

Youtube profile pic for SuperMegaCast - EP 12: From Nostalgia to Trump

SuperMegaCast - EP 12: From Nostalgia to Trump

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[00:09 - 00:14] Introduction to Super Mega Cast episode 12

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[00:38 - 00:44]Announcement that podcast is now on iTunes and Google Play Music

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[01:40 - 02:03]Topics for today's episode include Pokemon Go

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[01:40 - 02:03]Discussion of recent decline in interest and gameplay of Pokemon Go

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[02:19 - 02:33]Frustration with bugs and glitches in the game

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[02:19 - 02:33]Anecdote about missing out on a rare Pokemon due to game freeze and server crash

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[04:14 - 04:23]Disappointment in lack of effectiveness of strategic gameplay and use of items

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[04:52 - 05:01]Discussion of leveling up and difficulties in catching Pokemon at higher levels

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[04:52 - 05:01]Conspiracy theory that the game is designed to get lower level players hooked and make higher level players spend real money

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[06:21 - 06:31]Not catching any new Pokemon and having almost completed Pokedex for local area

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[00:09 - 06:55]In Super Mega Cast episode 12, the hosts discuss the recent decline in interest and gameplay of Pokemon Go, citing bugs and glitches, difficulties in catching Pokemon at higher levels, and disappointment in the effectiveness of strategic gameplay and items. They also mention a conspiracy theory about the game's design and their lack of new Pokemon in their local area.

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[06:55 - 07:02]The speaker discusses driving around Los Angeles and playing Pokemon Go.

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[07:02 - 07:14]They mention catching common and rare Pokemon in the area.

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[07:21 - 07:33]The speaker complains about the app crashing and draining their phone's battery.

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[07:53 - 08:00]They also mention the delayed release of the Pokemon Go Plus accessory.

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[08:33 - 08:46]The speaker then transitions to discussing their recent addiction to Mario Kart 8.

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[09:21 - 09:27]They mention playing with a friend who didn't enjoy the game.

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[10:34 - 10:41]The speaker explains the importance of learning the art of drifting in Mario Kart.

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[10:34 - 10:41]They discuss their preferred character and vehicle combinations.

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[12:14 - 12:19]The speaker briefly mentions their love for Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley.

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[12:38 - 12:51]They recall a scrapped playthrough of Stardew Valley on their channel.

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[06:55 - 13:24]The speaker discusses their experiences playing Pokemon Go and Mario Kart 8. They mention catching Pokemon in Los Angeles and complain about the app crashing and draining their phone's battery. They also discuss the delayed release of a Pokemon Go accessory. The speaker then transitions to discussing their recent addiction to Mario Kart 8 and their preferred character and vehicle combinations. They briefly mention their love for Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley and recall a scrapped playthrough on their channel. The speaker concludes by expressing interest in potentially playing Stardew Valley in the future.

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[13:32 - 13:46] There is an unspoken timing rule for playing old console games.

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[15:18 - 15:25]The speaker would be open to doing a Stardew Valley playthrough in the future.

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[16:03 - 16:17]Animal Crossing and Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening bring back strong feelings of nostalgia for the speaker.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 12: From Nostalgia to Trump

[16:23 - 16:41]Old console games work well because of their nostalgia factor.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 12: From Nostalgia to Trump

[16:23 - 16:41]The speaker wants to use their channel to revisit old games.

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[16:23 - 16:41]The speaker misses the pure happiness and amusement they felt playing games as a child.

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[16:23 - 16:41]The music in video games is a major factor in creating nostalgia for the speaker.

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[16:51 - 16:56]Examples of games the speaker wants to play include Destroy All Humans, Jaws Unleashed, and Snowboard Kids.

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[19:13 - 19:19]The speaker recently bought Donkey Kong Country for the Game Boy Advance.

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[19:19 - 19:28]The speaker wants to try to modify an old Game Boy Advance.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 12: From Nostalgia to Trump

[19:28 - 19:38]The speaker has a fondness for Warrior Wear games.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 12: From Nostalgia to Trump

[19:45 - 19:56]Elobits is another nostalgic game for the speaker.

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[13:25 - 19:56]Old console games are beloved for their nostalgia and pure enjoyment factor.

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[19:56 - 20:01]Neighbor asks to borrow a game, gets into car accident with it.

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[20:15 - 20:22]Neighbor says game is gone, gives me a different game in exchange.

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[20:22 - 20:43]I enjoy playing Warrior Wear and other games with my cousin.

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[22:50 - 23:04]First video game was either Pokemon or Super Mario at the YMCA.

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[23:34 - 23:40]Dad gets computer with a game called Bugged Him.

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[24:08 - 24:15]Played math blaster and clue finders at school.

