discuss the differences between South Carolina and North Carolina barbecue.

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[1.03:07 - 1.03:19]They mention going to Fatz and Groucho's restaurants.

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[1.04:37 - 1.04:43]The speaker talks about playing Pokémon Go and how it brought people together.

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[1.05:19 - 1.05:25]They mention Nintendo and copyright claims.

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[1.06:08 - 1.06:18]They joke about getting BuildTrendin on the podcast.

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[1.06:19 - 1.06:33]The speaker mentions ending the podcast and says goodbye.

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[1.00:28 - 1.06:47]A bullet point list of the main events and topics discussed in the audio transcription.