

Youtube profile pic for SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[00:02 - 00:08] Matt and someone else (presumably Ryan) are getting ready to start something.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[00:08 - 00:15]Someone wants to finish something before they start.

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[00:08 - 00:15]They decide to start anyways.

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[00:36 - 00:44]They talk about math.

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[02:51 - 02:57]They call Luke and ask him if they can talk about him on the podcast.

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[03:34 - 03:44]They talk about Luke, who is shirtless.

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[04:35 - 04:42]They ask Luke about his political views.

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[06:05 - 06:15]They talk about the number of civilians killed in 9-11 and by US forces.

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[06:46 - 06:52]Someone mentions that they are trying to become a better person and acknowledge important topics.

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[06:52 - 06:59]They apologize for potentially offending people.

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[07:19 - 07:26]The group discusses their different comedy styles.

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[07:32 - 07:38]They joke about colleges.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[07:32 - 07:38]The conversation ends with a joke about college pride and generational differences.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[00:02 - 07:55]Overall, the conversation covers topics such as starting something, math, Luke, politics, current events, and comedy styles.

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[07:55 - 08:10]Speaker talks about attending USC and not liking it compared to other colleges.

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[08:10 - 08:18]Education from different colleges may not be that different.

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[08:10 - 08:18]College experience may vary depending on the college.

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[08:18 - 08:24]Mention of fun frat parties and online universities.

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[08:25 - 08:34]Discussion of popular TV commercials for online universities.

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[08:41 - 08:47]Mention of not doing well in high school and wanting more education.

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[08:47 - 08:58]Reference to the "Education Connection" jingle and its lasting impact.

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[09:32 - 09:39]Discussion of other jingles for companies such as and Super Mega.

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[11:32 - 11:40]Mention of Hobo Johnson and Tucker's surprise that he likes his music.

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[11:46 - 11:52]Comparison of public image vs true character of celebrities.

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[12:19 - 12:28]James Corden mentioned as an example of a celebrity with a negative reputation.

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[13:07 - 13:13]Mention of Leno stepping down from his talk show and Conan taking over.

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[13:14 - 13:20]Suggestion to start a late night talk show.

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[14:38 - 14:51]Fruit flies mentioned and a bet made to kill them for a Bitcoin.

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[15:27 - 15:37]Bitcoin price mentioned and joke about owning Bitcoin.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[15:27 - 15:37]Mention of President Biden's supposed statement about Bitcoin and homosexuality.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[07:55 - 15:45]Speaker discusses attending USC and not liking it compared to other colleges, mentions the impact of jingles from popular TV commercials, and jokingly talks about owning Bitcoin and the supposed statements of President Biden.

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[18:04 - 18:12]Speaker discusses not knowing whose possession a certain object is

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[18:35 - 18:45]Speculates that the object may contain red juice instead of blood

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[18:46 - 18:51]Talks about gushers and fruit rollups being sold as candy, rather than snacks

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[20:06 - 20:17]Discussion of employee named Jim digging through the garbage

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[20:17 - 20:25]Mention of Justin and his unconventional methods of preserving and eating meat

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[20:33 - 20:40]Discussion of Layton's job as a sugar baby and potential financial domination fetish

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[21:47 - 21:56]Conversation shifts to fruit flies in the office and potential reasons for their presence

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[21:56 - 22:05]Idea of setting up a studio for multiple sugar daddies to financially dominate and be made fun of on camera

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[22:18 - 22:29]Mentions watching body language videos to assert dominance

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[22:54 - 23:01]Speaker mentions needing help from the listener to facilitate this business idea

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[15:45 - 23:19]Speaker discusses various topics including possession of an object, gushers and fruit rollups being sold as candy, body language, fruit flies in the office, employee Jim digging through the garbage, Justin's unconventional meat preservation methods, and Layton's job as a sugar baby with potential for a financial domination business idea involving multiple sugar daddies.

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[23:49 - 24:08] They discuss the idea of making fun of guys who love humiliation and domination

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[27:48 - 27:55]They mention a specific man, Tom Pearl, who has a humiliation fetish and also eats his own feces

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[27:48 - 27:55]They debate the legality and ethics of eating one's own feces and drinking one's own urine

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[28:27 - 28:34]They share a story of one of them drinking their own urine for a monetary dare

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[28:34 - 28:41]They mention using Venmo or PayPal to pay for the dare

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[29:02 - 29:08]They talk about men with humiliation fetishes and how they enjoy being made fun of

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[29:27 - 29:41]They briefly discuss skincare and recommend Curology

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[30:17 - 30:25]They talk about how big tech companies profit off of personal data

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[30:25 - 30:31]They mention horror and pimps using this as a business plan

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[30:32 - 30:41]They recommend using ExpressVPN to protect personal data

