

Youtube profile pic for He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[00:00 - 03:03]Person asks a 6-year-old girl about her English memory and she talks about eating strawberries with her mom at age 2

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[00:14 - 02:57]Discussion about Disney week and hot topic of Mickey Mouse's race (black or not)

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[00:20 - 08:35]Banter about being "old people" and Disney rides involving Mickey's Rock and Railroad and goat seed imagery

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[05:34 - 07:13]Person asks a 6-year-old girl about her English memory and she talks about eating strawberries with her mom at age 2

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[06:20 - 09:10]Person argues that this memory is actually a constructed one using a picture of strawberries the girl saw

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[08:14 - 12:16]Banter about being "old people" and Disney rides involving Mickey's Rock and Railroad and goat seed imagery

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[11:38 - 15:08]Person argues that this memory is actually a constructed one using a picture of strawberries the girl saw

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[12:17 - 15:31]Banter about being "old people" and Disney rides involving Mickey's Rock and Railroad and goat seed imagery

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[14:36 - 15:37]A group of people discuss various YouTube videos and content creators

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[15:09 - 15:31]They mention the friend's vows, which were written with the help of AI

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[15:37 - 16:18]The conversation goes back to discussing Disneyland and walking 20,000 steps there.

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[16:18 - 19:22]The group discusses a friend's wedding and how emotional it was

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[18:07 - 21:18]They discuss the idea of a wedding pyramid and who would be in it

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[19:54 - 21:25]The conversation goes back to discussing Disneyland and walking 20,000 steps there.

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[20:14 - 20:48]One person talks about how they didn't go to the wedding because they were at Disneyland for a week

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[20:55 - 21:12]They joke about having a second wedding where one person is not invited

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[21:26 - 24:06]The conversation goes back to discussing Disneyland and walking 20,000 steps there.

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[22:41 - 23:11]The speaker went to Disney for the first time, accompanied by children

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[22:47 - 24:30]The speaker likes going to Disney with kids because they don't know much

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[23:18 - 26:00]The speaker suggests teaching the kids something that isn't actually malicious compliance, but calling it that to make them feel smart

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[23:24 - 24:14]The speaker also taught them a counterplay where they can punch someone if they don't look at the circle but get their finger in it

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[23:32 - 25:02]The speaker taught the kids a game where they punch each other if they look at a circle below their waist

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[25:29 - 26:38]The game is called the "square game" or the "gentleman's game"

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[26:01 - 26:56]The speaker uses more complex words in conversation with the kids, like "malicious compliance"

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[26:38 - 27:09]The speaker also talks about journalistic manufactured consent and the death penalty with the kids

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[27:09 - 29:15]The speaker taught the kids a game where they punch each other if they look at a circle below their waist

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[27:36 - 28:03]The speaker shares some of their own earliest memories, including playing with a toy tool set and getting injured on a coffee table

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[29:15 - 31:22]The speaker asks the kids about their oldest memories and discusses the concept of constructed memories

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[31:03 - 33:27]The speaker shares some of their own earliest memories, including playing with a toy tool set and getting injured on a coffee table

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[31:28 - 33:46]The speaker asks the kids about their earliest memories and some of them mention memories from when they were two years old

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[33:28 - 35:30]The speaker asks the kids about their oldest memories and discusses the concept of constructed memories

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[33:46 - 34:05]The speaker also remembers where they were during 9/11, which happened when they were four years old

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[33:46 - 35:38]Talking about being indoctrinated into American patriotism in school

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[34:06 - 35:38]The speaker asks the kids about their earliest memories and some of them mention memories from when they were two years old

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[34:13 - 35:30]Recalling a childhood memory in France

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[34:31 - 34:44]The speaker also remembers where they were during 9/11, which happened when they were four years old

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[35:39 - 37:34]Mentioning Osama bin Laden and referencing video games.

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[37:34 - 39:20]Singing the American and Air Force anthems

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[38:22 - 40:14]Talking about being indoctrinated into American patriotism in school

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[39:21 - 41:12]Singing the American and Air Force anthems

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[40:14 - 41:06]Talking about being indoctrinated into American patriotism in school

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[41:12 - 42:47]Singing the American and Air Force anthems

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[42:01 - 44:53]Joking about fighting in a hypothetical terrorist cell with a kimbo raficus

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[42:23 - 44:47]Being recruited by the military

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[42:54 - 44:11]Next time he walks by, the guy is already outside

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[43:09 - 43:57]Someone runs out and invites him to come by sometime

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[43:14 - 44:29]Guy wants to find more people like this

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[44:30 - 45:57]Guy's friend Aiden is the son's godfather of the man he was talking to

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[45:01 - 46:32]Goes to a coffee shop and is interrupted by a guy asking if he likes baseball

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[45:18 - 46:37]Guy leaves and sees the man talking to someone else about a video game player named Mango

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[46:17 - 47:36]Guy wonders if he "choked" the conversation

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[46:51 - 47:17]Goes to a coffee shop and is interrupted by a guy asking if he likes baseball

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[47:37 - 48:36]Guy wonders if he "choked" the conversation

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[48:37 - 50:33]They discuss a YouTuber named Antpo who quit YouTube after graduating college and having success

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[49:40 - 52:03]Guy wonders if he "choked" the conversation

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[51:12 - 51:34]The host mentions how he said he would quit streaming in five years but hasn't yet

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[51:46 - 52:52]The speaker mentions cooking and how they love it

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[52:06 - 52:52]Guy wants to find more people like this

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[52:14 - 52:45]They mention cooking once a week and how they are not good at it

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[52:57 - 54:45]They joke about the host lying about quitting and the younger crowd getting involved.

