

Youtube profile pic for The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[00:00 - 00:07] Someone left a den on the table

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[00:07 - 00:13]Someone guesses Chris was the last person sitting there

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[00:20 - 00:30]The boys are recording the first Trash Taste episode of 2021

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[00:31 - 00:43]Joey's hair changes reveal when the recording took place

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[01:00 - 01:06]Gaunt has a beard now

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[01:00 - 01:06]Gaunt is recovering from being sick

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[01:26 - 01:42]They just came back from their Christmas holidays

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[01:42 - 01:49]Normally, Christmas is a busy time for them, but this year they took a break

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[02:43 - 02:51]He was drinking manuka honey, which is expensive but effective

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[02:59 - 03:08]Manuka honey is made from a specific type of bee found in New Zealand

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[03:39 - 03:45]It's halfway between royal jelly and honey

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[03:45 - 03:51]It's hard to recommend because it's expensive

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[04:37 - 04:42]Joey talks about expensive products being worth it for the brand

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[06:08 - 06:15]He mentions the expensive pink Himalayan salt and trying the second most expensive coffee in the world

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[06:22 - 06:35]The coffee is harvested from cat poo and became popular because of the movie "The Bucket List"

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[06:22 - 06:35]The movie featured the joke that the rich guy didn't know the coffee was made from cat poo

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[00:00 - 07:08]The boys are recording the first Trash Taste episode of 2021 after coming back from their Christmas holidays. Gaunt has a beard now and is recovering from being sick. They discuss the effectiveness and high cost of manuka honey and other expensive products, including the second most expensive coffee in the world which is harvested from cat poo.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[07:08 - 07:14]A man was eating coffee beans he thought were from a special cat, but it turned out they were actually just normal beans that had been pooped out by a cat.

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[08:11 - 08:18]The man was shocked and upset when he found out the truth, but it became a running joke in a movie he was in.

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[09:54 - 10:01]The movie, called "The Bucket List," featured two wealthy men, one of whom didn't have any money, and the other who was obsessed with the expensive coffee.

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[09:54 - 10:01]The coffee was considered a delicacy and was highly sought after.

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[10:01 - 10:07]The man who didn't have any money found out the coffee was made from cat poop and told the other man, causing him to be horrified.

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[10:01 - 10:07]The movie was a hit and became known for its tagline, "Rich man eats poop."

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[10:48 - 10:54]The hosts of a podcast called "Trash Taste" discussed this coffee and other strange topics, including a reality TV star who started selling her farts and then switched to selling them as NFTs.

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[12:41 - 12:47]They also talked about a new technology that allows you to taste things through a screen.

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[12:41 - 12:47]The hosts were joking about how this could be used for more perverted purposes, such as Jojo fans being able to taste sweat.

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[12:41 - 12:47]The podcast hosts also discussed a man on Japanese YouTube who ate and drank his own poop.

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[13:44 - 13:53]Bell Delphine, a famous internet personality, had previously sold her bathwater, but this new technology takes things to a whole new level.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[13:44 - 13:53]A man on the podcast tried the expensive cat poop coffee and found it to be good, but not worth the hype.

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[13:44 - 13:53]A woman became famous for selling her farts, but had to stop when she had health problems.

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[13:44 - 13:53]She then started selling her farts as NFTs, which the hosts find ridiculous.

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[13:44 - 13:53]A new screen technology allows you to taste things through a screen, which the hosts find gross and worry about the hygiene issues.

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[13:53 - 13:58]The hosts are shocked and worried about the future and how humanity has reached a new low.

