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Our Biggest Dating Red Flags | Trash Taste #178

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[00:58 - 01:04]Page content includes a discussion about red, green, and beige flags in relationships

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[03:13 - 03:21]The hosts read out potential flags and discuss if they are red, green, beige, or no flags

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[03:28 - 03:33]They reveal their opinions by writing down their answers on whiteboards

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[05:31 - 05:39]The discussion continues with other potential flags and the hosts share their opinions

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[05:31 - 05:39]They mention that flags can change depending on the stage of life and personal preferences

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[05:31 - 05:39]The hosts also mention that flags can be different for different types of relationships

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[06:06 - 06:11]The hosts encourage viewers to join in and share their thoughts on the flags discussed

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[06:12 - 06:21]The first flag discussed is having the food palate of a 12 year old

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[06:12 - 06:21]The discussion is based on personal experiences and opinions, not professional advice

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[06:48 - 06:53]The hosts explain why they believe this is a red flag

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[06:48 - 06:53]The definition of a red flag is having a trait that is undesirable in a partner

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[06:59 - 07:09]Joey, Connor, and Garnt are hosts of the podcast "Trash Taste"

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[00:00 - 07:26]The hosts discuss potential red, green, and beige flags in relationships and share their opinions based on personal experiences. They emphasize that flags can change depending on personal preferences and life stages.

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[07:26 - 07:35] They discuss picky eaters and the importance of trying new foods

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[08:28 - 08:37]They mention their personal preferences and experiences with picky eaters

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[09:48 - 09:59]They talk about the frustration of people not willing to try new foods without any prior knowledge or information

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[09:48 - 09:59]They mention the enjoyment of trying new foods and sharing meals with others

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[09:48 - 09:59]The importance of being open-minded and willing to try new foods is emphasized

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[09:59 - 10:04]The conversation shifts to discussing how picky children can be and how it affects dining out

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[13:48 - 13:59]The conversation ends with discussing the sensitivity of one's palate and its impact on being open to new foods

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[14:00 - 14:05]They mention encountering picky eaters from different cultures and regions

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[07:26 - 14:05]Overall, the conversation highlights the frustration and importance of being open-minded and willing to try new foods.

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[14:07 - 14:16]Person discussing their love for certain foods and how it is perceived by others.

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[14:32 - 14:45]Mention of a staff member trying Nando's for the first time and finding it too flavorful.

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[18:32 - 18:43]Discussion of whether not using social media is a red or green flag in a potential partner.

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[18:32 - 18:43]Consideration of personal opinions and experiences with social media usage.

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[18:32 - 18:43]Mention of potential benefits and downsides to a partner not using social media.

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[18:58 - 19:17]Discussion on how social media can be used to connect with a partner.

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[20:40 - 20:45]Mention of personal experiences with sharing and keeping up with memes.

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[21:20 - 21:26]Introduction of sponsor, Mint Mobile, and their affordable wireless plans.

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[14:07 - 21:33]Discussion on the perception of certain foods, the flag of not using social media in a potential partner, and the potential benefits and downsides of social media usage in a relationship.

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[21:39 - 21:49]Person mentions Mint Mobile and how convenient and cheap it is

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[21:49 - 21:54]You can use your own phone and keep your existing contacts

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[21:55 - 22:01]Mint Mobile offers premium wireless for $15 a month with unlimited talk and text

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[21:55 - 22:01]To get this plan, go to

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[22:08 - 22:18]Next topic is about someone who claims to be a weeb but has only watched basic anime

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[29:08 - 29:14]The speaker's personal definition of a weeb and how it relates to Japanese culture

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[29:14 - 29:22]Discussion about what it means to be a weeb and the changing definition of the term

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[29:14 - 29:22]Counter arguments about the evolving definition of the term weeb

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[29:22 - 29:31]The definition of weeb has changed and is no longer just someone who watches a lot of anime

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[29:39 - 29:45]Example of someone who has only watched basic anime but claims to be a weeb due to their partner's influence

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[29:39 - 29:45]Different opinions on whether watching certain anime is necessary to be considered a weeb

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[29:39 - 29:45]Someone who has only watched basic anime and identifies as a weeb is considered an entry-level anime fan

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[21:33 - 29:51]Discussion about someone who claims to be a weeb but has only watched basic anime and the evolving definition of the term weeb.

