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This Is Why Real Men Cry | Trash Taste #94

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[00:17 - 00:23]Podcast intro and introduction of hosts

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[04:22 - 04:33]Conversation about coughing and sneezing in public during pandemic

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[04:22 - 04:33]Joey's experience with coughing and holding it in on public transport

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[04:22 - 04:33]Discussion of ab day soreness and sneezing causing pain

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[04:50 - 04:55]Discussion of hay fever season in Japan

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[04:50 - 04:55]Transition to discussion of Japan's lack of transition periods between seasons

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[05:28 - 05:38]Mention of Japan having only two seasons: hot and cold

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[06:41 - 06:52]Personal experiences with sweating in hot weather

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[07:25 - 07:33]Mention of "don't worry, I have hay fever" pins being sold during pandemic

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[07:57 - 08:05]Discussion of how British upbringing affects tolerance for different climates

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[00:00 - 08:05]The hosts introduce the podcast and discuss hay fever season in Japan, mentioning the sale of "don't worry, I have hay fever" pins. They then talk about coughing and sneezing in public during the pandemic and their personal experiences with holding in coughs and sneezes. The conversation shifts to Japan's lack of transition periods between seasons and the hosts' experiences with sweating in hot weather. They also briefly mention how their British upbringing may affect their tolerance for different climates.

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[08:05 - 08:12] The speaker believes their allergy to the sun is due to their white skin and lack of sun exposure in the UK.

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[08:23 - 08:28]They mention Australia having an "overdose" of sun and feeling traumatized by too much sun.

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[08:23 - 08:28]The speaker also discusses their experience with the sun and weather in Japan.

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[08:47 - 08:54]They prefer the climate in Japan because they can stay indoors in comfortable air conditioning.

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[10:07 - 10:26]They discuss the differences between using a fan and air conditioning, with the speaker preferring the former due to the latter feeling "sterile."

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[12:19 - 12:28]They then shift to discussing an issue with their apartment smelling like bird feces for two months due to pigeons nesting near the air intake.

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[14:49 - 15:00]The speaker and their roommate install spikes to deter the birds from returning, but it ends up attracting them to build nests.

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[15:24 - 15:38]They compare this to their experience with possums in Australia causing a similar disturbance.

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[08:05 - 16:06]The speaker discusses their allergies to the sun and preference for the climate in Japan over the UK and Australia. They also share their issue with pigeons and possums causing disturbances in their living spaces.

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[18:36 - 18:43]Person talking about dealing with pests on their balcony, specifically ants and foxes

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[20:04 - 20:12]Ants are a common problem in the UK, but they are small and not a big threat

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[21:02 - 21:10]In Thailand, ants are a much bigger problem and are larger in size

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[21:02 - 21:10]Ants in Thailand are more aggressive and will attack if you try to get rid of them

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[21:40 - 21:51]The person also talks about dealing with foxes, which can be annoying but are easily scared off

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[21:40 - 21:51]Foxes make a loud and terrifying noise at night

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[22:09 - 22:18]Wasps serve no purpose in nature and are a nuisance to deal with

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[22:19 - 22:48]Wasps are also a common pest in Australia and are considered to be the "dickheads" of the insect world

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[23:35 - 23:41]The person has a phobia of bees and wasps, possibly due to being stung in the eyes as a child

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[23:51 - 24:00]Despite their fear, the person understands the importance of bees in nature

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[23:51 - 24:00]The person has grown to appreciate bumblebees after years of conditioning

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[16:06 - 24:00]The person discusses their experiences with pests, such as ants, foxes, and wasps, and their understanding of their importance in nature. They also mention having a phobia of bees and wasps, but have grown to appreciate bumblebees.

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[26:02 - 26:07] Two people discuss their fear of bees and the potential for a fear factor-style challenge involving bees

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[26:19 - 26:30]They mention the possibility of a wildlife expert telling them it is safe to do it

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[26:52 - 26:58]They discuss how bees can be friendly and even cute, but wasps are terrifying

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[27:35 - 27:44]One person mentions a video of bees massacring a group of hornets

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[29:42 - 29:51]They also mention a video of fire ants behaving like a liquid or solid

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[30:53 - 31:03]The conversation shifts to discussing nature documentaries and a viral video of a man punching a kangaroo to save his dog

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[31:51 - 32:02]The man is described as a "mega chat" for his bravery

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[24:00 - 32:02]Two people discuss their fear of bees and the possibility of a fear factor-style challenge involving bees. They mention the safety concerns and the possibility of a wildlife expert telling them it is safe. They also discuss the differences between bees and wasps, and how bees can be friendly while wasps are terrifying. The conversation shifts to discussing nature documentaries and a viral video of a man punching a kangaroo to save his dog. The man is described as a "mega chat" for his bravery. The conversation ends with a summary of the kangaroo video and the man's actions.