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[07:08 - 14:17]Overall, the hosts discuss strange and disturbing trends in society, such as selling bodily fluids and using technology for perverted purposes.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[14:32 - 14:38] The speaker doesn't browse OnlyFans and doesn't know what people are saying on the platform

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[14:49 - 14:57]They think it's ridiculous that some people sell cans filled with air or jars of Hawaiian air

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[16:53 - 17:19]They also mention the controversy surrounding Dasani's marketing as fresh spring water, when it was actually just bottled tap water

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[18:55 - 19:07]The conversation shifts to discussing onsen culture in Japan and the difference between onsen and central bath houses

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[20:32 - 20:37]The speaker and their friend recently went on a ski trip to one of Japan's most famous ski resorts

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[21:05 - 21:18]The speaker's body was in a lot of pain after snowboarding for four days

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[21:24 - 21:30]The speaker's mother had previously asked about the "white person sport"

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[21:45 - 21:50]They note that they saw more English and Chinese speakers than Japanese in the town

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[14:17 - 22:05]The conversation ends with the observation that there were a lot of Australians at the ski resort Overall, the speaker and their friend discuss various topics such as OnlyFans, the absurdity of selling air or spring water, and their recent ski trip to a popular resort in Japan. They also mention the prevalence of English and Chinese speakers in the town and the pain the speaker experienced after snowboarding for four days.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[27:59 - 28:05]The speaker discusses their experience in a ski resort in Japan

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[28:28 - 28:33]The speaker talks about how every country has their "national pests" and mentions Australia's cane toads

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[28:33 - 28:38]They mention the majority of people there were speaking English, with some speaking Mandarin or Cantonese and a few speaking Japanese

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[28:33 - 28:38]The speaker reflects on the lack of Japanese people and the potential impact of tourism on the country when it opens up

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[28:33 - 28:38]They discuss the surprise of finding a place that was clearly Japan, but with all English signs and menus and English-speaking staff

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[28:33 - 28:38]The speaker talks about trying to use Japanese language, but being met with perfect English responses

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[28:39 - 28:44]They mention a previous experience in a different ski resort in Australia where the majority of people were also Australian

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[28:44 - 28:51]They mention booking a hotel with a shuttle service, but finding out it was not available and having to find alternative transportation

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[28:44 - 28:51]The speaker recalls being warned by the receptionist to book a taxi if they wanted to go into town, as taxis stop running at midnight and it would be dangerous to walk in -10 degree weather

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[29:00 - 29:07]The speaker discusses the extreme cold weather in the ski resort, with temperatures as low as -16 degrees

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[29:00 - 29:07]They mention wearing special gear to protect themselves from the cold, but still feeling unprepared for the different types of coldness

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[29:00 - 29:07]They reflect on the potential danger of being ill-equipped in such extreme weather

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[29:00 - 29:07]The speaker mentions the possibility of being stranded in town and having to walk back to the hotel in -10 degree weather

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[29:00 - 29:07]The speaker recalls a conversation with a hotel employee who suggested they could walk back to the hotel from town

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[29:00 - 29:07]They mention the employee's accent, guessing it was Dutch, and their nonchalant attitude towards walking in -15 degree weather

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[22:05 - 29:07]The speaker discusses their experience in a ski resort in Japan, the lack of Japanese people, and their surprise at finding a place that was clearly Japan but with all English signs and staff. They mention the extreme cold weather and potential danger of being ill-equipped, as well as the possibility of getting stranded in town and having to walk back to the hotel in -10 degree weather.

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[29:08 - 29:15] The speaker discusses the technicality of the term "walkable" and gives examples of locations that are walkable.

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[29:48 - 29:55]The episode is sponsored by Princess Connect and the speaker reminds the other participants of a previous sponsored episode.

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[29:48 - 29:55]The episode is sponsored by Princess Connect and to celebrate its one year anniversary, the group eats cake.

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[30:11 - 30:22]The sponsor, Crunchyroll Games, is giving out free rewards for anime fans.

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[31:03 - 31:09]The group discusses their experience at an onsen (hot spring) during their trip to Japan.

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[33:47 - 33:52]The members talk about their skiing and snowboarding experience and how they improved over the course of their trip.

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[33:47 - 33:52]The speaker and the group had a fun and enjoyable trip to Japan, with highlights including the onsen and skiing/snowboarding.

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[34:55 - 35:00]The slopes are categorized by color and difficulty, but the speaker argues that the categorization is not always accurate.

