

Youtube profile pic for Ranking INSANE Conspiracy Theories | Trash Taste #180

Ranking INSANE Conspiracy Theories | Trash Taste #180

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[06:01 - 06:06]

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[06:35 - 06:41]Trash Taste After Dark Merch is now available

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[06:35 - 06:41]The first Trash Taste merch made in-house

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[06:35 - 06:41]Limited time availability until December 10th

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[06:46 - 06:56]The merch includes hoodies, t-shirts, long sleeves, and button-up jackets made from high quality fabrics

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[06:46 - 06:56]Discussion of conspiracy theories on the show

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[06:46 - 06:56]Moon landing hoax theory

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[06:46 - 06:56]Claim of government faking Apollo moon landing to win space race against Soviet Union

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[06:46 - 06:56]Anomalies in photos and videos used as evidence

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[06:46 - 06:56]Lack of stars in background of moon landing photos

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[06:46 - 06:56]Explanation of camera exposure and reflective surface of moon

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[06:46 - 06:56]Inconsistencies in shadows used as evidence of artificial lighting

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[07:10 - 07:17]Tangential discussion about shadows

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[00:00 - 07:27]Discussion of Trash Taste After Dark Merch availability and introduction of conspiracy theories, specifically the moon landing hoax theory and evidence used to support it.

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[07:28 - 07:34]Speaker talking about seeing a shadow within a shadow and questioning how light works

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[08:08 - 08:13]Explaining that light is both a particle and a wave, and that scientists still don't fully understand it

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[08:08 - 08:13]Discussing how light can act like a particle and a wave, and how it affects shadows

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[10:36 - 10:46]Bringing up the inconsistencies in the moon landing, such as the amount of light and the direction of shadows

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[10:56 - 11:03]Mentioning the movement of the American flag on the moon and possible explanations for it

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[13:17 - 13:25]Introducing the Van Allen radiation belt and questioning how astronauts could survive passing through it

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[15:04 - 15:20]Speaker admits they don't have enough knowledge to disprove the points being discussed

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[07:28 - 15:20]Overall, the speaker is exploring the complexities and mysteries of light and its effects on shadows and the moon landing.

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[21:09 - 21:19]Group of people discussing various arguments and evidence related to moon landing conspiracy theories

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[21:58 - 22:03]Some arguments include inconsistencies in lighting and shadows in moon landing photos, lack of stars in photos, and a rock with the letter C on it

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[22:17 - 22:33]Counterpoint is made about the large number of people involved in the moon landing and the difficulty in keeping such a large-scale hoax a secret

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[22:40 - 22:53]Discussion also includes the human mind's tendency to see patterns and meaning in random objects

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[22:53 - 23:01]Conversation shifts to why this conspiracy theory exists and why people may believe it

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[22:53 - 23:01]Mention of other conspiracy theories that have been proven to be true, adding to the difficulty in dismissing this one

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[15:20 - 23:20]Overall, the moon landing is a significant event for all of humanity and should be seen as a triumph, regardless of one's beliefs.

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[23:20 - 23:29] People often believe in conspiracy theories about the moon landing because they want to celebrate a collective win that is rare.

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[23:29 - 23:35]Some people have a friend who is always miserable when everyone else is happy.

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[23:35 - 23:42]Most people are not friends with conspiracy theories.

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[23:42 - 23:51]The moon landing conspiracy theory is not very viable and only scores a 2 out of 10.

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[24:08 - 24:13]The Van Allen radiation belts are the only thing that may seem convincing, but there is an explanation for it.

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[24:13 - 24:22]There are videos debunking the moon landing conspiracy theory that have been seen before, but the points are not remembered.

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[24:13 - 24:22]The shadows and light on the moon surface may seem like evidence against the moon landing, but there is an explanation for it.

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[24:38 - 24:47]There are explanations for the points that may seem convincing at first, but they are not remembered.

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[24:38 - 24:47]The worst thing about conspiracy theories is that they may seem convincing on the surface, but they can easily be explained.

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[25:06 - 25:15]Conspiracy theories are often sponsored by companies, such as Boxu, who deliver Japanese snacks and teas to your door.

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[26:47 - 26:59]The Flat Earth Theory is a popular conspiracy theory that claims the Earth is actually flat, not round.

