

Youtube profile pic for Trash Taste Tech Tips | Trash Taste Episode #77

Trash Taste Tech Tips | Trash Taste Episode #77

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[00:00 - 00:06]Person talking about their first coffee of the day and getting ready for the day

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[00:21 - 00:27]Complaining about lack of coffee support and coffee shortages

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[00:27 - 00:35]Introducing guests on a talk show called "Trash Taste"

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[00:51 - 00:56]Discussing getting a new phone, Pixel 6, and receiving criticism for it

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[00:51 - 00:56]Talking about previous phone, Pixel 4, and its issues

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[01:56 - 02:05]Mentioning missing "auxiliary" and discussing progress halting

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[03:30 - 03:37]Mentioning Google's legal issue with controlling volume on a Chromecast

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[03:30 - 03:37]Discussing Apple's manipulation of creating problems and selling solutions

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[04:03 - 04:10]Talking about different types of chargers and the frustration of not having universal compatibility

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[04:17 - 04:24]Mentioning Europe forcing Apple to switch to USB-C

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[04:33 - 04:38]Discussing USB-C's previous issues and its benefits

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[05:23 - 05:33]Talking about buying new phones for YouTuber purposes and tech nerd tendencies

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[05:34 - 05:39]Mentioning current phone's good camera but also its flaws

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[06:09 - 06:16]Mentioning not upgrading phone for two years and feeling the effects of it

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[06:21 - 06:31]Discussing phone issues, mainly battery and CPU slowdown

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[06:46 - 06:54]Mentioning switching from iPhone to Samsung and back due to different issues

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[00:00 - 07:05]Person discusses their morning routine, talks about coffee shortages and support, introduces guests on a talk show, talks about getting a new phone, discusses previous phone's issues, talks about current phone's camera and flaws, discusses missing "auxiliary" and progress halting, mentions different types of chargers and universal compatibility issues, talks about Google's legal issue with controlling volume, discusses Apple's manipulation of creating problems and selling solutions, mentions Europe forcing Apple to switch to USB-C, discusses USB-C's previous issues and current benefits, mentions reasons for buying new phones, discusses not upgrading phone for two years, mentions phone issues and switching between iPhone and Samsung.

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[10:23 - 10:30] Person talking about their experience with different phones, specifically iPhone and Android

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[12:44 - 12:49]They preferred the customization and ability to download certain apps on Android

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[13:03 - 13:09]Talked about watching tech videos and comparing different phones, realizing it doesn't really matter

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[13:03 - 13:09]Talked about not paying attention to tech world unless they need to buy something new

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[13:09 - 13:15]Mentioned the Galaxy Fold and Motorola's new smartphone as unique fashion pieces

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[13:22 - 13:27]Mentioned a specific phone and its design, compared it to a manga character

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[13:34 - 13:41]Talked about jailbreaking and warranty issues with Apple

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[13:34 - 13:41]Mentioned issues with their previous phone not working in Japan

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[07:05 - 13:47]The person talked about their experience with different phones and their preferences, mentioning issues with warranty and customization on Apple and a specific phone's design. They also discussed watching tech videos and comparing phones, ultimately realizing it doesn't matter. They also mentioned issues with their previous phone not working in Japan and briefly mentioned unique fashion pieces in the phone market.

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[13:55 - 14:00] Discussion about Apple's pricing strategy and announcement of monitor arm price

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[14:42 - 14:48]Comparison of Apple watches to toys and dislike for square watches

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[15:34 - 15:39]Personal preference for circular smart watches and using them for notifications

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[15:34 - 15:39]Disagreement about wearing a smart watch constantly due to notifications

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[18:41 - 18:46]Personal preference for functionality over design in technology

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[19:36 - 19:43]Annoyance with Samsung's placement of power button and removal of certain features in updates

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[13:47 - 20:45]Discussion of Apple's pricing and design choices, personal preferences for technology, and annoyance with changes in Samsung's updates.

