

Youtube profile pic for The 4th Annual Trash Taste Awards | Trash Taste #204

The 4th Annual Trash Taste Awards | Trash Taste #204

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[00:00 - 00:08]Podcast hosts discuss how to do a "pop" and aim it towards the audience.

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[01:45 - 01:54]They realize they are recording and begin the Trash Taste Awards.

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[03:45 - 03:53]Categories include: hot take of the year, best out of context clip, screen grab of the year, most degenerative moment, best Patreon episode, best bros should not have let them cook moment, biggest copium moment, saltiest moment, most monkey moment, most out of pocket conversation, wildest guest episode, best story, biggest clown, biggest chad, biggest W of the year, best meme, best mood on fact check, biggest one, best drip, best argument, most privileged moment, the "I made it the fuck up" award, best TT special of the year, and best TT episode of the year.

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[04:46 - 04:52]The final award is for the best TT episode of the year.

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[04:58 - 05:06]The podcast hosts continue to discuss the Trash Taste Awards and the categories.

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[05:39 - 05:44]The podcast hosts cheers to another year of the podcast.

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[05:59 - 06:06]Podcast hosts discuss some of their hottest takes of the year, including Bocci not being a relatable character and room temperature water being better than cold water.

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[07:18 - 07:25]They mention how they received backlash for these takes on social media.

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[00:00 - 07:44]The podcast hosts discuss their hottest takes of the year and introduce the Trash Taste Awards, which includes categories such as hot take of the year, biggest copium moment, and best TT episode of the year. They also mention receiving backlash for their takes on social media.

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[07:45 - 07:52] Person talks about drinking water at room temperature

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[08:04 - 08:10]Asks for ice in the freezer

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[08:10 - 08:16]Reflects on past episodes with Maelin and her iced cucumber water

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[08:41 - 08:47]Discusses opinions on good games from 2023 and 2022

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[10:55 - 11:00]Expresses preference for new IPs and indie games

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[11:32 - 11:37]Talks about playing Balotro and enjoying it

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[12:07 - 12:13]Debates about beer being considered food

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[13:39 - 13:45]Discusses Emily's controversial food takes

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[13:50 - 13:55]Person expresses desire for more auto-battle in JRPGs

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[07:45 - 14:57]Overall, the person discusses various food and game-related opinions and debates throughout the years.

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[18:00 - 18:06]Discussion about order battles and JRPGs

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[21:08 - 21:15]Emily's take on there being no good games in 2024

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[23:22 - 23:28]Award for "hottest take of the year" and winner announced (Connor)

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[23:29 - 23:37]Award for "best out of context clip" and winner announced (women's basketball)

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[23:29 - 23:37]Close runner-up for "best out of context clip" (racism)

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[14:57 - 23:53]Discussion and awards for order battles, JRPGs, and hot takes, as well as the winner for "best out of context clip."

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[24:34 - 24:40]Introduction and discussion of favorite out-of-context clip nominations

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[26:39 - 26:45]Announcement and description of ShipStation as a sponsor

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[27:38 - 27:43]Announcement of "Screen Grab of the Year" category

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[27:38 - 27:43]Announcement of winner for "Screen Grab of the Year" category

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[27:59 - 28:07]Comprehensive summary:

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[28:33 - 28:38]Announcement and discussion of "Most Degenerate Moment" category

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[28:33 - 28:38]Announcement of winner for "Most Degenerate Moment" category

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[28:39 - 28:45]A sponsor, ShipStation, is introduced and discussed.

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[28:52 - 28:58]Discussion of nominations for "Most Degenerate Moment"

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[28:52 - 28:58]The hosts discuss and announce the nominees and winner for the "Screen Grab of the Year" category.

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[23:55 - 32:23]The nominees and winner for the "Most Degenerate Moment" category are announced and discussed.

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[32:23 - 32:28]Fourth place in a competition was awarded to a boys' discovery

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[32:35 - 32:41]The hosts discuss the results of a tie competition

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[34:09 - 34:20]A special category was created for Patreon supporters

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[35:57 - 36:04]They announce the winner of the Best Patreon Episode to be the Risk Episodes

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[35:57 - 36:04]The hosts discuss their experience filming the Risk Episodes

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[37:54 - 38:02]They mention their desire to play more board games in the future

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[38:14 - 38:21]The hosts thank their supporters and discuss the Patreon content they have released

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[38:21 - 38:27]The episode is sponsored by Game of Sops, a gamer drink

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[38:21 - 38:27]The hosts discuss the features and merchandise available through Game of Sops

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[39:25 - 39:32]They explain the meaning of the category

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[39:33 - 39:41]They introduce a new category, "Best bro should not have let him cook"

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[32:23 - 39:47]The hosts discuss the results of a tie competition and announce a special category for Patreon supporters. They thank their supporters and announce the winner of the Best Patreon Episode to be the Risk Episodes. The hosts discuss their experience filming the Risk Episodes and express a desire to play more board games in the future. The episode is sponsored by Game of Sops, a gamer drink, and the hosts discuss its features and merchandise. They also introduce a new category, "Best bro should not have let him cook," and explain its meaning.