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[32:02 - 32:14] In Australia, a kangaroo threatened a dog and tried to kick it.

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[32:19 - 32:25]Kangaroos are herbivores but are also very strong and territorial.

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[32:30 - 32:44]There are kangaroos that are as tall as two meters.

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[32:56 - 33:03]Australia has a delicate ecosystem due to its unique wildlife.

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[32:56 - 33:03]Introduced foreign pests have caused problems for Australia's wildlife, such as rabbits.

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[33:09 - 33:17]Rabbits are cute but are actively damaging the natural world by eating everything.

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[34:44 - 34:57]Rabbits are only limited by the amount of food available and can breed quickly.

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[35:10 - 35:19]Rabbits also eat their own babies.

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[35:10 - 35:19]Humans have also been known to eat their own babies.

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[36:10 - 36:22]The delicate ecosystem in the UK has been able to balance the rabbit population with the help of foxes.

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[37:44 - 37:59]In the 1900s, people didn't understand the impact of introducing foreign animals to Australia.

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[38:21 - 38:32]People have a harder time getting rid of animals that they have as pets, such as cats and rabbits.

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[38:43 - 39:03]Australia's ecosystem is delicate and susceptible to damage from foreign pests.

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[39:42 - 39:48]Despite being cute, rabbits are actively damaging the natural world.

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[39:42 - 39:48]The UK's ecosystem has been able to balance the rabbit population with the help of foxes.

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[39:56 - 40:07]In the 1900s, people didn't understand the impact of introducing foreign animals to Australia.

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[39:56 - 40:07]People have a harder time getting rid of animals that they have as pets, such as cats and rabbits.

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[40:07 - 40:13]The introduction of rabbits has caused problems for Australia's wildlife.

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[40:07 - 40:13]Australia has a delicate ecosystem due to its unique and delicate wildlife.

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[40:07 - 40:13]Introduced foreign pests have caused problems for Australia's wildlife, such as rabbits.

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[40:13 - 40:27]Giant tortoises used to be eaten because they were considered to be the most delicious meat.

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[40:13 - 40:27]A perfect storm of unfortunate events has led to the endangerment of giant tortoises.

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[40:13 - 40:27]Giant tortoises used to be eaten because they were considered to be the most delicious meat.

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[40:13 - 40:27]A perfect storm of unfortunate events has led to the endangerment of giant tortoises.

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[40:13 - 40:27]Despite being cute, rabbits are actively damaging the natural world.

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[40:13 - 40:27]The UK's ecosystem has been able to balance the rabbit population with the help of foxes.

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[40:27 - 40:55]Giant tortoises evolved to store up to one gallon of water, making them easier to transport.

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[40:27 - 40:55]Giant tortoises evolved to store up to one gallon of water, making them easier to transport.

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[40:27 - 40:55]Humans have also been known to eat their own babies.

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[40:27 - 40:55]In the 1900s, people didn't understand the impact of introducing foreign animals to Australia.

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[40:27 - 40:55]People have a harder time getting rid of animals that they have as pets, such as cats and rabbits.

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[32:02 - 40:55]A concise and comprehensive summary is that Australia has a delicate ecosystem that has been impacted by the introduction of foreign pests, such as rabbits, and humans have a hard time getting rid of animals that they consider cute, even if they are actively damaging the natural world. Additionally, giant tortoises used to be eaten because they were considered to be the most delicious meat, but this, along with their ability to store water, has led to their endangerment. The UK's ecosystem has been able to balance the rabbit population with the help of foxes.

