

Youtube profile pic for Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[00:15 - 00:55]They mention their goal of making $1 million each and creating their own cryptocurrency called "yard coin"

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[00:36 - 01:48]They share a random thought about the time spent watching a bonus cutscene while gambling for money.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[00:56 - 02:03]They mention Mango, a Smash Bros player, and his recent win at Smash Summit

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[02:04 - 03:08]They talk about the streamer Trainwreck TV and his recent losses in gambling

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[03:03 - 04:31]The speaker mentions dating someone who was a fan of the TV show Friends and how they only watched that show.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[03:08 - 03:37]They briefly mention a painting of themselves in their home

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[03:37 - 04:04]They share a random thought about the time spent watching a bonus cutscene while gambling for money.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[03:37 - 04:15]The conversation shifts to Jeff Bezos and his plans to fly into space, with the speaker expressing frustration at Bezos' scheduling conflicts and a person bidding 28 million dollars for a spot on the flight.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[03:44 - 04:50]They mention Mango, a Smash Bros player, and his recent win at Smash Summit

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[04:21 - 04:56]They talk about the increase in viewership for the event and its significance for the Smash community

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[04:31 - 05:39]The speaker mentions dating someone who was a fan of the TV show Friends and how they only watched that show.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[04:56 - 06:23]They briefly mention a painting of themselves in their home

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[05:39 - 06:40]They compare themselves to a character in a Scooby-Doo episode who sets up a murder mystery for their fortune

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[05:39 - 06:47]The speaker discusses having sad and disturbing thoughts, such as wanting to kill someone and imagining being an evil rich person.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[06:41 - 08:26]They share a random thought about the time spent watching a bonus cutscene while gambling for money.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[06:47 - 08:04]They mention watching a gambling stream and having a thought about the person who owns the site injecting a billion dollars and making them stay there forever.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[08:04 - 09:32]The conversation shifts to Jeff Bezos and his plans to fly into space, with the speaker expressing frustration at Bezos' scheduling conflicts and a person bidding 28 million dollars for a spot on the flight.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[08:20 - 09:26]They joke about Bezos' brother and an 82-year-old woman also being on the flight, and compare the group photo to a Mario Party minigame.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[08:27 - 12:00]The conversation shifts to Jeff Bezos and his plans to fly into space, with the speaker expressing frustration at Bezos' scheduling conflicts and a person bidding 28 million dollars for a spot on the flight.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[10:15 - 12:21]The speaker mentions dating someone who was a fan of the TV show Friends and how they only watched that show.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[12:07 - 14:35]The speaker then shares a personal story about being anti-smartphone as a kid and having a ringtone from the movie Avatar.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[14:08 - 16:05]The speaker mentions dating someone who was a fan of the TV show Friends and how they only watched that show.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[14:35 - 16:44]The conversation ends with a tangent about struggling with dating apps and having terrible game.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[15:09 - 15:54]A man named Joe is mentioned, who is bad at talking to women on dating apps.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[15:36 - 15:59]The conversation turns to a moment from SpongeBob SquarePants where a character tries a Krabby Patty for the first time.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[16:58 - 17:36]The group discusses a man who has a large following on Twitter and is bad at talking to women in person.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[18:19 - 19:50]They talk about another man who reads autobiographies of billionaires, including Steve Jobs and Elon Musk.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[19:30 - 19:43]The group discusses how people are drawn to famous and wealthy individuals, using the example of a man named Ludwig.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[19:51 - 20:52]There is a conversation about a man named Ross who is compared to clown Jesus.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[20:04 - 21:40]A man named Zig is mentioned and a joke is made about him liking Krabby Patties.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[20:16 - 21:15]The group discusses a recent conversation where Nick's potential departure was brought up.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[21:15 - 23:58]A man named Zig is mentioned and a joke is made about him liking Krabby Patties.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[22:01 - 22:39]The conversation turns to Nick, who works at Beyond the Summit and has no plans to leave.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[22:18 - 23:06]Ayman initially denies having sex, but later admits it to his friends

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[22:39 - 23:20]Ayman compares himself to the story of Firepuff and doing the Mango chant to not feel scared

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[22:51 - 23:58]Ayman had a hard number for his sexual partners, but forgets it during the conversation.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[22:58 - 23:13]A man named Blur is mentioned and a picture he took with Ludwig.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[23:21 - 23:42]Ayman compares himself to the story of Firepuff and doing the Mango chant to not feel scared

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[23:58 - 25:07]The conversation shifts to the topic of Ayman's virginity

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[24:11 - 26:12]The group discusses a recent conversation where Nick's potential departure was brought up.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[24:11 - 26:12]Ayman initially denies having sex, but later admits it to his friends

