

Youtube profile pic for Fear& New Years Special

Fear& New Years Special

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[00:15 - 02:46]The speaker is recording a podcast with friends.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[00:22 - 01:00]They discuss the intro and who will do it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[01:08 - 03:32]They mention a meet and greet event and a recent trip to Italy.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[02:56 - 04:56]The speaker is recording a podcast with friends.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[04:18 - 07:12]The speaker mentions making appearances on other podcasts and TV shows.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[05:49 - 07:06]They discuss their appearance and compare themselves to a hot football player.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[07:12 - 10:23]They joke about a possible movie idea involving sex toys coming to life.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[09:40 - 12:47]The topic of New Year's resolutions comes up.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[11:05 - 13:18]The speaker mentions achieving some of their goals, such as hitting the stream rewards goal.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[12:54 - 14:20]The speaker's goals for 2022 are shared, including reaching 5,000 CCV on Twitch, becoming a top 50 female podcast, making a new friend, and hitting 100,000 on stream rewards.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[13:18 - 15:48]The speaker is recording a podcast with friends.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[14:27 - 15:32]The topic of New Year's resolutions comes up.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[15:32 - 17:42]The speaker also mentions wanting to yell less and be happier, and not responding to haters.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[15:48 - 17:06]The speaker talks about completing resolutions from the previous year, such as going to Japan and traveling more, adopting a puppy, and raising over 1.5 million for charity.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[16:20 - 16:26]The speaker also mentions wanting to yell less and be happier, and not responding to haters.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[17:30 - 19:40]The speaker talks about wanting to marry an Australian as a child and being fascinated by Australia.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[19:29 - 20:03]The conversation shifts to the speaker's own resolutions for the new year.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[20:28 - 22:33]Their main resolution is to create a vehicle to show a more serious and intimate side of themselves, in addition to their silly and comedic persona.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[21:33 - 24:12]The conversation shifts to the speaker's own resolutions for the new year.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[22:37 - 24:40]The speaker then brings up a failed resolution from the previous year of going to Disney with friends.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[24:40 - 28:21]The conversation ends with the speaker joking about not doing shrooms at a party.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[26:34 - 28:10]They discuss the use of Ozempic, a drug for weight loss, in Hollywood and its negative effects.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[28:21 - 29:18]The speaker mentions wanting to try psychedelics for depression and anxiety, but their therapists and psychologists recommend against it due to their personal circumstances.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[29:18 - 29:42]The conversation ends with the speaker joking about not doing shrooms at a party.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[29:42 - 29:53]Will and Judy discuss an upcoming party and hope there will be charcuterie

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[29:53 - 30:28]They mention a time when there was charcuterie at a party and another time when there wasn't, and express disappointment

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[30:28 - 31:30]Will admits he purposely didn't blindfold himself during the challenge and Judy jokes about his height

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[31:50 - 34:54]They mention a previous incident with someone on a plane who they initially judged but then realized they were holding hands with their partner

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[33:10 - 34:35]Will admits he purposely didn't blindfold himself during the challenge and Judy jokes about his height

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[33:39 - 36:30]They mention a previous incident with someone on a plane who they initially judged but then realized they were holding hands with their partner

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[36:30 - 39:25]Will got gifts for Judy's family and Judy got gifts for Ludwig's stepdad

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[39:25 - 40:52]Will and Judy exchange homemade gifts from Will's trip to Italy.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[39:58 - 40:26]They mention a time when there was charcuterie at a party and another time when there wasn't, and express disappointment

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[40:52 - 41:51]The gifts include a calendar featuring Italian priests, a gladiator helmet, a bust of the "woke pope," and a silk container with a cross

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[41:11 - 42:50]A group of people are discussing gifts given to them by a friend named Hassan

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[42:37 - 43:48]One of the gifts is a trench coat worn by priests, which the group finds fashionable and practical

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[43:49 - 45:32]A group of people are discussing gifts given to them by a friend named Hassan

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[43:55 - 45:13]The gifts include a calendar featuring Italian priests, a gladiator helmet, a bust of the "woke pope," and a silk container with a cross

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[44:26 - 45:52]The discussion touches on the Catholic Church, Mormonism, and the Pope's stance on homosexuality and drug use

