

Youtube profile pic for SuperMegaCast - EP 90: A Million Big Ones

SuperMegaCast - EP 90: A Million Big Ones

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[00:01 - 00:11]Welcome back to the 89th episode of the "Super Mega Cast" with host Matthew Watson.

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[00:16 - 00:24]The host realizes it's actually the 90th episode and restarts the introduction.

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[00:44 - 00:57]The podcast can be found on iTunes and listeners can rate and review it.

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[02:29 - 02:37]The hosts discuss their experiences with Uber and convertible cars.

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[03:30 - 03:36]They talk about visiting Six Flags and the roller coasters there.

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[05:57 - 06:09]The host mentions going to Japan with friends and trying new food.

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[06:16 - 06:38]They discuss feeling alone in a new culture but also enjoying the solitude.

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[06:49 - 07:12]The host talks about his experiences in a different country and finding it familiar yet different.

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[07:18 - 07:33]The conversation turns to Nigerian princes and strip clubs in Tokyo.

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[00:01 - 07:33]The overall theme is exploring new places and experiences.

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[08:01 - 08:09]Page content includes discussion of accents and strip clubs

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[08:16 - 08:26]Mention of drink drinks and a sippy cup

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[08:26 - 08:35]Talk about Nigerian prince and bodyguards outside regular bars

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[08:56 - 09:01]Discussion of Team Rocket and their seemingly indestructible health

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[09:59 - 10:12]Description of a cat with a vulgar attitude and strange talents

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[12:12 - 12:22]Mention of shedding and grooming struggles

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[13:50 - 13:58]Anecdotes about police sketches and Spongebob Squarepants

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[15:10 - 15:18]Realization of getting older and things from the past becoming obsolete

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[07:33 - 15:18]Page content includes various discussions about accents, strip clubs, Nigerian princes, bodyguards, drink drinks, sippy cups, Team Rocket, a vulgar cat, shedding and grooming struggles, police sketches, and Spongebob Squarepants, leading to a realization about getting older and things from the past becoming obsolete.

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[15:23 - 15:42]The speaker talks about a logo from their childhood that is no longer relevant

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[15:42 - 15:56]They compare the logo to a pre-ride instructional video

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[15:56 - 16:01]They reflect on the impact of the logo and how it made theater experiences cool

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[17:02 - 17:08]The speaker discusses the jackass movies and how they can't be recreated

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[17:08 - 17:14]They mention Johnny Knoxville's new movie "Action Point"

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[19:01 - 19:11]The speaker and their friend discuss what they would and wouldn't do for a million dollars

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[21:37 - 21:46]They talk about horror movies and the technique of crossing their eyes to avoid being scared

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[22:08 - 22:15]The speaker and their friend discuss the ability to blur their vision without squinting

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[15:18 - 22:35]A comprehensive summary is that the speaker reflects on childhood memories, discusses the impact of a logo, talks about the jackass movies and their star Johnny Knoxville, and shares their technique for avoiding scary movies.

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[22:35 - 22:49] The speaker discusses the possibility of cutting off a toe for a million dollars

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[24:04 - 24:18]They talk about the yakuza and how they have been playing Yakuza Zero

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[25:56 - 26:03]They discuss the combat in Yakuza Zero and God of War

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[25:56 - 26:03]They mention the combat in Yakuza Zero and how it involves combos and special moves

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[26:38 - 26:51]The speaker talks about the puzzles in God of War and how they can become repetitive

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[26:57 - 27:04]They mention the satisfying feeling of picking up objects and using them in combat

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[28:21 - 28:30]They discuss the different environments and settings in the games

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[28:43 - 28:50]The speaker expresses their love for 80s Japan and the setting of Yakuza Zero

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[28:50 - 28:57]The speaker praises the use of color and game feel in both Yakuza Zero and God of War

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[29:46 - 29:56]The discussion turns to the combat in Yakuza 6 and how it differs from Yakuza Zero

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[29:46 - 29:56]The speaker wonders about the gameplay mechanics in Yakuza 6

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[22:35 - 29:56]Overall, the discussion centers around the combat and gameplay of Yakuza Zero and God of War, specifically praising the use of color and game feel.

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[30:02 - 30:10] "Yakuza 0" is a game where fights happen on the street while roaming around.

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[30:10 - 30:27]Main fights occur in the game, but the speaker has not reached that point yet.

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[30:10 - 30:27]The speaker lost their progress after playing for an hour and a half.

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[30:10 - 30:27]The speaker did play karaoke, which was fun.

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[30:51 - 31:01]The speaker is excited to be introduced to the franchise and thanks Alex aka Octopimp for recommending it.

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[31:02 - 31:09]The real yakuza are crazy and own the porn industry in Japan.

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[31:14 - 31:31]There are restrictions on what can be shown in Japanese porn, such as blurring out genitalia.

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[32:23 - 32:43]There are different types of cosplay in Japan, some of which show almost everything but are lightly censored.

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[33:45 - 33:51]The speaker gets depressed and doesn't play online games or socialize much.

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[34:39 - 34:45]The speaker does enjoy going on walks and listening to music.

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[35:18 - 35:41]The speaker agrees to play games with the other person, but it has to be when they're in the mood.