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[36:36 - 36:41]The members accidentally take a more difficult slope and struggle due to poor visibility.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[36:42 - 36:49]The speaker describes a beginner slope that is almost completely flat.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[29:08 - 36:49]The speaker and the group discuss their trip to Japan, including experiences at an onsen and skiing/snowboarding, as well as their sponsor, Princess Connect, and its one year anniversary.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[36:55 - 37:00] The speaker discusses skiing with a beginner friend named Luke.

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[37:10 - 37:18]They mention the difficulty of skiing with poor visibility.

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[38:59 - 39:06]The group takes a friend named Chris who is good at skiing but lazy.

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[38:59 - 39:06]They describe the challenges of skiing with Chris and Luke.

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[40:55 - 41:03]The speaker also talks about their own struggles with stopping on the slopes.

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[42:49 - 42:55]They mention the final day of skiing with good weather and no injuries.

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[43:03 - 43:12]They mention almost running into children and having to wear a helmet.

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[36:49 - 43:44]Overall, the speaker reflects on their ski trip and the challenges and successes they experienced.

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[43:44 - 43:49] First three days of snowboarding trip

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[43:49 - 44:02]No injuries except for minor ones

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[43:49 - 44:02]Competition between friends led to crashes

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[44:14 - 44:19]Joey and the narrating person waiting at the bottom of the slope

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[44:32 - 44:41]Luke accidentally crashes into Joey

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[44:32 - 44:41]Luke crashes into Joey, causing him to flip over

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[44:57 - 45:03]Luke apologizes but the narrating person thinks he's apologizing to others

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[48:10 - 48:15]Multiple falls and tumbles throughout the trip

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[49:45 - 49:50]Narrating person takes turns leading everyone down the slope

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[49:45 - 49:50]Narrating person wishes they had filmed the crash

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[49:45 - 49:50]Embarrassing fall on ski lift

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[49:45 - 49:50]Narrating person thinks ski lift will have same momentum as previous times, but it slows down

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[49:45 - 49:50]Ski lift does not stop, goes over narrating person

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[49:51 - 49:57]Joey slowly falling down the slope

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[49:51 - 49:57]Luke crashes into Joey, narrating person watches from a distance

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[49:51 - 49:57]Narrating person sits down but falls because there is no ski lift, Joey snowboards over them

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[50:05 - 50:14]Worst falls were when trying to stop with hands instead of arms

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[50:42 - 50:49]Finally stopped and checked on by staff

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[43:44 - 51:02]The group went snowboarding for the first three days of their trip, with only minor injuries occurring. There was competition between friends which led to crashes, including Luke accidentally crashing into Joey and causing him to flip over. The narrating person takes turns leading everyone down the slope and witnesses a particularly funny crash between Luke and Joey. There were multiple falls and tumbles throughout the trip, with the worst falls happening when trying to stop with hands instead of arms. An embarrassing fall occurs on the ski lift, with the narrating person thinking it will have the same momentum as previous times but it slows down, causing them to fall and Joey to snowboard over them. The ski lift does not stop and goes over the narrating person, finally stopping and being checked on by staff.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[51:15 - 51:21] The speaker talks about an embarrassing moment on a ski lift

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[56:51 - 56:57]They mention numbness in their body from too much snowboarding

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[56:57 - 57:03]The snowboarding was amazing and the speaker prefers European ski resorts

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[57:09 - 57:19]They mention social anxiety and the difficulty of leaving the ski lift

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[57:09 - 57:19]The quality of snow was great, with two meters of powder snow

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[57:09 - 57:19]They mention a specific slope that was difficult and they fell on it

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[57:09 - 57:19]They had to remove a lot of snow from their clothes and it was cold

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[57:09 - 57:19]They mention accidentally going down a difficult slope and surviving

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[57:09 - 57:19]They discuss a difficult path to get back to the ski resort

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[57:09 - 57:19]The speaker and a friend decide to ski back while others take a bus

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[57:19 - 57:26]They had a great time despite body aches and are eager to go again

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[57:19 - 57:26]The speaker talks about wanting to improve and keep up with their friends

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[57:39 - 57:44]They have to rush their friends to make it back on time

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[51:02 - 57:44]Overall, the speaker had a great time snowboarding but also faced some challenges and embarrassing moments.

