

Youtube profile pic for The BOIS go to HAWAII | Trash Taste #147

The BOIS go to HAWAII | Trash Taste #147

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[00:00 - 00:05]The hosts are discussing starting a podcast and mention that this is episode 104.

A youtube thumbnail wor The BOIS go to HAWAII | Trash Taste #147

[00:12 - 00:22]They joke about forgetting how to podcast since they haven't been in the studio for 5 weeks.

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[01:29 - 01:40]They mention traveling to Hawaii and how it feels like Disneyland for adults.

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[02:03 - 02:11]They discuss the large number of tourists compared to locals on the island.

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[04:20 - 04:28]One of the hosts is not a fan of beaches because of sand, but enjoys scuba diving.

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[05:01 - 05:09]They make jokes about each other's statements and preferences.

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[06:14 - 06:23]Despite not liking sand, they all agree that there is a certain vibe to being at the beach.

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[06:38 - 06:47]They mention missing the ocean during the COVID pandemic.

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[00:00 - 06:47]The hosts discuss their recent trip to Hawaii and their mixed feelings about beaches, but ultimately agree that there is a certain vibe to being near the ocean.

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[08:28 - 08:34] Went to Hawaii and talked about beaches and the vibe of the locals.

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[10:25 - 10:31]Mentioned living in Japan and not liking humid and hot weather.

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[10:48 - 10:54]Mentioned living in the UK and the depressing rain.

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[11:47 - 11:58]Talked about the unpredictable rain in Hawaii.

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[12:37 - 12:43]Mentioned joining the moped gang.

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[13:01 - 13:06]Mentioned going to Vietnam and how it changed their life.

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[13:08 - 13:17]Mentioned being Southeast Asian and having been to Thailand multiple times.

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[06:47 - 13:17]Went on trips to Hawaii and Vietnam, discussed beaches and weather, joined the moped gang, and mentioned being Southeast Asian.

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[13:18 - 13:24] The speaker is now part of a scooter gang in Vietnam.

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[15:23 - 15:34]It was their first time in Vietnam and they were surprised by the scooter culture.

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[17:48 - 17:55]The speaker had never been to Vietnam or other Southeast Asian countries before.

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[17:48 - 17:55]Vietnam is similar to Thailand, except for Singapore.

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[18:30 - 18:36]Helmets are required and provided for scooter rides.

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[18:45 - 18:50]They mention their friend Paul.

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[19:39 - 19:45]Vietnam is only an hour away from Bangkok.

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[19:39 - 19:45]In Vietnam, there is a high ratio of scooters to cars.

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[19:39 - 19:45]The speaker's first experience on a scooter in Vietnam was being picked up from the airport.

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[19:39 - 19:45]They took a tour of the city on the back of a scooter.

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[19:46 - 19:54]The feeling of being surrounded by scooters at a traffic light was like real-life Mario Kart.

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[20:07 - 20:16]The speaker's entire life, they were scared of scooters due to bad experiences and their parents' disapproval.

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[13:18 - 20:49]The speaker describes their experience joining a scooter gang in Vietnam, being surprised by the high scooter culture and ratio of scooters to cars. They also mention their previous fear of scooters and the importance of wearing helmets in Vietnam.

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[20:49 - 20:57]The speaker is unsure if they should get a scooter in Vietnam due to their parents' influence

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[21:30 - 21:42]After a bike tour with friends, the speaker sees a couple riding a bright red vesper and decides to get one

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[22:13 - 22:19]The speaker lands in Thailand, immediately tells their dad they are buying a vesper

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[22:54 - 23:03]The speaker realizes that riding a motorcycle is something they have always wanted to do

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[26:32 - 26:41]The speaker talks about the food in Vietnam, specifically the banh me sandwich and the prevalence of bread

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[27:36 - 27:41]The speaker discovers their love for bread while traveling, especially in Belgium

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[27:57 - 28:03]The speaker notices that everything in Vietnam is also sweet and there is a big coffee culture

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[20:49 - 28:03]The speaker travels to Vietnam and becomes convinced to get a scooter after seeing a couple riding one. They also try local food and notice the prevalence of sweet flavors and a coffee culture. The speaker also discovers their love for bread while traveling.

