

Youtube profile pic for DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[00:00 - 00:07]Shirt on a shirt is back

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[00:07 - 00:15]Final chance to buy popular items from previous drop

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[00:07 - 00:15]Available for a limited time

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[00:15 - 01:06]Orders run from January 26th to February 9th

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[06:42 - 06:53]Japanese dads don't typically attend childbirth

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[08:15 - 08:20]Childbirth in Japan

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[08:30 - 08:37]Good service and low child death rate

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[09:37 - 09:43]Pressure to have children

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[09:37 - 09:43]Joey may want children in the next few years

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[09:54 - 10:12]Nine months to prepare for parenthood

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[09:54 - 10:12]Had to buy all necessary items from Amazon

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[00:00 - 10:12]Final chance to buy popular items from previous drop, orders run from Jan 26 to Feb 9, childbirth in Japan, pressure to have children, and Joey may want children in the next few years.

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[10:12 - 10:18]The speaker initially misunderstood a comment about "pay to win" in reference to conception.

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[10:24 - 10:31]They discuss the difficulty of learning to sleep with a baby.

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[11:11 - 11:20]The lack of external support for raising children can be a deterrent for some people.

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[11:11 - 11:20]The speaker's family is not close by to help with raising the child.

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[12:32 - 12:42]They joke about teaching their child to like video games and art.

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[17:07 - 17:16]The speaker has been learning how to draw anime-style girls and it has been easier than other art styles.

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[17:50 - 18:06]The other person is impressed with the speaker's improvement in drawing in a short period of time.

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[18:35 - 18:43]The speaker struggles with doing nice things for others and often feels annoyed.

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[19:11 - 19:30]They have a conversation about letting other drivers merge and the speaker realizes they are not a "normal" person.

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[19:11 - 19:30]The speaker struggles with feeling pressured to let others merge when driving.

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[10:12 - 19:45]The speakers discuss various topics, including sleep with a baby, lack of external support for raising children, teaching their child to like video games and art, and the speaker's struggles with doing nice things for others. The speaker also talks about their progress in learning to draw anime-style girls, and the last sentence implies that they may not actually let others merge when driving if they are alone in the car.

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[19:45 - 20:06]Person doesn't want to be let in while driving

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[20:57 - 21:03]Society influences person's actions

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[20:57 - 21:03]Person reflects on their actions and who they are

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[22:09 - 22:24]Discussion about using hazard lights as a thank you while driving

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[25:23 - 25:41]Different customs and driving etiquette in different countries

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[28:37 - 28:54]Person struggles to acclimate to Japan

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[19:45 - 29:27]Discussion about societal influence on actions, using hazard lights as a thank you while driving, and adapting to customs in Japan. Mention of the "My Number Card" in Japan and its benefits.

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[29:49 - 29:55]Discussion about obtaining a print from the town hall and the process of getting it

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[30:01 - 30:08]The annoyance of having to go to the town hall for various tasks and the overall difficulty of doing anything there

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[30:08 - 30:14]The comparison of the town hall to the DMV in Japan

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[30:49 - 31:10]The difficulty of renewing a driving license in Japan and the two-hour lecture required for it

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[33:39 - 34:05]The possibility of flying cars and the speaker's preference for them due to traffic

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[34:27 - 34:38]The speaker's enjoyment of driving in Japan and recommendation for others to try it

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[35:30 - 35:44]The difficulties of driving in London, including tolls and congestion charges

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[35:30 - 35:44]The annoyance of having to pay tolls after the fact in the UK

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[36:44 - 36:51]Possibility of the toll system being a scam

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[29:27 - 37:14]The discussion covers the annoyance of having to go to the town hall for various tasks and the difficulties of obtaining a print and renewing a driving license. The speaker also talks about the possibility of flying cars and their preference for them due to traffic. They also mention their enjoyment of driving in Japan and the difficulties of driving in London. The discussion touches on the possibility of the toll system being a scam and the limited time they have had to travel around Japan.