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[27:27 - 27:33]The curvature of the Earth would be more visible to the naked eye if the Earth were round.

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[28:01 - 28:06]Gravity is an invisible force that is hard to believe in.

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[28:44 - 28:53]Walking towards the horizon is not proof of a flat Earth, as you eventually dip due to the curvature of the Earth.

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[29:12 - 29:27]A laser beam experiment can prove the curvature of the Earth.

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[29:27 - 29:35]The Flat Earth Theory scores a 2 out of 10 in terms of viability.

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[29:27 - 29:35]The moon landing and Flat Earth conspiracy theories can easily be explained and debunked.

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[30:06 - 30:15]Australians do not fall off the Earth due to gravity.

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[30:42 - 30:50]The establishment does not want people to fly to Antarctica because it is inhospitable.

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[23:20 - 31:15]People often believe in conspiracy theories, such as the moon landing and Flat Earth Theory, because they want to celebrate a rare collective win. However, these theories are not very viable and can easily be explained and debunked. There are also other explanations for points that may seem convincing at first, but are not remembered.

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[37:51 - 37:58] People who believe in the flat earth theory think that there is a lack of trust in establishments and governments

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[38:08 - 38:14]Flat earthers believe that the lack of flights to Antarctica is proof that the earth is flat

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[38:08 - 38:14]They also believe that airlines are intentionally avoiding the Antarctica route to hide the truth about the earth's shape

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[38:08 - 38:14]Flat earthers claim that maps are pre-programmed to show a curved flight path when in reality, the plane is flying in a straight line

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[38:08 - 38:14]Flat earthers also believe that NASA and other established organizations are lying to us about the shape of the earth

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[38:08 - 38:14]They claim that there is no real evidence of the earth's roundness and that all pictures and data are fabricated

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[38:08 - 38:14]Some flat earthers believe that the earth is a flat square with a mysterious ice wall beyond which we know nothing about

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[38:15 - 38:22]They argue that if the earth were truly round, we would see a curved flight path on the map

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[38:28 - 38:35]Despite evidence and scientific proof, flat earthers continue to hold onto their beliefs

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[38:35 - 38:47]The distrust in establishments and governments contributes to the belief in the flat earth theory

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[31:15 - 38:47]In summary, flat earthers believe that the earth is flat and that there is a conspiracy to hide this truth from the general public.

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[38:57 - 39:03]The speaker discusses the distrust towards the government felt by certain groups, particularly native people who have been unjustly treated

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[39:03 - 39:14]This distrust can lead to a tendency to believe in conspiracy theories and distrust official information

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[41:02 - 41:11]The concept of a flat earth is discussed and the speaker mentions the appeal of a mysterious and unknown world beyond an ice wall

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[41:25 - 41:36]The speaker gives the flat earth theory a low believability rating but acknowledges its appeal

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[44:17 - 44:22]The speaker then introduces the topic of aliens and states their belief that they exist and are being kept at Area 51

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[44:42 - 44:51]Evidence for this belief includes reported UFO sightings, documentaries, and potential cover-ups by the government

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[46:07 - 46:20]The speaker suggests that the government is reverse engineering alien technology for their own purposes

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[38:47 - 46:37]The final bullet point is a concise summary of the speaker's belief in the existence of aliens and their presence at Area 51, with evidence including reported sightings and government cover-ups.

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[50:13 - 50:22]Discussion of why the speaker believes in the existence of aliens

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[50:56 - 51:03]Mention of reputable people who have come forward with evidence of aliens

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[50:56 - 51:03]Reference to a Joe Rogan podcast episode with a former government employee who attested to the existence of aliens

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[51:11 - 51:26]Introduction of the term "UAPs" as a new branding for UFOs

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[51:50 - 52:04]Discussion of unexplained footage of fast-moving vehicles in the sky

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[51:50 - 52:04]Questioning why the government would want to hide the existence of aliens

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[52:04 - 52:11]Speculation on the advanced technology that aliens may possess

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[52:04 - 52:11]Discussion of potential consequences if alien technology were to be made public

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[53:05 - 53:16]Mention of underground facilities and airports possibly being used for alien activity

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[53:05 - 53:16]Mention of other historical mysteries that could potentially be linked to aliens

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[53:17 - 53:25]Speculation on the government's motives for hiding the truth about aliens

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[53:17 - 53:25]Personal belief in the existence of aliens and skepticism towards the government's actions

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[46:37 - 53:55]The speaker believes in the existence of aliens and thinks the government is hiding the truth about them. They also speculate on the potential consequences of revealing alien technology to the world.

