

Youtube profile pic for We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

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[01:51 - 01:58]Three hosts, Connor, Garnt, and Joey, are filming a special episode of their show Trash Taste where they hire a Michelin star chef to teach them how to cook.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[02:30 - 02:38]The hosts are nervous and unsure of their cooking skills, but excited to learn.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[03:15 - 03:22]They arrive at the restaurant and meet the two chefs who will be teaching them.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[04:35 - 04:42]The chefs give each host a personalized apron and reveal that they will be learning three different dishes individually.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[05:05 - 05:10]The chef also shares insights on the challenges and demands of being a professional chef.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[05:47 - 05:59]Joey volunteers to go first and is taught how to make sashimi using fresh fish from the famous Tokyo fish market.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[06:05 - 06:12]In the end, the hosts are excited to see what they will be learning and confident that they will improve their cooking skills with the help of the Michelin star chefs.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[06:42 - 06:48]As Joey learns, the other hosts discuss their predictions for his performance in the kitchen.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[07:49 - 07:57]The chef shows Joey how to kill a flounder and prepare it for sashimi, emphasizing the importance of fresh ingredients and proper techniques.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[00:00 - 07:57]The hosts are filming a special episode of their show Trash Taste where they hire a Michelin star chef to teach them how to cook.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[07:57 - 08:02] British person joins a group discussing their background and history

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[08:25 - 08:30]They start trash talking Americans in a joking manner

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[09:37 - 09:48]They discuss the training and mindset required to become a skilled chef

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[10:35 - 10:41]They continue preparing and plating the sashimi, paying attention to aesthetics

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[10:48 - 10:54]They begin preparing and cutting fish for sashimi

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[13:31 - 13:36]The group jokes and discusses their dishes, with one person getting a job offer

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[15:28 - 15:36]They finish cooking and tasting their dishes, with one person making a Japanese-style fish and chips