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[46:10 - 46:18] The podcast has a new award category for "biggest copium moment"

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[46:56 - 47:02]The first nominee is "Gone thinks he is least likely to get picked"

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[46:56 - 47:02]The second nominee is "Joey's failed attempt at explaining quantum physics"

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[46:56 - 47:02]The third nominee is "Gone's argument for Hawaiian cuisine being better than British cuisine"

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[46:56 - 47:02]The fourth nominee is "Connor's belief that he could 1v1 an elephant"

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[39:48 - 47:17]The winner is "Gone's belief that he is least likely to get picked for a fetish"

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[47:18 - 47:25]Joey is proud of himself for not being a "copium" (coping) person.

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[47:25 - 47:30]Joey doesn't cope with things; he doubles down.

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[48:18 - 48:24]Joey argues that Aki isn't a Disney adult, but a Kingdom Hearts fan instead.

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[50:21 - 50:28]Joey is shocked to find out the bill was over $700.

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[50:28 - 50:42]Joey is surprised to find out that Garnt reviewed Sword Art Online and gave it a 9.5/10.

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[53:17 - 53:26]Joey is salty about Connor and Garnt using the company credit card for a dinner.

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[54:57 - 55:03]Felix gets salty when the boys review Sweden in front of him.

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[55:04 - 55:10]Gon hates playing Cards Against Humanity.

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[47:18 - 55:29]Connor is surprised to find out that God skips. Overall, the group has several moments of being salty and surprised throughout their discussions and activities.

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[55:29 - 55:34]Connor admits he hasn't watched something

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[55:34 - 55:40]The group discusses getting "pegged" and understanding light

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[56:26 - 56:32]A Welsh biology class debate on light

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[56:32 - 56:38]A video explains how light works

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[57:26 - 57:31]Joey struggles to understand light, leading to a salty moment

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[57:26 - 57:31]The winner of the Saltiest Moment award is revealed (Joey finding out how light works)

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[58:38 - 58:44]The Most Monkey Moment award is discussed

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[1.01:51 - 1.01:57]Nominations for the award include Connor trying to smash a coconut, God drinking a concoction on set, Moon on ripping his pants, Connor changing his name to Tanaka, and Sally and Marki replacing Connor

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[1.02:31 - 1.02:36]Sydney's changes are mentioned

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[55:29 - 1.02:36]A discussion of various funny and chaotic moments from the podcast, including salty and monkey moments.

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[1.02:36 - 1.02:42] The group discusses a story they want to forget, involving someone named Joey crushing a monkey and getting stuck in a trash can.

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[1.07:54 - 1.08:03]They discuss other "monkey moments" including drinking stagnant water and smashing a coconut.

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[1.07:54 - 1.08:03]They move on to a new category, "most out-of-pocket conversation," and discuss various conversations that went off-topic and became wild, including worrying about a partner's smell, clogging a toilet, and shitting oneself.

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[1.09:04 - 1.09:12]The winner of the category is "How many eight-year-olds can the boys beat up?"

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[1.10:22 - 1.10:35]They also discuss a conversation about how many eight-year-olds they could beat up and who is the most cringe person in history.

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[1.02:36 - 1.10:35]The group discusses various wild and off-topic conversations they've had, including worrying about a partner's smell, clogging a toilet, shitting oneself, and how many eight-year-olds they could beat up.

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[1.10:36 - 1.10:43]Hey! I'm impressed.

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[1.10:43 - 1.10:52]How many eight-year-olds can you beat in a fight?

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[1.10:43 - 1.10:52]After 10, I'm done.

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[1.11:01 - 1.11:06]The boys explained their first time

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[1.11:51 - 1.11:57]The boys talked about Joey shitting himself.

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[1.12:14 - 1.12:23]The wildest guest episodes this year were nominated.

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[1.13:14 - 1.13:26]The winner of wildest guest episode went to Pete.

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[1.14:54 - 1.14:59]Pete won with his stories.

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[1.15:18 - 1.15:24]The best story to come out of Trash Station was nominated.

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[1.16:52 - 1.16:58]The winner was Connor's story about a drunk, naked Japanese man.

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[1.17:53 - 1.18:01]Connor's story won best story from Trash Station.

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[1.18:09 - 1.18:16]The biggest clown award was given out.

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[1.18:09 - 1.18:16]Joey's shitting himself was discussed.

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[1.18:28 - 1.18:33]Chris won biggest clown and biggest chad in previous years.

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[1.18:28 - 1.18:33]Biggest clown award went to Chris.

