

Youtube profile pic for JAPAN IS OPENING UP TO NEW PEOPLE (ft. @Daidus) | Trash Taste #99

JAPAN IS OPENING UP TO NEW PEOPLE (ft. @Daidus) | Trash Taste #99

A youtube thumbnail wor JAPAN IS OPENING UP TO NEW PEOPLE (ft. @Daidus) | Trash Taste #99

[00:00 - 00:05]Discussion about individual reading pace while reading manga

A youtube thumbnail wor JAPAN IS OPENING UP TO NEW PEOPLE (ft. @Daidus) | Trash Taste #99

[00:16 - 00:33]Introduction to the podcast "Trash Taste" and its hosts

A youtube thumbnail wor JAPAN IS OPENING UP TO NEW PEOPLE (ft. @Daidus) | Trash Taste #99

[02:53 - 02:59]Guest speaker is introduced as a YouTuber who animates their life and does random activities

A youtube thumbnail wor JAPAN IS OPENING UP TO NEW PEOPLE (ft. @Daidus) | Trash Taste #99

[04:14 - 04:20]Guest speaker recently moved to Japan and discusses their experience at a Japanese bank

A youtube thumbnail wor JAPAN IS OPENING UP TO NEW PEOPLE (ft. @Daidus) | Trash Taste #99

[05:55 - 06:05]Decision to move to Japan for a change and new experiences

A youtube thumbnail wor JAPAN IS OPENING UP TO NEW PEOPLE (ft. @Daidus) | Trash Taste #99

[06:05 - 06:11]Guest speaker's background and lack of travel experience

A youtube thumbnail wor JAPAN IS OPENING UP TO NEW PEOPLE (ft. @Daidus) | Trash Taste #99

[06:11 - 06:35]Appreciation for the unique experiences and differences in Japan

A youtube thumbnail wor JAPAN IS OPENING UP TO NEW PEOPLE (ft. @Daidus) | Trash Taste #99

[09:01 - 09:09]Guest speaker's previous experience living in New York and desire for new challenges

A youtube thumbnail wor JAPAN IS OPENING UP TO NEW PEOPLE (ft. @Daidus) | Trash Taste #99

[09:24 - 09:30]Comparison of Japan to other states in the US

A youtube thumbnail wor JAPAN IS OPENING UP TO NEW PEOPLE (ft. @Daidus) | Trash Taste #99

[00:00 - 09:41]Guest speaker discusses their recent move to Japan and their desire for new challenges and experiences in a country with unique cultural differences.

A youtube thumbnail wor JAPAN IS OPENING UP TO NEW PEOPLE (ft. @Daidus) | Trash Taste #99

[11:29 - 11:35]Person discusses using an umbrella in Japan

A youtube thumbnail wor JAPAN IS OPENING UP TO NEW PEOPLE (ft. @Daidus) | Trash Taste #99

[12:57 - 13:04]Person talks about encountering homeless people at convenience stores in America

A youtube thumbnail wor JAPAN IS OPENING UP TO NEW PEOPLE (ft. @Daidus) | Trash Taste #99

[13:22 - 13:30]Person discusses the high level of customer service in Japan, even in small things like buying a beer at a convenience store

A youtube thumbnail wor JAPAN IS OPENING UP TO NEW PEOPLE (ft. @Daidus) | Trash Taste #99

[13:22 - 13:30]Person contrasts this with their experience in England, where customer service is not as polite

A youtube thumbnail wor JAPAN IS OPENING UP TO NEW PEOPLE (ft. @Daidus) | Trash Taste #99

[15:31 - 15:38]Person talks about paying for bills in restaurants in the UK and Japan

A youtube thumbnail wor JAPAN IS OPENING UP TO NEW PEOPLE (ft. @Daidus) | Trash Taste #99

[16:59 - 17:04]Person mentions the high cost of fruit in Japan and the cultural significance of giving fruit as a gift

A youtube thumbnail wor JAPAN IS OPENING UP TO NEW PEOPLE (ft. @Daidus) | Trash Taste #99

[09:41 - 17:04]Person discusses their experiences with customer service, convenience stores, and the cost of fruit in Japan and the UK, highlighting cultural differences and the significance of gift giving in Japan.

A youtube thumbnail wor JAPAN IS OPENING UP TO NEW PEOPLE (ft. @Daidus) | Trash Taste #99

[17:16 - 17:32]The speaker and their conversation partner discuss the high cost of Japanese artisan products and the obsessive care put into their craftsmanship.