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[57:44 - 57:50]Don't stop, just be good

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[57:56 - 58:06]Visibility was bad during ski trip

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[58:06 - 58:12]Snowboarding and skiing is like hiking but without the effort

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[58:36 - 58:43]Beginner slope took 10-15 minutes to go up, but the view was already amazing

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[1.00:59 - 1.01:05]Ski trip was originally planned for Australia, but was canceled due to pandemic

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[1.01:24 - 1.01:29]Christmas was spent playing games with friends

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[1.01:43 - 1.01:49]Tried playing TFT, but found it boring alone

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[1.04:18 - 1.04:26]Started playing Pokemon Diamond, but didn't enjoy it as much as previous Pokemon games

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[1.04:49 - 1.04:54]JRPG player who talks to everyone in the game

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[57:44 - 1.04:54]Ski trip was canceled due to pandemic, Christmas was spent playing games with friends, and the speaker tried playing TFT and Pokemon Diamond, but didn't enjoy them as much as previous games.

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[1.04:55 - 1.05:00] The person is playing a JRPG game and must talk to everyone in order to not miss any items.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.05:00 - 1.05:07]They are currently playing and find it boring but continue to talk to everyone to get items.

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[1.05:14 - 1.05:21]They talk about potions and how they use them in the game.

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[1.05:38 - 1.05:45]They mention how they used to be able to immerse themselves into games as a child but now need challenges to make it more fun.

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[1.05:46 - 1.05:54]They discuss how Pokemon games have become easier over the years and how they miss the feeling of reward in older games.

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[1.05:54 - 1.06:00]They discuss different Pokemon challenges, such as Nuzlocke and randomizers, and how they make the game more challenging and enjoyable.

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[1.06:00 - 1.06:08]The person has not played a Pokemon game since Ruby and is finding the current game to be too easy and not as fun.

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[1.09:56 - 1.10:02]The conversation turns to different types of challenges, such as shiny runs and modded versions of games.

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[1.10:56 - 1.11:14]They mention how giving a child who grew up on newer Pokemon games an older version would be difficult for them.

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[1.11:26 - 1.11:31]The person reflects on how things used to feel more rewarding in older games.

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[1.04:55 - 1.11:47]The person is playing a JRPG game and discusses how it has become easier over the years and how they miss the challenge and reward in older games. They also talk about different types of challenges that can make the game more enjoyable.

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[1.12:28 - 1.12:34]The speaker discusses their experience playing an Eevee-only run in a Pokemon game and how it was too easy due to overpowered moves.

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[1.12:34 - 1.12:48]They mention that games have become easier over time, starting around the sixth generation.

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[1.12:57 - 1.13:02]They compare this to their experience playing difficult games as a child.

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[1.14:16 - 1.14:28]The speaker talks about a difficult Disney game on Game Boy called "Dalmatians 101" and a Shrek game on PS1 called "Shrek Treasure Hunt."

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[1.16:27 - 1.16:32]They mention a new game they discovered called "13 Sentinels" which has an interesting concept of multiple perspectives and time travel.

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[1.16:27 - 1.16:32]The gameplay of "13 Sentinels" is described as a mix between a visual novel and turn-based strategy.

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[1.16:27 - 1.16:32]The speaker highly recommends "13 Sentinels" and is currently halfway through the game.

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[1.16:27 - 1.16:32]The Switch version of "13 Sentinels" is set to release in April this year.

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[1.16:27 - 1.16:32]"13 Sentinels" has a unique and original storytelling method.

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[1.18:46 - 1.18:51]"13 Sentinels" has received good ratings and is an Atlas game.

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[1.11:47 - 1.19:36]The speaker discusses their experiences with easy Pokemon games, difficult games from their childhood, and their discovery of a new game called "13 Sentinels" which has received good ratings and has a unique storytelling method using multiple perspectives and time travel. They highly recommend the game and mention that a Switch version is set to release in April this year.

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[1.19:57 - 1.20:02] Atlas games are not talked about much in the Western Hemisphere, except for Persona.