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[53:55 - 54:01]Discussion about interest in aliens and Area 51

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[54:34 - 54:41]Possible existence of other life in the vast universe

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[54:48 - 54:53]Lack of interest in aliens despite belief in their existence

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[54:48 - 54:53]Difficulty in proving the existence of aliens

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[55:05 - 55:11]The concept of aliens living in a different dimension

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[56:43 - 56:53]Credibility of sources claiming evidence of aliens

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[59:43 - 1.00:02]Possibility of humans creating a digital universe instead of exploring space

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[1.00:37 - 1.00:48]Profitability and motivation for space exploration

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[1.00:48 - 1.01:02]Ownership of space and potential conflicts

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[53:55 - 1.02:03]Overall, the discussion focuses on the lack of interest and motivation for space exploration and the possibility of aliens living in a different dimension.

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[1.02:03 - 1.02:13]Introduction to the discussion of the James Webb telescope and space exploration

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[1.02:13 - 1.02:22]Discussion of societal focus on present issues rather than future exploration

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[1.02:28 - 1.02:38]Lack of concern for space exploration due to it not affecting individuals personally

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[1.04:57 - 1.05:03]Introduction to the topic of aliens and belief in their existence

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[1.04:57 - 1.05:03]Differentiating between belief in aliens and belief in extraterrestrial life

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[1.04:57 - 1.05:03]Personal belief in the existence of higher life forms of aliens, but no contact with humans

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[1.05:40 - 1.05:52]Possibility of extraterrestrial life in various forms, including advanced civilizations and single-celled organisms

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[1.06:18 - 1.06:24]Mention of potential evidence for extraterrestrial life on Mars and Jupiter's moon Europa

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[1.08:22 - 1.08:31]Introduction to the concept of "super voids" in space and a theory of a Type 3 civilization living within them

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[1.09:25 - 1.09:43]Mention of the "great attractor" in the universe and current lack of understanding about its cause

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[1.09:50 - 1.09:59]Plausible nature of all theories discussed due to lack of evidence to disprove them

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[1.02:03 - 1.09:59]Discussion of space exploration, societal focus on present issues, belief in extraterrestrial life, potential evidence for it, and theories about advanced civilizations and unknown forces in the universe.

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[1.10:28 - 1.10:35]The theory is that the British band, The Beatles, never actually existed and the members were just actors.

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[1.10:50 - 1.10:57]The theory was a social experiment by the British government.

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[1.11:27 - 1.11:39]Physical appearance changes in the band's photos are claimed to be inconsistencies that can't be explained by aging or changes in style alone.

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[1.13:10 - 1.13:18]There are hidden messages, such as the "Paul is dead" theory, which suggests that Paul McCartney died in 1966 and was replaced by an actor.

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[1.16:21 - 1.16:30]Personality changes and skill variations in the band members are also cited as evidence for the theory.

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[1.16:21 - 1.16:30]The theory is likely a result of the band's drug use and change in musical style.

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[1.10:00 - 1.17:48]The theory posits that The Beatles never existed and were instead replaced by actors, but this is likely a result of the band's drug use and change in musical style. The theory is not a plausible explanation for the band's decline in popularity.

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[1.22:39 - 1.22:45]The theory of collective false memories, also known as the Mandela effect, suggests that society has false memories of certain events or facts.

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[1.22:45 - 1.22:51]The term is named after Nelson Mandela, as the theory originally stemmed from the false memory that he died in prison.

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[1.23:50 - 1.23:56]The theory proposes that these false memories are evidence of parallel universes seeping into our collective consciousness.

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[1.24:08 - 1.24:13]The theory has gained popularity due to the rise of internet culture and conspiracy theories.

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[1.25:18 - 1.25:29]However, these false memories can also be explained by cultural stereotypes and parodies influencing our memories.

