

Youtube profile pic for SuperMegaCast - EP 251: Ryan VS The Fleas

SuperMegaCast - EP 251: Ryan VS The Fleas

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 251: Ryan VS The Fleas

[00:00 - 00:09]Super Mega Cast sponsored by Manscaped

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[00:36 - 00:41]Discussion of Manscaped performance package 4.0

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[00:49 - 01:02]Includes various grooming products for men

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[00:49 - 01:02]Hosts use and recommend Manscaped products

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[01:03 - 01:08]20% off and free shipping with unique URL

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[03:24 - 03:36]Possible CIA agents watching Super Mega

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[04:01 - 04:07]Discussion of wanting to become a cop as a child

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[05:33 - 05:41]Registration renewal for vehicles is expensive and questioned

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[05:33 - 05:41]Potential benefits of vehicle registration fees discussed

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[06:15 - 06:23]DMV employees have to deal with unpleasant people

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[00:00 - 07:01]This episode of the Super Mega Cast is sponsored by Manscaped and discusses their products. The hosts also talk about wanting to become cops as children and the expensive fees for vehicle registration. They also briefly mention possible CIA agents watching their podcast.

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[07:02 - 07:09] Person is angry and goes to a bar alone

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[07:21 - 07:28]Couple next to them is rude to the waitress

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[09:14 - 09:20]Manager comes and apologizes

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[09:51 - 10:02]Person shares a story about walking out of a restaurant due to bad service

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[11:08 - 11:14]Person feels bad for the waitress and leaves a note on the receipt

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[11:28 - 11:36]Discussion about entitlement and being an asshole

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[12:37 - 12:45]Discussion about being assertive vs. being aggressive

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[12:53 - 13:03]Speculation that rude behavior comes from insecurity or learned from parents

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[13:16 - 13:21]The person's mom and friend can also be "Karen"s

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[07:02 - 13:39]Person witnesses a couple being rude to a waitress at a bar, reflects on the entitlement and insecurity that may lead to such behavior, and shares their own experience with bad service and the importance of being assertive rather than aggressive.

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[13:39 - 13:44]Person talks about letting something slide and thanks someone

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[14:54 - 15:01]They discuss astrology and its effects on life

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[15:10 - 15:21]They talk about their travel vlogging and how they always make it a good time

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[15:21 - 15:27]They mention not being in serious relationships with someone they consider stupid

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[15:56 - 16:04]They mention Jim and Cecile, and then Jim and I, and then Aquarius

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[15:56 - 16:04]They mention the sexual and intimacy compatibility of Jim and I in Aquarius

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[17:29 - 17:36]They joke about giving their office assistant a Scantron test

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[17:58 - 18:03]They discuss bonus questions and how they can help their grade

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[18:52 - 18:59]They mention Ron Perlman voicing a transformer and discuss the Fast and Furious movies

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[20:31 - 20:41]They joke about going to see a Jesse Eisenberg movie with their friend Daniel

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[21:01 - 21:07]They talk about seeing the movie Pixels and mention looking up M. Night Shyamalan

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[13:39 - 21:07]Person discusses various topics such as letting something slide, astrology, sexual compatibility, travel vlogging, relationships, and pop culture references. They also joke about giving their office assistant a test and mention their friend Daniel and a past movie they saw with him.

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[21:08 - 21:15]Brain is focused on upcoming movie releases

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[21:15 - 21:21]Discusses movie "Karen" and "The Visit"

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[21:53 - 22:01]Talks about previous movies seen in theaters with friend Daniel

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[22:28 - 22:34]Discussion about watching "Bruce Almighty" with Markiplier and smoking weed

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[23:29 - 23:35]Talks about enjoying cringe comedy and dry humor

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[24:34 - 24:40]Mentions watching "Pixels" in theaters and enjoying it

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[27:06 - 27:13]Ad reads for Quip and Babbel

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[27:06 - 27:13]Discussions about learning languages for future travels

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[21:08 - 28:16]Focused on upcoming movie releases with friend Daniel, enjoys cringe comedy and dry humor, and mentions previous movies seen in theaters and ad reads for Quip and Babbel.

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[28:16 - 28:24] Purchase a three month Babel subscription and get an additional three months for free

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[28:24 - 28:33]Use promo code "super" at for the offer

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[29:06 - 29:14]Kyle Massey, known for That's So Raven, in trouble for sending explicit photos to a 13-year-old girl

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[29:21 - 29:27]Massey has been charged with one count of immoral communication with a minor

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[29:28 - 29:36]Massey's actions are compared to those of YouTuber Austin Jones, who is currently in jail for a similar offense

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[30:02 - 30:16]He had established a relationship with the girl several years prior

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[31:35 - 31:46]Jones has made a video attempting to explain his actions, but is heavily criticized for victimizing himself and using mental health as an excuse

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[34:47 - 34:54]Logan Paul also criticized for manipulating his fan base for financial gain

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[35:46 - 35:52]In 2018, Paul showed a video of a man who killed himself for views

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[28:16 - 36:23]Overall, there is a trend of creators using mental health and victimization as excuses for their actions, but they are ultimately responsible for their own misdeeds.

