

Youtube profile pic for SuperMegaCast - EP 209: Googling Ourselves

SuperMegaCast - EP 209: Googling Ourselves

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 209: Googling Ourselves

[00:00 - 00:06]Introduction to the podcast and sponsor, My Bookie

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[00:07 - 00:13]Special promo code for doubling first deposit

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[01:23 - 01:32]Discussion about demonetization on YouTube and its unpredictability

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[01:23 - 01:32]Mention of a recent spat between YouTubers about the algorithm

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[02:39 - 02:59]Expressing frustration with demonetization of podcasts for discussing controversial topics

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[03:05 - 03:16]Discussion about genitalia and its taboo nature in media

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[03:40 - 03:56]Observation of edgier ads on YouTube

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[04:17 - 04:27]Speculation on YouTube's original intention to focus on kid-friendly content and subsequent backpedaling

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[05:01 - 05:07]Mention of Matt Watson and his association with child exploitation due to Google's search engine optimization

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[05:13 - 05:18]Discussion about Google searches for super mega and Markiplier

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[05:46 - 05:52]Mention of Ryan's performance in a video on IMDB

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[05:58 - 06:08]Discussion about Matt's Spotify artist profile and a potential troll album release

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[06:38 - 06:51]Mention of other Matt Watson's and Google mixing their information with the speaker's

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[00:00 - 07:03]The podcast discusses YouTube demonetization and its unpredictability, as well as the taboo nature of discussing genitalia in media. They also mention Matt Watson and his association with child exploitation on Google.

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[07:03 - 07:09]Fisherman named Matt Watson dives out of helicopters to tackle swordfish.

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[07:15 - 07:22]People are talking about the speaker's work, causing him mental health issues.

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[07:29 - 07:35]The speaker and Pete Canyon discuss wanting to know what people are saying about them.

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[07:49 - 07:54]The speaker and the host look up their names on various Wikipedia pages.

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[07:55 - 08:05]The speaker's name redirects to a star on Wikipedia.

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[08:20 - 08:26]The speaker's name is taken off of Wikipedia pages.

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[11:27 - 11:33]The speaker's name redirects to a colon Wikipedia page.

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[11:52 - 11:57]The speaker meets a doctor who eats lunch during their consultation.

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[13:18 - 13:25]The speaker's gag reflex is triggered by intrusive thoughts.

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[13:25 - 13:32]Intrusive thoughts are linked to OCD.

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[13:45 - 13:52]The speaker has intrusive thoughts about throwing a baby.

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[07:03 - 14:06]The speaker discusses a fisherman who dives out of helicopters, their name redirecting to a star on Wikipedia, and their intrusive thoughts. They also mention a doctor eating lunch during a consultation and wonder if a doctor has ever thrown a baby after delivering it.

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[14:16 - 14:25] The speaker discusses their struggle with a fear of cockroaches as a child.

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[14:25 - 14:42]They mention eating an actual cockroach, and a comment they received about it.

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[15:25 - 15:35]The speaker and Tucker talk about their experiences with psychedelics, specifically acid.

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[15:36 - 15:50]They joke about sneaking acid into Tucker's drink and leaving him in a room alone.

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[16:56 - 17:03]They mention using an app to track their progress and mention feeling sad for others struggling with addiction.

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[18:37 - 18:57]The speaker discusses their recent attempt to quit smoking and their cravings for cigarettes.

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[18:37 - 18:57]The speaker asks for advice on how to manage cravings and discusses the addictive nature of nicotine.

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[20:22 - 20:30]They mention the similarity between nicotine and heroin addiction and discuss using coffee instead of cigarettes.

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[21:04 - 21:15]The speaker mentions their switch to oat milk and their improved stomach health.

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[14:06 - 21:22]Overall, the speaker discusses their personal struggles with fear, addiction, and their attempt to quit smoking.

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[21:29 - 21:37]The speaker discusses their preference for whole milk over alternative milk options

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[21:51 - 21:58]They mention trying Horizon organic milk and finding it to be the closest to real milk

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[22:50 - 23:05]The speaker talks about using MyFitnessPal to track their calorie intake and reaching a weight loss plateau

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[25:25 - 25:38]They mention their diverse heritage and joke about their hairy body

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[26:41 - 26:53]The speaker talks about a TikTok trend where girlfriends out their boyfriends for not washing their asses properly

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[27:40 - 27:45]They discuss their own hygiene habits, including using soap and picking out lint from their ass hairs

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[27:51 - 27:59]The speaker mentions their roommate shedding a lot of hair in the shower and not cleaning up after themselves

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[21:22 - 28:12]The overall summary is that the speaker discusses milk preferences, weight loss, and hygiene habits, as well as joking about their heritage and their roommate's cleanliness.

