

Youtube profile pic for BEST OF SuperMegaCast: 90 - 94

BEST OF SuperMegaCast: 90 - 94

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[00:28 - 00:34]Hosts introduce the 90th episode of the Super Mega Cast

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[00:49 - 01:01]Encourage listeners to rate and review the podcast on iTunes

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[01:31 - 01:58]Discuss cultural differences in cosplay and pornography between America and Japan

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[02:39 - 02:47]Receive a telemarketer call and joke about representing each other legally

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[04:51 - 04:58]Hosts joke about fighting each other

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[04:51 - 04:58]Imagine a disturbing conversation between a father and son about fighting

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[06:19 - 06:24]Hosts introduce themselves as American gamers

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[06:59 - 07:06]Discuss bringing up South Carolina and getting older

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[07:23 - 07:31]Joke about being irrelevant to listeners' lives

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[07:31 - 07:39]Hosts joke about the "I don't feel so good" meme

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[07:51 - 07:56]Hosts joke about having multiple generations with the same name

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[00:10 - 08:03]Hosts introduce 90th episode, discuss cultural differences in cosplay and pornography, receive telemarketer call, joke about fighting, joke about being irrelevant, and joke about multiple generations with the same name.

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[08:15 - 08:23]Person discussing the practice of naming children after their parents or using "jr."

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[08:56 - 09:03]Example of someone famous who uses "jr."

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[09:24 - 09:30]Opinion on this practice, stating it takes away from the child's identity

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[09:24 - 09:30]Difference between seeing someone as an individual versus seeing them as their parent's child

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[09:30 - 09:42]Personal example of this practice being used in Southern culture

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[09:48 - 10:05]Favorite name in American politics is "Jefferson Bowregard Sessions III"

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[10:16 - 10:24]Mention of this person's notoriety for being against marijuana

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[11:03 - 11:22]Discussion of a comment made by someone named Ethan on a selfie

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[11:53 - 11:59]Mention of Ethan getting caught cheating on his wife in a sting operation

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[11:59 - 12:11]Speculation on how this person got caught cheating

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[13:12 - 13:19]Discussion of eating unconventional meats, such as caribou heart and seal and whale heart

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[13:19 - 13:24]Mention of plums being a favorite food, but not noticing any in the house

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[14:24 - 14:30]Hypothetical situation involving plums causing harm to a friend's pet

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[14:36 - 14:43]Mention of a Reddit post with a woman showing her breasts while drinking a beer in the shower

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[14:53 - 15:02]Discussion on the negative effects of pornography on the brain

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[15:17 - 15:26]Mention of wanting to post a similar photo on Reddit's "shower beer" thread

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[15:32 - 15:38]Confusion about the purpose of this thread

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[08:03 - 15:38]Discussion of the practice of naming children after their parents, mention of a famous person who uses "jr.", personal example of this practice in Southern culture, favorite name in American politics, mention of someone's notoriety for being against marijuana, discussion of a comment made on a selfie, mention of someone getting caught cheating, discussion of eating unconventional meats, mention of a favorite food, hypothetical situation involving harm to a friend's pet, mention of a Reddit post with a woman showing her breasts, discussion on the negative effects of pornography, plan to post a photo on a Reddit thread.

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[15:38 - 15:45]The speaker talks about finding someone on Shower Beer and wanting to get something notarized.

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[15:45 - 15:55]They mention their sister being a notary and the speaker being one as well.

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[15:56 - 16:02]The group discusses notarizing divorce papers and one person's ex-wife.

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[16:09 - 16:19]The speaker talks about their ex-wife cheating on them with the other person in the group.

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[16:26 - 16:33]They discuss their uncomfortable living situation and the awkwardness of talking about it.

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[19:35 - 19:45]The speaker mentions a performer named Tucker Prescott and their favorite live show.

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[19:51 - 19:56]The conversation shifts to discussing dipping tobacco and changing names to get more followers.

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[22:06 - 22:19]The speaker recounts a memorable live show experience where they played to empty rooms and two sisters stole the show at a venue near a Mellow Mushroom pizza place.

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[22:26 - 22:39]The sisters had the voices of angels and captivated the audience with their performance.

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[22:56 - 23:06]Despite buying their CD, the speaker says it did not fully capture the magic of their live performance.

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[15:38 - 23:06]The comprehensive summary is that the speaker discusses a variety of topics including notarizing documents, uncomfortable living situations, dipping tobacco, and attending live shows. They specifically mention a memorable live show experience where two sisters stole the show with their beautiful singing. Despite buying their CD, the speaker feels that it did not fully capture the magic of their live performance.

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[23:07 - 23:16]The speaker lost a CD before the internet was popular, with no idea who the artist was

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[23:17 - 23:32]They had an amazing concert experience but can't remember the artist's sound

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[24:00 - 24:08]The speaker went to a hardcore show with animal skulls and fog machines

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[24:08 - 24:18]The drummer's drum set fell apart multiple times during the performance

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[25:33 - 25:40]The speaker's friend Tucker entered the room and gave him a kiss on the head

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[25:48 - 25:55]Tucker and Ryan discuss their hair smells and shampoo preferences

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[27:14 - 27:24]The speaker's friend Big Black Sanchez was named after a character from Mark Twain's writings

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[29:45 - 29:52]The speaker warns listeners to be careful about getting catfished and suggests asking for a specific hand gesture

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[30:13 - 30:21]The speaker and Ryan joke about catfishing experiences and give tips on how to avoid it

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[30:26 - 30:34]The speaker ends with a humorous request for a video of someone saying "Mama pussy gotta love that milk"

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[23:07 - 30:34]The speaker warns listeners to be careful about getting catfished.

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[30:45 - 30:50] The speaker discusses a method of determining if someone is genuine by getting them to say a phrase.

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[30:50 - 31:09]They suggest opening a breakfast and barbecue restaurant called "Mama Pussy" in Charleston.

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[31:32 - 31:41]They joke about menu items such as "cousin's taint" and "uncomfortable stepdad."

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[34:01 - 34:06]The speaker mentions Vsauce and poses the question of what animals humans have not had sex with.

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[35:32 - 35:46]The conversation turns to discussing the possibility of humans having sex with various animals.

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[37:11 - 37:24]They discuss the potential of a gorilla being open to having sex with a human.

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[37:52 - 37:57]The conversation takes a darker turn when they speculate about people having sex with tiger cubs.

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[37:52 - 37:57]A man named Tucker appears and is accused of turning on the air conditioning during the recording.

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[38:11 - 38:28]The speaker apologizes for the conversation and the podcast ends with a joke about the speaker having sex with Tucker's cat.

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[38:31 - 38:37]The speaker mentions smoking crack and the others agree to do so.

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[38:31 - 38:37]The speaker and others leave to go smoke crack.

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[38:37 - 38:42]The podcast ends with a reminder to rate the podcast and subscribe to their YouTube channel.

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[38:37 - 38:42]Tucker is invited to join the podcast full-time.

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[38:43 - 38:49]The speaker encourages listeners to rate the podcast and subscribe to their YouTube channel before ending on a joke about smoking crack.

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[30:34 - 38:51]The speaker and others leave to go smoke crack.