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[24:38 - 24:44]Had computer games like Reader Rabbit and Reader Rabbit.

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[24:50 - 25:01]Nostalgic game with different levels for each letter of the alphabet.

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[25:27 - 25:39]Discussion about the word "anal" and its usage.

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[19:56 - 26:43]Neighbor has a car accident with borrowed game, gives me a different game in exchange. I enjoy playing games with my cousin and my first video game was either Pokemon or Super Mario. My dad had a computer with a game called Bugged Him. I also played math blaster and clue finders at school. Had computer games like Reader Rabbit and Reader Rabbit. I am nostalgic about a specific alphabet game. We discuss the word "anal."

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[26:43 - 26:49] Introduction to the topic of Chris Chan and reluctance to talk about it

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[27:11 - 27:18]Discussion of Chris Chan's gooch piercing and beliefs about his gender and sexuality

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[27:37 - 27:45]Brief explanation of Chris Chan's actions and behavior

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[27:37 - 27:45]Mention of high frequency videos and their influence on Chris Chan's actions

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[30:04 - 30:13]Description of the current state of Chris Chan's piercing and refusal to seek medical help

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[32:37 - 32:45]Comparison of humans' perceived dominance over other species and the reality of being at risk in the wild

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[32:55 - 33:01]Discussion about morbid curiosity and fascination with violent or disturbing content

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[32:55 - 33:01]Mention of morbid curiosity being a common trait, especially in men

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[33:10 - 33:15]Example of morbid curiosity in everyday situations, such as slowing down to look at car accidents

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[26:43 - 33:15]Reluctance to talk about Chris Chan, a man with disturbing behavior and beliefs, including a gooch piercing and claims of being a lesbian trapped in a man's body. Discussion of morbid curiosity and humans' false sense of dominance over other species.

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[33:15 - 33:26]Person talks about being drawn to accidents and crashes

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[33:26 - 33:38]They discuss how a bigger crash is more intriguing than a smaller one

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[33:45 - 33:52]The person mentions the strange attraction to death and how it can be disturbing and scary

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 12: From Nostalgia to Trump

[33:52 - 34:00]They also talk about being afraid of death and how it can keep them up at night

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[34:24 - 34:31]However, they acknowledge that they cannot let the fear control their actions

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[35:00 - 35:06]They mention subreddits like "watch people die" and "morbid reality"

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 12: From Nostalgia to Trump

[35:47 - 35:53]The person reflects on how their curiosity about violence and death developed at a young age

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[36:51 - 37:01]They discuss how seeing violence and death in the media no longer surprises them due to their exposure to it

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 12: From Nostalgia to Trump

[37:02 - 37:07]They briefly mention the recent spike in mass murders and bring up 9/11 as a significant event in their lifetime

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[37:59 - 38:06]They mention how the media's coverage of one candidate, Donald Trump, has contributed to his lead in the polls

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 12: From Nostalgia to Trump

[39:25 - 39:35]The conversation shifts to politics and the person expresses their dislike for both candidates in the presidential race

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[39:25 - 39:35]The person expresses their dislike for both candidates and their reluctance to vote due to feeling like it won't make a difference

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 12: From Nostalgia to Trump

[33:15 - 39:48]The person discusses their fascination with accidents and death, their fear of death, and their exposure to violence and death in the media. They also express their dislike for both presidential candidates and their belief that their vote won't make a difference in the election.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 12: From Nostalgia to Trump

[39:49 - 40:01] The speaker discusses a publicity stunt and states that it will not make a difference.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 12: From Nostalgia to Trump

[40:07 - 40:18]They mention that there are other candidates in the election.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 12: From Nostalgia to Trump

[40:18 - 40:24]The speaker comments on the entertainment value of the election.

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[40:59 - 41:15]They express fear and worry about the outcome of the election.

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[41:51 - 42:00]The speaker mentions the possibility of a dictator coming into power.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 12: From Nostalgia to Trump

[42:32 - 42:50]They discuss a video of Eric Andre at the Republican National Convention.

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[43:38 - 43:59]The speaker expresses sadness and concern about the opinions of Trump supporters.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 12: From Nostalgia to Trump

[44:34 - 44:56]They briefly mention the topic of democracy and college conversations.

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[44:56 - 45:02]The speaker and the co-host mention their experiences at USC.

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[45:19 - 45:28]The podcast will be available on iTunes and Google Play Music.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 12: From Nostalgia to Trump

[45:19 - 45:28]The podcast will also be available on YouTube every Thursday.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 12: From Nostalgia to Trump

[39:49 - 46:09]A comprehensive summary of the conversation is given, ending with a humorous comment about buttholes.