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[20:45 - 20:51]Discussion about new functionality being sold with classic apple products

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[20:51 - 20:56]Difficulty with taking screenshots on iPhones

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[21:22 - 21:28]Frustration with frequent changes and updates to technology

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[21:28 - 21:33]Loyalty to Apple products due to compatibility and ease of use with other devices

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[21:55 - 22:02]Confusion about Google Pixel not being compatible with Google's Chromecast

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[22:36 - 22:41]Difficulty controlling volume on Chromecast through smartphone

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[24:11 - 24:23]Excessive number of open browser tabs and different methods of organizing them

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[27:00 - 27:05]Morning routine of checking notifications and social media first thing

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[27:05 - 27:10]Discussion about importance of notifications and emails

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[20:45 - 27:33]The audio discusses frustrations with technology and the constant changes and updates, as well as personal preferences and habits when it comes to using devices and managing notifications and tabs.

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[27:33 - 27:38] YouTube never wants to see an email from YouTube

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[27:46 - 27:53]Getting a YouTube email usually means something bad, like a copyright claim or channel termination

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[28:23 - 28:30]Personal messaging apps and priorities

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[28:59 - 29:09]Friend from school who was odd with communication and would disappear for long periods of time

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[30:53 - 30:58]Friend group of four, but one friend disappeared completely after high school and never contacted them again

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[31:38 - 31:49]Sponsored message from APARI featuring Joey modeling Hatsune Miku collection

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[32:52 - 32:59]Discussion about keeping in contact with high school friends and small town dynamics

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[33:42 - 33:51]Connor's experience giving a presentation at his old school

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[27:33 - 33:57]YouTube never wants to see an email from YouTube, getting one usually means something bad, discussion about personal messaging apps and priorities, one friend from high school disappeared completely, sponsored message from APARI featuring Hatsune Miku collection, discussion about keeping in contact with high school friends and small town dynamics, and Connor's experience giving a presentation at his old school.

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[34:10 - 34:16]Speaker talks about being able to easily walk into their American school without security

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[34:16 - 34:22]They share a story about a conversation with someone from Florida about school security

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[34:16 - 34:22]They explain that their school doesn't have security and how they handle potential emergencies

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[34:36 - 34:43]The speaker talks about the lack of metal detectors and how their school can barely afford chairs

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[35:50 - 35:57]They mention a punishment system involving facing a wall and how they avoided detention

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[38:20 - 38:25]The speaker talks about fighting back against teachers and how their parents would support them

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[40:48 - 40:57]They mention a meme about gamers in 2030 and the speaker's recent purchase of a Goku jacket

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[41:30 - 41:44]The speaker explains how they found the jacket at a discounted price and their plans to use it in a video

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[42:10 - 42:15]They mention not having drip or fashion sense and how they bought the "definition of drip"

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[42:15 - 42:26]The speaker considered buying a Supreme shirt as well, but decided against it due to the high cost

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[33:57 - 42:26]The speaker talks about their experience with school security, a conversation about it with someone from Florida, their school's lack of security measures, their punishment system, and their recent purchase of a Goku jacket. They also mention their lack of fashion sense and decision not to buy a Supreme shirt due to its high cost.

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[42:26 - 42:31]Discussion about a decent coat and its high price

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[42:37 - 42:53]Fear of damaging expensive clothing while snowboarding

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[42:59 - 43:11]Japan's secondhand market and its high quality items at low prices

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[43:25 - 43:34]Experience buying a discounted Gilgamesh watch with minor flaws

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[44:40 - 44:46]Personal experience with buying a CRT TV for a low price

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[46:43 - 47:00]Collecting rare items in Japan for cheap prices

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[48:09 - 48:24]Japanese culture of taking care of belongings and reselling them

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[48:09 - 48:24]Discussion about alternatives to throwing away items in Japan

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[48:44 - 48:50]Difficulty of throwing away large items in Japan

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[49:01 - 49:07]Waiting period for throwing away items in Japan

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[49:39 - 49:45]Difficulty for foreigners to navigate Japanese secondhand market

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[42:26 - 49:52]Discussion about the high quality and low price of items in Japan's secondhand market and the difficulty of throwing away items in the country.