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[29:57 - 30:03] People discussing being called a "weeb" and watching anime as a buzzword.

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[30:22 - 30:31]Some disagreement on whether not watching classic movies is a red flag or not.

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[30:22 - 30:31]Discussion on whether not watching popular shows is a red flag.

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[36:56 - 37:08]Introduction of Vessys shoes as a sponsor.

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[36:56 - 37:08]Discussion on Vessys shoes and their waterproof and stylish features.

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[29:51 - 37:22]A concise and comprehensive summary of the previous points is given.

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[37:23 - 37:28]Vessy gloves and coat mentioned

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[37:28 - 37:39]Sale at from Nov 17 to Nov 27

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[37:52 - 38:01]Discussion on using astrology unironically

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[39:45 - 39:52]Concerns about basing life decisions on astrology

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[42:11 - 42:16]Discussion on Disney adults and whether it is a red or green flag

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[44:01 - 44:08]Girlfriend is a Disney adult but not to the extreme level

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[44:36 - 44:42]Reasons for not liking Disney and basing personality around it

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[44:50 - 44:57]Other obsessions and interests of girlfriend

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[37:23 - 44:57]Discussion on Vessy gloves and coat, sale at, use of astrology, concerns about basing life decisions on it, discussion on Disney adults and whether it is a red or green flag, and girlfriend's interests and obsessions.

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[46:15 - 46:24] Disney is a controversial company that some people have strong opinions about

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[48:10 - 48:18]Some people base their entire personality around being a fan of Disney

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[48:10 - 48:18]Some people argue that Disney is a bully and cruel as a company

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[48:27 - 48:39]Others argue that they make great games and movies despite their practices

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[48:27 - 48:39]Nintendo is another company that people can have strong opinions about and base their personalities around

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[48:27 - 48:39]Nintendo has also been criticized for their practices and hypocrisy

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[48:27 - 48:39]Being obsessed with a company or brand can be seen as negative, especially if it is the only thing defining a person's personality

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[49:36 - 49:43]Disney is known for their corporate practices and the way they do business

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[49:36 - 49:43]This phenomenon is more commonly seen with Disney adults, who are known for their loud and passionate fandom

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[49:55 - 50:02]This episode of the podcast is sponsored by a small family business in Austria, Holtskern, that makes unique products from natural materials such as wood

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[51:13 - 51:20]The hosts discuss whether age matters when it comes to being in a long-term relationship

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[51:29 - 51:37]The median age for this discussion is assumed to be 30 years old

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[51:38 - 51:44]The group agrees that a long-term relationship is defined as lasting at least a year

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[51:45 - 51:51]Some people have never been in a long-term relationship, which can be a red flag for potential partners

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[51:45 - 51:51]A person's relationship history can be an important factor to consider in a potential relationship

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[44:57 - 51:51]The overall consensus is that being obsessed with a company or brand to the point of it defining one's entire personality is not healthy and should be moderated.

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[51:52 - 51:58]Discussion about whether or not to include a 30-year-old who has never been in a relationship in the body count

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[51:58 - 52:03]Some argue that being in many relationships is different from being in a long-term relationship

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[52:25 - 52:31]Final decision is to not include this person in the body count

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[54:15 - 54:24]All agree that it is not a red flag and more of a quirky thing

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[56:49 - 56:57]Next topic is whether believing in superstitions is a red flag or not

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[58:36 - 58:43]Japanese culture has many superstitions and beliefs

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[58:36 - 58:43]Asian households in general have many superstitions

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[51:52 - 58:43]Discussion about whether or not to include a 30-year-old who has never been in a relationship in the body count, followed by a discussion about the belief in superstitions, particularly in Japanese and Asian cultures. All agree that it is not a red flag and more of a quirky thing.