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[36:00 - 36:05]The speaker plays games like "Animal Crossing", "Hadimari Damasi", and "Minecraft".

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[36:20 - 36:32]The speaker will play "Runescape" mobile when it comes out and suggests playing together.

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[36:45 - 36:51]The speaker finds the yakuza fascinating, but does not condone their actions.

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[36:45 - 36:51]The yakuza are the biggest organized crime syndicate in the world and run illegal activities.

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[37:26 - 37:38]Some yakuza members dress flamboyantly and have cut off their pinky fingers.

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[29:56 - 37:38]The speaker discusses their experience playing "Yakuza 0" and their interest in the yakuza organization in Japan, including their involvement in the porn industry and their unique fashion choices. They also talk about their personal struggles with depression and their love for walking and playing certain video games. The speaker agrees to play games with the other person, and they both express excitement for the upcoming release of "Runescape" mobile.

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[37:45 - 38:00]Discussion about finger cutting in the yakuza

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[38:00 - 38:08]Joking about a "dick guillotine" and potential movie idea

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[38:26 - 38:37]Talk about previous Seth Rogen movies and potential future projects

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[39:00 - 39:15]Mention of the emoji movie and regret for supporting it

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[39:52 - 39:59]Conversation about Tyler Perry and Madea movies

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[40:13 - 40:19]Receiving a telemarketing call and jokingly pretending to be Ryan's lawyer

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[42:49 - 42:58]Discussion about anti-vaxxers and vaccinating pets

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[43:36 - 44:09]Discussion about potential link between vaccines and autism and why it doesn't make sense

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[44:24 - 44:36]Mention of recent measles outbreak and the importance of vaccines

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[45:43 - 45:54]Advertisement for MeUndies and discussion about the comfort and sustainability of the underwear

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[45:43 - 45:54]Reminder to use the promo code "supermega" at

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 90: A Million Big Ones

[37:38 - 46:00]Discussion about yakuza finger cutting, joking about a "dick guillotine" and potential movie idea, talk about previous and potential future Seth Rogen projects, mention of the emoji movie and regret for supporting it, conversation about Tyler Perry and Madea movies, receiving a telemarketing call and jokingly pretending to be Ryan's lawyer, discussion about anti-vaxxers and the importance of vaccines, advertisement for MeUndies and discussion about the comfort and sustainability of the underwear.

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[46:12 - 46:24]The speaker discusses comfortable underwear and where to purchase them at a discount

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[47:26 - 47:33]A hypothetical conversation between two friends about fighting each other

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[47:49 - 48:06]The speaker's desire to fight and potentially beat up their own father

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[49:02 - 49:12]A discussion about blessings and religion

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[49:54 - 50:09]A joke about intelligence and luck

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[51:13 - 51:19]A hypothetical scenario of Donald Trump appearing on the podcast

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[51:53 - 52:22]A discussion about playing solitaire and the meaning of PC

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[52:29 - 52:56]The speaker's opinion on the changing nature of comedy

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[53:38 - 53:45]The importance of comedy evolving and progressing over time Overall summary:

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[46:01 - 53:45]The speaker discusses various topics such as comfortable underwear, a hypothetical fight with their father, religion, jokes about intelligence and luck, and the changing nature of comedy. They also mention a hypothetical scenario with Donald Trump appearing on the podcast and the importance of comedy evolving over time.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 90: A Million Big Ones

[53:45 - 54:04] Comedy needs progression in order to avoid becoming stagnant

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 90: A Million Big Ones

[54:20 - 54:28]Change is important for progress and evolution in a good way

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 90: A Million Big Ones

[54:47 - 55:11]Offensive humor and certain styles of comedy can become outdated

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[54:47 - 55:11]Shock humor and superhero movies are starting to lose their appeal and become overdone

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 90: A Million Big Ones

[55:48 - 56:10]Independent films are gaining more attention

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[57:32 - 57:37]The next mainstream trend in cinema is uncertain

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 90: A Million Big Ones

[59:44 - 59:50]There are now more opportunities to make a living playing video games

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[59:50 - 59:58]People are now making money playing video games, through Twitch and other platforms

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[59:50 - 59:58]Watching live gameplay through Twitch is a new form of entertainment

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 90: A Million Big Ones

[59:50 - 59:58]Twitch is a new way to make money and have a fun job

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[1.00:46 - 1.00:54]The podcast has now reached 90 episodes

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[1.00:54 - 1.01:18]The bell button is important for receiving notifications

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[1.01:18 - 1.01:25]Viewers should subscribe and turn on notifications to stay updated

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[1.01:18 - 1.01:25]The podcast should be shared with friends and family

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[1.01:25 - 1.01:27]The podcast will return next week at the same time

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 90: A Million Big Ones

[53:45 - 1.01:27]Comedy needs progression in order to avoid becoming stagnant, and change is important for progress and evolution in a good way. Offensive humor and certain styles of comedy can become outdated, and the trend of shock humor and superhero movies is starting to lose its appeal. Independent films are gaining more attention, and the next mainstream trend in cinema is uncertain. People are now making money playing video games through platforms like Twitch, and the podcast has reached 90 episodes. Viewers should subscribe and turn on notifications to stay updated, and the podcast should be shared with others. The podcast will return next week at the same time.