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[1.22:07 - 1.22:14]The speaker gravitates towards anime style storytelling, finding Western storytelling to be less emotionally engaging.

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[1.24:40 - 1.24:49]High school is glorified in Japan, seen as a fun time with friends, while in the West, it is often portrayed negatively.

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[1.26:33 - 1.26:40]Aggretsuko is a refreshing and realistic take on adult life and work in Japan, but it is not popular in Japan.

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[1.26:33 - 1.26:40]Aggretsuko includes a story arc about this issue.

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[1.26:51 - 1.26:57]The concept of Seishine, or lifetime employment, is common in Japan, but seen as a bad idea in the West.

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[1.27:22 - 1.27:28]There needs to be a balance between job security and the ability to fire employees.

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[1.19:37 - 1.27:47]The speaker discusses the lack of discussion about Atlas games in the West, their preference for anime storytelling, the differences in how high school is portrayed in Japan vs. the West, and the realistic depiction of adult life and work in Japan in Aggretsuko. They also mention the concept of lifetime employment in Japan and the need for a balance between job security and the ability to fire employees, which is explored in Aggretsuko.

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[1.27:47 - 1.27:56]A character is relocated to a shithole and given no work to force them to quit

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[1.28:02 - 1.28:07]The pressure and bullying tactics used to make the character quit

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[1.28:45 - 1.28:50]The dark themes and lack of exploration in the show

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[1.28:50 - 1.29:01]The show could potentially make waves, but may be too real for Japanese audiences

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[1.29:02 - 1.29:09]Japanese audiences watch anime for escapism, not to be reminded of reality

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[1.29:22 - 1.29:28]Mixed reviews of the fourth season of the show

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[1.29:40 - 1.29:45]The first and last five episodes are considered good, but the rest are unnecessary

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[1.30:36 - 1.30:43]The show breaks the mold of typical Isekai shows

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[1.30:50 - 1.30:56]A discussion of the show "My Shaka Tensei" and its positive aspects

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[1.32:20 - 1.32:28]The show's world building is praised

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[1.33:04 - 1.33:12]The slow pacing and investment in the family dynamic

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[1.33:37 - 1.33:47]A plot point involving cheating and pregnancy

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[1.34:32 - 1.34:38]The first season ends abruptly, making it feel like the story has just begun

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.27:47 - 1.34:44]The summary ends with a mention of the new season of the show.

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[1.37:07 - 1.37:19] The speaker discusses their thoughts on an anime called Mshoka Densei, which is an Isakai show.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.38:46 - 1.38:58]The second season has a lot of payoff and world building from the first season.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.39:13 - 1.39:19]They question why other Isakai shows do not take the good parts of this show.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.39:32 - 1.39:38]They express annoyance at the possibility of season two only being one hour long.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.39:32 - 1.39:38]They mention technical details about the show and how it is not the first Isakai.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.39:49 - 1.39:59]They mention that they have only seen the first season and that the second season is amazing.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.39:49 - 1.39:59]The speaker praises the show for doing something different and being successful.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.40:24 - 1.40:33]The speaker discusses how many Isakai shows have missed the point of why an Isakai is the way it is.

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[1.40:49 - 1.40:54]The main character is an insult and the speaker hates how this trope is used.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.40:49 - 1.40:54]They mention that they wanted to see the main character grow and become stronger, but also appreciated the realistic character development.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.41:47 - 1.41:59]They express their appreciation for the show's confidence in its world and characters.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.41:47 - 1.41:59]The speaker praises the show for addressing the trauma and fears of the main character's past life.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.41:47 - 1.41:59]The show is praised for its use of different languages and world building through them.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.41:47 - 1.41:59]The speaker mentions that they are glad the show started as a light novel before being adapted into an anime.

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[1.34:44 - 1.41:59]The speaker praises the show for its world building, character development, and use of different languages, while also discussing their appreciation for the show's unique take on the Isakai genre. They also criticize other Isakai shows for missing the point of why an Isakai is the way it is.