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[49:52 - 50:06] The speaker discusses how many websites can be figured out using Google Translate.

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[50:06 - 50:13]They also mention that it can be a big deterrent once the rest of the world figures it out.

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[50:13 - 50:19]They also discuss the popularity of proxy shipping and getting good deals on websites from Japan.

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[50:25 - 50:30]The speaker talks about their experience using Yahoo Auction and the difficulty in using it due to the language barrier.

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[50:55 - 51:09]They mention receiving a poorly reviewed because they didn't reply to the seller's confirmation of receiving the item.

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[51:31 - 51:37]The speaker talks about buying a jacket from Yahoo Auction and the difficulty in finding the right size.

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[54:04 - 54:28]They discuss the issue with finding clothes and shoe sizes in Japan that fit them.

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[56:26 - 56:32]They mention the frustration with the sizing system used by Starbucks and other coffee shops.

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[56:26 - 56:32]The speaker talks about their experience ordering a large size at Starbucks in America and the shock at the calorie count.

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[57:02 - 57:10]They also mention the small sizes of coffee in Japan.

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[49:52 - 57:24]The speaker discusses their experience with using Google Translate for Japanese websites, the popularity of proxy shipping, and the difficulty in using Yahoo Auction due to language barriers. They also discuss the frustration with finding clothes and shoe sizes in Japan and the inconsistency of sizing systems used by coffee shops.

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[57:44 - 57:51]Two people are discussing the sizes of drinks and meals in different countries.

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[59:13 - 59:23]They mention getting accustomed to a certain size and ordering the largest size available.

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[59:13 - 59:23]One person tells a story about ordering a large appetizer at a restaurant and it being unexpectedly huge.

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[59:13 - 59:23]They discuss how some places display the sizes of drinks and meals, while others do not.

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[1.00:11 - 1.00:26]They talk about American restaurants in Japan and how they often serve larger portions.

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[1.00:59 - 1.01:06]One person shares a story about ordering a salad in America and it being massive.

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[1.01:36 - 1.01:48]They then segue into a sponsored segment about an air fryer and gooseneck kettle.

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[1.02:45 - 1.02:51]They briefly mention enjoying chicken wings in the US, but sometimes the sauce is overwhelming.

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[1.03:54 - 1.03:59]One person shares their experience at Buffalo Wild Wings and mentions preferring bone-in wings.

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[57:24 - 1.04:51]They conclude by summarizing their discussion of sizes and portions in different countries.

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[1.04:51 - 1.04:56]Person talking about honey mustard and how it can be hit or miss for them

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[1.05:02 - 1.05:09]Mentioning a desire for more spicy food challenges in Japan

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[1.05:02 - 1.05:09]Discussion about existing spicy food challenges in Japan

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[1.05:28 - 1.05:36]Talk of wanting to try a spicy food challenge in Japan and the possibility of filming it

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[1.06:07 - 1.06:20]Mention of a spicy tonkatsu challenge in Korea that offers free meals for completing it within a certain time

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[1.09:11 - 1.09:18]Discussion on whether or not spice can actually cause harm or if it is just a reaction from the brain

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[1.10:53 - 1.10:59]Mention of previous experience with eating spicy foods

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[1.11:19 - 1.11:27]Personal preference for spiciness in food

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[1.11:27 - 1.11:37]Mention of different spice levels at a specific restaurant and how level 10 is too painful

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[1.11:59 - 1.12:05]Reference to artificial spice and how it doesn't feel genuine.

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[1.04:51 - 1.12:05]Person discussing their experience with spicy foods and expressing a desire for more spicy food challenges in Japan, mentioning a specific challenge in Korea. They also mention previous experience with spicy foods and discuss the effects of spice on the body, as well as their personal preference for spice levels in food. They also mention the artificial taste of some spicy foods.

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[1.12:18 - 1.12:25] Some dishes are made specifically for spice, and removing it takes away from the dish.

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[1.12:25 - 1.12:31]Thai food is known for being the spiciest in the world.

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[1.12:25 - 1.12:31]Some popular spicy cuisines include Thai, Indian, Mexican, and Szechuan.