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[45:52 - 45:58]A discussion about a type of animal that was believed to be extinct

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[46:07 - 46:14]The animal was described as having a one gallon sack of water and being delicious

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[47:07 - 47:21]Sailors would eat the animal on long voyages for its taste and water supply

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[48:21 - 48:30]They discuss the irony of humans only caring about saving cute or cool animals

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[49:06 - 49:14]The animal was never officially classified due to its extinction before it could be studied

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[49:06 - 49:14]The hosts express anger at the extinction, but also curiosity and desire to taste the animal

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[49:14 - 49:38]The importance of preserving nature is acknowledged, but also the desire for water parks and delicious animals

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[49:50 - 50:11]The episode is sponsored by Express VPN, which allows users to access region-locked content on Netflix

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[49:50 - 50:11]The episode ends with a statement about controlling one's online location through Express VPN.

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[50:11 - 50:19]The hosts express their love for anime and disappointment at missing out on British TV shows

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[40:55 - 50:31]Overall, the hosts discuss a possibly extinct, delicious animal and express their conflicting feelings about preserving nature and indulging in tasty food. They also mention their use of Express VPN to access region-locked content on Netflix.

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[50:31 - 50:41] Use Express VPN to access streaming websites from different countries

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[50:46 - 50:52]Can change region for content or cheaper flights

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[51:55 - 52:15]Some people take matters into their own hands to deal with pests, like wasps

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[51:55 - 52:15]Saw a video of Americans using a shotgun to get rid of wasp nests

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[52:23 - 52:35]Australia has conditioned speaker to not be afraid of animals that won't kill him

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[52:35 - 52:43]No specific animal or bug that scares speaker the most

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[53:55 - 54:00]Had rats and mice problems in the UK, used mouse traps to get rid of them

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[56:48 - 56:55]Had termites in the house, had to call a specialist to gas the house

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[57:57 - 58:11]People have died while cleaning houses

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[50:31 - 58:11]Speaker discusses using Express VPN to access streaming websites, their experiences with pests in the UK and Australia, and the dangers of cleaning houses.

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[59:44 - 59:57] Speakers discuss a job cleaning out homes of deceased individuals, particularly elderly individuals who may have struggled with self-care.

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[1.00:15 - 1.00:22]They mention a video about a man cleaning out the home of a deceased individual in Japan, and how it can be heartbreaking to see their possessions and imagine their life.

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[1.01:13 - 1.01:19]One speaker mentions that deaths are often portrayed as peaceful, but the reality can be different, with some dying alone and unnoticed.

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[1.03:32 - 1.03:44]They discuss the idea of writing a will and getting life insurance as they get older and have possessions to leave behind.

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[1.04:21 - 1.04:31]One speaker jokes about leaving their body pillow collection and YouTube channel in their will.

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[1.05:23 - 1.05:48]They talk about awkward conversations with parents about writing wills and the competition between siblings for items in the will.

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[58:11 - 1.05:48]Overall, the speakers reflect on the morbid but necessary aspects of preparing for death and leaving behind a legacy for loved ones.

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[1.05:49 - 1.05:54]Person tells a story about giving their dad a car engine and receiving their sister's record collection in return

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[1.06:00 - 1.06:10]The person's dad has no will and might just be making things up on the spot

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[1.06:10 - 1.06:19]Japanese program recommends writing a will as soon as one has awareness of it

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[1.06:19 - 1.06:36]Writing a will is cheap and simple, just requires a document and a witness

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[1.06:36 - 1.06:45]One may not think they have anything worth giving away in a will, but they may have sentimental items like a vinyl collection

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[1.06:46 - 1.06:54]The person would trust their friends with their vinyl collection and not sell it

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[1.07:02 - 1.07:15]They wonder about the structure and format of writing a will and joke about making a video will

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[1.11:48 - 1.12:05]The quality of the writing is important in evoking emotions in these types of stories

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[1.12:12 - 1.12:27]They discuss the desensitization to terminal illnesses portrayed in media and how it may affect one's emotions when experiencing it in real life

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[1.12:27 - 1.12:47]One person shares their personal experience with a family member passing away from a terminal illness

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[1.13:15 - 1.13:26]They mention a story they couldn't finish due to feeling disconnected and like it was just trying to make them cry

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[1.13:32 - 1.14:03]The person wonders if their perspective on these types of stories has changed since their personal experience

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[1.14:19 - 1.14:30]It is impossible to replicate the feeling of going through a terminal illness in real life, no matter how well-written a story may be

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[1.05:49 - 1.14:30]Person discusses the topic of writing a will and reflects on the desensitization to terminal illnesses portrayed in media compared to real life experiences, and wonders if their perspective has changed since experiencing a family member's passing.