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[28:03 - 28:09]The speaker is discussing their recent trip to Vietnam and trying egg coffee for the first time

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[28:15 - 28:22]They describe the process of making egg coffee, which involves frothing egg whites instead of milk

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[28:50 - 28:59]They show a picture of the drink and compare it to creme brulee

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[28:59 - 29:10]The speaker initially thinks it sounds strange, but ends up enjoying it and describes it as a sweet dessert-like drink

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[29:24 - 29:29]The speaker and their companion discuss the drink and compare it to different types of soups, jokingly calling it a deconstructed "tear of my soup"

A youtube thumbnail wor The BOIS go to HAWAII | Trash Taste #147

[30:01 - 30:18]They mention the coffee culture in Vietnam and other unique coffee drinks they tried, such as the one made from cat poop

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[34:00 - 34:13]The speaker expresses their desire to return to Vietnam and explore more of the country

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[34:13 - 34:21]They mention their love for scooters and their desire to do a road trip around Vietnam on scooters

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[34:51 - 35:00]They discuss their experience riding scooters in Hawaii and the ease and affordability of obtaining them there

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[34:51 - 35:00]The speaker is planning to get a scooter license in Japan now that they have discovered their love for scooters

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[35:00 - 35:12]The speaker and two companions rode mopeds together during a convention in Hawaii

A youtube thumbnail wor The BOIS go to HAWAII | Trash Taste #147

[28:03 - 35:12]The speaker discusses their recent trip to Vietnam, trying egg coffee for the first time, and their desire to return and explore more of the country. They also mention their love for scooters and their experience riding them in Hawaii. They joke about calling egg coffee a deconstructed "tear of my soup" and compare it to creme brulee. They also mention other unique coffee drinks they tried in Vietnam.

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[35:12 - 35:18]Drive around for 2-3 hours along the coastline, enjoying the beautiful views

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[35:35 - 35:52]Rented a jeep and had fun driving it, but learned that it's not considered a truck

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[35:52 - 36:06]Wanted to feel like a true American by driving a big vehicle

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[37:46 - 37:55]Parking is always a concern, but it's easy in America due to wide lanes and parking spots

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[39:36 - 39:43]Learned to adapt quickly to driving on the right side of the road in America

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[40:59 - 41:16]Southeast Asia may be easier to drive in due to the lack of strict rules and regulations

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[42:01 - 42:08]Driving in Thailand can be initially terrifying, but becomes easier once you get used to the flow of traffic

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[42:25 - 42:32]Some moments in the back of a cab in Thailand were uncomfortable due to start-stop traffic

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[35:12 - 42:40]Overall, the experience of driving in America was enjoyable and felt like a true American.

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[43:01 - 43:09] Driver discusses being a "shit driver" and their experience driving in Hawaii

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[43:32 - 43:40]Talks about how rules and regulations are in place for safety and the high death rate in Hawaii

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[44:24 - 44:34]Driver reflects on the stereotypes of Asians being bad drivers and how it may just be a difference in driving cultures

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[44:57 - 45:22]Discusses witnessing dangerous driving in Vietnam and Southeast Asia, including people carrying entire families on scooters and towing large objects

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[46:39 - 46:46]Driver shares personal experience of being in a car accident in the UK

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[47:56 - 48:07]Co-hosts share their own experiences with car accidents

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[47:56 - 48:07]Co-host shares a story of mistaking someone else's car for their own

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[42:40 - 51:21]Driver and co-hosts discuss their experiences with driving and car accidents in various countries, including Hawaii, Vietnam, and the UK. They also touch upon stereotypes about Asian drivers and the differences in driving cultures.

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[52:42 - 52:53]The speaker is describing a time when they accidentally tried to get into the wrong car because their key worked on it.

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[53:04 - 53:22]The speaker also recalls a similar incident in Hawaii where they tried to get into the wrong jeep.

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[55:10 - 55:22]The speaker and their friends recently completed a charity cycling event, raising over $555,000.

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[56:26 - 56:44]The event was tougher than the previous one, with steeper inclines and longer distances.

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[58:10 - 58:16]The speaker received annoying messages from people telling them to use lower gears, despite already being in the lowest gear.

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[58:30 - 58:38]The objective was to finish before sundown for safety reasons.

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[51:21 - 58:38]The speaker recounts two incidents of mistaken identity with cars, and also discusses a recent successful cycling charity event with tougher terrain and safety concerns.

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[1.04:32 - 1.04:42]The speaker discusses their cycling trip and the challenges they faced.

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[1.05:02 - 1.05:07]On the fourth day, the speaker fell and hurt their wrist.

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[1.05:02 - 1.05:07]The speaker's leg was swollen and bleeding from the fall.

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[1.05:07 - 1.05:12]They continued cycling in the rain and raised a lot of money for charity.

A youtube thumbnail wor The BOIS go to HAWAII | Trash Taste #147

[1.05:07 - 1.05:12]The weather improved after that, with some rain but mostly clear skies.

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[1.05:12 - 1.05:19]They mention having to stop and walk for an hour to get over a steep hill.

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[1.05:12 - 1.05:19]The weather was bad, with rain and cold temperatures.

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[1.05:24 - 1.05:32]The trip was physically and mentally draining, but they persevered and completed it.

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[1.05:48 - 1.05:56]The speaker reflects on the purpose of the trip and the ups and downs of the journey.

