

Youtube profile pic for We Drunk Every Beer in JAPAN | Trash Taste #174

We Drunk Every Beer in JAPAN | Trash Taste #174

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[04:21 - 04:32]Three hosts discuss their experience with Japanese beer on a podcast.

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[05:45 - 05:50]They disagree on whether tuna can taste as good as steak.

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[06:20 - 06:26]They try various American craft beers, including one with a funny name.

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[06:20 - 06:26]One host has a store in his house that sells a variety of canned craft beers.

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[06:20 - 06:26]They discuss the episode's topic: trying every beer in Japan.

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[06:27 - 06:33]They discuss the RV trip and its success.

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[06:33 - 06:38]They introduce the podcast and their roles as hosts.

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[06:33 - 06:38]One host has human audio.

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[06:33 - 06:38]They mention having a flight to catch and the host's upcoming trip to America.

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[06:33 - 06:38]They discuss their busy schedules and the difficulty of finding time for work and personal life.

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[06:33 - 06:38]One host apologizes for not joining an RV trip with the other hosts.

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[06:33 - 06:38]They mention improvements made since their first RV trip.

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[06:44 - 06:49]One host talks about the technical details of the trip.

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[06:44 - 06:49]They summarize the fun they had on the trip.

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[00:00 - 06:49]The hosts discuss their experience with Japanese beer and try various American craft beers on their podcast. They also discuss their busy schedules and one host's upcoming trip to America. They apologize for missing an RV trip but discuss its success and improvements.

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[07:01 - 07:09]It was a mix of logistics and fun during the RV trip.

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[09:53 - 09:58]They did pottery making and tuk-tuk driving, which was terrifying but fun.

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[11:51 - 11:59]They also went to a zoo and did canyoning, and saw Tatsuro Yamashita in concert.

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[12:06 - 12:12]Getting tickets for the concert was difficult and required entering a lottery.

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[12:26 - 12:31]The tickets were tied to the person's ID to prevent scalping.

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[12:44 - 12:49]The trip was a mix of logistics and fun activities, including pottery making, tuk-tuk driving, and going to a zoo.

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[12:50 - 12:55]The concert was on the day after the RV trip ended.

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[13:03 - 13:09]The person could not get a ticket for their friend, causing disappointment.

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[13:24 - 13:30]The experience was like a gotcha in life.

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[06:50 - 13:30]They also did canyoning, saw a concert, and struggled to get concert tickets.

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[13:30 - 13:36]Person discusses their experience at a concert

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[13:36 - 13:42]Concert was for an artist who has been around for 40 years

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[15:57 - 16:07]Artist was still able to perform at a high level

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[15:57 - 16:07]No opening act, just the artist performing for 3 hours straight

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[15:57 - 16:07]Artist had a variety of songs and solos throughout the concert

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[17:04 - 17:12]Fans were not allowed to take pictures or move until signaled to do so

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[17:33 - 17:39]Concert was mostly attended by older people and there were no other foreigners

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[18:57 - 19:03]Artist does a four month long tour in Japan every year

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[19:17 - 19:25]Tickets could only be purchased in groups of two and if one person in the group won the lottery, the others could not sit together

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[19:31 - 19:38]Concert was 3 hours long, which is longer than the average concert in Japan

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[19:31 - 19:38]Taylor Swift concert in Japan was also won through a lottery system

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[13:30 - 20:16]Person discusses their experience at a 3-hour concert in Japan for an artist who has been around for 40 years and was still able to perform at a high level. There was no opening act and fans were not allowed to take pictures or move until signaled to do so. The tickets could only be purchased in groups of two and the artist does a four month long tour in Japan every year.

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[20:17 - 20:24] The speaker talks about not getting extra tickets because of required sign-ups with full IDs and mobile numbers.

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[20:24 - 20:30]They discuss the strict rules for lottery ticket winners not being able to change their IDs.

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[21:06 - 21:13]The speaker expresses frustration with the complicated process for ticket transfers due to scalping.

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[23:32 - 23:38]They also discuss the audience's reactions to the artist's jokes and the merch presentation at the end of the show.

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[25:36 - 25:44]They mention wanting to attend more concerts and specifically mention a Japanese artist.

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[25:36 - 25:44]The conversation shifts to a concert the speaker attended in Japan where the artist frequently talked and made jokes.

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[25:36 - 25:44]The speaker compares Japanese concerts to Western concerts, specifically mentioning a punk concert where the band ignored no crowd surfing and moshing signs.

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[26:47 - 27:01]They express excitement for an upcoming concert by a Japanese artist who is known for her cheesy song introductions.

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[20:17 - 27:14]The last bullet point is a summary of the entire conversation, mentioning the speaker's frustration with ticket rules and transfers, their desire to attend more concerts, and their experience at a Japanese concert.

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[27:14 - 27:23] Taylor Swift always introduces herself and mentions her birth year at the beginning of her concerts

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[27:56 - 28:02]Her concerts have a big economic effect on the cities she visits, similar to the Super Bowl

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[28:02 - 28:10]Her current tour is considered one of the biggest and most lucrative in the music industry

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[28:31 - 28:40]Sydney's mom is a huge Swiftie and is even the head of the "Swiftie council" in her local area

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[29:10 - 29:17]There was a ticket controversy during one of Taylor Swift's tours and Sydney's mom was contacted by news outlets as a representative of the Swiftie community

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[29:10 - 29:17]The hosts are jealous of Sydney's mom's passion and wish they were that passionate about something

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[29:49 - 29:58]Taylor Swift fans, known as "Swifties," are very passionate and have a strong community worldwide

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[30:57 - 31:08]The podcast is sponsored by Vessys, a brand that makes waterproof shoes and jackets

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[31:38 - 31:44]Joey is wearing a Vessys jacket and the hosts love the brand

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[33:14 - 33:19]Concert encores and sabering champagne are traditions that people continue to do even though they may not make sense

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[33:14 - 33:19]The hosts discuss sabering champagne and how it is supposed to be done correctly

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[27:14 - 34:15]Taylor Swift's concerts have a big economic impact on the cities she visits and her current tour is one of the biggest and most lucrative in the music industry. She has a passionate fan base known as "Swifties" and Sydney's mom is a huge fan and even a representative of the Swiftie community. The hosts also discuss traditions such as concert encores and sabering champagne.