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[58:44 - 58:49] Western superstitions, such as stepping on cracks or walking under ladders, are discussed

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[59:14 - 59:25]Black cats are seen as bad luck due to their association with crows and death

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[59:25 - 59:30]Cats have often been a target for superstitions, dating back to the witch trials

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[59:30 - 59:35]Superstitions are based on something, but not all are believed in

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[1.01:40 - 1.01:47]Sore losers are a red flag, as they can bring down the vibe and refuse to improve

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[1.02:39 - 1.02:49]Losing is a part of life, and getting better at something is important

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[1.05:01 - 1.05:08]Keeping a relationship private can be interpreted in different ways, and is a case by case thing

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[58:44 - 1.06:05]The conversation touches on Western superstitions, with a focus on black cats and their association with death. The idea of sore losers as a red flag is discussed, as well as the importance of accepting losing as a part of life. The concept of keeping a relationship private is brought up, with the consensus being that it is a case by case thing and not necessarily a concern as long as the relationship is healthy.

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[1.06:05 - 1.06:16]The speaker discusses the idea of separating love life from other aspects of life and the importance of personal choice in how one shares about their relationship.

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[1.06:28 - 1.06:40]They express concern about people who openly share intimate details about their relationship to everyone.

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[1.07:39 - 1.07:45]The speaker wants to date a free-thinking person and believes it is important to educate oneself and recognize when they have been misled.

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[1.09:49 - 1.09:59]Believing in conspiracy theories can be dangerous, especially when it comes to having children and influencing their beliefs.

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[1.10:06 - 1.10:13]Believing in conspiracy theories is seen as a red flag and a sign of gullibility.

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[1.11:37 - 1.11:45]The importance of individual choice and personal preferences is emphasized throughout the conversation.

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[1.11:50 - 1.11:57]The speaker admits to being a fan of the horror genre, but not wanting to date someone who likes it too much.

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[1.11:50 - 1.11:57]Personal preference plays a large role in whether or not someone is seen as a potential partner.

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[1.12:22 - 1.12:30]The topic of liking horror movies too much is brought up and the speaker expresses a dislike for the genre.

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[1.12:37 - 1.12:45]The genre of horror is discussed and its flaws are acknowledged, but it is also recognized as having some of the most conceptually interesting ideas in film.

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[1.13:53 - 1.14:00]The speaker expresses their dislike for the most popular types of media, but also admits to consuming it.

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[1.06:05 - 1.14:00]Overall, the speaker values free-thinking, education, and respecting personal boundaries when it comes to sharing about relationships.

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[1.14:00 - 1.14:06] The speakers express a dislike for consuming true crime content.

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[1.14:34 - 1.14:39]One speaker mentions having bad experiences with people who are very into horror.

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[1.14:48 - 1.15:02]They discuss the popularity of true crime as a horror genre.

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[1.15:30 - 1.15:35]They discuss the difference between a Disney adult and a horror fanatic.

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[1.16:27 - 1.16:33]The topic of using Twitch emotes in conversation is brought up.

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[1.16:27 - 1.16:33]The speakers share their thoughts on using Twitch emotes in real life situations.

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[1.19:06 - 1.19:13]They discuss the potential consequences of someone using Twitch emotes in everyday conversation.

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[1.20:25 - 1.20:32]The topic of marriage being brought up on a first date is introduced.

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[1.20:39 - 1.20:44]One speaker puts a green flag, while the other puts a red flag.

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[1.21:00 - 1.21:07]They explain their reasoning behind their choices.

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[1.21:08 - 1.21:22]The speakers mention seeing couples struggle with the topic of marriage in relationships.

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[1.14:00 - 1.21:22]The last bullet point summarizes the overall conversation and their opinions on using Twitch emotes and discussing marriage on a first date.

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[1.21:23 - 1.21:30] Some people don't want to get married, and that's respectable

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[1.21:30 - 1.21:40]Marriage can be a valid reason for ending a relationship

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[1.22:21 - 1.22:26]Expressing intentions early on is considerate and helps avoid misunderstandings

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[1.22:52 - 1.22:58]Getting married and having kids are important decisions that should be discussed early on

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[1.22:58 - 1.23:05]Compromising on major life decisions for the sake of a relationship can lead to problems in the long run

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[1.25:34 - 1.25:43]Some people take more than 30 minutes to get ready, which can be seen as quick or slow depending on the situation

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[1.27:06 - 1.27:16]Taking longer than an hour to get ready for a fancy night could be seen as a red flag

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[1.21:23 - 1.28:04]Overall, it's important to communicate and be considerate in a relationship, and to understand each other's perspectives and preferences.