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[45:52 - 47:23]The conversation also includes a reference to the movie "Gladiator" and a discussion of posthumous baptisms in Mormonism

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[47:24 - 48:44]The group also mentions a song they would sing as children when scared, which has a creepy undertone

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[48:44 - 49:53]The speaker mentions visiting a shop that sells clothing for priests and buying a trench coat there.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[49:15 - 50:06]A group of individuals discuss their impressions of Italy, starting with one individual who finds Italians to be similar to Turkish people in terms of their fast and loose lifestyle.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[49:28 - 49:59]They discuss the differences between Mediterranean and Nordic cultures, with the former being more passionate and less rigid.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[49:48 - 49:53]A group of individuals discuss their impressions of Italy, starting with one individual who finds Italians to be similar to Turkish people in terms of their fast and loose lifestyle.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[50:07 - 51:13]The group shares their favorite cities in Italy, with one individual preferring Florence for its Renaissance history and monuments, while another prefers Rome for its ancient history and structures.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[50:53 - 51:45]They discuss the impressive structures and history in Rome, particularly the ancient ruins and sewer system.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[50:59 - 51:05]The group shares their favorite cities in Italy, with one individual preferring Florence for its Renaissance history and monuments, while another prefers Rome for its ancient history and structures.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[51:33 - 52:02]They discuss the impressive structures and history in Rome, particularly the ancient ruins and sewer system.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[52:02 - 53:08]One individual shares their experience of taking a private tour of the Vatican and learning about Michelangelo, a gay and bisexual artist who created art for the church.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[52:42 - 54:13]They discuss the impressive structures and history in Rome, particularly the ancient ruins and sewer system.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[54:13 - 55:11]One individual shares their experience of taking a private tour of the Vatican and learning about Michelangelo, a gay and bisexual artist who created art for the church.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[54:25 - 54:54]They mention their dad asking if their friend is gay and their mom getting mad at the assumption.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[54:25 - 54:59]A group of individuals discuss their impressions of Italy, starting with one individual who finds Italians to be similar to Turkish people in terms of their fast and loose lifestyle.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[54:31 - 55:11]The speaker jokes about not paying attention, comparing it to being a woman.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[54:40 - 55:18]They mention their dad asking if their friend is gay and their mom getting mad at the assumption.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[55:11 - 56:18]One individual shares their negative experience of studying abroad in Rome.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[55:18 - 55:38]A group of individuals discuss their impressions of Italy, starting with one individual who finds Italians to be similar to Turkish people in terms of their fast and loose lifestyle.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[55:18 - 55:59]They mention watching Jersey Shore in Italy and regretting not watching it before going.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[55:44 - 57:27]The speaker talks about having fun in Florence and hanging out with their family.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[56:30 - 56:36]The speaker talks about having pizza in Florence and how the bread is traditionally saltless due to a 500-year beef with pizza.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[56:36 - 57:50]They mention doing a sea tour and waking up in an Italian woman's home with only basketball shorts.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[56:50 - 57:15]The speaker is unsure if they had sex with the woman due to language barriers.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[57:50 - 58:33]They mention running in circles in Florence to find their group before they left.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[58:11 - 58:59]The speaker is discussing an experience in Italy with a friend.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[59:18 - 1.00:49]The speaker talks about having pizza in Florence and how the bread is traditionally saltless due to a 500-year beef with pizza.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[59:26 - 1.00:03]The speaker is discussing an experience in Italy with a friend.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[1.00:49 - 1.01:13]They mention that Italian cities have a history of beefing with each other.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[1.01:13 - 1.01:34]The speaker expresses their opinion that American pizza is better than Italian pizza.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[1.01:35 - 1.01:54]The speaker talks about having pizza in Florence and how the bread is traditionally saltless due to a 500-year beef with pizza.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[1.01:54 - 1.02:18]The speaker talks about having fun in Florence and hanging out with their family.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[1.02:01 - 1.02:12]They mention doing a sea tour and waking up in an Italian woman's home with only basketball shorts.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[1.02:19 - 1.03:33]They mention their dad asking if their friend is gay and their mom getting mad at the assumption.

A youtube thumbnail wor Fear& New Years Special

[1.02:31 - 1.03:32]The speaker jokes about not paying attention, comparing it to being a woman.