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[16:08 - 16:16]They finish their cooking and the video ends.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[07:57 - 16:24]A British person joins a group and prepares and cooks sashimi and fish and chips in a Japanese style, with discussion and jokes throughout.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[16:59 - 17:04] Two people are in the kitchen, one named Jerry and the other is a guest judge.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[22:58 - 23:04]There are two other judges present who are professional chefs.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[22:58 - 23:04]One of the judges, Maylene, is known for her high ranking in Google reviews.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[22:58 - 23:04]Jerry and the guest judge taste their dishes and give their opinions.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[23:27 - 23:36]Jerry is nervous but feels he has learned valuable skills.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[23:57 - 24:05]They are cooking a fish dish and are preparing the fish by removing scales and internal organs.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[23:57 - 24:05]They heat up oil in a pan and fry the fish.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[23:57 - 24:05]They wash the fish and continue preparing it.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[24:05 - 24:11]Gon, another person in the kitchen, struggles with learning quickly.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[24:17 - 24:22]Jerry cuts the fish and finishes preparing it.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[24:36 - 24:43]They discuss what makes the best fish and the importance of a good relationship with the truck.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[16:24 - 24:55]Two people are in the kitchen cooking a fish dish with two guest judges present. They prepare and fry the fish, with one of the judges being known for her high ranking in Google reviews. Jerry and the guest judge taste their dishes and give their opinions. Gon struggles with learning quickly and they discuss the importance of a good relationship with the truck.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[32:21 - 32:27]The speaker is struggling to remove the skin and bones from the fish.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[32:48 - 32:57]The speaker suggests using a knife, but the instructor prefers using chopsticks.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[32:48 - 32:57]The speaker and Joey are not feeling confident about their dishes.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[32:48 - 32:57]The speaker's knife is not as sharp as the instructor's.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[32:59 - 33:06]The cooked fish is removed from the grill and placed in a pot with rice.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[33:07 - 33:17]They start to flay the fish, inspired by a video of Gordon Ramsay doing it.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[33:07 - 33:17]They continue to struggle with removing the skin and bones.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[33:07 - 33:17]The fish is placed on a grill and cooked slowly to retain moisture.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[33:07 - 33:17]The speaker and Joey are amazed at how easy the rice cooking process is compared to the fish.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[33:07 - 33:17]The speaker accidentally beheads the fish while trying to remove the bones.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[33:07 - 33:17]The instructor shows them how to properly debone and remove the skin from the fish using chopsticks.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[33:07 - 33:17]The speaker is worried about the delicate process of deboning with chopsticks.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[33:07 - 33:17]The speaker mentions that in Thailand, they are not as careful with removing bones from fish.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[33:07 - 33:17]The instructor makes deboning and removing the skin look easy.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[24:58 - 33:17]The speaker and Joey struggle with removing the skin and bones from the fish, but are inspired by a video of Gordon Ramsay. They cook the fish slowly to retain moisture and place it in a pot with rice. The speaker accidentally beheads the fish and the instructor shows them how to properly debone and remove the skin using chopsticks. The speaker is amazed at how easy the rice cooking process is compared to the fish.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[33:17 - 33:25]The speaker mentions that it won't be easy.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[33:33 - 33:41]They taste the dish and find it perfect.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[33:41 - 33:48]They mix in fish and other ingredients.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[33:41 - 33:48]The speaker notes the simplicity of Japanese food.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[33:48 - 33:57]The speaker prepares a live fish for their dish.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[34:03 - 34:08]They begin a cooking competition called the shokageki.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[35:51 - 35:56]The other competitors react with shock at the live fish.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[36:45 - 36:51]The speaker forgets their steps and begins to struggle.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[36:45 - 36:51]They try to remember the steps and make mistakes.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[37:51 - 37:58]The speaker begins to descale and clean the fish.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[38:23 - 38:31]The speaker mentions that they have made errors and things are not going well.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[39:26 - 39:35]They mention feeling lost and unsure of what to do.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[39:35 - 39:41]The speaker mentions feeling like they have given up.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[39:48 - 39:54]The speaker struggles to clean out the fish.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[39:48 - 39:54]The speaker expresses concern over getting stomach juice on the fish.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[33:17 - 39:54]The last bullet point summarizes the difficulties and mistakes the speaker made while cooking the live fish dish.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[43:06 - 43:12] The speaker attempts to remove the top layer of the fish but struggles.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[44:34 - 44:39]The speaker talks about how good the fish is and makes a Fate reference.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[44:34 - 44:39]The speaker's friend also struggles with their fish.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[44:40 - 44:45]They mention missing out on some meat and continue to try and cut through the fish.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[44:40 - 44:45]They start stabbing the fish and eventually remove the bones and organs.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[44:40 - 44:45]They both prepare the fish and rice.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[45:24 - 45:32]The process is messy and chaotic.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[45:24 - 45:32]The judges are cautiously optimistic about the food.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[46:32 - 46:39]The speaker cuts themselves but brushes it off.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[39:55 - 46:44]In the end, the fish is successfully prepared.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[46:44 - 46:51]The speaker is anxious about teaching three individuals with no cooking experience.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[46:58 - 47:10]After trying to teach them, the speaker realizes that they are receptive and have learned from YouTube.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[47:17 - 47:23]The speaker struggles with managing the cooking process and has to improvise with different tools.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[47:23 - 47:29]All three individuals are at the same level in the kitchen and there are no clear distinctions in skill.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[47:35 - 47:42]The speaker and the three individuals work together to cook a dish with a lot of meat.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[48:52 - 49:00]The speaker and the three individuals continue to work on their dishes with some stress and struggles.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[49:42 - 49:47]The judges give constructive criticism and feedback on what the speaker could improve on.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[50:44 - 50:49]The speaker finishes their dish and presents it to the judges, receiving positive feedback.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[52:45 - 52:55]The speaker is happy with the acceptance and feedback from one of the judges, who is Japanese.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[53:35 - 53:40]The speaker realizes they forgot a step and quickly tries to fix it before finishing the dish.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[46:44 - 53:54]In summary, the speaker teaches inexperienced individuals, works together with them to cook a dish, and receives positive feedback from the judges while also receiving constructive criticism. They also encounter some struggles and improvisation during the cooking process.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[53:58 - 54:04]The speaker has to wait five more minutes and is worried about not making the time

