

Youtube profile pic for Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[00:00 - 00:11]They mention their rating, which was 1,000 but they promptly stopped playing

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[00:29 - 01:11]The speaker invites someone to join their group and mentions needing support

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[00:35 - 00:46]The speaker clarifies that Nick is part of their group and they are all responsible for something

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[01:12 - 03:23]The speaker expresses frustration when people are late and thanks Michelle for being on time.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[01:17 - 01:48]Michelle is then introduced as the president of Women's History Month and there is some confusion over when the podcast was scheduled

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[01:24 - 01:35]Michelle asks about the speaker's professionalism and they discuss a past assistant named Nick

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[01:49 - 02:05]They joke about the speaker potentially hiring someone from Michelle's team without telling her

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[02:06 - 02:21]The speaker discusses being busy and double-booking a meeting for a time they will be in Vancouver

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[02:55 - 03:30]The speaker expresses frustration when people are late and thanks Michelle for being on time.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[03:30 - 04:41]Michelle asks about the speaker's professionalism and they discuss a past assistant named Nick

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[03:37 - 04:54]The speaker discusses being busy and double-booking a meeting for a time they will be in Vancouver

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[04:14 - 05:33]Michelle asks about the speaker's professionalism and they discuss a past assistant named Nick

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[04:54 - 05:04]They mention a cue being clear and obvious and someone named Michelle being involved

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[05:34 - 05:54]The speaker and Michelle joke about trading places and the size of their respective teams (8 people for the speaker and 30 for Michelle)

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[05:54 - 06:19]It is mentioned that Nick does not have access to the speaker's calendar or bank account

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[06:19 - 06:30]The speaker invites someone to join their group and mentions needing support

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[06:42 - 06:56]The speaker and Michelle joke about trading places and the size of their respective teams (8 people for the speaker and 30 for Michelle)

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[06:56 - 07:04]They joke about the speaker potentially hiring someone from Michelle's team without telling her

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[07:05 - 07:48]Michelle clarifies that there are 8 full-time employees but they hire additional freelance personnel for larger shoots

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[07:48 - 08:13]The speaker had a conversation with Michelle about how her company works and mentions hiring a producer for the podcast

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[08:14 - 09:15]The speaker expresses frustration when people are late and thanks Michelle for being on time.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[08:20 - 08:32]Meeting is held to discuss a situation that caused anger.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[08:33 - 09:15]The speaker and the person who made the mistake have a conversation, with the speaker pretending to be the other person.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[08:54 - 09:08]Meeting is held to discuss a situation that caused anger.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[09:16 - 09:40]An incident is mentioned and it becomes the main focus of the discussion.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[09:40 - 09:55]The speaker's colleague is impressed and jokingly suggests the speaker should become a streamer.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[09:56 - 10:16]The speaker and their colleague continue to joke and have a good time at the party.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[10:16 - 11:34]The speaker and the person who made the mistake have a conversation, with the speaker pretending to be the other person.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[10:35 - 10:46]Mention of a podcast episode that relates to the situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[10:46 - 11:19]The speaker and the person who made the mistake have a conversation, with the speaker pretending to be the other person.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[11:03 - 11:13]The speaker's colleague is questioned by their mother and father about their actions the previous night.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[11:35 - 13:13]The speaker and the person who made the mistake have a conversation, with the speaker pretending to be the other person.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[11:41 - 12:05]The speaker's colleague is impressed and jokingly suggests the speaker should become a streamer.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[12:18 - 12:26]The speaker is praised for their comedic genius and prankster abilities.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[12:37 - 12:42]The speaker's actions amuse the person who made the mistake, as well as others at the party.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[12:42 - 15:18]The speaker's colleague is impressed and jokingly suggests the speaker should become a streamer.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[13:30 - 13:53]The speaker is flattered but does not think they could handle streaming.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[14:10 - 14:49]The speaker and the person who made the mistake have a conversation, with the speaker pretending to be the other person.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[15:18 - 15:25]Discussion reveals that person was not aware of the potential for anger.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[15:18 - 15:47]The speaker did not grow up with gaming and is not good at most games

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[15:25 - 15:47]The speaker is flattered but does not think they could handle streaming.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[15:47 - 16:29]The speaker and the person who made the mistake have a conversation, with the speaker pretending to be the other person.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[15:47 - 16:50]The speaker almost brought a first aid kit to the conversation but decided against it

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[16:24 - 16:29]The speaker mentions being reprimanded for something