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[28:31 - 28:38] Friends discussing past experiences as roommates in college

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[28:53 - 29:03]Recalling a specific incident where one roommate pranked the other and received retribution

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[30:39 - 30:44]Planning to hang out and have some drinks and cigars at one of the roommate's house

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[30:39 - 30:44]Memories of smoking cigars with family and friends

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[30:58 - 31:03]Discussing the appeal and drawbacks of smoking cigars

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[31:58 - 32:05]Mentioning the possibility of making their own brand of rolling papers or edibles

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[32:52 - 32:58]Recalling a recent incident where a friend got too high from an edible and threw up

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[33:38 - 33:46]Mentioning that they are all bad roommates in their own ways

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[33:59 - 34:06]Sharing personal experiences and signs of impending vomit

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[34:52 - 34:59]Friend ultimately slept on the bathroom floor

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[28:13 - 35:06]Friends reminiscing about past roommate experiences, planning to hang out and smoke cigars, and recalling a recent incident with edibles.

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[35:11 - 35:19] The speaker discusses taking care of a friend who was unable to get up and slept over at their place

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[35:54 - 36:00]They mention certain friends who they want to check if they are listening to their podcast

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[36:12 - 36:19]The speaker talks about watching other influencers' content and mentions one influencer in particular

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[38:55 - 39:02]They share the story of a lottery winner named Ryan McGee and his various mishaps

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[42:34 - 42:39]The speaker discusses using MyBookie to bet on sports and promote their promo code

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[35:06 - 42:57]All in all, the speaker discusses various topics such as taking care of a friend, checking if certain friends are listening to their podcast, watching other influencers' content, and the story of a lottery winner named Ryan McGee. They also mention using MyBookie to bet on sports.

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[43:04 - 43:13] The speaker discusses the idea of people being attracted to others because of their wealth and how girls will have sex with men who have a lot of money.

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[43:18 - 43:26]The speaker then talks about wanting straighter teeth and thanks Candid for making the process easier and more comfortable.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 209: Googling Ourselves

[43:18 - 43:26]Candid clear liners are comfortable, removable, and practically invisible, making them a better alternative to wire braces.

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[43:27 - 43:36]The treatment is prescribed and monitored remotely by a licensed orthodontist and can be done from the comfort of one's own home.

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[43:37 - 43:44]Candid only works with orthodontists and not general dentists.

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[43:37 - 43:44]The cost of Candid is significantly less than traditional braces.

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[43:45 - 43:55]The treatment includes remote monitoring by the same orthodontist who created the plan for the patient.

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[43:55 - 44:02]The average Candid treatment is six months and results are visible before then.

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[44:20 - 44:27]The speaker shares a personal story about using Candid to straighten their own teeth.

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[44:58 - 45:07]Listeners can save $75 on a Candid Starter Kit by going to and using the code SUPER.

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[46:05 - 46:14]X Blake Freeman X was a rapper and lottery winner who promised to share his winnings with anyone who liked, shared, and commented on his post.

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[46:22 - 46:27]The speaker makes a reference to a song called "Get the Fuck Out My Corvette" and talks about the artist, X Blake Freeman X.

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[47:37 - 47:45]The speaker and co-host discuss X Blake Freeman X and his attempts to remove all traces of his online presence.

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[48:46 - 48:51]The last bullet point should be a concise and comprehensive summary of the main points, such as:

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[49:49 - 49:55]The speaker mentions their support for sex workers and being a fan of a popular streamer.

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[49:49 - 49:55]The speaker and co-host make inappropriate comments about the streamer's appearance and bodily functions.

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[42:57 - 50:50]The speaker discusses the benefits of using Candid for orthodontic treatment, shares a personal story, and makes references to a rapper and a popular streamer.

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[50:50 - 51:00]The speaker has never met someone named Carson

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[52:52 - 53:00]They were at David Busters with Gus, Eddie, and Jake

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[52:52 - 53:00]They wanted to say hello to Carson but didn't

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[54:21 - 54:32]There is an awkwardness in social situations

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[54:32 - 54:41]They have never met Ethan

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[55:02 - 55:11]The speaker has a tendency to decline invitations to social events

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[57:35 - 57:41]They have a theory that being an only child can make one more introverted

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[57:35 - 57:41]The cousin of the speaker who is an only child is introverted

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[57:35 - 57:41]Growing up with multiple siblings can make someone more extroverted

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[57:35 - 57:41]The speaker's mom always gave them attention