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[23:19 - 30:50]The speakers discuss the idea of making fun of men with humiliation fetishes and mention a specific man who also eats his own feces. They debate the legality and ethics of this behavior and share a story of one of them drinking their own urine for money. They also briefly mention skincare and recommend using Curology, and discuss the issue of big tech companies profiting off of personal data and recommend using ExpressVPN to protect oneself.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[31:32 - 31:40]Page Content: -- The speaker wants to protect themselves online -- Activities on websites are tracked by corporations using public IP address -- ExpressVPN makes you anonymous and encrypts data -- Easy to use on phone or computer -- Protect your data with ExpressVPN -- Get 3 months free on a one year package at -- No ads on Patreon episodes -- Extended after hours content on Patreon -- Finish recording debut album "Songs to Bus To" -- Justin is cut from album due to vocal and lyrical issues -- Courts found Casey Anthony innocent, but public opinion still believes she killed her child -- ExpressVPN is the answer to protecting internet data -- 2022 has been a rough year and the speaker is ready for a fresh start in 2023 -- The speaker is excited for New Year's and the holidays -- The year has gone by quickly -- The speaker feels cursed with fruit flies in the Super Mega Plex -- The speaker compares their situation to biblical curses -- The speaker is distracted by fruit flies and compares themselves to the dog from the movie "Up" -- The speaker's album is a mix of ballads and hyper pop -- The speaker is avoiding telling Justin he's been cut from the album -- Justin's vocals were too good and made the speaker look bad -- Justin's lyrics were not aligned with the track's theme of heartbreak -- Justin's lyrics were in defense of Casey Anthony -- The speaker cannot align themselves with the idea that Casey Anthony is a good mother -- There are a handful of famous court cases where the verdict seems questionable -- ExpressVPN offers a solution to protect data from corporations tracking online activity

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[30:50 - 38:58]- The speaker discusses the need to protect oneself online and the tracking of activities by corporations using public IP addresses. They introduce ExpressVPN as a solution, which can make users anonymous and encrypt data. They also mention the ease of use on various devices and promote a deal for three free months on a one year package. They briefly mention their debut album and cutting Justin from it due to vocal and lyrical issues. The speaker also talks about their excitement for the holidays and New Year's, and their frustration with fruit flies in the Super Mega Plex. They end by mentioning a comparison to biblical curses and discussing questionable court cases.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[38:59 - 39:15] In Japan, a 16-year-old girl was kidnapped by 17-year-old Yakuza members and tortured for 40 days before being killed and buried in concrete casing

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[39:15 - 39:23]Due to Japan's laws and their age, the perpetrators only served four or five years in prison before being given new identities

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[39:39 - 39:44]The mother of one of the Yakuza members knew about the kidnapping but was too scared to speak out

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[39:51 - 39:58]Yakuza is a powerful organized crime syndicate in Japan

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[40:10 - 40:15]The case has no happy ending or justice served

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[40:42 - 40:48]A similar case is that of Casey Anthony, who was acquitted of killing her daughter despite overwhelming evidence

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[41:29 - 41:42]Anthony's defense tried to frame her father for the crime

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[41:43 - 41:57]She was also known to have a sexual relationship with her lawyer and a private investigator during the trial

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[41:57 - 42:02]She later tried to become a YouTuber, but her reputation was tarnished

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[42:38 - 42:50]Anthony was known to party and her car had a smell of a dead body, with evidence of her searching for how to dispose of a body on her computer

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[43:44 - 44:00]The podcast then transitions to a sponsored ad break

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[44:08 - 44:33]The ad is for MeUndies, offering a 20% discount and free shipping on their holiday collection

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[46:51 - 47:20]The ad then transitions to another sponsored ad for Manscaped, offering a 20% discount and free shipping on their products

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[47:26 - 47:33]The podcast discusses a disturbing case in Japan where a 16-year-old girl was kidnapped and tortured for 40 days before being killed and buried by 17-year-old Yakuza members. Due to Japan's laws and the perpetrators' age, they only served a short prison sentence before being given new identities. The mother of one of the Yakuza members knew about the crime but was too scared to speak out.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[47:33 - 47:43]The podcast then transitions to another sponsored ad for Better Help Therapy, discussing the importance of therapy in navigating life's challenges. Comprehensive summary:

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[47:33 - 47:43]The podcast then transitions to discussing a similar case in the US involving Casey Anthony, who was acquitted of killing her daughter despite overwhelming evidence. Anthony's defense tried to frame her father for the crime and she was known to party and have a sexual relationship with her lawyer and a private investigator during the trial. She later tried to become a YouTuber, but her reputation was tarnished.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[38:59 - 47:43]The podcast then transitions to sponsored ads for MeUndies, offering a discount on their holiday collection, Manscaped, offering discounts on their grooming products, and Better Help Therapy, emphasizing the importance of therapy in navigating life's challenges.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[47:43 - 48:12]The speaker discusses how Better Help has changed their life and encourages others to try it