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[37:14 - 37:19]Went on a trip with Bjarn, first trip with baby

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[37:19 - 37:26]Enjoyed the trip, but it took longer with the baby

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[37:32 - 37:40]Visited a volcano and had black eggs

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[37:53 - 38:00]Haven't gone far, but want to go to Kyushu

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[37:53 - 38:00]Kyushu is far with the baby, but there is a luxury train

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[40:43 - 40:49]JR East and West are separated, JR East has new cars

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[40:49 - 41:01]There are three classes: normal, green, and grand

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[41:02 - 41:08]Grand class is amazing, extra 30 bucks, unlimited beverages and snacks

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[42:31 - 42:36]Bucket list includes places like Kyushu and Hokkaido

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[43:30 - 43:37]Sapporo is cool and has great food

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[43:37 - 43:49]Hokkaido is cool, but snow festival is busy and expensive

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[43:49 - 44:00]Favorite ice cream and soup curry places are in Hokkaido

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[44:38 - 44:44]Hokkaido has great food and scenery

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[44:38 - 44:44]Hokkaido has good milk and butter

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[37:14 - 45:06]Hokkaido has great food and scenery, but snow festival is busy and expensive

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[45:12 - 45:18]Discussion about vacation recommendations for Hokkaido, Japan

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[46:16 - 46:51]Struggle with using foreign names in Japan and the difficulties with booking reservations

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[49:21 - 49:31]Issues with misspellings on official documents and the hassle of changing names

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[50:45 - 51:00]Discussion about acclimating to life in Japan and dealing with visa renewals

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[50:45 - 51:00]Anecdote about a bank account being frozen due to visa issues

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[52:08 - 52:16]The struggle of dealing with Japanese customer service and the language barrier

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[53:16 - 53:28]Concern about having a public presence and the potential impact on future children

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[53:45 - 53:51]Mention of a previous apology video and the possibility of future mistakes

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[45:06 - 54:06]Discussion about Japan vacation recommendations, difficulties with using foreign names and dealing with official documents, acclimating to life in Japan and visa renewals, and concerns about public presence and potential mistakes.

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[54:06 - 54:24] YouTube has become a popular platform for kids to watch and understand, unlike previous generations who didn't have access to it.

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[54:53 - 54:59]The speaker has curated a playlist of videos for his son to watch, making it the only content his son is exposed to.

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[55:05 - 55:36]Some parents may not have an understanding of what their kids are watching on YouTube.

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[55:05 - 55:36]This allows the speaker to be a part of his son's media consumption and potentially monetize it.

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[56:11 - 56:19]The speaker and his friend have sang a song on stage in Sweden in front of a large crowd.

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[57:43 - 57:49]The speaker wishes he had videos of himself as a kid and thinks it would be cool for his son to see him at a young age.

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[59:38 - 59:55]The speaker thinks it's helpful to let kids learn on their own and mentions his own experience learning how to ride a bike.

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[1.00:50 - 1.01:09]The speaker also mentions his parents being overprotective and not allowing him to do risky activities as a child.

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[1.01:43 - 1.01:49]The group discusses extreme sports and adrenaline junkies.

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[1.02:06 - 1.02:13]The speaker expresses interest in trying paragliding.

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[1.02:50 - 1.02:56]Certain activities, such as cave diving, require extensive training and experience.

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[54:06 - 1.02:56]YouTube has become a popular platform for kids to watch and understand, making it a potential source of income for parents.