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[1.14:50 - 1.14:59] The speaker discusses how it is difficult for media to accurately portray the emotions of losing a friend

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[1.15:26 - 1.15:50]They mention how they can sympathize with others' experiences but there is a special connection when someone has shared the same experience

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[1.18:24 - 1.18:31]The speaker shares their personal experiences with feeling empty after the death of a friend and how this emotion is difficult to portray in fiction

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[1.20:34 - 1.20:43]They discuss how they have never seen a piece of fiction that accurately evokes this feeling

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[1.22:07 - 1.22:18]They mention that they used to cry less while watching media, but now it happens more easily

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[1.22:37 - 1.22:47]The speaker reveals that they have cried the most while watching the second half of Clannad After Story and Anohana

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[1.22:37 - 1.22:47]The speaker first cried while watching Clannad and then it became a chain reaction of crying while watching other emotional shows

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[1.22:47 - 1.22:54]They mention a blank period after this where they did not cry as easily

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[1.14:30 - 1.22:54]Overall, the speaker discusses the difficulty of accurately portraying the emotion of losing a friend in fiction and shares their personal experiences with this.

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[1.23:09 - 1.23:14]Discussing emotional reactions to media

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[1.23:14 - 1.23:27]Example of emotional reaction to "March Comes in Like a Lion" on a plane

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[1.24:26 - 1.24:31]Questioning if emotional reactions are due to overexposure

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[1.24:39 - 1.24:52]Emotional reactions and crying

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[1.24:39 - 1.24:52]Different types of crying: empty cries and cathartic cries

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[1.28:52 - 1.29:00]Partner's emotional reactions and how it affects one's own reaction

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[1.29:07 - 1.29:12]Example of crying during "Your Name" and "Weathering With You"

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[1.29:44 - 1.30:15]Discussion about "Belle" and whether it earned its emotional moments

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[1.22:54 - 1.30:46]Overall, discussing reactions to emotional media.

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[1.30:46 - 1.30:58]Discussion about a movie or TV show featuring an online world where players can be anything except their avatar is chosen for them

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[1.30:58 - 1.31:03]Mention of a class system present in the online world

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[1.31:12 - 1.31:19]Comparison of the concept to a previously made movie, Beauty and the Beast

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[1.31:50 - 1.31:57]Positive review of the movie Batman and discussion about the actor playing the role

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[1.34:26 - 1.34:31]Sponsorship ad for Harry's razors

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[1.36:08 - 1.36:19]Discussion about the animated series of Batman and its iconic portrayal of the Joker

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[1.36:24 - 1.36:31]Comparison of different versions of Batman and mention of interesting villains in the franchise

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[1.36:24 - 1.36:31]Comparison of the movie being discussed to the Batman Arkham games

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[1.37:19 - 1.37:33]Mention of achievements in gaming and preference for them in the game

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[1.30:46 - 1.38:04]Discussion of a movie or TV show featuring an online world with a class system and comparison to another movie, followed by a positive review of Batman and mention of its iconic villains. Sponsorship ad for Harry's razors. Comparison of different versions of Batman and discussion about the animated series. Comparison to Batman Arkham games and preference for achievements in gaming.

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[1.38:04 - 1.38:12]Page content is a conversation between two friends about achievements in video games

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[1.38:12 - 1.38:25]One friend became addicted to getting achievements and would research and buy games just for that purpose

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[1.38:25 - 1.38:31]He had a high gamer score and completed difficult achievements in games like Lost and Batman: Arkham Asylum

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[1.39:19 - 1.39:29]The other friend stopped pursuing achievements in college due to lack of time and realizing it wasn't fun

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[1.40:12 - 1.40:21]He also completed achievements in JRPGs, which are known for having the most difficult achievements

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[1.40:12 - 1.40:21]They discuss the difficulty of achievements and the achievements they completed in various games

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[1.42:40 - 1.42:45]He had completed challenging achievements in games like Dead Rising and Gears of War

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[1.43:35 - 1.43:42]One friend even completed all achievements in a Doritos game

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[1.45:20 - 1.45:29]The other friend's closest experience to becoming addicted to achieving was with the fishing minigame in Tales of Arise

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[1.45:42 - 1.45:47]Currently, the friend is playing Horizon Forbidden West and plans to play Elden Ring

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[1.45:47 - 1.45:57]Horizon Forbidden West also has a fishing minigame

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[1.38:04 - 1.45:57]Page content is a conversation between two friends about their experiences with achievements in video games, including addiction to achieving, completing difficult achievements in various games, and their opinions on achievements in different genres.