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[24:19 - 25:14]Ayman's friend Aiden eventually has sex and his friends tease him for it

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[24:24 - 25:07]Nick's secret plan to get a job at Beyond the Summit is revealed through a podcast, causing a reaction from the CEO of the company.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[24:54 - 24:59]The group discusses a man who has a large following on Twitter and is bad at talking to women in person.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[26:13 - 27:13]A man named Ayman is mentioned and a joke is made comparing him to a character from SpongeBob SquarePants.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[26:13 - 27:48]His friends tease him for having shingles and for not having sex

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[26:24 - 26:49]The conversation turns to Nick, who works at Beyond the Summit and has no plans to leave.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[27:14 - 27:42]The conversation turns to a moment from SpongeBob SquarePants where a character tries a Krabby Patty for the first time.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[27:14 - 27:42]Ayman compares himself to the story of Firepuff and doing the Mango chant to not feel scared

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[27:48 - 28:08]Ayman initially denies having sex, but later admits it to his friends

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[28:08 - 28:36]His friends tease him for having shingles and for not having sex

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[28:36 - 29:47]The conversation shifts to the topic of Ayman's virginity

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[28:41 - 29:53]Ayman initially denies having sex, but later admits it to his friends

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[29:22 - 30:56]His friends tease him for having shingles and for not having sex

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[29:47 - 32:10]The other person jokes about the first person's lack of game in social situations.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[30:27 - 33:00]Ayman had a hard number for his sexual partners, but forgets it during the conversation.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[30:57 - 31:59]Ayman's friends tease him about his virginity

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[31:54 - 37:01]One person shares a story about feeling nervous and guilty when random conversations happen to them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[32:00 - 32:15]Ayman and his friends play video games together and Ayman is teased for having a high number of Steam games

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[32:15 - 32:54]Ayman compares himself to the story of Firepuff and doing the Mango chant to not feel scared

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[34:49 - 37:13]Two people are discussing receiving DMs from fans.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[35:09 - 36:19]The other person mentions getting DMs from fans asking for a response to move the conversation out of the message request area.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[37:14 - 38:27]One person shares a story about feeling nervous and guilty when random conversations happen to them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[38:27 - 40:04]The other person jokes about the first person's lack of game in social situations.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[38:39 - 40:04]He finds out later that he got gonorrhea from her

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[39:12 - 42:32]They share a story about going to see the movie JoJo Rabbit and not vibing afterwards.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[39:24 - 41:40]Man hooks up with a woman and she leaves the next morning

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[40:17 - 40:35]He discusses the awkward conversation he had with her about it and how he had to explain his shingles to her

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[40:48 - 42:27]One person shares a story about feeling nervous and guilty when random conversations happen to them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[41:10 - 42:38]He goes on a date with a girl who he says is a hardcore Republican

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[41:52 - 44:13]He gets tested and treated for it, but it's a scary experience

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[42:04 - 44:53]He finds out later that he got gonorrhea from her

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[43:55 - 45:57]He confronts the girl about it and she says she didn't have anything, but she only got tested for one type of gonorrhea

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[45:26 - 46:03]He discusses the awkward conversation he had with her about it and how he had to explain his shingles to her

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[46:04 - 46:49]He finds out later that he got gonorrhea from her

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[46:49 - 47:13]He discusses the awkward conversation he had with her about it and how he had to explain his shingles to her

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[47:14 - 48:01]He had a list of all the girls he had sex with, drew lines between them, and then went on Tinder

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[47:20 - 48:07]Hassan's number is the highest, leading to surprise.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[47:43 - 49:53]He mentions that someone sent him dirty underwear in his PO box and it grossed him out

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[48:07 - 49:11]They joke about their past roommate and his number of times coming in his pants.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[49:11 - 49:47]He also mentions that someone sent him dirty underwear to his dad's house in Canada

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[49:11 - 50:32]They talk about how cryptocurrency ads are a new territory for them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[49:47 - 51:15]They mention meeting Ludwig's editor and jokingly dub Ludwig as the "sheesh man."

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[51:17 - 52:41]They joke about their past roommate and his number of times coming in his pants.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[52:28 - 53:08]They discuss trying not to masturbate as a challenge.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[53:08 - 54:30]Nick mentions wanting to do something new and being jaded with esports.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[53:36 - 55:57]They talk about their upcoming merch company and Nick's involvement.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[55:27 - 56:07]They mention seeing people wearing their merch in public.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[56:07 - 58:30]They joke about their past roommate and his number of times coming in his pants.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[56:59 - 59:01]The speaker shares their pride in winning the bet and being considered the best Melee player in their friend group for six months.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[57:12 - 58:52]They discuss trying not to masturbate as a challenge.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[57:24 - 59:01]They joke about their past roommate and his number of times coming in his pants.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[57:49 - 1.00:18]The speaker shares their experience of playing many games of Melee with this YouTuber and consistently winning.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[57:55 - 58:45]They mention meeting Ludwig's editor and jokingly dub Ludwig as the "sheesh man."