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[1.12:43 - 1.12:56]There was a picture of a Thai restaurant that no longer offers refunds for food that is too spicy.

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[1.12:56 - 1.13:01]Some people have returned food to Thai restaurants because it was too spicy.

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[1.13:17 - 1.13:28]The speaker's family restaurant has to make dishes less spicy for customers who can't handle it.

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[1.13:17 - 1.13:28]The speaker feels like their soul dies a little when making less spicy dishes.

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[1.13:42 - 1.13:52]The speaker compares the feeling to eating sushi without wasabi.

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[1.14:35 - 1.14:45]The speaker owns a jacket that they consider a "piece of meme history".

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[1.15:05 - 1.15:20]They believe memes can be historical and that the jacket represents meme culture.

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[1.15:40 - 1.15:57]Some popular memes mentioned include harambe, these nuts, and Minecraft.

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[1.16:43 - 1.16:53]The speaker believes that some memes have a lasting power, while others die off quickly.

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[1.19:25 - 1.19:31]Some popular memes from the past include troll face, forever alone, and rage comics.

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[1.19:36 - 1.19:45]The speaker also mentions 420 as a meme that has prevailed over time.

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[1.12:05 - 1.19:45]In summary, the speaker discusses the prevalence and impact of spicy dishes, Thai cuisine, and memes in popular culture. They also mention their own involvement in the meme economy through their purchase of a "meme history" jacket.

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[1.25:49 - 1.25:58]League of Legends animated series called Arcane has recently been released

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[1.26:07 - 1.26:12]Only first three episodes currently available

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[1.27:01 - 1.27:08]Surprisingly well-made and visually stunning

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[1.27:14 - 1.27:25]Even non-League players can enjoy the series

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[1.27:26 - 1.27:51]Has strong world-building and interesting characters

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[1.27:26 - 1.27:51]Showcases the potential of League of Legends' lore and backstory

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[1.19:46 - 1.28:00]Overall, Arcane is a must-watch for any animation or League of Legends fan.

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[1.28:01 - 1.28:06]They struggled to connect the different elements of the show

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[1.32:29 - 1.32:41]Most players didn't care about the show, they only cared about the game

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[1.32:41 - 1.32:52]The only way people consumed the show was through YouTube videos explaining it

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[1.33:56 - 1.34:01]At one point, they gave up and stopped trying

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[1.34:35 - 1.34:55]The show is enjoyable even for non-League fans

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[1.34:35 - 1.34:55]The show is unpredictable and constantly surprises the viewers

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[1.34:55 - 1.35:07]The show stands out as a good video game adaptation, along with Castlevania

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[1.34:55 - 1.35:07]The show is a success for Netflix's video game adaptations

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[1.35:08 - 1.35:14]They tried to market the show with articles, but no one was interested

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[1.35:14 - 1.35:24]Despite League not doing well as a game, they excel at creating other forms of media

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[1.35:24 - 1.35:37]The show is different from the game, but the only benefit for League fans is recognizing character names

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[1.35:24 - 1.35:37]The characters in the show are not always like their counterparts in the game

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[1.35:24 - 1.35:37]The show has potential for expanding into other areas of the League universe

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[1.35:50 - 1.35:56]KDA, a League music group, was a highlight for some fans at the 2018 World Championship

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[1.35:50 - 1.35:56]Arcane has made viewers care about the League lore

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[1.36:02 - 1.36:19]The animation, sound design, and voice acting are all well-done

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[1.36:02 - 1.36:19]The world and characters in League have potential for exciting storylines and clashes

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[1.28:01 - 1.36:19]In summary, Arcane is a successful and enjoyable adaptation of the League universe.

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[1.36:20 - 1.36:30]Discussing the potential integration of characters from League of Legends into the MCU.

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[1.36:48 - 1.36:55]Speculating on how certain characters would be integrated, such as Tom Kench who is a frog-like creature that eats humans.

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[1.37:09 - 1.37:15]Mentioning the possibility of a character speaking in a Southern drawl.

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[1.39:22 - 1.39:39]Talking about potential burnout on superhero movies and the need for the MCU to prove itself again.

