

Youtube profile pic for 1999 | Creep Cast

1999 | Creep Cast

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[00:15 - 02:28]1999 is one of the classic internet creepypastas, inspiring other internet horror stories

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[00:25 - 02:18]The speaker watches an episode of Mr. Bear Cellar where the bear plays checkers with two children and then leads them into a dark cellar to play hide and seek.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[00:31 - 02:28]The speaker recalls the year 1999 as a significant one in their childhood, marked by losing their first tooth, their first plane ride, and the loss of innocence.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[02:11 - 04:04]Other people have made videos about the show, adding to the creepiness

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[02:29 - 03:30]The speaker promotes Aura, an internet safety tool, and shares their personal experience with it.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[03:02 - 04:04]The speaker finds the show unsettling, especially the ending where the man in the bear suit counts while the children hide in a closet.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[03:30 - 05:13]The speaker watches an episode of Mr. Bear Cellar where the bear plays checkers with two children and then leads them into a dark cellar to play hide and seek.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[04:06 - 05:26]1999 is one of the classic internet creepypastas, inspiring other internet horror stories

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[04:54 - 06:25]The speaker recalls the year 1999 as a significant one in their childhood, marked by losing their first tooth, their first plane ride, and the loss of innocence.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[05:27 - 06:25]Story is about a channel from 1999 that is messed up and makes the narrator question what they were watching

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[05:52 - 07:46]The speaker's obsession with Pokemon leads to them being upset about missing episodes of the show due to their father watching the news at 5:30pm.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[07:46 - 07:59]First show is about Mr. Bear, creepy and cryptic

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[07:46 - 09:09]The father buys a second TV for the speaker's room, which only has 20 channels, but they are excited to have their own TV.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[07:54 - 09:34]The speaker finds the show unsettling, especially the ending where the man in the bear suit counts while the children hide in a closet.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[08:00 - 09:27]Story is about a channel from 1999 that is messed up and makes the narrator question what they were watching

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[08:21 - 09:34]Inserted into early Creepypasta works, part of early internet horror stories

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[09:35 - 12:31]First show is about Mr. Bear, creepy and cryptic

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[09:35 - 12:31]The speaker watches an episode of Mr. Bear Cellar where the bear plays checkers with two children and then leads them into a dark cellar to play hide and seek.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[09:52 - 10:31]Back to the episode, set in May 1999.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[11:27 - 13:08]Police asked questions about the show, adding layer of intrigue

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[11:39 - 14:01]The speaker finds the show unsettling, especially the ending where the man in the bear suit counts while the children hide in a closet.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[13:08 - 14:34]Mention of Ted the Caver and a fan-made series on YouTube

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[13:32 - 14:34]The speaker watches an episode of Mr. Bear Cellar where the bear plays checkers with two children and then leads them into a dark cellar to play hide and seek.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[14:35 - 17:41]Quick ad break for sponsor Aura

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[14:35 - 17:57]A special offer is mentioned for viewers to try Aura for two weeks for free by going to

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[14:44 - 16:54]The speaker promotes Aura, an internet safety tool, and shares their personal experience with it.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[17:42 - 19:10]Page_content: Recalling a show called "Soup and Spoon" that featured a can of soup and a spoon tied to strings being swung around in a basement.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[17:48 - 21:31]Narrator recalls the show being boring and stupid, and preferred watching "Pokemon".

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[19:54 - 22:17]Narrator's dad thinks the show is a legitimate kid's show, but has never seen what is actually being shown on Channel 21.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[22:17 - 24:31]In August 1999, narrator sees episode 28 of "Mr. Bear Cellar" with Mr. Bear sitting and then a white screen with an address for five hours every day.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[24:07 - 29:51]In July 1999, narrator sees a new episode of "Mr. Bear Cellar" with swearing and a kid saying he will call the police.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[29:29 - 32:34]In August 1999, narrator sees episode 28 of "Mr. Bear Cellar" with Mr. Bear sitting and then a white screen with an address for five hours every day.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[30:37 - 33:09]Elliot writes a letter to the show's address in the hopes of meeting Mr. Bear.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[30:59 - 31:26]Elliot's dad sends the letter and they receive a response inviting Elliot to Mr. Bear's house.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[32:01 - 34:52]Elliot's dad takes him to the house, despite the oddity of the situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[32:34 - 36:51]The police eventually become involved and it is revealed that the show's creator has been kidnapping and murdering children.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[34:52 - 39:26]Elliot's dad takes him to the house, despite the oddity of the situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[36:25 - 41:19]Elliot, a young child, is fascinated by a show called Caledon Local 21, which features a character named Mr. Bear.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[39:46 - 45:11]Elliot's dad sends the letter and they receive a response inviting Elliot to Mr. Bear's house.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[41:25 - 43:18]Elliot writes a letter to the show's address in the hopes of meeting Mr. Bear.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[44:04 - 47:07]Elliot discovers that there were other shows on Caledon Local 21, including one about appeasing Satan and another about wandering in the forest at night.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[45:11 - 46:32]Elliot's dad's friend, a retired police officer, has more information about the case and Elliot plans to meet with him to learn more.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[45:28 - 49:10]Elliot discovers that there were other shows on Caledon Local 21, including one about appeasing Satan and another about wandering in the forest at night.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[45:28 - 49:10]Speculation about sacrificial purposes and worship