A youtube thumbnail wor JAPAN IS OPENING UP TO NEW PEOPLE (ft. @Daidus) | Trash Taste #99

[17:32 - 17:51]The speaker mentions documentaries about Japanese craftsmen inheriting their skills from their ancestors.

A youtube thumbnail wor JAPAN IS OPENING UP TO NEW PEOPLE (ft. @Daidus) | Trash Taste #99

[18:55 - 19:07]They discuss how even though they respect the pride and work put into artisan products, they sometimes have a hard time justifying the high cost.

A youtube thumbnail wor JAPAN IS OPENING UP TO NEW PEOPLE (ft. @Daidus) | Trash Taste #99

[19:57 - 20:34]The speaker talks about wanting a cheaper option for fruit and mentions how in the UK, misshapen produce is thrown away.

A youtube thumbnail wor JAPAN IS OPENING UP TO NEW PEOPLE (ft. @Daidus) | Trash Taste #99

[20:34 - 20:43]They also mention how every strawberry in Japan tastes sweet.

A youtube thumbnail wor JAPAN IS OPENING UP TO NEW PEOPLE (ft. @Daidus) | Trash Taste #99

[21:48 - 21:55]The conversation shifts to the speaker's experience moving to Japan during COVID-19.

A youtube thumbnail wor JAPAN IS OPENING UP TO NEW PEOPLE (ft. @Daidus) | Trash Taste #99

[22:53 - 23:00]They mention the frustrating process of getting a visa and the buggy app they had to use upon arrival.

A youtube thumbnail wor JAPAN IS OPENING UP TO NEW PEOPLE (ft. @Daidus) | Trash Taste #99

[24:19 - 24:25]The speaker talks about how they were treated like "cattle" when they first arrived in Japan.

A youtube thumbnail wor JAPAN IS OPENING UP TO NEW PEOPLE (ft. @Daidus) | Trash Taste #99

[24:25 - 24:35]They compare their experience with the current system, where they only had to spend three hours in the airport.

A youtube thumbnail wor JAPAN IS OPENING UP TO NEW PEOPLE (ft. @Daidus) | Trash Taste #99

[17:04 - 24:49]Overall, the conversation centers around the high cost and obsessive care put into Japanese artisan products and the speaker's experience moving to Japan during COVID-19.

A youtube thumbnail wor JAPAN IS OPENING UP TO NEW PEOPLE (ft. @Daidus) | Trash Taste #99

[25:22 - 25:31]Person talks about their experiences with Delta Airlines, getting delayed and having issues with COVID testing

A youtube thumbnail wor JAPAN IS OPENING UP TO NEW PEOPLE (ft. @Daidus) | Trash Taste #99

[27:43 - 27:54]They mention getting delayed on their Japan trip and having to stay in Detroit

A youtube thumbnail wor JAPAN IS OPENING UP TO NEW PEOPLE (ft. @Daidus) | Trash Taste #99

[29:36 - 29:50]They had to show their COVID test and deal with managers in order to get through the airport

A youtube thumbnail wor JAPAN IS OPENING UP TO NEW PEOPLE (ft. @Daidus) | Trash Taste #99

[29:36 - 29:50]They met up with others in Japan and had a sponsored segment for Honey

A youtube thumbnail wor JAPAN IS OPENING UP TO NEW PEOPLE (ft. @Daidus) | Trash Taste #99

[29:36 - 29:50]They discuss being picked up at the airport and the different treatment they received

A youtube thumbnail wor JAPAN IS OPENING UP TO NEW PEOPLE (ft. @Daidus) | Trash Taste #99

[31:47 - 31:54]Person talks about needing a translator and feeling useless in Japan

A youtube thumbnail wor JAPAN IS OPENING UP TO NEW PEOPLE (ft. @Daidus) | Trash Taste #99

[31:47 - 31:54]They mention having Japanese lessons and feeling like an infant

A youtube thumbnail wor JAPAN IS OPENING UP TO NEW PEOPLE (ft. @Daidus) | Trash Taste #99

[24:49 - 2.04:52]Person discusses their experiences with Delta Airlines, getting delayed and dealing with COVID testing in order to travel to Japan, where they feel useless and rely on a translator. They also mention being picked up at the airport and having sponsored segments in Japan.