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[1.40:06 - 1.40:12]Expressing excitement for the upcoming Batman movie with Robert Pattinson.

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[1.41:02 - 1.41:14]Discussing how Pattinson has shifted his image through his indie film roles.

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[1.42:26 - 1.42:43]Mentioning other actors who have had to work to change their image, such as Leonardo DiCaprio.

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[1.42:26 - 1.42:43]Comparing DiCaprio's transformation to Pattinson's.

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[1.43:10 - 1.43:17]Praising the recent Suicide Squad movie directed by James Gunn.

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[1.43:10 - 1.43:17]Comparing it favorably to the Snyder Cut of Justice League.

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[1.36:20 - 1.43:34]The conversation covers potential character integration, superhero movie burnout, and actors' efforts to change their public image, culminating in praise for the recent Suicide Squad movie.

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[1.43:54 - 1.44:02]The speaker discusses the movie "Suicide Squad" and praises the acting of Idris Elba and John Cena.

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[1.44:07 - 1.44:15]They mention that Cena's character, Peacemaker, is a murderer who justifies his actions for the sake of peace.

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[1.44:26 - 1.44:49]The speaker states that the movie is entertaining and well-made, but it is not clear if there will be a sequel.

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[1.45:34 - 1.45:45]They express confusion about the current state of superhero franchises and mention the upcoming Batman movie.

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[1.48:15 - 1.48:22]The speaker comments on how Marvel movies have become formulaic and predictable, with a focus on humor and big stakes.

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[1.48:53 - 1.49:06]They mention that they haven't watched many recent Marvel movies and that the last one they enjoyed was Iron Man 2.

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[1.50:20 - 1.50:31]The speaker briefly discusses the X-Men franchise and mentions the upcoming movies "Dude" and "Shang Shi."

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[1.50:43 - 1.50:55]The final sentence is a summary of the speaker's overall thoughts on superhero movies, stating that they are rarely excited enough to go see a movie in theaters and prefer to wait for it to be released on Blu-ray.

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[1.50:56 - 1.51:01]They express a desire to see the movies "Bell" and "Kingsman."

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[1.43:35 - 1.51:14]Overall, the speaker discusses their thoughts on various superhero movies and expresses a general lack of interest or enthusiasm for the current state of the genre.

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[1.51:14 - 1.51:20]Person is watching a movie in cinemas and wants to know when the next John Wick movie is coming out

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[1.51:21 - 1.51:26]They realize it's still being filmed and will not come out for another two years

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[1.51:54 - 1.52:02]They discuss the experience of watching movies in a crowded theater and how they prefer a quiet audience

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[1.53:10 - 1.53:18]They discuss their best cinematic experiences, including watching John Wick 3 and Dune

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[1.53:19 - 1.53:25]They mention how Hans Zimmer's music is best experienced in a theater with good sound quality

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[1.56:23 - 1.56:30]They talk about the difficulty of dealing with changes to their favorite food items at fast food chains and local restaurants

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[1.56:23 - 1.56:30]They mention how fast food changes are expected, but changes to local restaurant food items feel like a betrayal

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[1.56:23 - 1.56:30]They give examples of their own experiences with local restaurant food items changing

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[1.51:14 - 1.59:04]Person discusses their movie-watching experiences, including their preference for quiet audiences and their best cinematic experiences. They also talk about the difficulty of dealing with changes to their favorite food items at fast food chains and local restaurants, particularly feeling betrayed when changes are made to local restaurant food items.

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[1.59:04 - 1.59:10] The speaker discusses how fast food items change over time and how this can be disappointing when revisiting a restaurant.

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[1.59:52 - 2.00:04]They mention a specific experience with a childhood snack item called Dairy Lee Dunkers and how the recipe changed when they were 20 years old.

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[2.00:34 - 2.00:42]The speaker called the company to ask if they had changed the recipe and was initially told they had not, but a year later received an email saying they had changed one aspect of the cheese.

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[2.03:33 - 2.03:57]The speaker felt vindicated and compared the experience to being wrongly convicted and then finally proven innocent.

