

Youtube profile pic for We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[00:36 - 00:43] Host introduces special guest, Kaleipi Mori, from the first generation of Hololive English.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[05:40 - 05:46]Kaleipi explains the meaning behind her name and her involvement in Hololive as a VTuber.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[05:40 - 05:46]The conversation shifts to the popularity and growth of Hololive English.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[06:07 - 06:14]They discuss the unique collaboration between 2D and 3D on Trash Taste.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[06:42 - 06:47]Kaleipi talks about her music and her skill in "spitting flames" (rap).

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[06:53 - 07:00]Host asks for Kaleipi's opinion on "simps" (fans who idolize and support VTubers).

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[07:01 - 07:07]The boys (Sea Dog and the anime man) ask questions about VTubing, including whether 2D anime girls poop.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[07:01 - 07:07]The conversation ends with a joke about Kaleipi's name and her being a "cute anime girl."

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[07:13 - 07:19]Kaleipi reveals she does not know if 2D anime girls poop, but as a death god, she does not have to.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[07:13 - 07:19]The boys tease Kaleipi about being bad at video games, specifically Doom Eternal.

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[07:13 - 07:19]Kaleipi defends herself, saying she is improving and enjoys the rush of gaming.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[00:00 - 07:19]Host introduces VTuber Kaleipi Mori and asks questions about VTubing, including whether 2D anime girls poop. They discuss the growth of Hololive English and the unique collaboration between 2D and 3D on Trash Taste. They also touch on Kaleipi's music and gaming skills. The conversation ends with a joke about Kaleipi being a "cute anime girl."

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[07:19 - 07:26]Speaker states they will answer question about knowing/not knowing something

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[07:39 - 07:49]They discuss their opinion on simps and shrimps

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[07:50 - 08:03]They mention throwing rainbows at them during streaming

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[09:03 - 09:12]Speaker talks about meeting Hololive English members before and after debut

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[10:30 - 10:35]They mention getting lucky with the personalities of the group

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[10:35 - 10:41]Question about which Hololive member would fit the speaker, who is similar to Tyler1

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[11:24 - 11:32]Speaker talks about looking up to their senpai and doing research before debut

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[11:59 - 12:06]They name specific Hololive members they enjoy, including musical senpai

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[13:24 - 13:30]Speaker suggests Amelia Watson for a chaotic, toxic gamer type

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[13:24 - 13:30]Speaker suggests Amelia Watson again