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[54:11 - 54:20]They give Joey an 8/10 for their presentation but suggest more care with cutting the fish

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[54:20 - 54:27]Flounder sashimi is difficult to make and the speaker congratulates Joey on their attempt

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[54:27 - 54:34]Maylon is next to present and the speaker promises not to hate them for their score

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[54:34 - 54:40]The group encourages each other to take their time and the speaker is proud of their own dish

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[54:41 - 54:54]Maylon's dish has some remnants of scales and the speaker suggests being more careful with presentation

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[55:12 - 55:23]The speaker tries Maylon's dish and gives it a 7/10, mentioning some issues with thickness and presentation

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[57:16 - 57:22]Connor presents his dish and receives a score of 25/30 from the judges

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[57:36 - 57:43]While Connor is being judged, the speaker has to debone their fish and make it presentable

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[58:55 - 59:01]The speaker is confident in their dish and receives praise from Chef Kojisam

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[1.00:32 - 1.00:45]Chef Kojisam gives a 9/10, Malen gives a 6/10, and the speaker receives an 8/10

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[1.00:32 - 1.00:45]The final scores are 8/10 for Joey, 7/10 for Maylon, and 8/10 for the speaker

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[1.01:06 - 1.01:14]The speaker receives a 10/10 for taste from the judges, but some mention issues with oiliness and presentation

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[1.01:45 - 1.01:57]The group discusses the challenges of using reused oil and the speaker is praised for their attempt

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[53:58 - 1.02:08]The speaker and their fellow contestants present their dishes to the judges, who give scores and constructive criticism. The speaker's dish receives praise for taste but is noted to have some issues with oiliness and presentation. The final scores are 8/10 for Joey, 7/10 for Maylon, and 8/10 for the speaker.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[1.02:08 - 1.02:16]Speaker reflects on previous events and hopes disaster was successfully covered up

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[1.02:22 - 1.02:27]Time to shoot and speaker watches others cook, with little time to prepare

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[1.02:40 - 1.02:47]Speaker takes bite of Connor's dish and comments on oily lips

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[1.03:31 - 1.03:38]Judges give positive feedback on dishes, with some critiques

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[1.06:21 - 1.06:27]Winner celebrates while others reflect on their scores and critiques

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[1.07:45 - 1.07:51]Judgement of Paris: judges give scores of 6, 7, 8, and 9

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[1.07:45 - 1.07:51]Final scores: 23, 23, 25

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[1.09:52 - 1.09:59]Speaker receives special dish prepared for the loser

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[1.02:08 - 1.09:59]The speaker competes in a cooking competition and reflects on their previous events.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[1.12:02 - 1.12:07]Joey is not participating in the food special

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[1.13:58 - 1.14:04]They try a dangerous puffer fish

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[1.14:04 - 1.14:09]The tarantula tastes surprisingly good

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[1.14:09 - 1.14:17]They try a tarantula

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[1.14:36 - 1.14:51]Maylene is making others suffer

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[1.15:01 - 1.15:08]They discuss who won the cooking challenge

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[1.15:08 - 1.15:14]They are trying out different dishes

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[1.15:08 - 1.15:14]They plan to do a future food special with the same dish

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[1.15:34 - 1.15:40]They thank their teachers for the dishes

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[1.15:40 - 1.15:49]They mention the fans' request for a food special

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[1.15:40 - 1.15:49]They ask for support on Patreon

A youtube thumbnail wor We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

[1.09:59 - 1.15:51]The group tries out different dishes, including a dangerous puffer fish and a surprisingly tasty tarantula. They thank their teachers and discuss who won the cooking challenge. They mention fans' requests for a food special and plan to do a future one with the same dish. They ask for support on Patreon and the video ends.