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[2.05:10 - 2.05:16]The speaker concludes that they do not believe they were being rude by asking about the recipe change.

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[2.05:46 - 2.06:04]The speaker acknowledges that their actions may have been strange, but they were inspired by a TV show that investigated the origins of food items.

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[1.59:04 - 2.06:29]In summary, the speaker discusses how fast food items change over time, describes a personal experience with a specific snack item, and shares their actions in contacting the company and their belief that they were not being rude.

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[2.06:29 - 2.06:38]Speaker expresses not criticizing someone

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[2.07:12 - 2.07:28]Speaker reflects on feeling of doing something badly

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[2.09:44 - 2.09:54]Speaker explains that it was not boredom but determination

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[2.09:44 - 2.09:54]Speaker expresses surprise at someone being determined while being bored

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[2.10:32 - 2.10:37]Speaker clarifies that person is not being criticized for being rude

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[2.10:38 - 2.10:44]Speaker expresses anger towards others

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[2.11:17 - 2.11:29]Speaker asks about someone's boredom

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[2.11:45 - 2.11:50]Speaker wants to know a favorite thing

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[2.11:45 - 2.11:50]Speaker asks if listener has ever procrastinated in interesting ways

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[2.12:22 - 2.12:28]Speaker wishes they could procrastinate in interesting ways

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[2.12:22 - 2.12:28]Speaker says that even though they procrastinate, it feels justified in their head

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[2.12:22 - 2.12:28]Speaker gives example of procrastinating by cleaning

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[2.12:55 - 2.13:01]Speaker clarifies that they had other things to do but ignored them

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[2.12:55 - 2.13:01]Speaker implies that the other things were not important

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[2.12:55 - 2.13:01]Speaker acknowledges that it is still procrastination

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[2.12:55 - 2.13:01]Speaker says there is no such thing as efficient procrastination

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[2.12:55 - 2.13:01]Speaker argues that all procrastination is the same and involves putting off important tasks

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[2.12:55 - 2.13:01]Speaker mentions cleaning as a way of procrastination

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[2.12:55 - 2.13:01]Speaker says they never lie to themselves about cleaning

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[2.12:55 - 2.13:01]Speaker acknowledges that they only clean when procrastinating on making videos

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[2.13:01 - 2.13:07]Speaker gives example of procrastinating on filming a difficult video

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[2.13:01 - 2.13:07]Speaker implies that they were scraping the bottom of the barrel for ways to procrastinate

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[2.13:01 - 2.13:07]Speaker argues that all procrastination is the same regardless of the task

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[2.13:07 - 2.13:10]Speaker mentions making a video about Jojo fans as a way of procrastinating

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[2.13:07 - 2.13:10]Speaker acknowledges that it is still procrastination

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[2.13:07 - 2.13:10]Conversation shifts to talking about different snacks and how they have changed over time

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[2.13:07 - 2.13:10]Speaker mentions being disappointed when a local restaurant changes

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[2.13:07 - 2.13:10]Speaker compares the disappointment to finding out Santa isn't real

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[2.13:07 - 2.13:10]Speaker encourages listeners to support the podcast through Patreon and social media

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[2.13:07 - 2.13:10]Speaker mentions a scandal in the UK where horse meat was found in supermarket meat

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[2.13:07 - 2.13:10]Speaker wonders how the discovery was made, speculating that it could have been from someone who loves horses or a scientist testing the meat

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[2.13:07 - 2.13:10]Speaker suggests that the meat may not have been tested before it was sold

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[2.13:07 - 2.13:10]Speaker suggests that the meat may not have been tested before it was sold

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[2.13:07 - 2.13:10]Speaker suggests that the meat may not have been tested before it was sold

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[2.13:07 - 2.13:10]Speaker suggests that the meat may not have been tested before it was sold

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[2.13:07 - 2.13:10]Speaker suggests that the meat may not have been tested before it was sold

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[2.13:07 - 2.13:10]Speaker suggests that the meat may not have been tested before it was sold

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[2.06:29 - 2.13:10]The conversation ends with a mention of hunger.