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[1.18:28 - 1.18:33]Pete was the wildest guest.

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[1.18:28 - 1.18:33]The wildest guest award went to Pete.

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[1.18:33 - 1.18:39]Chris is often a winner of awards.

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[1.18:33 - 1.18:39]Biggest clown award was given out.

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[1.18:33 - 1.18:39]Chris won the award.

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[1.18:33 - 1.18:39]The best story award went to Connor.

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[1.10:36 - 1.18:39]Recap of highlights from the Trash Taste podcast.

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[1.18:45 - 1.18:50] Connor, second place in something, awards show, nominations for Connor, Chris, Joey

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[1.18:51 - 1.18:58]Winning Biggest Clown award

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[1.19:50 - 1.19:55]Confusion and disbelief at winning

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[1.20:08 - 1.20:14]Biggest Chat award nominations

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[1.22:56 - 1.23:01]Pete wins Biggest Chat award

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[1.23:46 - 1.23:53]Biggest W of the year nominations

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[1.23:54 - 1.24:04]Connor's Cyclothed on 3 raises over a million dollars

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[1.24:41 - 1.24:47]Chris becomes Sunday Times best seller

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[1.24:41 - 1.24:47]Cyclothed on 3 wins Biggest W award

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[1.24:59 - 1.25:05]Chris coming in second place for Biggest W

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[1.25:27 - 1.25:33]Best Meme of the year nominations

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[1.25:56 - 1.26:03]Memes include edited videos and images

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[1.26:22 - 1.26:27]Connor's same energy comparison to D.O. from his video

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[1.27:38 - 1.27:44]AI's singing idle meme

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[1.18:39 - 1.27:44]Connor and Chris receive nominations and awards at an awards show, with Connor winning Biggest Clown and Pete winning Biggest Chat. Chris becomes Sunday Times best seller and Cyclothed on 3 wins Biggest W award. Memes such as edited videos and images are also nominated, including a comparison between Connor and D.O. from his video and AI's singing idle meme.

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[1.27:45 - 1.27:51]Speaker mentions a keynote and media

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[1.27:51 - 1.27:56]Speaker's voice is not working properly

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[1.27:56 - 1.28:04]Special guest on Trash Taste podcast

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[1.28:04 - 1.28:12]Plums are mentioned

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[1.28:23 - 1.28:33]Discussion about dick sizes and growth limits

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[1.30:42 - 1.30:49]Different meme edits are shown and discussed

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[1.31:59 - 1.32:06]Moonland fact checks the podcast hosts

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[1.34:41 - 1.34:48]Best meme and fact check of the year are announced

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[1.27:45 - 1.36:36]Best trip is announced and winner is "Gaunts"

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[1.36:36 - 1.36:42]Congratulations to dad for all the names and not wearing a shirt in public

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[1.36:42 - 1.36:53]Trash taste nominees for best argument

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[1.37:38 - 1.37:44]Trash taste arguments about tuna tasting like beef steak and room temperature water being better than cold water

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[1.38:43 - 1.38:49]Winner of best argument is "What does the vibe even mean?"

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[1.38:55 - 1.39:01]Most trash taste argument is about what vibe means

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[1.39:59 - 1.40:06]Trash taste nominees for most privileged moment

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[1.40:42 - 1.40:47]Privileged moments include Connor getting handed free alcohol, impulse buying a Vespa, being obsessed with luxury movie centers, using the company card for Uber Eats, and being too lazy to make food

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[1.41:42 - 1.41:51]Winner of most privileged moment is spending $5,000 on a Smosh comic

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[1.36:36 - 1.43:19]The audio is about congratulating someone for not wearing a shirt in public, discussing trash taste arguments and privileged moments, and revealing the winners for best argument and most privileged moment.

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[1.43:31 - 1.43:37] The speakers discuss the issues with UK cinemas and compare them to American cinemas, which they deem superior

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[1.44:20 - 1.44:26]They joke about their past mistakes on the show and award a "I Made It The Fuck Up" award to the winner

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[1.47:32 - 1.47:39]They announce the winner of the "Best Trash Taste Special of the Year" award, which goes to the Hawaii special

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[1.48:36 - 1.48:49]They discuss the nominees for the "Best Trash Taste Episode of the Year" award and mention the changes they made in the show's format

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[1.49:40 - 1.49:48]The speakers express their gratitude for the audience's support and enjoyment of the show

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[1.49:40 - 1.49:48]The speakers summarize their personal experiences and enjoyment of the show throughout the year

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[1.50:08 - 1.50:19]The winner of the "Best Trash Taste Episode of the Year" award is announced as "The Struggles of an Aspiring Voice Actor"

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[1.43:19 - 1.50:23]Overall, the speakers discuss the past year of the show, including their favorite episodes and moments, and thank the audience for their support and enjoyment.