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[1.28:04 - 1.28:10]The speaker discusses leaving with a person and being punctual

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[1.28:42 - 1.28:54]The speaker values being punctual and wants their partner to be punctual as well

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[1.28:55 - 1.29:02]They mention not keeping track of how long it takes to get ready

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[1.28:55 - 1.29:02]They talk about not caring how long it takes to get ready, as long as their partner knows how long it takes

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[1.28:55 - 1.29:02]Some people take longer to get ready and the speaker doesn't mind as long as they are on time and look good

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[1.29:02 - 1.29:12]The speaker talks about being honest and watching anime while their partner gets ready

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[1.29:35 - 1.29:41]They mention not wanting their partner to be a fan of their content before getting into a relationship

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[1.30:49 - 1.31:06]They mention feeling uncomfortable if their partner knows more about them than they know about their partner

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[1.30:49 - 1.31:06]They discuss the personal nature of their content and how it can create a parasocial relationship

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[1.31:34 - 1.31:40]The speaker says it can work out if both parties treat the relationship like adults

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[1.32:40 - 1.32:46]They mention not wanting to share too much personal information with someone they just met

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[1.33:00 - 1.33:06]The speaker talks about the dynamic changing since starting a podcast with their friends

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[1.33:19 - 1.33:28]The speaker says it's a red flag for them if their partner is a fan of their content, but doesn't use social media

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[1.34:15 - 1.34:20]The speaker talks about their reasoning for choosing beige or green for a partner who wears the same outfit often

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[1.34:34 - 1.34:44]They mention wanting to be in love with every aspect of their partner, including their fashion choices

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[1.34:34 - 1.34:44]The speaker discusses the possibility of not liking their partner's outfit choices, but still being in love with them

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[1.34:34 - 1.34:44]They mention wanting some variety in their partner's outfit choices

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[1.34:34 - 1.34:44]The speaker says they would hope their partner would change up their outfit choices if they didn't like them

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[1.28:04 - 1.35:17]Overall, the speaker discusses their thoughts on leaving with a person, being punctual, and their preferences for their partner's fashion choices and involvement with their content.

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[1.35:19 - 1.35:26] The speaker mentions that they only wear an outfit if it looks great and they may make banter about it.

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[1.35:32 - 1.35:39]They note that it is more common for guys to wear the same outfits often.

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[1.35:39 - 1.35:46]On dates, the speaker is conscious about what they wear and prefers comfort.

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[1.36:08 - 1.36:20]They mention that their partner's interest in fashion got them more into it as well.

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[1.36:08 - 1.36:20]The speaker believes that if they like clothes and their partner wears the same outfit often, it can be exciting to bond over trying new things.

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[1.37:56 - 1.38:03]The speaker notes that they need time to marinate and figure out their feelings, while the other person likes daily communication.

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[1.39:38 - 1.39:48]The speaker and the other person have different opinions on daily texting.

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[1.40:01 - 1.40:08]The topic of texting frequency and expectations in relationships is brought up.

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[1.40:08 - 1.40:26]The speaker believes that knowing they are in their partner's thoughts is important.

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[1.40:52 - 1.41:05]They mention that they are not good at balancing work and personal life, but need someone who understands and supports that.

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[1.41:29 - 1.41:36]It's important for the speaker to know their partner won't freak out if they are busy for a few days.

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[1.41:54 - 1.42:01]Both speakers agree that communication is important and that knowing the other person's intentions is key.