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[52:57 - 55:23]The speaker mentions cooking and how they love it

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[53:12 - 54:40]The conversation ends with a lighthearted discussion about the speaker's love for streaming and their support for the "Moist Moguls" team in competitive gaming.

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[53:21 - 55:47]They compare it to a pyramid scheme, with the creator at the top and the success of the business hinging on them

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[53:43 - 54:40]The host mentions how he said he would quit streaming in five years but hasn't yet

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[54:05 - 54:28]Guy wonders if he "choked" the conversation

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[54:30 - 56:29]The speaker and the co-host have differing opinions on Hello Fresh, but ultimately recommend it to others

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[54:46 - 56:12]They joke about the host lying about quitting and the younger crowd getting involved.

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[55:24 - 57:25]They joke about the potential of a different person taking over their role and the impact it would have on the business

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[56:30 - 58:00]The speaker mentions cooking and how they love it

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[56:49 - 58:00]The conversation ends with a lighthearted discussion about the speaker's love for streaming and their support for the "Moist Moguls" team in competitive gaming.

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[58:01 - 59:01]They discuss the quality of Hello Fresh meals and how it is America's number one meal

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[58:01 - 59:01]They discuss the existence of designated breastfeeding zones in public places

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[58:10 - 58:21]They mention tracking their calories and how it is easier with Hello Fresh

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[58:27 - 59:25]The speaker and the co-host have differing opinions on Hello Fresh, but ultimately recommend it to others

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[58:27 - 1.00:05]The speaker then mentions their own role and value within the business as a "bottom bitch"

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[59:31 - 1.01:52]They discuss the existence of designated breastfeeding zones in public places

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[1.01:37 - 1.03:51]The conversation ends with a lighthearted discussion about the speaker's love for streaming and their support for the "Moist Moguls" team in competitive gaming.

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[1.02:36 - 1.03:42]Hosts mention a friend being upset about shorts and speculate about their masturbation habits.

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[1.03:19 - 1.04:47]They joke about the potential of a different person taking over their role and the impact it would have on the business

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[1.03:52 - 1.04:57]Host mentions a character voice on their song

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[1.04:33 - 1.06:03]Hosts watch a clip from a podcast where a man argues with a woman about monogamy

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[1.05:49 - 1.07:26]Hosts discuss a character named Doug from a TV show they dislike

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[1.07:08 - 1.10:32]Hosts watch a clip from a podcast where a man argues with a woman about monogamy

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[1.10:14 - 1.12:04]A discussion about man on the street videos and their popularity

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[1.10:21 - 1.11:45]Host shares a story about a Titans football team trailer and a phone call with another content creator

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[1.11:05 - 1.12:34]Hosts mention a friend being upset about shorts and speculate about their masturbation habits.

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[1.12:04 - 1.15:54]The value of shorts on YouTube and its effects on subscribers and vanity

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[1.15:54 - 1.16:41]The idea that subscriber numbers are more a measure of time than viewership

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[1.15:54 - 1.18:18]They tease another friend, Adam, about his love life

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[1.16:15 - 1.19:00]They talk about their mutual friend, Yingling, and his behavior while playing video games

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[1.16:42 - 1.18:54]The topic of Adam Ragusea and his videos not appearing on the algorithm

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[1.17:25 - 1.19:00]The role of habits in informing the algorithm and what videos are shown

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[1.17:34 - 1.18:25]One friend is an "eight" and loves someone

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[1.19:00 - 1.20:11]They discuss someone named Derek and his thoughts on "attitude"

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[1.19:00 - 1.20:17]A discussion about man on the street videos and their popularity

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[1.19:59 - 1.21:40]They joke about Derek's smile and look at pictures of him

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[1.20:17 - 1.20:25]They discuss someone named Derek and his thoughts on "attitude"

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[1.20:59 - 1.21:58]They talk about their mutual friend, Yingling, and his behavior while playing video games

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[1.21:58 - 1.25:01]They talk about a recent camping trip to Joshua Tree

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[1.22:06 - 1.22:49]They talk about their mutual friend, Yingling, and his behavior while playing video games

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[1.24:25 - 1.25:45]They discuss someone named Derek and his thoughts on "attitude"

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[1.25:09 - 1.27:29]They talk about their mutual friend, Yingling, and his behavior while playing video games

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[1.25:46 - 1.26:12]They discuss someone named Derek and his thoughts on "attitude"

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[1.26:24 - 1.29:00]Group of friends discusses love and relationships

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[1.28:01 - 1.31:04]They talk about their mutual friend, Yingling, and his behavior while playing video games

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[1.28:15 - 1.29:23]They mention a recent encounter with a fan while playing Counter Strike

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[1.29:00 - 1.30:15]They mention a recent trip to Disney World and upcoming birthday parties

A youtube thumbnail wor He spent 7 days straight at Disneyland. This is what happened. | The Yard

[1.29:58 - 1.32:19]They talk about their mutual friend, Yingling, and his behavior while playing video games