

Youtube profile pic for BEST OF SuperMegaCast: 95 - 99

BEST OF SuperMegaCast: 95 - 99

A youtube thumbnail wor BEST OF SuperMegaCast: 95 - 99

[00:04 - 00:09] The speaker calls out Elon Musk for not giving him a Tesla

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[00:09 - 00:20]He hopes that Musk is high and generous enough to give him one

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[01:56 - 02:14]They discuss making noises when getting up and moving as you get older

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[04:58 - 05:05]They talk about surviving in the ocean and eating each other

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[06:46 - 07:00]They mention a video of Ted Cruz being awkward with his family

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[07:28 - 07:50]The speaker does a Ted Cruz impression

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[07:28 - 07:50]Ted Cruz is compared to a gnome puppet and a character from an emoji movie

A youtube thumbnail wor BEST OF SuperMegaCast: 95 - 99

[00:04 - 07:50]The speaker discusses various topics including calling out Elon Musk, making noises when getting older, surviving in the ocean, and awkward videos of Ted Cruz with his family.

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[08:13 - 08:22]Ted Cruz's porn scandal and potential intern involvement

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[08:35 - 08:44]The possibility of Ted Cruz trying to appeal to Generation Z by learning how to skateboard

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[10:14 - 10:30]Discussion of YouTuber Nate Sharp and his appearance

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[11:24 - 11:32]Conversation about getting piercings and reactions from family

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[13:58 - 14:05]Dream about a strange Ed, Edd, and Eddy episode involving rape

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[14:20 - 14:26]Speculation about potentially pitching the idea to Cartoon Network

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[14:27 - 14:33]A final statement on PC culture and making bold moves

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[07:50 - 14:41]A humorous and ironic look at the dream and potential reaction to it from the public.

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[14:41 - 14:52] Main character has a dream about a resort island in Japan

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[15:14 - 15:19]Gets lost and ends up in a shanty part of the resort

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[15:38 - 15:51]Ends up at a boot camp with kids

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[16:05 - 16:11]Gets confronted by a man with a gun and gets shot in the leg

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[16:25 - 16:31]Escapes and finds himself in a pond with piranhas

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[16:38 - 16:44]Gets attacked by cacti and runs away

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[16:45 - 16:50]Returns to the resort and receives a call from a friend

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[17:20 - 17:28]Gets attacked by a robot that can't see him

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[17:28 - 17:35]Wakes up from the dream and shares it with a friend

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[17:46 - 17:52]Has a nightmare about a gray alien at his dad's house

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[19:34 - 19:40]Wakes up from the nightmare and has a hallucination in his apartment

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[20:05 - 20:12]Realizes how clean his butt is in Japan thanks to bidets

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[14:41 - 21:48]Main character has a dream about a resort island, gets lost and attacked, ends up at a boot camp, and gets shot by a man with a gun. Later has a nightmare about a gray alien and a hallucination in his apartment. Reflects on the cleanliness of his butt in Japan and records his friend's first bidet experience.

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[22:04 - 22:12]Person talks about trying out a bidet toilet

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[22:35 - 22:47]They joke about the name "bloomin onion" and discuss the innuendos associated with it

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[23:13 - 23:18]The person shares how they saw George Lopez live and his signature move

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[23:56 - 24:02]They discuss how they should do something special for their 100th podcast episode

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[24:23 - 24:37]They joke about releasing 99.1, 99.2, etc. and then finally releasing 100

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[25:46 - 25:53]They discuss a running gag involving Zach, who is now dead

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[26:29 - 26:34]They reference a joke from the show Family Guy involving gay pokemon

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[26:29 - 26:34]They discuss a new pokemon movie and its potential advertising during Pride Month

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[27:15 - 27:37]They joke about a possible gay version of Super Smash Brothers

A youtube thumbnail wor BEST OF SuperMegaCast: 95 - 99

[27:52 - 28:02]They discuss a YouTube channel called "Stupid" and its potential for a drunk show

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[28:02 - 28:17]They discuss the furthest the Simpsons could push with their content without getting cancelled

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[28:18 - 28:24]They mention a school shooting episode and the potential for cancellation

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[29:14 - 29:28]They discuss the worst things the Simpsons have done, including Homer getting raped by a panda and Hank getting raped by a dolphin

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[29:36 - 29:51]They joke about Bobby being raped by a dolphin and impersonate his voice

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[30:01 - 30:08]They discuss peanut butter and gelatin and the embarrassment of genitalia

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[30:15 - 30:28]They joke about being proud of their penis and use it as a metaphor for their stepson

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[21:48 - 30:28]Person discusses trying out a bidet toilet, jokes about innuendos, references a show they saw live, and discusses plans for their 100th podcast episode. They also joke about releasing multiple 99 episodes before finally releasing 100. They discuss various topics including a running gag, gay pokemon, a potential gay version of Super Smash Brothers, and a YouTube channel. They also mention the furthest the Simpsons could push with their content and discuss the worst things the show has done. The conversation ends with a discussion about peanut butter, being proud of one's genitalia, and using it as a metaphor for their stepson.

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[30:30 - 30:50] Narrator mentions being proud of his penis and referencing "penis pride"

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[30:50 - 31:04]Offers a discount for first-time purchasers and guarantees satisfaction

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[31:05 - 31:10]Also mentions Me Undies and their softness, as well as their referral program

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[32:14 - 32:21]Talks about ass hair and advises against shaving it, but mentions a way to remove it with hands

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[33:44 - 33:53]Narrator and friend discuss cleaning teeth with fingernails and other hygiene habits

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[35:32 - 35:40]Narrator and friend joke about accidentally causing Tucker's death

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[35:47 - 36:05]Narrator tells a story about a friend named Tucker who died in a balloon accident

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[36:23 - 36:41]Narrator shares a personal experience of his underwear ripping and his genitals being exposed

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[30:30 - 37:38]The narrator discusses various topics, including penis pride, Me Undies, hygiene habits, and a friend's death, ultimately sharing a personal experience of his underwear ripping and exposing his genitals.