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[36:37 - 36:42]The speaker discusses a controversial figure and their recent controversy

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[37:21 - 37:27]They criticize the figure for turning a suicide into a promotional campaign

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[37:21 - 37:27]They doubt the figure's ability to change due to their addiction to attention and money

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[40:51 - 41:01]The speaker and a friend discuss potential boxing matches against the figure and his brother

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[42:49 - 42:54]They joke about fighting dirty and mention their love for superhero movies

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[42:49 - 42:54]Despite their flaws, the speaker sees their friend as a superhero

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[43:30 - 43:35]The speaker praises their friend for donating to charity and jokes about donating soiled underwear

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[36:24 - 43:48]The speaker discusses a controversial figure and their recent controversy, doubts their ability to change, and jokes about potential boxing matches with their friend. They also praise their friend for donating to charity and joke about donating soiled underwear.

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[43:48 - 43:55]The speaker discusses their love for shopping at Goodwill and finding unique items there.

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[44:33 - 44:41]They mention being interrupted by a business associate and proceed to do an ad read for a vaccination website.

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[47:10 - 47:15]The speaker then talks about their excitement for the holiday season and wanting to celebrate Thanksgiving with friends.

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[47:44 - 47:49]They mention drinking peppermint schnapps and the use of mouthwash.

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[49:33 - 49:40]The topic of age comes up, with the speaker realizing they are older than their sister and friends Eddie and Gus.

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[50:11 - 50:16]The speaker jokes about their middle name being Hobbs and mentions Tyler, the Creator's new album.

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[50:53 - 51:00]The speaker expresses their love for the new album and plans to listen to it on a long drive.

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[43:48 - 51:00]The speaker discusses their love for shopping at Goodwill, does an ad read for a vaccination website, talks about the holiday season and wanting to celebrate Thanksgiving with friends, mentions drinking peppermint schnapps and using mouthwash, talks about age and jokes about their middle name, and expresses their love for Tyler, the Creator's new album.

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[51:06 - 51:14] Music enthusiasts discussing a track they liked and disliked

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[51:15 - 51:21]Speculation about potential issues with mixing and sound quality

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[51:22 - 51:28]Discussion about the album's overall theme and storyline

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[52:13 - 52:22]Debate about whether men and women can just be friends

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[53:18 - 53:23]Mention of popular streamer Ninja and his recent mixer deal

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[56:08 - 56:14]Personal anecdotes about strict parenting styles and the importance of familial relationships

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[58:26 - 58:32]Plans to tabletop a family member

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[51:00 - 58:32]Discussion about music, relationships, and parenting styles, with a brief mention of popular streamer Ninja and plans to prank a family member.

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[58:44 - 58:57] Narrator talks about getting injured in middle school and high school, including getting "tabletoped" at Carowinds on a field trip and falling off a skateboard.

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[1.00:05 - 1.00:10]They discuss getting a new one wheel and dealing with a flea infestation in their backyard.

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[1.00:22 - 1.00:27]Narrator has tried multiple methods to get rid of the fleas, including using Terminix and personal sprays, but they still persist.

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[1.01:33 - 1.01:44]They mention wanting to use their backyard for relaxation and hosting guests, but the fleas make it difficult.

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[1.02:07 - 1.02:15]The conversation ends with the narrator seeking suggestions for how to get rid of the fleas.

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[1.04:36 - 1.04:54]The narrator expresses frustration with not being able to find the source of the fleas and not being able to fully enjoy their backyard.

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[58:32 - 1.05:46]The narrator is at war with fleas in their backyard, causing frustration and preventing them from enjoying their outdoor space.

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[1.10:54 - 1.11:00]The speaker discusses a flea infestation in their yard.

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[1.11:51 - 1.11:56]They have tried various methods to get rid of the fleas, including Terminex and using salt and spray.

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[1.11:51 - 1.11:56]The fleas are still present and multiplying, despite the efforts.

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[1.11:51 - 1.11:56]The speaker prays to God to get rid of the fleas and expresses their hatred for them.

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[1.11:51 - 1.11:56]They mention the purpose of fleas in an ecosystem and the possibility of them coming from their neighbor's yard.

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[1.11:51 - 1.11:56]The speaker looks up information about fleas, including their jumping abilities and their ability to lay eggs.

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[1.12:44 - 1.13:38]The podcast episode ends with a Manscape ad.

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[1.05:46 - 1.13:58]The speaker discusses a flea infestation in their yard and their unsuccessful attempts to get rid of them. They mention the purpose of fleas in an ecosystem and their hatred for them. The podcast episode ends with a Manscape ad.