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[45:59 - 47:07]Speculation about Mr. Bear being a pedophile

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[48:21 - 49:22]Reference to Mr. Bear and potential alter in the forest

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[48:21 - 51:46]The fate of Mr. Bear and the man behind the show is unknown, but it is believed that he may be responsible for the deaths of multiple children.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[49:22 - 56:21]Dad's friend is a retired cop

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[50:22 - 51:46]Speculation about Mr. Bear being a pedophile

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[51:46 - 51:52]Elliot discovers that there were other shows on Caledon Local 21, including one about appeasing Satan and another about wandering in the forest at night.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[54:10 - 54:36]Reference to Mr. Bear and potential alter in the forest

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[54:18 - 55:20]Dad's friend is a retired cop

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[55:31 - 57:56]Initial assumption of molestation murder

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[55:42 - 57:15]Dad's friend is a retired cop

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[56:07 - 58:09]Initial assumption of molestation murder

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[56:21 - 1.00:31]Dad's friend is a retired cop

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.00:31 - 1.02:26]Mention of withholding information from the writer

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.01:03 - 1.01:51]Reference to Mr. Bear and potential alter in the forest

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.02:26 - 1.03:37]Tapes watched include "Paint with the Soul" and "Garbage Thrown Away"

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.02:46 - 1.06:20]Mr. Bear, a man in a bear costume, was featured in each episode and sang about citrus fruits and vitamin C

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.02:46 - 1.08:31]Speculation about Mr. Bear being a pedophile

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.03:03 - 1.03:37]The episodes featured a cameraman walking through a forest, talking about humans as garbage and the need to clean up

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.06:20 - 1.07:26]While exploring the woods near the house, the narrator encounters two teenagers who tell him about a man who lives in a nearby storm drain and wears a bear mask

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.06:20 - 1.08:57]Blog writer discusses theories about the broadcast

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.06:34 - 1.09:16]Fear of physical abuse from Mr. Bear leads to drinking of sedative

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.07:26 - 1.07:48]The narrator has a personal connection to the show and has kept a letter from Mr. Bear

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.07:26 - 1.08:38]Reference to Mr. Bear and potential alter in the forest

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.07:34 - 1.09:07]Blog writer discusses theories about the broadcast

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.07:48 - 1.12:09]In May of 2010, the narrator visits the house where the show was filmed, which is now abandoned

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.08:31 - 1.10:14]The narrator does not believe the story, but visits the storm drain anyway and finds nothing

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.08:57 - 1.09:07]The narrator has a personal connection to the show and has kept a letter from Mr. Bear

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.09:07 - 1.09:31]The creator of the show is believed to be a fetishist pedophile and cultist

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.09:41 - 1.09:49]While exploring the woods near the house, the narrator encounters two teenagers who tell him about a man who lives in a nearby storm drain and wears a bear mask

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.09:49 - 1.10:03]The narrator does not believe the story, but visits the storm drain anyway and finds nothing

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.12:09 - 1.20:42]While exploring the woods near the house, the narrator encounters two teenagers who tell him about a man who lives in a nearby storm drain and wears a bear mask

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.18:20 - 1.22:24]In May of 2010, the narrator reflects on the impact of the story and how it could be improved.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.18:55 - 1.21:01]The narrator becomes curious about the possibility of the supernatural and potential subversions of expectations.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.19:36 - 1.20:37]The narrator does not believe the story, but visits the storm drain anyway and finds nothing

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.20:50 - 1.22:03]While exploring the woods near the house, the narrator encounters two teenagers who tell him about a man who lives in a nearby storm drain and wears a bear mask