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[1.08:45 - 1.08:56]Discussion about scuba diving and its dangers

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[1.08:57 - 1.09:03]Differences between diving with a tank and diving off of breath

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[1.09:12 - 1.09:23]Theoretical limit of human body pressure underwater is 1000 meters and the dangers of diving at 40 meters

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[1.10:00 - 1.10:13]Discussion of bungee jumping and its safety compared to skydiving

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[1.10:00 - 1.10:13]Differences between bungee jumping in Japan and other places

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[1.10:00 - 1.10:13]Differences between the effects of falling off a building and jumping from a plane

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[1.10:33 - 1.10:42]Fear of heights and the rush of bungee jumping

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[1.10:33 - 1.10:42]Discussion of potential landing options in a fall

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[1.02:56 - 1.10:55]Discussion of the dangers and experiences of extreme activities such as scuba diving, bungee jumping, and skydiving.

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[1.11:08 - 1.11:16] Woman in gorilla suit survives skydiving event

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[1.17:08 - 1.17:20]Discussion about survival in various life or death situations, such as plane crashes, falling through ice, and bear attacks

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[1.20:07 - 1.20:15]Hypothetical scenario of surviving a zombie apocalypse in Japan and determining roles in the group

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[1.20:07 - 1.20:15]Debate about whether a samurai sword would be a useful weapon in a zombie apocalypse in Japan

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[1.20:43 - 1.20:50]Discussion about potential benefits of a zombie apocalypse in Japan, such as eliminating work-life balance and bureaucracy

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[1.10:55 - 1.21:07]Overall, the audio covers a range of topics related to survival and hypothetical scenarios, including a focus on a potential zombie apocalypse in Japan.

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[1.24:25 - 1.24:36]Discussion about different apocalyptic scenarios

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[1.25:15 - 1.25:27]Mention of Japanese prisons being different and Swedish prisons being the best

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[1.25:27 - 1.25:40]Conversation about survival and living in an apocalypse

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[1.27:16 - 1.27:33]Personal opinions on Squid Game and the desire to watch it

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[1.27:58 - 1.28:08]Comparison of game shows in the past and present

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[1.27:58 - 1.28:08]Discussion about the changing dynamics of game shows and people's motivations for winning

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[1.28:58 - 1.29:04]Mention of the new show Squid Game and its themes

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[1.28:58 - 1.29:04]Contradiction between the message of Squid Game and the reality of game show winnings

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[1.21:07 - 1.29:09]Discussion about different apocalyptic scenarios, prison systems in Japan and Sweden, survival and living in an apocalypse, the changing dynamics of game shows, and personal opinions on the show Squid Game.

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[1.29:09 - 1.29:21]The speaker discusses their love for trash TV, specifically the show "Survivor".

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[1.29:21 - 1.29:41]They mention their partner, Marzia, also enjoying trashy TV such as "Selling Houses".

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[1.29:41 - 1.29:47]The speaker talks about the abundance of trash TV shows in the UK, including "Home or Away" and "Don't Tell the Bride".

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[1.30:21 - 1.30:29]They mention their lack of concern for natural disasters and dangerous animals as a British person.

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[1.34:48 - 1.35:02]The conversation shifts to reality cooking shows and the speaker's favorite, "Iron Chef".

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[1.36:23 - 1.36:31]The speaker brings up Japanese reality TV, including a show called "I Can't Laugh" and a New Year's special.

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[1.36:32 - 1.36:38]The speaker mentions musician Gackt often appearing on these shows and seeming to always get the answers right.

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[1.36:38 - 1.36:46]They discuss a popular segment on Japanese TV where guests have to guess which item is more expensive.

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[1.29:09 - 1.36:56]Overall, the speaker and their conversation partner discuss their enjoyment of trashy and goofy TV shows, both in the UK and Japan.

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[1.37:24 - 1.37:40]A discussion about a TV show in Japan where contestants are downgraded for incorrect answers

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[1.38:00 - 1.38:16]The host and guest discuss a show where a camera crew follows foreigners in Japan

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[1.40:07 - 1.40:23]The guest mentions a show where a man learns to make tatami mats in Japan

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[1.41:12 - 1.41:28]Discussion about shows in the UK that promote the country in a positive light

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[1.41:56 - 1.42:05]The host shares a story about a family in the UK finding a World War I bomb in their garden

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[1.44:26 - 1.44:34]The guest talks about a trip to Sweden and the clean air they experienced there

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[1.45:17 - 1.45:25]The host mentions a pastry recommended to them in Sweden

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[1.36:56 - 1.45:36]The host and guest discuss various TV shows in Japan and the UK, as well as their trip to Sweden and a recommended pastry.

