

Youtube profile pic for We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

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[00:00 - 00:43]Perry Mason is the next must-watch series on HBO

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[00:49 - 00:58]The narrator recently filmed on their birthday and was happy to see everyone

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[00:59 - 01:29]They discuss rollerblading and its comparison to Nickelback

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[01:33 - 01:44]Shane compares the studio to being at school during summer break

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[01:44 - 02:18]Someone mentions doing crack, but the narrator quickly shuts it down

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[02:18 - 03:07]They mention their eyesight and headaches, possibly needing a new prescription

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[03:07 - 04:01]They discuss a character from the show Lost who only needed glasses

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[04:24 - 05:14]They mention their eyesight and headaches, possibly needing a new prescription

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[05:14 - 05:29]They mention the upcoming debate and their social distancing shoot for the show

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[05:29 - 05:42]They discuss an upcoming social distance pit shoot

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[05:42 - 06:05]They mention being quarantined and taking tests before filming

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[06:06 - 06:20]They are excited to be back in the studio, but taking precautions due to COVID-19

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[06:20 - 06:37]They emphasize the importance of safety and precautions during filming.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[06:37 - 07:25]They discuss getting loopy and their improv during the shoot

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[06:59 - 07:32]The narrator recently filmed on their birthday and was happy to see everyone

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[07:33 - 08:02]Shane compares the studio to being at school during summer break

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[08:03 - 08:43]Tim wears a gas mask while slating the shoots, making it difficult to understand him

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[08:43 - 09:07]The narrator recently filmed on their birthday and was happy to see everyone

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[09:07 - 09:22]They mention being quarantined and taking tests before filming

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[09:23 - 09:36]The topic at hand is a serious debate show

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[09:23 - 10:01]They mention the upcoming debate and their social distancing shoot for the show

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[09:37 - 10:01]Each person will get one minute to state their side and one minute for rebuttal

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[10:01 - 10:38]The moderator will decide the winner, with help from a third person if needed

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[10:12 - 10:20]The narrator recently filmed on their birthday and was happy to see everyone

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[10:39 - 12:17]The first debate is between Shane and Courtney on whether reading is still cool

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[10:46 - 11:12]The next debate is between Courtney and Shane on blades (roller blades) vs. skateboards

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[11:18 - 12:10]Shane argues that reading is cool because it increases knowledge and connects people

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[12:17 - 13:30]Courtney argues that reading is not cool because there are more modern and accessible ways to gain knowledge

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[12:56 - 15:11]Shane argues that reading is cool because it increases knowledge and connects people

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[13:13 - 15:47]Each person will get one minute to state their side and one minute for rebuttal

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[13:31 - 15:28]Courtney argues that reading is not cool because there are more modern and accessible ways to gain knowledge

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[15:35 - 17:21]Both sides have valid points, but Ian agrees with Courtney's argument and wins the debate

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[16:43 - 17:16]Shane argues that reading is cool because it increases knowledge and connects people

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[17:21 - 19:17]Shane wins the debate and the overall score is 1-1

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[17:33 - 18:59]The next debate is between Courtney and Shane on blades (roller blades) vs. skateboards

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[18:01 - 18:49]Courtney argues that roller blades are convenient, can be used for transportation, and are currently trending

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[19:06 - 20:01]The topic at hand is a serious debate show

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[19:17 - 19:54]Shane argues that skateboards are more popular and associated with famous athletes like Tony Hawk

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[19:33 - 21:58]Debate about rollerblading vs. skateboarding

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[20:55 - 21:00]Courtney argues that rollerblading is safer and provides a smoother ride

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[21:58 - 22:24]Shane argues that skateboarding has more tricks and is more challenging

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[22:25 - 24:55]Debate about rollerblading vs. skateboarding

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[24:56 - 26:13]Debate about Friends being a good or bad show

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[26:00 - 27:53]Courtney argues that it was ahead of its time and normalized diversity and women in power

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[27:34 - 29:02]Courtney mentions some problematic elements, but argues that overall it is a good show

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[27:53 - 28:51]Ian insults the laugh track and fashion choices on the show

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[29:02 - 29:47]Ian argues that it is a bad show and anyone who likes it is dumb

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[29:24 - 31:08]Ian insults the laugh track and fashion choices on the show

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[29:30 - 31:33]Courtney mentions some problematic elements, but argues that overall it is a good show

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[31:34 - 31:55]Final debate between Nian and Shane

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[31:42 - 32:40]Shane argues that skateboarding has more tricks and is more challenging

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[31:42 - 32:56]Both sides have valid arguments and it is a tough decision

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[31:55 - 33:56]Annual debates are taking place in a boiler room

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[33:57 - 36:09]Debaters are Ian Hecox and Courtney Miller

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[35:29 - 41:28]Both sides have valid arguments and it is a tough decision

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[40:49 - 43:52]Debaters are Ian Hecox and Courtney Miller

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[41:28 - 44:17]Both sides have valid arguments and it is a tough decision

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[44:18 - 46:15]Home shoots involve filming sketches at home and editing them together

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[45:14 - 46:08]Home shoots allow for more social interaction and mental health benefits

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[45:49 - 47:22]Courtney argues that teamwork and working well with others is important in creating content.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[46:34 - 50:58]Ian agrees with Courtney's argument but also berates him.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[50:59 - 52:17]Courtney shares a story about getting a bruise from hitting her face on a Febreze bottle while cleaning.

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[51:04 - 52:32]The participants move on to discussing workplace injuries, including Ian and Courtney's debate moderator, Kevin, who gives himself a black eye during a tickle fight.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[51:49 - 56:28]Courtney shares a story about getting a bruise from hitting her face on a Febreze bottle while cleaning.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[56:29 - 57:48]The participants discuss missing group lunches and the importance of perspective in creating content.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Have a Debate About Literally Everything - SmoshCast #70

[57:48 - 59:07]The participants wrap up the episode by promoting their new clothing line, "Groovy," designed by Kel Lauren.