

Youtube profile pic for Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

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[00:00 - 01:09]They discuss improvements to the podcast and the replacement of a co-host.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[00:28 - 01:43]The podcast begins with a greeting and introduction to the speakers.

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[01:43 - 03:13]They mention a recent incident with police visiting their home and speculate about government surveillance.

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[02:34 - 04:18]The topic of Australia and its similarities to America is introduced.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[03:13 - 04:58]The speakers mention the abundance of land in Australia and the difficulty of traveling to certain areas.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[04:58 - 07:30]They mention a recent incident with police visiting their home and speculate about government surveillance.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[07:30 - 09:14]The speakers discuss their experiences with customs and border patrol while traveling.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[08:29 - 08:59]The agent starts asking questions, making the speaker realize they may be in trouble.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[08:59 - 10:00]The speaker is annoyed because they had already filled out a form on the plane.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[09:14 - 09:35]They mention restrictions on bringing tobacco products into Australia due to delicate ecosystems.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[09:14 - 10:06]The agent asks about the speaker's occupation and if they have filled out a form for customs.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[10:06 - 10:30]The agent then questions the speaker's name and where they are "really" from, implying they are not American.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[10:13 - 10:37]The speaker encounters a similar situation with a driver who also questions their nationality.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[10:37 - 11:07]The agent asks the speaker to come with him and the speaker avoids telling them they are a political commentator.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[10:57 - 11:02]The agent then questions the speaker's name and where they are "really" from, implying they are not American.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[11:08 - 11:54]The speaker instead tells the agent they are a Twitch streamer, but the agent is unfamiliar with the term.

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[11:54 - 12:54]The agent then looks through the speaker's belongings and finds nothing suspicious.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[12:00 - 12:30]The agent asks the speaker about the TikTok ban and the speaker switches into political commentator mode to explain their views.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[12:30 - 13:59]The agent asks the speaker to come with him and the speaker avoids telling them they are a political commentator.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[12:54 - 13:38]The agent then questions the speaker's name and where they are "really" from, implying they are not American.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[13:59 - 15:35]The speaker and another person go snorkeling where they encounter large fish that frighten the speaker.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[15:08 - 16:58]The speaker learns that the fish are in a protected zone and are not afraid of humans.

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[16:18 - 17:48]The speaker also realizes that turtles can be aggressive and break their shells.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[16:58 - 17:30]The speaker and another person go snorkeling where they encounter large fish that frighten the speaker.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[17:48 - 18:07]The speaker and the other person have done a lot in a short amount of time and are tired.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[18:08 - 20:28]The speaker asks the other person to do an American accent, but they are only able to do one specific accent.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[18:22 - 18:28]The agent asks the speaker to come with him and the speaker avoids telling them they are a political commentator.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[18:28 - 18:53]The speaker asks the other person to do an American accent, but they are only able to do one specific accent.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[18:53 - 20:18]The conversation turns to how some autistic Australians have American accents, which the speaker imitates.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[20:29 - 21:08]The speaker and the other person have done a lot in a short amount of time and are tired.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[21:00 - 21:08]Person is talking about the best version of a song

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[21:08 - 21:14]The speaker and the other person are planning to travel to America.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[21:08 - 21:27]They are staying at someone's place and ask how long they plan on staying

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[21:28 - 23:24]They mention wanting to go to a prison radio and talk about gladiators in America

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[21:36 - 23:05]They mention how football is similar to gladiator fights and how players have shortened lifespans due to injuries

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[23:24 - 24:17]They suggest legalizing steroids in sports to improve performance

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[24:17 - 24:55]They discuss the benefits of using steroids and working out less

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[24:22 - 24:29]They mention how football is similar to gladiator fights and how players have shortened lifespans due to injuries

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[24:55 - 27:34]The person's room is described as "covered in trash" due to the person's belongings being unpacked

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[25:05 - 26:30]They talk about how they didn't realize their roommates didn't have a spare room and felt bad for taking up space

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[26:46 - 27:53]The person's room is described as "covered in trash" due to the person's belongings being unpacked

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[27:34 - 28:27]The person's roommates comment on the art piece and compare it to another art piece

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[27:53 - 27:58]They mention that they have a lot of communist propaganda in their room

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[28:15 - 29:09]They mention their girlfriend who inspired the art piece and how it's currently at a friend's house