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[16:30 - 16:43]Discussion reveals that person was not aware of the potential for anger.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[16:43 - 17:19]The speaker is praised for their comedic genius and prankster abilities.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[16:50 - 17:48]They discuss a product called Acme and debate how it is pronounced

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[17:49 - 18:21]The speaker's colleague gets drunk and has to be reminded of their responsibilities the next day.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[17:49 - 18:33]The speaker recently went out in West LA for a friend's birthday and realized they lost an hour due to daylight savings time

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[17:59 - 18:05]The speaker's colleague explains that they went out for a friend's birthday after the event.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[18:21 - 18:45]The speaker's colleague is questioned by their mother and father about their actions the previous night.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[18:39 - 18:53]The speaker mentions being reprimanded for something

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[18:53 - 19:04]The speaker and the person who made the mistake have a conversation, with the speaker pretending to be the other person.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[18:53 - 19:22]They talk about their relationship with their father and make a joke about getting divorced

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[19:04 - 20:32]The speaker recently went out in West LA for a friend's birthday and realized they lost an hour due to daylight savings time

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[19:14 - 19:22]Person wants to tell the truth about the situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[20:32 - 20:43]They mention feeling tired and taking a long shower before the conversation

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[20:50 - 21:26]They discuss getting ready for a party and cleaning up bagel and cream cheese off someone's face

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[21:29 - 22:14]The group talks about their vices and the speaker mentions enjoying sleeping

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[21:58 - 24:06]They mention throwing a crazy Halloween party every year with a different theme and full costumes

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[23:11 - 23:50]The speaker shares a funny video idea involving cooking an egg on a flashlight

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[23:51 - 25:31]They talk about a potential theme for next year's Halloween party involving "stands"

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[25:21 - 28:26]Ludwig and Josh discuss their experiences with the Streamy awards

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[25:32 - 26:04]The speaker mentions knowing a lot about boxing and mapmaking, but not much else

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[25:32 - 28:33]Josh mentions how he and Nick have a running joke about the image

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[26:04 - 27:45]They talk about a potential theme for next year's Halloween party involving "stands"

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[26:35 - 28:06]The speaker mentions being reprimanded for something

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[27:51 - 31:23]They mention how they won the show of the year award and describe the confusing process of finding out they won

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[28:09 - 28:33]They mention their father and describe him as a nice guy.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[28:46 - 33:11]Josh mentions how the Halloween party took away from work time

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[32:59 - 35:10]Josh mentions how he and Nick have a running joke about the image

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[34:36 - 37:04]Josh mentions how the Halloween party took away from work time

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[36:51 - 40:27]They discuss the website "" and its infamous image

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[37:05 - 38:50]They mention how they won the show of the year award and describe the confusing process of finding out they won

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[39:06 - 43:47]Josh mentions how he and Nick have a running joke about the image

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[39:49 - 40:46]They discuss the website "" and its infamous image

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[42:09 - 44:04]They pivot to discussing a bad photo of Tom Cruise and how it's not the worst picture of Nick

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[44:04 - 44:36]The speaker is discussing the process of choosing episodes for their videos.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[44:36 - 45:26]The speaker expresses their dislike for shorts and their belief that they are a negative influence.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[46:13 - 48:22]The conversation shifts to discussing the success of long-form content and the ability to tell more in-depth stories.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[47:41 - 51:11]The speaker is discussing the process of choosing episodes for their videos.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[48:56 - 52:04]The speaker also talks about a previous video about Houdini and a boxing documentary that they are proud of.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[49:07 - 49:33]The speaker brings up the John Lennon Emporium, a strange place they have spent a lot of money at.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[49:41 - 49:46]The conversation shifts to discussing the success of long-form content and the ability to tell more in-depth stories.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[50:27 - 50:37]The speaker mentions feeling frustrated during certain video shoots, specifically while training for a role or trying to learn a new skill.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[50:59 - 51:33]The speaker also talks about a previous video about Houdini and a boxing documentary that they are proud of.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[52:05 - 54:33]They discuss the concept of tilt and how it applies to different games.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[52:25 - 52:41]The conversation ends with a mention of how many times the speaker spars before a fight.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[53:12 - 56:10]They mention their experience with chess and how it made them realize they couldn't be a streamer.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[53:35 - 55:00]The speaker mentions feeling frustrated during certain video shoots, specifically while training for a role or trying to learn a new skill.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[53:52 - 54:02]The speaker brings up the John Lennon Emporium, a strange place they have spent a lot of money at.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[55:00 - 55:42]The speaker mentions feeling frustrated during certain video shoots, specifically while training for a role or trying to learn a new skill.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[55:42 - 56:05]The conversation shifts to discussing Super Smash Bros and the speaker's lack of experience with it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[56:27 - 1.00:14]The speaker talks about the potential of fighting a woman in a boxing match and the potential backlash from others.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[1.00:14 - 1.02:07]The speaker brings up the John Lennon Emporium, a strange place they have spent a lot of money at.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[1.02:07 - 1.05:11]They talk about participating in influencer boxing and the pressure to perform well