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[58:01 - 59:38]They mention a joke they had with their friend about an Eastern European accent, and how it evolved into a catchphrase during the COVID-19 pandemic.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[59:39 - 1.00:50]The speaker talks about their gaming habits and how they played with unconventional setups, such as using a small Ikea shelf as a desk.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.00:19 - 1.01:24]They share a story about playing CS:GO with their roommates, who also had unconventional setups and chat binds.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.00:30 - 1.03:50]The speaker talks about how they were introduced to their roommates through gaming, and how they got to know each other better through playing together.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.01:58 - 1.04:31]They share a story about playing CS:GO with their roommates, who also had unconventional setups and chat binds.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.04:03 - 1.06:00]The speaker talks about how they were introduced to their roommates through gaming, and how they got to know each other better through playing together.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.05:48 - 1.07:43]The speaker talks about their gaming habits and how they played with unconventional setups, such as using a small Ikea shelf as a desk.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.07:43 - 1.10:36]The speaker shares their pride in winning the bet and being considered the best Melee player in their friend group for six months.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.09:33 - 1.09:53]The speaker talks about the competitive and prideful nature of Melee, and how it reflects one's personal goals and desires.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.09:33 - 1.09:53]Man has everything - money, hoes, views, crypto, etc.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.09:53 - 1.10:43]Man laughs and pretends not to remember the incident

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.10:44 - 1.11:15]They talk about how the man loves Moki and wants to bring up something from the last podcast

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.11:16 - 1.13:19]Man admits to stealing a toothbrush from a grocery store 10 years ago

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.11:29 - 1.13:57]He was caught and had to pay a fine and have his picture taken and put on a wall of shoplifters

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.12:07 - 1.13:37]He is approached by someone at an event who asks about a funny incident

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.13:25 - 1.15:21]Man expresses desire to try stealing again

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.14:14 - 1.15:54]He is approached by someone at an event who asks about a funny incident

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.15:55 - 1.16:20]They transition to talking about shoplifting experiences

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.16:20 - 1.17:04]Man laughs and pretends not to remember the incident

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.17:05 - 1.18:12]The man's ex-girlfriend made him stop stealing art supplies

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.17:54 - 1.18:51]The man's friend challenges him to quit fast food and he succeeds

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.19:46 - 1.19:51]They discuss which fast food places are still acceptable for the man to eat at

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.20:03 - 1.20:23]The man's friend teases him about his large thighs and his ability to play soccer

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.20:23 - 1.20:46]The man says he would never be able to leave the house to play soccer.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.20:23 - 1.21:12]Person discussing wanting to join a rec soccer league with friends

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.20:52 - 1.21:40]Friend expresses interest in joining as well

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.21:12 - 1.22:24]Mention of upcoming gaming tournament and potential for new beef

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.21:20 - 1.21:58]Personal story about an embarrassing moment in class

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.22:00 - 1.22:12]Friend expresses interest in joining as well

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.22:25 - 1.23:08]Mention of upcoming gaming tournament and potential for new beef

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.23:08 - 1.23:52]Friend expresses interest in joining as well

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.23:52 - 1.25:21]Speculation about game developer's potential for inappropriate behavior

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.24:22 - 1.24:28]Personal story about being forced to hang out with a classmate who wears diapers

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.24:43 - 1.25:28]Mention of a sponsor's potential reaction to the podcast episode's content

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.25:28 - 1.25:54]Personal story about being forced to hang out with a classmate who wears diapers

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.25:54 - 1.27:08]Discussion about adult diapers being sold more in Japan than baby diapers

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.26:37 - 1.26:56]Speculation about game developer's potential for inappropriate behavior

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.27:08 - 1.27:56]Discussion about being nice to people who were bullied in school

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.27:40 - 1.30:09]Personal story about an embarrassing moment in class

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.28:44 - 1.30:34]Personal story about being forced to hang out with a classmate who wears diapers

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.31:21 - 1.32:46]Discussion about a recent controversial commercial for an esports team

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.32:30 - 1.33:04]Speculation about the potential consequences of the commercial on the team's reputation

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.33:04 - 1.35:05]Criticism of the commercial and the use of a sponsor for the team's content

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.33:24 - 1.33:44]Discussion about the difficulty and pressure of being a professional gamer

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.35:06 - 1.36:24]Mention of a sponsor's potential reaction to the podcast episode's content

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Almost Gets Nick FIRED | The Yard

[1.35:43 - 1.36:22]Personal goal to surpass a specific podcast in rankings