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[1.25:37 - 1.25:44]Examples of the Mandela effect include false memories of the Monopoly man having a monocle, and misremembering famous movie quotes, such as "Luke, I am your father" from Star Wars.

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[1.17:48 - 1.25:44]Overall, the Mandela effect suggests that our memories may not always be as reliable as we think.

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[1.25:44 - 1.25:50]Person is looking at books including The Berenstain Bears and Curious George.

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[1.26:01 - 1.26:08]They discuss discrepancies in memories of popular culture, including Curious George's tail and the spelling of Froot Loops.

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[1.27:35 - 1.27:50]They mention the Mandela Effect as a case study of mass psychology and the possibility of parallel universes.

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[1.29:17 - 1.29:26]They mention examples of collective false memories, such as with Lost Media.

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[1.30:41 - 1.30:49]They discuss the uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics and the theory of parallel universes.

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[1.30:41 - 1.30:49]They express a belief in parallel universes.

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[1.25:44 - 1.33:24]The text is a discussion of discrepancies in memories and the possibility of parallel universes.

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[1.33:59 - 1.34:16]Discussion begins with the concept of parallel universes and how it can explain inexplicable things happening.

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[1.34:24 - 1.34:32]The conversation then shifts to the idea of higher dimensions and how our science breaks down at the quantum level.

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[1.34:24 - 1.34:32]The direction of time and entropy are discussed as examples of things that don't make sense logically.

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[1.34:57 - 1.35:04]The theory of parallel universes is seen as a possible explanation for these phenomena.

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[1.35:53 - 1.36:02]The idea of constants in the universe and how changing them would drastically alter the world is brought up.

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[1.38:17 - 1.38:24]A theory is proposed that our current life could be a flashback of a previous life.

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[1.39:03 - 1.39:09]The conversation shifts to discussing the theory that Ash Ketchum from Pokemon is in a coma.

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[1.39:16 - 1.39:26]The discussion ends with a joke about the creator of Pokemon confirming the theory.

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[1.39:48 - 1.39:54]Reasons for this theory include Ash never aging and the Pokemon world being an idealized version of reality.

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[1.33:24 - 1.40:53]Overall, the discussion explored various theories and ideas related to parallel universes, the nature of time, and the possibility of a fictional character being in a coma.

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[1.43:54 - 1.44:01]The theory suggests that the world of Pokemon is actually a coma dream of the main character, Ash Ketchum.

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[1.44:25 - 1.44:31]Evidence to support this theory includes wild Pokemon appearing as regular animals, Ash's subconscious blending reality and fantasy, and inconsistencies in the show.

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[1.45:10 - 1.45:17]Another theory suggests that Pokemon used to be humans, based on hints in the game and Pokedex entries.

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[1.46:21 - 1.46:29]The lack of adults and their lack of action in the Pokemon world could be explained by the dreamer's childlike mind.

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[1.47:07 - 1.47:15]The creator of Pokemon, Satoshi Tajiri, may also be in a coma and projecting his childhood bug-catching fantasies into the show.

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[1.47:22 - 1.47:29]The theory also explains why Ash never achieves his goal and why the show ended when he finally did.

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[1.47:50 - 1.47:56]The theory also explains the repetitiveness of certain characters and the limited creativity in the show.

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[1.40:53 - 1.48:57]Overall, the theory provides a logical explanation for the bizarre elements and inconsistencies in the Pokemon world.

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[1.48:57 - 1.49:03] The speaker discusses the Ed and Nettie living in purgatory theory and their subscription to the idea.

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[1.49:09 - 1.49:18]They also mention how this theory adds logical answers to inconsistencies in the world of Pokemon.

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[1.49:19 - 1.49:28]The speaker enjoys conspiracy theories because they are entertaining and ultimately have no impact on the real world.

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[1.50:49 - 1.50:54]They joke about eating Farfetch'd and other Pokemon, referencing Japanese food and their Patreon supporters.

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[1.51:11 - 1.51:17]They discuss the tastiest Pokemon and suggest Mil Tank, Togopy, and Squirtle as potential options.

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[1.52:58 - 1.53:04]The speaker realizes that Farfetch'd is actually based on a duck, not a chicken.

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[1.48:57 - 1.55:01]The speaker concludes by asking for suggestions for a potential part two and promoting their Patreon and social media.