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[1.46:04 - 1.46:10]Audio starts with discussion about fishing in the upcoming game Elden Ring

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[1.46:17 - 1.46:23]The speaker mentions that Japanese people love fishing, and that it has become a trope in JRPGs

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[1.46:38 - 1.46:50]They discuss the presence of fishing minigames in JRPGs and question why they have no effect on the main story

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[1.49:18 - 1.49:29]They mention the stereotype of mahjong being a game for old people, but also how it has gained popularity among younger generations

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[1.49:29 - 1.49:45]The conversation shifts to mahjong, with the speaker sharing their experience of playing it in Japan

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[1.50:14 - 1.50:27]Discussion of fishing and mahjong in JRPGs

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[1.50:14 - 1.50:27]Stereotypes surrounding mahjong and bridge as games for old people

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[1.51:46 - 1.52:01]The speaker also talks about their experience playing bridge, another game stereotyped as being for old people

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[1.51:46 - 1.52:01]The audio ends with the speaker summarizing their thoughts on mahjong and bridge, and how they initially thought they were only for older people but ended up enjoying them.

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[1.51:46 - 1.52:01]Speaker's personal experience playing bridge and enjoying it

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[1.52:13 - 1.52:26]They explain the concept of bridge and how it is a team game, and express their enjoyment of it

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[1.45:57 - 1.53:28]Summary of speaker's thoughts on fishing, mahjong, and bridge and how they initially thought they were only for older people but ended up enjoying them.

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[1.53:37 - 1.53:42]Mahjong is a complicated and mind-intensive game associated with all people.

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[1.53:42 - 1.53:51]The pro scene for mahjong is mostly dominated by men and women, similar to chess in New York parks.

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[1.55:06 - 1.55:14]The success of chess as a spectator sport is due to its branding as a smart man's game.

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[1.56:16 - 1.56:28]Chess has improved as a spectator sport by having commentators explain the moves and add color to the game.

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[1.57:25 - 1.57:41]Magnus Carlsen, a top chess player, can make moves that are difficult for non-experts to understand.

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[1.57:25 - 1.57:41]Chess has managed to carve a strong niche as a spectator sport due to its ubiquity and solid gameplay.

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[1.57:53 - 1.58:00]The success of chess on platforms like Twitch has resulted in a "second renaissance" for the game.

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[1.58:00 - 1.58:24]Go, a similar game to chess, is even more complicated and difficult to understand.

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[1.58:57 - 1.59:13]A manga called "Hikaru no Go" attempted to explain the game but stopped halfway through.

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[2.00:44 - 2.00:54]Chess has a long history of being a spectator sport and has been successful in recent years due to commentary and branding.

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[2.00:54 - 2.00:59]Other sports like football, baseball, golf, and cricket are fun to play but not as fun to watch due to frequent stops and advertisements.

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[1.53:29 - 2.01:33]Mahjong and chess are complicated and challenging games, but chess has managed to become a successful spectator sport by branding itself as a smart man's game and improving its commentary and branding. Other sports like football, baseball, golf, and cricket are fun to play but not as fun to watch due to frequent stops and advertisements. Additionally, chess has experienced a recent surge in popularity on platforms like Twitch.

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[2.01:33 - 2.01:41] The speakers discuss their dislike for American football and its frequent stops and starts.

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[2.01:46 - 2.01:58]One speaker admits to not fully understanding the rules, but still prefers rugby over American football.

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[2.03:01 - 2.03:13]The other speaker defends American football, citing its bursts of action and intricate gameplay.

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[2.03:34 - 2.03:46]They also mention their love for basketball and other sports with constant movement.

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[2.04:21 - 2.04:27]They briefly discuss Mario sports games and their preferences.

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[2.06:12 - 2.06:35]They move on to the topic of extinct animals and how the first person to taste a new animal must have felt.

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[2.06:42 - 2.06:50]The discussion then shifts to the discovery of new foods and the first person to try them.

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[2.07:49 - 2.07:54]They end the episode by promoting their Patreon and thanking their listeners.

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[2.01:33 - 2.07:54]The speakers discuss their preferences for sports, including their dislike for American football and their love for basketball and rugby. They also briefly touch on the topic of extinct animals and the discovery of new foods. They end the episode by promoting their Patreon and thanking their listeners.