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[1.45:43 - 1.45:48] The speaker talks about a meal at a restaurant in the airport, where they did not end up eating.

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[1.45:54 - 1.46:01]They then discuss a restaurant in Sweden that serves amazing meatballs.

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[1.45:54 - 1.46:01]The speaker reveals that they would go back to Stockholm just for that meal.

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[1.46:51 - 1.47:01]They mention that meatballs are generally considered a mediocre dish, but the ones in Sweden were exceptional.

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[1.49:26 - 1.49:33]The conversation turns to Sweden and Norway, where the speaker recently visited.

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[1.49:26 - 1.49:33]They mention that the vibe in Stockholm was enjoyable, while the food in Norway was just okay.

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[1.50:30 - 1.50:41]The speaker recommends experiencing the midsummer festival in Sweden, where they dance around a fertility pole and eat fermented fish.

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[1.51:43 - 1.51:59]They also mention a tradition in Japan where girls receive a special dish on their first period.

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[1.53:13 - 1.53:21]The conversation ends with the speaker discussing Swedish tacos and the tradition of "Fika," or coffee breaks.

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[1.45:36 - 1.54:07]The overall theme of the conversation is about the speaker's experiences with food and culture in Sweden and Norway.

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[1.54:07 - 1.54:15]Sweden and Denmark have a big rivalry, but Sweden seems to have a rivalry with everyone.

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[1.54:36 - 1.54:44]The speaker had a lot of fun in Sweden and wants to go back to properly experience it.

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[1.54:44 - 1.54:49]They went to the same restaurant every day.

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[1.54:50 - 1.54:59]The speaker moved out of Sweden to give others a chance to enjoy it.

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[1.55:44 - 1.55:49]There's not much to do in Sweden, but it's a nice place.

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[1.56:20 - 1.56:32]Sweden has the aurora borealis, but Norway has everything else.

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[1.57:12 - 1.57:22]The speaker's grandfather suggested taking over Norway because they have no defenses.

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[1.58:01 - 1.58:07]British winters are worse than Swedish winters.

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[1.58:34 - 1.58:49]The speaker lived in the southernmost part of the UK and experienced wet and cold winters.

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[1.58:34 - 1.58:49]The north of the UK had nicer winters with snow.

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[1.59:57 - 2.00:06]Welsh summers are rare but appreciated because of the dark and gloomy winters.

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[2.00:20 - 2.00:25]The speaker likes the gloominess of Wales and the crisps (chips) there.

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[2.00:20 - 2.00:25]The speaker has never had crisps as good as Welsh crisps.

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[2.01:08 - 2.01:20]The Norwegian patrons are encouraged to rise up and support the show.

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[2.01:20 - 2.01:26]If you'd like to support the show, go to

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[2.01:20 - 2.01:26]The guests on the show are encouraged to follow the hosts on Twitter and join the subreddit.

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[2.01:20 - 2.01:26]Listen to the show on Spotify.

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[2.01:26 - 2.01:38]A patreon exclusive content is available.

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[2.02:10 - 2.02:26]The speaker had a great time on the show and it was a pleasure to be on it.

A youtube thumbnail wor DAD IS BACK! (ft.@PewDiePie ) | Trash Taste #188

[1.54:07 - 2.02:26]The speaker discusses their time in Sweden and the rivalry between Sweden and Denmark. They also talk about the difference between British and Swedish winters and their appreciation for Welsh summers. The speaker also mentions a potential plan to take over Norway and encourages support for the show on Patreon.