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[1.05:48 - 1.05:56]Despite the challenges, they continued on and people donated generously.

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[1.05:56 - 1.06:02]The speaker also mentions stopping at McDonald's to eat.

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[58:38 - 1.06:08]The speaker discusses their challenging cycling trip, facing bad weather and injuries, but persevering and ultimately raising money for charity.

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[1.06:08 - 1.06:16]Person is at McDonald's eating cheeseburgers with a bleeding leg

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[1.06:16 - 1.06:28]Wants to leave and drive 40 minutes to Airbnb, but it's in the middle of nowhere

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[1.06:49 - 1.06:55]Takes a bath at 9pm after being soaked and cold all day

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[1.07:25 - 1.07:31]Wants to do another event similar to the previous one, but with some changes

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[1.08:37 - 1.08:45]Honored to have won an award at the event and met other streamers

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[1.10:14 - 1.10:24]Paparazzi incident with "Bill Clinton kid"

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[1.12:22 - 1.12:28]After party ends early due to a drunk content creator and police/ambulances being called

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[1.13:02 - 1.13:08]Bizarre night with rumors spreading afterwards

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[1.13:15 - 1.13:20]Main party ends and attendees are directed elsewhere

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[1.06:08 - 1.13:20]Person attends event, wins award, meets other streamers, and has a bizarre night with paparazzi and a drunk content creator.

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[1.13:21 - 1.13:26]Person describes a crowded venue with too many people

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[1.13:26 - 1.13:34]Everyone scatters and goes to different places

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[1.13:34 - 1.13:42]Person and friends end up at a club, but can't get in because it's full

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[1.14:06 - 1.14:12]They end up at a house called "Carrot" which gives out credit cards based on social media following

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[1.16:39 - 1.16:47]They attend a party at the house and it's underwhelming

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[1.17:14 - 1.17:24]Person is skeptical of the idea and thinks it's a stupid business

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[1.18:19 - 1.18:38]Mention of being involved in "stream drama" and being mentioned in gossip

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[1.19:26 - 1.19:31]Person has recently been to America, cycling for 9 days, and then to Hawaii

A youtube thumbnail wor The BOIS go to HAWAII | Trash Taste #147

[1.19:31 - 1.19:37]Person is taking their parents around Japan, but feels like they're wasting money on rent

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[1.19:50 - 1.20:02]They plan on spending more time in Japan this year, except for a visit to America for a convention

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[1.20:03 - 1.20:33]Person expresses jealousy of their friend going to Vietnam

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[1.20:40 - 1.20:47]Mention of being grilled at TSA in America

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[1.13:21 - 1.21:01]Person describes a crowded venue, goes to a club and then a house called "Carrot" which gives out credit cards based on social media following. They attend a party at the house and mention being involved in "stream drama." Person has recently been to America and Hawaii and is now taking their parents around Japan. They plan on spending more time in Japan this year, except for a visit to America for a convention.

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[1.21:01 - 1.21:08] The speaker is in a tropical country where people are very chill.

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[1.23:44 - 1.23:49]The speaker hopes to be helped by the friendly woman, but is instead sent to the back room.

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[1.23:44 - 1.23:49]The speaker has experience being sent to the back room and knows what to expect.

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[1.24:02 - 1.24:12]The border control officer is not chill and the speaker is nervous.

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[1.24:29 - 1.24:40]The speaker is in line with two intimidating men and one friendly woman.

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[1.25:29 - 1.25:34]The officer grills the speaker with questions about the purpose of their trip and their podcast.

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[1.26:34 - 1.26:48]The speaker's friend Joey is also being grilled by another officer.

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[1.26:34 - 1.26:48]The speaker and Joey are eventually allowed to go through after providing simple and concise answers.

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[1.27:30 - 1.27:43]The speaker shares tips for dealing with TSA officers, such as giving short and direct answers.

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[1.21:01 - 1.27:49]Overall, the speaker and Joey successfully make it through TSA despite being grilled with questions.

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[1.29:07 - 1.29:12]Person discussing their experience at the airport

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[1.32:36 - 1.32:43]Lawyer reassured them that they had all necessary documentation

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[1.32:43 - 1.32:49]They watched anime in line while waiting at the airport

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[1.32:43 - 1.32:49]Person then went to Hawaii and watched John Wick 4 in a theater

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[1.33:08 - 1.33:16]They were worried about their first time in America

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[1.33:42 - 1.33:49]Person was intimidated by airport security but remained calm

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[1.33:42 - 1.33:49]Person complained about lax airport to security officer

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[1.33:42 - 1.33:49]Security officer let them through once they calmed down

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[1.34:33 - 1.34:40]The movie was three hours long and had a great cast, including Donnie Yen

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[1.34:52 - 1.34:58]They enjoyed the movie and had a good time

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[1.34:58 - 1.35:05]Person's favorite John Wick movie

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[1.27:49 - 1.35:14]Person discusses their experience at the airport, being intimidated by security but remaining calm. They also complain about the lax airport and later go to Hawaii where they watch John Wick 4 and enjoy it, with their favorite being the third movie.