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[07:19 - 14:12]Chronological summary of speaker's experiences with Hololive and Vtubing, including meeting Hololive English members before debut, doing research, and looking up to their senpai. They also mention their opinion on simps and shrimps, and suggest Amelia Watson as a good fit for someone who enjoys chaotic, toxic gamers like Tyler1.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[14:12 - 14:20] The speaker discusses the different layers of their interests, including finding random Twitter clips and getting YouTube recommendations.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[14:31 - 14:36]They mention watching Vtuber clips and getting recommendations for more Vtuber content.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[15:03 - 15:09]They recommend watching a specific Vtuber's debut stream as a starting point.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[15:21 - 15:29]They mention feeling nervous and overwhelmed during their debut stream.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[15:39 - 15:45]The speaker talks about their own debut stream, which had 60,000 viewers.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[17:17 - 17:22]The speaker talks about their decision to become a streamer and the potential for showcasing their music.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[20:15 - 20:23]They mention participating in a rap competition and being inspired by others in the underworld rap scene.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[20:46 - 20:55]The speaker advises to keep practicing and not giving up, even if starting out as a beginner.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[20:55 - 21:02]The best advice for learning any skill is to keep trying.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[14:12 - 21:02]The speaker discusses their interest in Vtuber content, their own debut stream, and their decision to become a streamer and showcase their music. They also mention participating in a rap competition and offer advice to keep practicing and not giving up in order to improve and learn new skills.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[21:02 - 21:13] The speaker talks about their experience with rapping and making YouTube videos.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[21:19 - 21:29]They mention feeling embarrassed about their early work, but feeling proud of their recent work.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[21:35 - 21:41]The speaker talks about an annual event called the "anti-tune cipher" where anti-tubers would rap against each other.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[22:13 - 22:19]They mention being tagged multiple times and joining in with their own bars.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[24:01 - 24:07]They mention having a distinct style and being nervous about how it would be received.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[24:15 - 24:30]The speaker talks about their debut stream and how they were nervous to share their first song.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[25:14 - 25:25]The speaker talks about their influences in both Japanese and Western rap, including Sheena Ringo and Eminem.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[27:26 - 27:32]They mention checking the whole life subreddit and enjoying the memes, particularly a reaction image of themselves.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[27:57 - 28:02]The speaker mentions doing a variety of streams.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[21:02 - 28:02]The speaker talks about their experience with rapping and making YouTube videos, including being embarrassed about their early work and feeling proud of their recent work. They also mention participating in an annual rap event and being tagged multiple times, as well as being nervous about sharing their first song on their debut stream. They discuss their influences in both Japanese and Western rap, as well as enjoying memes on the whole life subreddit and doing a variety of streams.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[28:02 - 28:09]The speaker mentions seeing the subject do various types of streams, including drinking streams, Doom, and Q&A sessions.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[28:09 - 28:18]They ask the subject about their favorite type of stream and favorite content they have made.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[28:25 - 28:33]The subject mentions enjoying streams where they can talk to chat and talk about their own experiences.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[28:33 - 28:38]They also mention never running out of things to talk about.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[28:56 - 29:18]The speaker brings up the subject's frequent drinking on streams, and the subject explains that it helps them relax and come up with topics to talk about.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[30:08 - 30:18]The subject mentions enjoying watching other Vtubers, particularly musicians, but is too busy to watch streams regularly.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[30:57 - 31:05]They explain their busy schedule, which includes working three jobs and practicing scythe swinging.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[31:29 - 31:36]The subject admits to not having much energy for streaming, which is why they often drink during streams.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[32:26 - 32:32]The speaker asks about the subject's typical day, and they mention working three jobs and practicing scythe swinging before streaming.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[32:44 - 32:57]The speaker asks if the subject sees themselves as an idol, and they explain their previous negative attitude towards idols and how it changed after meeting a certain Vtuber.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[32:58 - 33:12]The subject is still trying to figure out how they view themselves as a public figure.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[33:44 - 33:50]They clarify that they are not entirely sure what gacha events are about.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[33:44 - 33:50]The speaker asks about the subject's energy levels during streams, and the subject explains that they often have to switch to drinking to keep up the energy.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[34:18 - 34:38]The speaker asks about the subject's views on idols, and they explain their previous negative attitude and how it changed after meeting a particularly kind and talented Vtuber.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[34:38 - 34:48]The subject gives a shout out to a particular Vtuber who changed their mind about idols and mentions attending gacha events.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[28:02 - 34:59]The speaker and subject discuss various topics, including the subject's favorite types of streams, their busy schedule, and their views on idols. The subject mentions their previous negative attitude towards idols, which changed after meeting a particular Vtuber. They also mention frequently drinking during streams to keep up their energy levels.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[35:00 - 35:10] The speaker discusses their experience with the gacha and competing for sponsorships.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[35:51 - 36:01]They mention the intense competition and streaming culture surrounding these events.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[38:12 - 38:17]The speaker discusses their past as an underground rapper and how some people still bring it up to them.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[39:01 - 39:08]They talk about initially not understanding the VTuber culture but gaining respect for it through watching a fellow VTuber's hard work.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[39:48 - 39:53]The speaker reflects on how they enjoy both their previous and current paths, and reminds listeners to not be an "asshole."

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[40:01 - 40:14]The speaker reflects on their own journey to becoming a VTuber and how they auditioned for Hololive just for fun.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[40:21 - 40:29]They feel guilty for auditioning without telling their friends, but their friends are happy for them when they get in.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[35:00 - 41:34]Overall, the speaker has gained a newfound respect for idols and enjoys their current role as a VTuber.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[41:35 - 41:40]The speaker is discussing their friendship with someone and how they are happy for them.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[41:55 - 42:01]They talk about how they will have to buy drinks when they reunite.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[42:11 - 42:16]The speaker has only been doing this job for a month and plans to continue for a while.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[42:48 - 42:54]They have a five-year plan which includes releasing an album and possibly getting a 3D body.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[43:46 - 43:51]They discuss their previous opinions on Vtubers and their own introverted nature.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[43:51 - 43:57]The speaker mentions the upcoming 3D debuts for Vtubers.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[44:54 - 45:10]The speaker admits they have had to learn to talk about themselves and promote themselves.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[47:19 - 47:24]They mention some issues they have with chat, including people trying to trick them into saying things.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[48:17 - 48:24]The speaker also mentions technical difficulties.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[41:35 - 48:24]Overall, the speaker discusses their experiences and challenges as a Vtuber.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[48:24 - 48:31] Speaker talks about improving their PC specs over time

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[48:31 - 48:41]They receive a lot of feedback they can't change

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[51:19 - 51:25]They eventually order a new PC build and discover their friend has been using a low-quality graphics card for five years

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[53:02 - 53:07]The speaker had a similar experience due to growing up mainly as a console gamer

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[53:07 - 53:13]Speaker and friend discuss favorite consoles

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[54:19 - 54:27]Sponsorship for Mac Weldon is mentioned and its qualities and loyalty program are detailed

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[48:24 - 55:27]Speaker discusses their experience improving their PC specs, receiving feedback they can't change, and discovering their friend has been using a low-quality graphics card for five years. They also mention their background as a console gamer and a sponsorship for Mac Weldon.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[55:46 - 55:57]The speaker discusses a deal from a sponsor, Mac Weldon, for 20% off first order

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[56:34 - 56:41]They talk about their favorite console being GameCube and how their friend had a rich dad who had all the consoles

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[58:12 - 58:19]They mention wanting to play Bloodborne with Ina and wanting to get a Neo Geo console