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[28:27 - 31:51]The person's roommates comment on the art piece and compare it to another art piece

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[28:33 - 29:48]The person's roommates comment on the art piece and compare it to another art piece on the wall.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[29:25 - 30:02]They describe the process of creating an art piece using an old harp

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[29:48 - 32:29]They talk about taking care of plants and mention having a lot of shrubbery

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[30:03 - 30:09]Person is talking about the best version of a song

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[30:15 - 30:33]They describe the process of creating an art piece using an old harp

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[30:33 - 31:34]The person's roommates comment on the art piece and compare it to another art piece on the wall.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[30:38 - 30:50]They talk about taking care of plants and mention having a lot of shrubbery

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[31:34 - 31:40]The person's room is described as "covered in trash" due to the person's belongings being unpacked

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[32:04 - 32:12]They talk about taking care of plants and mention having a lot of shrubbery

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[32:29 - 32:57]They discuss their love for nature and how it can be conquered

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[32:57 - 34:52]They mention their girlfriend who inspired the art piece and how it's currently at a friend's house

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[33:06 - 34:24]They discuss their preference for brutalist architecture mixed with nature

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[33:12 - 33:49]They mention going off-roading and enjoying seeing power lines on mountaintops

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[34:24 - 34:36]They don't listen to any music except for that one song

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[34:54 - 35:22]The person's roommates comment on the art piece and compare it to another art piece on the wall.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[35:22 - 37:47]The group did not have much money, so they couldn't afford rabies injections when visiting China.

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[35:42 - 36:08]They were trying to break into the largest steel works in China, which had been closed due to pollution concerns during the Beijing Olympic Games.

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[36:18 - 38:32]The speaker was once exposed to rabies and got the injection for free, but the doctor messed up and gave them salt water instead.

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[38:39 - 41:39]The group also attended the dog-eating festival in China, which was controversial and brought in a lot of tourists.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[38:52 - 39:09]There were a lot of stray dogs in the factory, which made it scary to explore.

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[39:16 - 39:30]The speaker and their companions were in Beijing, China, exploring abandoned factories.

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[40:25 - 43:05]They tried dog meat and found it to be similar to lamb, but with more bones.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[41:39 - 42:07]They also discussed how pigs are considered cute and smart, but the speaker had a negative experience with a pig biting them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[41:52 - 42:58]Some people believed that eating dog meat could improve your sexual performance.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[42:19 - 42:36]The group also talked about the controversy surrounding eating dogs in other countries, such as Switzerland and Korea.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[43:05 - 43:41]They also discussed how pigs are considered cute and smart, but the speaker had a negative experience with a pig biting them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[43:41 - 45:30]The group also talked about the controversy surrounding eating dogs in other countries, such as Switzerland and Korea.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[45:30 - 46:32]The group also attended the dog-eating festival in China, which was controversial and brought in a lot of tourists.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[45:42 - 46:40]The group also talked about the controversy surrounding eating dogs in other countries, such as Switzerland and Korea.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[46:40 - 49:15]They also discussed how pigs are considered cute and smart, but the speaker had a negative experience with a pig biting them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[49:15 - 51:08]The speaker and his friends went to South Korea to investigate the dog meat industry.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[50:25 - 51:03]They tease an upcoming adventure that they plan to go on.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[51:08 - 52:47]The speaker admits to enjoying the taste of dog meat in China.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[51:46 - 52:05]The speaker and his friends went to South Korea to investigate the dog meat industry.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[52:52 - 53:54]The speaker admits to enjoying the taste of dog meat in China.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[53:55 - 56:21]The speaker and his friends went to South Korea to investigate the dog meat industry.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[54:03 - 55:12]Dog meat consumption has been on the decline in South Korea over the past three decades.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[55:22 - 56:01]The speaker and his friends went to South Korea to investigate the dog meat industry.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[56:01 - 58:13]The speaker met both left and right-wing people who were interested in their documentary.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[57:15 - 58:54]The speaker and his friends went to South Korea to investigate the dog meat industry.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[58:54 - 1.00:19]They tease an upcoming adventure that they plan to go on.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[59:17 - 59:46]The speaker met both left and right-wing people who were interested in their documentary.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ididathing & Boyboy Officially Join Fear&

[1.00:19 - 1.01:18]The speaker has a YouTube channel where he makes videos about various topics, including politics.