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[37:45 - 37:52] The speakers discuss the potential inclusion of esports in the Olympics.

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[38:47 - 38:55]They mention the failure of previous attempts to include esports in the Olympics.

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[39:17 - 39:25]They joke about fencing and question its existence.

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[39:17 - 39:25]They discuss which game or sport would be most suitable for the Olympics.

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[39:17 - 39:25]They mention Wii Sports and whether games like bowling and darts should be part of the Olympics.

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[40:55 - 41:00]They mention professional eaters and whether drugs should be allowed in eating contests.

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[41:02 - 41:09]They joke about the idea of allowing performance-enhancing drugs in sports.

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[41:44 - 41:53]One of the speakers talks about his recent trip to South Africa.

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[41:44 - 41:53]Africa is a continent that is often overlooked.

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[34:15 - 41:53]The speakers discuss the potential inclusion of esports in the Olympics and joke about fencing and the failure of previous attempts. They also discuss which games or sports would be suitable and joke about performance-enhancing drugs and professional eating contests. One speaker also mentions his recent trip to South Africa.

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[42:18 - 42:25]The speaker is discussing their trip to a convention in Johannesburg, South Africa.

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[42:44 - 42:50]The convention was well-organized and had 80,000 attendees.

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[42:50 - 42:56]The convention had its own security due to Johannesburg's reputation as the crime capital of South Africa.

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[43:26 - 43:32]The convention had unique and unexpected items for sale, including weed.

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[43:48 - 43:53]The speaker went on a safari outside of the convention.

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[44:02 - 44:10]The speaker recommends going on a safari on a quad bike.

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[44:30 - 44:37]They went on a quad bike and had a close encounter with a giraffe.

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[45:37 - 45:43]They plan on going back to another convention in Cape Town next year.

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[45:44 - 45:50]The convention in Cape Town is where the One Piece live action was filmed.

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[45:56 - 46:02]The speaker and their friends did not enjoy the beer they were drinking.

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[47:02 - 47:10]The speaker prefers traditional, bitter beer without added ingredients.

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[41:54 - 48:20]The speaker discusses their trip to a convention in Johannesburg, South Africa, where they had a unique and enjoyable experience. They also went on a safari and plan on going back to another convention in Cape Town next year. They also express their dislike for beers with added ingredients.

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[48:21 - 48:27]Someone can't taste honey in a drink and is disappointed by the lack of kick at the end.

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[48:28 - 48:34]They try a beer called Voldam! Double Malta Das, Original Mason Beer.

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[48:34 - 48:41]They discuss the difficulty of understanding gibberish and try to open a bottle.

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[48:41 - 48:47]The beer has a 7% alcohol content and they discuss how to open it.

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[48:53 - 49:06]They talk about Germans being able to open bottles at a young age.

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[49:59 - 50:08]One person prefers dry cider while another has had negative experiences with traditional cider.

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[50:25 - 50:32]They discuss their experience with cider and how it can be too sweet to drink all night.

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[52:15 - 52:23]They talk about warm beer being easier to drink and get into your bloodstream quicker.

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[53:44 - 53:49]One person prefers non-alcoholic beer for the taste and low calorie content.

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[55:07 - 55:17]They discuss the gross smell of non-alcoholic beer in Japan.

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[55:30 - 55:35]The two brands of non-alcoholic beer in Japan are Suntory Olfree and Green Label.

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[55:36 - 55:42]Non-alcoholic beer in Japan has zero carbs and zero calories.

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[48:21 - 55:42]The group discusses their experiences with different drinks, including a disappointing honey drink, a German beer, and non-alcoholic beers. They also touch on the difficulty of understanding gibberish and the traditional way of making cider. They also debate the benefits of warm beer and non-alcoholic alternatives.

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[55:48 - 55:54] The speaker discusses a zero calorie alcoholic drink that is like "Coke Zero for alcoholics"

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[56:02 - 56:07]They mention feeling lame ordering water when everyone else has beer

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[59:54 - 1.00:01]They talk about drinking non-alcoholic beer and how it doesn't taste as good as regular beer

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[59:54 - 1.00:01]The speaker loves the taste of beer and wishes there were more non-alcoholic options

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[1.00:28 - 1.00:34]They mention how beer goes well with food

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[1.01:17 - 1.01:24]The speaker's friend Emily and Dieter think a sushi restaurant is overpriced and mid

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[1.02:33 - 1.02:40]The speaker's friend Moudin's group has a friend with CDX disease and they struggle to find a restaurant without gluten

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[55:43 - 1.02:46]Overall, the speaker loves the taste of beer and wishes there were more non-alcoholic options but also struggles to find food options for friends with dietary restrictions.

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[1.02:46 - 1.02:52] Japanese person questions if there are any full Japanese people with gluten intolerance

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[1.02:53 - 1.03:00]Speculates that those with celiac disease may have been killed in the past

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[1.03:06 - 1.03:08]Thinks it may be due to survival of the fittest and evolution

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[1.02:46 - 1.03:08]Concludes that it is called evolution