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.22:24 - 1.25:58]In November 2010, the narrator receives another email from "Mr. Bear" and begins to suspect it may be a prank.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.25:58 - 1.26:19]In October 2010, the narrator moves to Waterloo for university and stops updating his blog.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.26:19 - 1.27:02]The narrator receives an email from "Mr. Bear" in September 2010, causing him to continue his blog.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.26:25 - 1.29:02]In January 2011, the narrator returns home for the holidays and receives a call about a tape connected to the Caladon Local 21 incident.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.28:35 - 1.32:05]Elliot is discussing a tape where he visits a Mr. Bear house and feels a sense of dread.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.29:02 - 1.30:18]The narrator becomes curious about the possibility of the supernatural and potential subversions of expectations.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.29:57 - 1.32:13]In November 2010, the narrator receives another email from "Mr. Bear" and begins to suspect it may be a prank.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.32:13 - 1.36:46]He schedules a viewing of the tapes with a friend who works at the police station.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.36:35 - 1.38:31]The speaker sees something disturbing and feels guilty for still being alive.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.36:46 - 1.38:40]Elliot is discussing a tape where he visits a Mr. Bear house and feels a sense of dread.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.38:40 - 1.39:31]The speaker is discussing the tone and content of a previous reading.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.38:40 - 1.41:14]Mr. Bear mentions something about vitamin C and the children being on a "great journey."

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.39:31 - 1.40:16]Elliot is disturbed by the footage and realizes he could have been one of those children.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.39:31 - 1.40:16]They wonder if the person reading was cheerful or disturbed.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.39:43 - 1.42:08]The speaker mentions that the entry without a date includes a story about a boy named Elliot.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.40:17 - 1.42:33]Elliot sees the Mr. Bear suit laid out in the shape of a cross with a sign saying "I in ri."

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.40:39 - 1.40:48]They speculate that it may be a reference to the crucifixion.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.42:08 - 1.45:16]The speaker mentions a box falling off a shelf when "in ri" is mentioned.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.42:33 - 1.46:05]Elliot is discussing a tape where he visits a Mr. Bear house and feels a sense of dread.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.43:19 - 1.43:29]The speaker sees something disturbing and feels guilty for still being alive.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.43:31 - 1.43:50]The speaker needs time to get themselves together.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.43:31 - 1.45:22]Elliot sees the Mr. Bear suit laid out in the shape of a cross with a sign saying "I in ri."

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.43:50 - 1.45:32]The speaker sees something disturbing and feels guilty for still being alive.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.44:09 - 1.46:05]There is a gap in entries from January to April of 2011.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.45:16 - 1.45:22]The speaker questions the use of the phrase "enry" in the text.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.46:05 - 1.47:18]The speaker mentions a box falling off a shelf when "in ri" is mentioned.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.46:05 - 1.49:12]He schedules a viewing of the tapes with a friend who works at the police station.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.46:29 - 1.46:39]The speaker needs time to get themselves together.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.47:18 - 1.51:22]The speaker sees something disturbing and feels guilty for still being alive.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.47:18 - 1.53:29]The video ends with a close-up of the Mr. Bear suit and Elliot is left haunted by the experience.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.48:30 - 1.49:03]Elliot is disturbed by the footage and realizes he could have been one of those children.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.50:26 - 1.53:43]Elliot decides to view these tapes for himself and is haunted by the footage.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.50:32 - 1.50:37]The speaker is discussing the tone and content of a previous reading.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.50:32 - 1.53:21]Elliot sees the Mr. Bear suit laid out in the shape of a cross with a sign saying "I in ri."

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.51:22 - 1.53:43]The speaker sees something disturbing and feels guilty for still being alive.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.52:25 - 1.54:08]The story is about a creepy man who kills children and the narrator is disturbed by it.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.54:08 - 1.57:33]The narrator receives emails from people pretending to be the killer Mr. Bear, but they are not convincing.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.55:36 - 1.56:38]The story is about a creepy man who kills children and the narrator is disturbed by it.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.56:38 - 1.59:41]The narrator receives emails from people pretending to be the killer Mr. Bear, but they are not convincing.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.57:00 - 1.58:20]The narrator feels like there are spiders crawling on them after hearing the story.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.57:33 - 1.59:26]The killer lays out a suit in the shape of a crucifix, symbolizing the death of the character.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.58:35 - 1.59:20]The narrator receives emails from people pretending to be the killer Mr. Bear, but they are not convincing.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.59:41 - 1.59:47]The narrator's email gets hacked and a disturbing poem about them is posted on their blog.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[1.59:47 - 2.02:53]The hosts enjoyed the story and plan to read more internet horror stories in the future.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[2.02:53 - 2.05:26]There are alternate versions of the story online, including one where the characters are talking hands.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[2.04:12 - 2.04:44]The narrator receives emails from people pretending to be the killer Mr. Bear, but they are not convincing.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[2.05:26 - 2.08:17]The original author, Camden Lamont, posted the story on his personal blog in 2009 but others plagiarized and added to it.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[2.08:17 - 2.09:34]The hosts enjoyed the story and plan to read more internet horror stories in the future.

A youtube thumbnail wor 1999 | Creep Cast

[2.09:10 - 2.09:19]The narrator's email gets hacked and a disturbing poem about them is posted on their blog.