

Youtube profile pic for SuperMegaCast - EP 3: Hitler and Black Holes

SuperMegaCast - EP 3: Hitler and Black Holes

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[00:09 - 00:15] Introduction to Super Mega Cast's third episode

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[00:15 - 00:22]Ryan and Matt introduce themselves and their topic for the episode

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[00:43 - 00:50]Discussion of their lack of knowledge in history and science

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[01:02 - 01:10]List of famous historical events to discuss

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[01:39 - 01:44]First event: Pearl Harbor attack

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[01:44 - 01:52]Discussion of why it happened and the misconception around it being payback for the Japanese tsunami

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[03:28 - 03:33]Second event: Napoleon Bonaparte

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[03:28 - 03:33]Description of Napoleon as a general and his infamous personality

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[04:08 - 04:26]Gross fact about Napoleon's love for body odor

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[05:20 - 05:26]Discussion of his defeat at the Battle of Waterloo and subsequent exile to an island

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[05:33 - 05:41]Mention of Hitler's belief that he was the reincarnation of Napoleon

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[06:02 - 06:09]Discussion of a history teacher's belief about evolution

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[06:47 - 06:52]Introduction of the Treaty of Versailles

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[00:09 - 06:52]Super Mega Cast's discussion of their lack of historical knowledge and their attempt to explain famous events such as Pearl Harbor and Napoleon's reign, as well as a brief mention of the Treaty of Versailles and a teacher's belief about evolution.

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[06:58 - 07:14]Treaty of Versailles was a treaty that ended World War I and imposed heavy penalties on Germany

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[07:14 - 07:24]Hitler broke the Treaty of Versailles and sparked World War II

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[07:14 - 07:24]World War II started with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, not the Treaty of Versailles

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[08:57 - 09:09]The Berlin Wall was built in the 1960s to separate communist East Germany from capitalist West Germany

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[12:49 - 12:54]The Vietnam War was a failure for the US, with brutal tactics used by both sides

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[12:49 - 12:54]The US lost the Vietnam War in a humiliating defeat

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[13:25 - 13:33]The US was afraid of communism during the Red Scare, leading to imprisonment and blacklisting of suspected communists

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[06:53 - 13:45]Various events and conflicts such as the Treaty of Versailles, World War I and II, the Berlin Wall, and the Vietnam War have shaped global history and the fear of communism during the Red Scare led to harsh actions by the US.

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[13:45 - 13:50] Accusations of communism in the US led to blacklisting during the witch hunts.

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[14:28 - 14:34]Salem witch trials were a result of baseless accusations and caused the deaths of innocent people.

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[15:47 - 15:56]The Korean War saw North Korea being the more powerful country for 40 years until South Korea became industrialized.

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[17:43 - 17:48]Adolf Hitler was a racist and ableist leader who also had mental problems.

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[19:43 - 19:50]The Civil War was fought between the North and South due to racial problems, with slavery being a main issue.

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[20:31 - 20:39]The Boston Tea Party was an act of rebellion against British taxation on tea.

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[13:45 - 20:39]US history is filled with instances of discrimination, violence, and ignorance.

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[20:46 - 20:54] The speaker discusses a protest where people dressed up as Native Americans and threw tea into the harbor.

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[21:28 - 21:40]They then talk about the inaccuracies in history books, specifically regarding the Civil War and Christopher Columbus.

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[22:43 - 22:51]The topic of evolution is brought up, with one person believing it to be a lie.

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[23:54 - 24:00]They discuss the strength and evidence behind the theory of evolution.

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[24:07 - 24:13]The conversation shifts to space and the speaker mentions visiting the Griffith Observatory.

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[25:47 - 26:02]The concept of black holes is explained, with the speaker mentioning their potential role in time travel.

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[26:30 - 26:40]They reference the movie "Interstellar" and how it portrays time working differently near a black hole.

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[26:52 - 26:58]The conversation turns to actor Matthew McConaughey and his role in the movie.

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[27:19 - 27:29]The speaker mentions seeing McConaughey in Lincoln commercials and briefly discusses the theory that Abraham Lincoln was gay.

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[27:30 - 28:12]The conversation ends with a joke about Lincoln coming back from the grave.

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[20:39 - 28:12]In summary, the speakers discuss various topics including a protest, historical inaccuracies, evolution, space, black holes, and actor Matthew McConaughey.

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[28:12 - 28:26]The speaker and some boys are discussing someone with a high-pitched voice.

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[28:26 - 28:33]They mention a play involving a character named John who also has a high-pitched voice.

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[28:49 - 28:59]The conversation shifts to Abraham Lincoln and his son's death.

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[28:59 - 29:05]They discuss the significance of Lincoln's image on the penny and five dollar bill.

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[29:05 - 29:11]The conversation then turns to the removal of Andrew Jackson from the $20 bill and the addition of Harriet Tubman.

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[29:11 - 29:24]The speaker mentions the Underground Railroad and black holes.

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[29:24 - 29:34]They discuss atoms and electrons and their role in creating solids.

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[31:06 - 31:11]The conversation turns to Godzilla and how it was a metaphor for the atomic bomb.

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[31:25 - 31:33]They mention a new Godzilla movie and a new King Kong movie in the works.

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[31:53 - 32:00]The speaker brings up a recent incident with a tsunami buoy off the coast of New Jersey.

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[33:46 - 33:53]They theorize that it could have been caused by a meteor or a foreign submarine.

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[34:16 - 34:26]The conversation then shifts to discussing earthquakes and how they are linked to tectonic plates.

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[34:56 - 35:03]They mention the difficulty in predicting earthquakes.

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[28:12 - 35:11]The last bullet point summarizes the entire conversation and covers topics such as voices, plays, Abraham Lincoln, Harriet Tubman, black holes, atoms, Godzilla, King Kong, tsunamis, meteors, submarines, and earthquakes.

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[35:40 - 36:17]Tsunamis are caused by plate shifting in the ocean.

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[37:00 - 37:21]Earthquakes are difficult to predict accurately, leading to failed attempts.

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[37:00 - 37:21]NASA predicts a 99% chance of a massive earthquake in Los Angeles by the end of 2016.

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[37:21 - 37:27]Preparing for earthquakes is important, such as having emergency kits and avoiding hollow structures.

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[38:11 - 38:30]Skyscrapers and buildings have massive underground foundations for stability.

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[39:02 - 39:10]Jeb Bush ended his presidential campaign.

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[40:41 - 41:09]The podcast will be released on YouTube on Thursdays and on iTunes on Saturdays.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 3: Hitler and Black Holes

[41:09 - 41:17]The podcast will soon be available on iTunes.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 3: Hitler and Black Holes

[41:09 - 41:17]The podcast can be listened to anywhere, even in the shower.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 3: Hitler and Black Holes

[35:11 - 41:44]Tsunamis are caused by plate shifting and earthquakes are difficult to predict accurately. Preparing for natural disasters, such as earthquakes, is important and buildings have massive underground foundations for stability. The podcast can be listened to anywhere, and new episodes will be released on iTunes every Saturday.