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[57:35 - 57:41]They were living with their mom every other week

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[57:35 - 57:41]They witnessed a drug deal at a gas station

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[57:35 - 57:41]The person involved in the drug deal was on a hoverboard

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[57:41 - 57:47]The speaker and their roommate had a neighbor who rode a hoverboard and would complain about noise

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[57:41 - 57:47]The neighbor was seen participating in a drug deal while on a hoverboard

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[57:50 - 57:56]The speaker tries to avoid discussing politics on the podcast

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[57:57 - 58:05]The current political climate is divisive

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[57:57 - 58:05]They don't want to divide their fan base

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[57:57 - 58:05]Twitter is a platform for negativity and hate

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[50:50 - 58:11]The speaker discusses their experiences with awkward social situations, their tendency to decline social invitations, and their theory that being an only child can make one more introverted. They also mention witnessing a drug deal and experiencing a negative political climate on social media. They try to avoid discussing politics on their podcast to prevent dividing their fan base.

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[58:11 - 58:16]Success pool, loves Twitter for entertainment

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[58:24 - 58:30]Postponing album release on Twitter

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[58:37 - 58:47]Debut EP "Ouch" out on all streaming platforms

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[59:11 - 59:25]Brief sound from album shared

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[59:45 - 59:53]Idea to release album with farts and bathroom sounds

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[1.01:01 - 1.01:06]Discussion about digestive system video game

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[1.02:54 - 1.03:00]Christian streaming and getting a fan base

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[1.03:00 - 1.03:07]Harrison's room streaming incident

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[1.04:21 - 1.04:30]Pet peeves discussion, including being late and irrational reactions

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[58:11 - 1.05:28]Discussion about music and releasing an album, potential ideas for unconventional album release, Christian's streaming and Harrison's room incident, and discussion about pet peeves.

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[1.05:28 - 1.05:39] Joe and Barry are talking about sending pictures of soul fur to Barry on Twitter.

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[1.05:56 - 1.06:02]They also discuss sending pictures of dogs humping to Sulfur, but not getting caught.

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[1.06:59 - 1.07:07]Joe talks about his aversion to chewing sounds and how it stems from his stepdad, Jim.

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[1.07:07 - 1.07:15]Joe shares a childhood memory of Jim scolding him for chewing with his mouth open.

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[1.07:22 - 1.07:32]Joe now feels like he could beat Jim in a fight and tells his mom to relay this message.

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[1.09:14 - 1.09:21]They also talk about how Jackson often loses his wallet and how they had to retrieve it in Japan.

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[1.10:41 - 1.10:48]They discuss a time when Ryan lost his phone before a show in Texas.

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[1.10:41 - 1.10:48]They mention a show in Orlando where they found Ryan's phone just before going on stage.

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[1.10:54 - 1.11:05]Joe shares how he gets anxious when he can't find something and it affects his performance on stage.

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[1.11:17 - 1.11:27]Joe talks about how he talks to himself when he gets frustrated.

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[1.05:28 - 1.12:00]Joe and Barry discuss sending pictures to Barry on Twitter, and also sending dog humping pictures to Sulfur without getting caught. Joe talks about his aversion to chewing sounds and shares a childhood memory of his stepdad scolding him. He also mentions how he now feels like he could beat his stepdad in a fight. They discuss Jackson's frequent wallet losses and how they had to retrieve it in Japan. Joe talks about his performance anxiety when he can't find something, and they recall a time when Ryan lost his phone right before a show in Orlando.

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[1.12:14 - 1.12:20] The speaker discusses the possibility of putting live shows on Patreon

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[1.12:20 - 1.12:28]They mention putting the intro to shows on Patreon

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[1.14:41 - 1.14:46]They plan to film a cooking video for Patreon

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[1.14:41 - 1.14:46]They discuss the slow months on Patreon and ask people not to lie about their content

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[1.15:03 - 1.15:10]They mention upcoming plans for filming and apologize for not filming this week

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[1.15:15 - 1.15:24]The speaker shares a personal story about their pet

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[1.16:11 - 1.16:17]The speaker addresses criticism about Patreon and encourages people to unsubscribe if they are not satisfied

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[1.16:33 - 1.16:38]They mention the purpose of Patreon to fund their content and provide extra content for supporters

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[1.16:58 - 1.17:04]The speaker talks about interacting with supporters on Patreon

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[1.17:11 - 1.17:21]The podcast ends with a humorous conversation about masturbation

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[1.12:00 - 1.17:59]The speaker discusses their plans for Patreon and addresses criticism, while also sharing a personal story and ending with a humorous conversation about masturbation.