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[1.46:42 - 1.47:01]People on Twitch have been getting banned for watching copyrighted content on their streams

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.47:07 - 1.47:13]This sparked a discussion about DMCA and copyright issues on streaming platforms

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.47:07 - 1.47:13]This has caused controversy and debate about the legality and ethics of streaming copyrighted content

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.47:13 - 1.47:21]Some people online are calling this trend the "TV meta"

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.47:21 - 1.47:34]Pokémon and Disguised Toast were among those banned for watching Avatar: The Last Airbender and Death Note, respectively

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.47:48 - 1.47:55]This trend has caused confusion and frustration among streamers and viewers alike

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[1.47:55 - 1.48:03]Twitch streamers, including some of the biggest ones, have been streaming entire anime series without consequences

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.48:29 - 1.48:39]Ludwig made a video addressing this issue and criticizing those who defend streaming copyrighted content

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.48:49 - 1.48:58]This situation can be compared to broadcasting a sports game in a stadium that you don't own

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[1.41:59 - 1.48:58]Twitch streamers have been getting banned for streaming copyrighted content, sparking a debate about DMCA and the "TV meta". Some streamers have been streaming entire anime series without repercussions, causing controversy and confusion.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.48:58 - 1.49:06]One person questions if broadcasting to 90,000 people is allowed

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.50:15 - 1.50:21]They mention other streamers who have been banned for similar actions

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.50:21 - 1.50:32]Another person is frustrated with the lack of consequences for breaking copyright laws

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.51:18 - 1.51:25]Others shush them and say not to tell anyone

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.51:18 - 1.51:25]They mention enjoying XQC's reactions to Hunter Hunter and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.51:18 - 1.51:25]They mention the difficulty of trying to convince Japanese companies that YouTubers and streamers aren't malicious

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.51:41 - 1.51:53]There is a discussion about fair use and the fear of getting in trouble with the law

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.52:17 - 1.52:37]This ultimately makes it harder for smaller creators who are trying to follow the rules

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.53:38 - 1.53:57]They express frustration with bigger creators being able to get away with breaking copyright laws due to their established success

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.53:38 - 1.53:57]They bring up the recent DMCA controversy on Twitch and the entitled attitudes of some streamers

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.53:38 - 1.53:57]They mention a specific example of a YouTuber who had hundreds of their videos taken down due to copyright strikes

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.53:38 - 1.53:57]Smaller creators are the ones who suffer the consequences of bigger creators abusing the system.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.54:21 - 1.54:36]One person explains how they did a watch-along of JoJo's without showing visuals or audio

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.55:11 - 1.55:16]Despite fighting to prove fair use, the YouTuber ultimately gave up and lost a third of their channel

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.48:58 - 1.56:01]The entire conversation is about breaking copyright laws and the consequences and frustrations that come with it.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.56:02 - 1.56:14] Content creator discusses frustrations with larger creators not setting good examples and potentially not caring.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.56:26 - 1.56:39]Mentions the potential negative consequences for smaller creators if they were to do the same actions.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.56:39 - 1.56:46]Talks about not wanting to start drama with any of the content creators involved, but being disappointed in their actions.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.57:41 - 1.57:50]Mentions the role of clickbait headlines and independent journalism in the situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.58:33 - 1.58:40]Discusses the broken DMCA system and people's willingness to defend it.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.59:01 - 1.59:08]Concludes with the message that certain actions are viewed differently based on the person doing them.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.59:26 - 1.59:39]Brings up the idea of companies allowing streaming of their old shows as a "five head move."

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[2.00:11 - 2.00:17]Mentions a Japanese YouTuber who legally streamed Attack on Titan and gained success.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[2.00:37 - 2.00:43]Reflects on the changing attitudes towards reaction channels and the overall confusion surrounding the Twitch and TV meta.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Boys Went Snowboarding | Trash Taste #85

[1.56:02 - 2.01:49]Content creator discusses frustrations with larger creators not setting good examples and the potential negative consequences for smaller creators. They also mention the role of clickbait headlines, defend against the broken DMCA system, and reflect on the changing attitudes towards certain actions.