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[1.35:19 - 1.42:29]In summary, the speakers discuss their differing opinions on daily texting and how it reflects their needs and desires in a relationship. They also mention the importance of communication and understanding in a partnership.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our Biggest Dating Red Flags | Trash Taste #178

[1.42:38 - 1.42:45] A discussion about the importance of regular communication in a relationship

A youtube thumbnail wor Our Biggest Dating Red Flags | Trash Taste #178

[1.42:45 - 1.42:55]The negative effects of constantly needing to talk to one's partner

A youtube thumbnail wor Our Biggest Dating Red Flags | Trash Taste #178

[1.42:45 - 1.42:55]The difference between wanting to talk every day and feeling like it's a necessity

A youtube thumbnail wor Our Biggest Dating Red Flags | Trash Taste #178

[1.42:55 - 1.43:17]The speaker's personal preference is to have occasional texts instead of daily conversations

A youtube thumbnail wor Our Biggest Dating Red Flags | Trash Taste #178

[1.44:22 - 1.44:33]The idea that trust and privacy are important in a relationship

A youtube thumbnail wor Our Biggest Dating Red Flags | Trash Taste #178

[1.44:22 - 1.44:33]The speaker's experience with partners asking for their phone pass code and its impact on trust

A youtube thumbnail wor Our Biggest Dating Red Flags | Trash Taste #178

[1.46:28 - 1.46:40]The belief that individuals should have their own privacy and boundaries in a relationship

A youtube thumbnail wor Our Biggest Dating Red Flags | Trash Taste #178

[1.46:52 - 1.46:57]The idea that constantly sharing everything with one's partner is not a sign of a healthy or balanced relationship

A youtube thumbnail wor Our Biggest Dating Red Flags | Trash Taste #178

[1.47:42 - 1.47:47]A tweet about a partner putting milk before cereal and the speaker's response

A youtube thumbnail wor Our Biggest Dating Red Flags | Trash Taste #178

[1.48:34 - 1.48:40]The episode discusses the importance of regular communication and trust in a relationship

A youtube thumbnail wor Our Biggest Dating Red Flags | Trash Taste #178

[1.48:49 - 1.48:55]The importance of rules and structure in society and the speaker's rebellious attitude towards them

A youtube thumbnail wor Our Biggest Dating Red Flags | Trash Taste #178

[1.49:27 - 1.49:33]The speaker's indifference towards this habit and their belief that it's not a deal breaker in a relationship

A youtube thumbnail wor Our Biggest Dating Red Flags | Trash Taste #178

[1.49:54 - 1.50:00]The speaker shares their experience with partners asking for their phone pass code and how it can affect trust

A youtube thumbnail wor Our Biggest Dating Red Flags | Trash Taste #178

[1.50:05 - 1.50:11]A tweet about a partner putting milk before cereal is mentioned and the speaker's response

A youtube thumbnail wor Our Biggest Dating Red Flags | Trash Taste #178

[1.50:11 - 1.50:19]A reminder to support the show through Patreon and other social media platforms

A youtube thumbnail wor Our Biggest Dating Red Flags | Trash Taste #178

[1.50:11 - 1.50:19]The speaker's indifference towards this habit and their belief that it's not a deal breaker in a relationship

A youtube thumbnail wor Our Biggest Dating Red Flags | Trash Taste #178

[1.50:19 - 1.50:25]A reminder to support the show through Patreon and other social media platforms is given

A youtube thumbnail wor Our Biggest Dating Red Flags | Trash Taste #178

[1.50:26 - 1.50:45]A concluding statement about the episode's topic and a farewell Comprehensive Summary:

A youtube thumbnail wor Our Biggest Dating Red Flags | Trash Taste #178

[1.50:26 - 1.50:45]The negative effects of constantly needing to talk to one's partner are highlighted

A youtube thumbnail wor Our Biggest Dating Red Flags | Trash Taste #178

[1.50:26 - 1.50:45]The speaker prefers occasional texts instead of daily conversations

A youtube thumbnail wor Our Biggest Dating Red Flags | Trash Taste #178

[1.50:26 - 1.50:45]The idea of trust and privacy in a relationship is emphasized

A youtube thumbnail wor Our Biggest Dating Red Flags | Trash Taste #178

[1.50:26 - 1.50:45]The importance of individual privacy and boundaries in a relationship is discussed

A youtube thumbnail wor Our Biggest Dating Red Flags | Trash Taste #178

[1.50:26 - 1.50:45]The importance of rules and structure in society is mentioned, with the speaker expressing a rebellious attitude towards them

A youtube thumbnail wor Our Biggest Dating Red Flags | Trash Taste #178

[1.42:29 - 1.50:45]The episode concludes with a statement about the topic and a farewell.