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[48:12 - 48:26]They mention the convenience, accessibility, and affordability of the therapy service

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[48:12 - 48:26]The process of matching with a therapist is described

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[49:10 - 49:17]The speaker briefly tells a story about their cousin hitting their sister

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[50:32 - 50:55]The speaker talks about the video podcast and suggests closing one's eyes if they prefer the audio version

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[51:50 - 52:02]They mention putting fruit fly traps in the office and make a Batman reference

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[52:09 - 52:44]They joke about making money and mention Baby No Money's song

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[54:13 - 54:23]Gary Oldman is discussed and the movie Book of Eli is mentioned

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[55:04 - 55:16]The speaker mentions watching Pulp Fiction and Dinner for Schmucks at a friend's house

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[56:14 - 56:19]They recall a time when they watched South Park at their grandmother's house and their dad's reaction

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[56:32 - 56:39]The speaker searched for South Park later on and found it on Comedy Central

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[47:43 - 56:39]The speaker discusses their experience with Better Help, shares a funny story about their cousin, and talks about various experiences watching movies and TV shows with family and friends. They also mention the video podcast and suggest closing one's eyes if they prefer the audio version.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[56:39 - 56:52]The speaker discusses their experience with the TV show South Park, mentioning that they were scared by an episode involving chili and a character named Cartman.

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[56:52 - 56:57]They reflect on how the show's humor may be perceived differently as an adult versus as a child.

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[57:04 - 57:15]The speaker recalls another episode involving fake butter suicide and a pig monster, which also disturbed them as a child.

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[57:15 - 57:36]They mention the concept of gore and how South Park animates it to a high level.

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[57:50 - 57:58]The speaker and another person discuss the idea of starting a gore website called "Super Mega Gore."

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[58:48 - 58:55]They mention a real-life gore website called "Best Gore," and how its creators faced legal trouble for refusing to remove a particular video.

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[58:55 - 59:06]The speaker shares a personal experience of a classmate showing them and others the Best Gore website in ninth grade.

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[59:46 - 59:55]The conversation shifts to a movie called "See Spot Run," in which a crime-fighting dog rips off a mafia boss's testicle.

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[1.01:50 - 1.01:57]They also mention another movie, "From Paris with Love," in which John Travolta plays a bald, foul-mouthed character.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[1.03:12 - 1.03:17]The speaker admits to having conflicted feelings about Tom Cruise but mentions enjoying his performance in the movie "Magnolia."

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[1.03:45 - 1.03:54]They briefly mention Cruise's recent roles in the Mission Impossible franchise and the Mummy remake.

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[1.03:54 - 1.04:16]The conversation turns to a movie called "Little Man," which the speaker may have seen with their father and a friend named Jim.

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[1.04:16 - 1.04:52]They discuss the use of offensive language and stereotypes by the character Jim, and the speaker's discomfort with it.

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[1.05:15 - 1.05:21]The speaker mentions that they've done many bits and visual gags in their podcast, but they don't reference them for audio listeners.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[56:39 - 1.05:36]Super Mega Gore is a podcast about the TV show South Park, a gore website called Best Gore, and various movies that the speaker and their father may have seen together.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[1.05:36 - 1.05:43]Person talks about Bang Bang shrimp and Bonefish Grill

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[1.05:43 - 1.05:52]They mention a video about a murder at Bonefish Grill

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[1.06:05 - 1.06:23]They discuss a soup with acorn squash and butternut squash from Panera

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[1.07:43 - 1.08:12]Person talks about gravy and its origins

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[1.08:58 - 1.09:09]They discuss how the term "Indians" came about

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[1.10:19 - 1.10:30]They mention Christopher Columbus and his mistaken journey to India

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[1.11:33 - 1.11:57]Person suggests making a comedy movie about Christopher Columbus with Mr. Bean as the main character

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[1.12:49 - 1.12:59]They briefly mention another Mr. Bean movie

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[1.13:53 - 1.14:14]They mention their Patreon and its benefits

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[1.13:53 - 1.14:14]Their Patreon includes early access to videos and extended cuts

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[1.13:53 - 1.14:14]They briefly mention their after hours show and its content

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[1.14:14 - 1.14:28]The person signs off and says they love Ryan and Matt

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 320: From Burbank with Love

[1.05:36 - 1.14:28]The person talks about various food and restaurant topics, mentions a video about a murder at Bonefish Grill, discusses a soup, talks about gravy and its origins, brings up Christopher Columbus' mistaken journey to India and the term "Indians," suggests making a comedy movie about Christopher Columbus with Mr. Bean, and briefly mentions their Patreon and after hours show.