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[1.35:41 - 1.35:47]John Wick 4 is a great action movie with impressive fight scenes and a fun world of assassins.

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[1.37:08 - 1.37:28]Keanu Reeves, who plays the main character, is a dedicated actor and martial artist.

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[1.38:04 - 1.38:12]The film is the last in the John Wick franchise and is potentially the best one yet.

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[1.38:04 - 1.38:12]The classic action movie genre is making a comeback with films like Fast and Furious and John Wick.

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[1.38:54 - 1.39:08]Keanu Reeves' iconic look and dedication to his craft make him a great action star.

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[1.40:16 - 1.40:23]John Wick 4 is highly recommended and worth watching.

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[1.41:07 - 1.41:18]The past two years have been a drought for films due to the pandemic, but now more movies are being released.

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[1.41:18 - 1.41:29]Marvel movies have been dominating the box office, but the recent ones in phase four have not been as good.

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[1.42:01 - 1.42:11]There has not been a lot of variety in film choices, besides Marvel movies.

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[1.35:14 - 1.42:11]John Wick 4 is a great action movie and the last in the franchise, with impressive fight scenes and a fun world of assassins. Keanu Reeves' dedication to his craft and iconic look make him a standout action star. The past two years have been a drought for films, but now more movies are being released, including the highly recommended John Wick 4.

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[1.42:11 - 1.42:18]Mention of the new Oppenheimer movie and excitement to watch it

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[1.42:57 - 1.43:08]Discussion of actor Christian Finola and his previous work

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[1.42:57 - 1.43:08]Praise for Christopher Nolan's unique and experimental films

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[1.43:17 - 1.43:32]Personal experiences and reflections on Nolan's movies, including Tenet and Interstellar

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[1.45:58 - 1.46:04]Comparisons to other space-related films such as The Martian and Ad Astra

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[1.47:03 - 1.47:09]Mention of a quote about the state of modern cinema and the lack of mid-budget films

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[1.47:34 - 1.47:40]Personal preference for mid-budget films and examples of iconic mid-2000s movies

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[1.47:34 - 1.47:40]Nostalgic memories of mid-range comedy films from the past

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[1.47:47 - 1.47:54]Discussion on the decline of comedy movies and why they are no longer profitable

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[1.49:19 - 1.49:28]Excitement for upcoming movies such as John Wick 4 and Super Mario Brothers

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[1.49:29 - 1.49:37]John Wick initially predicted to perform poorly due to lack of marketing

A youtube thumbnail wor The BOIS go to HAWAII | Trash Taste #147

[1.42:11 - 1.49:37]Discussion on the current state of cinema, personal experiences with Christopher Nolan's films, comparisons to other space-related movies, nostalgia for mid-range comedy films, and anticipation for upcoming movies.

A youtube thumbnail wor The BOIS go to HAWAII | Trash Taste #147

[1.49:38 - 1.49:55]Initial confusion about the budget and success of John Wick

A youtube thumbnail wor The BOIS go to HAWAII | Trash Taste #147

[1.50:33 - 1.50:47]Comparison of John Wick budget to other films, including Marvel movies

A youtube thumbnail wor The BOIS go to HAWAII | Trash Taste #147

[1.50:47 - 1.51:08]Mid-range budget allows for more exploration of interesting ideas

A youtube thumbnail wor The BOIS go to HAWAII | Trash Taste #147

[1.52:17 - 1.52:27]Studios using outrageous concepts to generate buzz, even if the movie is bad

A youtube thumbnail wor The BOIS go to HAWAII | Trash Taste #147

[1.53:17 - 1.53:37]Discussion about remakes and the unwritten rule of leaving a film alone for a while

A youtube thumbnail wor The BOIS go to HAWAII | Trash Taste #147

[1.54:29 - 1.54:35]Positive review of the movie "Person Boots"

A youtube thumbnail wor The BOIS go to HAWAII | Trash Taste #147

[1.54:42 - 1.54:47]Excitement for upcoming movies, including Shrek 5 and Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse 2

A youtube thumbnail wor The BOIS go to HAWAII | Trash Taste #147

[1.55:33 - 1.55:47]Discussion about supporting the show through Patreon and other social media platforms

A youtube thumbnail wor The BOIS go to HAWAII | Trash Taste #147

[1.49:38 - 1.55:47]The speakers discuss the initial confusion and success of John Wick, the impact of budget on film production, the trend of using outrageous concepts to generate buzz, and their excitement for upcoming movies. They also review and recommend the movie "Person Boots" and encourage support for the show through Patreon and social media.