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[1.02:12 - 1.06:44]The speaker shares their experience of breaking their nose during a fight and having to go to the ER

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[1.06:10 - 1.07:28]They mention the danger of sparring without an upcoming event and the difficulty of finding a well-matched opponent

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[1.07:28 - 1.08:30]They talk about participating in influencer boxing and the pressure to perform well

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[1.08:30 - 1.09:22]They mention the danger of sparring without an upcoming event and the difficulty of finding a well-matched opponent

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[1.09:22 - 1.14:54]The speaker admires people who have crafted unique careers, like Jeff Probst and Steve Irwin

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[1.14:55 - 1.17:08]They mention working at BuzzFeed and leaving to pursue their own career

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[1.15:43 - 1.17:35]The speaker talks about starting with eight weeks of savings and living frugally while building their career

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[1.17:25 - 1.19:00]The speaker discusses sending messages to someone at BuzzFeed, possibly a co-worker, but never receiving a response

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[1.17:49 - 1.19:11]The worst video the speaker has ever uploaded is a video where they were promoting a video game without much experience in it and received a lot of money for it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[1.17:49 - 1.20:30]They talk about participating in influencer boxing and the pressure to perform well

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[1.18:20 - 1.20:52]The speaker's channel started with low-quality videos such as reviewing Starbucks drinks and they feel embarrassed about their old videos but it shows their growth as a creator.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[1.20:24 - 1.23:41]The speaker's interest in becoming a YouTuber started in 4th or 5th grade and they had a big channel with many videos, some of which were narrative and had an idea behind them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[1.22:29 - 1.24:12]The speaker's channel started with low-quality videos such as reviewing Starbucks drinks and they feel embarrassed about their old videos but it shows their growth as a creator.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[1.23:41 - 1.27:50]The speaker and Ludwig have both been inspired by each other's content and have borrowed ideas from each other.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[1.26:51 - 1.30:32]The speaker's channel started with low-quality videos such as reviewing Starbucks drinks and they feel embarrassed about their old videos but it shows their growth as a creator.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[1.29:55 - 1.32:03]Ludwig has a smaller team working on his videos compared to the speaker, who has four editors.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[1.30:32 - 1.34:02]The speaker's channel started with low-quality videos such as reviewing Starbucks drinks and they feel embarrassed about their old videos but it shows their growth as a creator.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[1.31:30 - 1.32:09]The speaker discusses the idea of sacrifice and enjoyment in relation to their work

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[1.33:03 - 1.33:39]The speaker plugs their YouTube channel and the conversation shifts to a story about a man getting a divorce.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[1.33:03 - 1.35:48]Ludwig has a smaller team working on his videos compared to the speaker, who has four editors.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[1.33:39 - 1.35:56]There is a conversation about retirement, with a mention of a 2-5 year timeline

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[1.33:44 - 1.35:48]The speaker mentions their team and the growth they have experienced in the past year

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[1.34:18 - 1.35:28]The idea of delegation is further explored, with the speaker acknowledging their own limitations and the potential for others to exceed them

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[1.36:02 - 1.36:56]They admit to recognizing their limits and the need for change in their current work

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[1.36:56 - 1.38:46]The conversation shifts to the topic of a show called "Jet Lag" and the speaker's desire to be a guest on it

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[1.38:47 - 1.39:34]Another individual shares their fear of the moments before death and the speaker mentions a fear of heights

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[1.38:57 - 1.40:15]The topic of fears is brought up, with the speaker mentioning a fear of throwing up and a fear of not making something important

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[1.39:15 - 1.39:22]The speaker plugs their YouTube channel and the conversation shifts to a story about a man getting a divorce.

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[1.39:54 - 1.40:37]There is a humorous mention of wanting to shoot an RPG at a cow in Cambodia

A youtube thumbnail wor Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting | The Yard

[1.40:42 - 1.41:31]The speaker plugs their YouTube channel and the conversation shifts to a story about a man getting a divorce.