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[58:19 - 58:25]The speaker talks about their love for Bloodborne and Dark Souls games

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[59:29 - 59:35]The discussion turns to skipping cutscenes in video games and the balance between story and gameplay in games like Ghost of Tsushima

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.01:48 - 1.01:57]The speaker mentions being a PC gamer and not owning a PlayStation, but still wanting to get a PS5

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[55:27 - 1.02:22]The speaker discusses a sponsor deal, their favorite console, favorite games, and their setup as a gamer and streamer. They also mention wanting to play games with friends and the balance between story and gameplay in their favorite games.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.02:22 - 1.02:28]Journey with streaming games: Started with a gamer laptop that couldn't handle streaming

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.03:29 - 1.03:37]Bought a game capture device and used it with console for streaming

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.03:59 - 1.04:07]Realized need for a new PC for streaming and got one

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.04:14 - 1.04:21]Limited space in apartment for new setup with mouse on top of PC tower

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.05:12 - 1.05:18]Moving to a new, bigger apartment with new desk and setup

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.05:52 - 1.06:09]Difficulties as a reaper in finding an apartment in Japan

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.06:53 - 1.06:58]Current apartment has 4 bedrooms but only uses 2

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.07:57 - 1.08:13]Current apartment has a tatami room and Sydney accidentally stained it with Red Bull

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.08:22 - 1.08:28]Tatami rooms can be difficult for foreigners to deal with

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.08:49 - 1.08:56]Previous experience living in a tatami room with water damage and crumbling walls

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.08:56 - 1.09:05]Hung wet clothing to dry in the house and caused more damage

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.02:22 - 1.09:19]The speaker shares their journey with streaming games, starting with a gamer laptop that couldn't handle streaming and eventually getting a new PC. They also discuss difficulties as a reaper in finding an apartment in Japan and their experience living in a tatami room. They are currently moving to a new, bigger apartment with a new setup.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.09:20 - 1.09:28]Speaker discusses waking up to a strange smell in their home.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.09:28 - 1.09:33]They discover a dark spot on the tatami mat and realize it was probably a mouse.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.09:45 - 1.09:51]The speaker talks about their experience sleeping on a futon in a tatami mat room and how comfortable it is.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.11:22 - 1.11:31]They mention being an anime fan and list some of their favorite anime, including Dr. Stone and Made in Abyss.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.11:22 - 1.11:31]The speaker also talks about meeting the composer of the Made in Abyss soundtrack and their disappointment with the tournament arc in Dr. Stone.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.13:24 - 1.13:30]They mention enjoying anime from the 2010s, including their favorite show Gurren Lagan.

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[1.13:57 - 1.14:03]The speaker and interviewer discuss their favorite anime and the golden age of anime.

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[1.14:49 - 1.14:55]The speaker and interviewer discuss the impact of Madoka Monika on the magical girl genre and their experience watching it.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.15:33 - 1.15:38]They briefly mention their binge-watching habits when they first got into anime.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.09:20 - 1.16:12]Speaker discusses their experience waking up to a strange smell, their love for sleeping on a futon in a tatami mat room, and their favorite anime including Dr. Stone, Made in Abyss, and Gurren Lagan. They also discuss the impact of Madoka Monika on the magical girl genre and their binge-watching habits when they first got into anime.

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[1.16:24 - 1.16:32]The speaker is discussing their preference for longer YouTube videos over shorter anime episodes.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.17:03 - 1.17:12]They mention being too busy to watch anime in the past and now struggling to watch dubbed versions.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.17:13 - 1.17:20]They clarify that they do not dislike all dubbed versions, just some.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.19:26 - 1.19:38]The speaker talks about their interest in music production and the challenges they face in producing high-quality music.

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[1.19:38 - 1.19:45]They discuss their collaboration with a music producer named Kaze, who specializes in dojin music.

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[1.23:12 - 1.23:20]They mention that their background includes studying comics and animation in reaper school.

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[1.23:34 - 1.23:40]The speaker concludes by stating that their focus shifted to music and that they are self-taught in many of their skills.

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[1.16:12 - 1.23:40]Overall, the speaker discusses their experience with watching anime, their love for longer YouTube videos, and their collaboration with a music producer. They also mention their background in comics and animation and their shift towards music.

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[1.23:41 - 1.23:49] The speaker realized their true passion for music after finishing their schooling.

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[1.24:02 - 1.24:09]They reflect on the common experience of going to university to figure out what they don't want to do.

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[1.24:59 - 1.25:05]The speaker wants to try many different things, but worries about spreading themselves too thin.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.25:11 - 1.25:20]Being a v-tuber has affected their schedule and they only sleep for 4 hours a night.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.27:19 - 1.27:30]They discuss the potential dangers of advanced voice synthesizers and deep fakes.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.29:44 - 1.29:50]The speaker reveals they simp for YouTuber Critical.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.30:29 - 1.30:38]Critical DMs them after their Jojo conversation, showing his interest in coming on the podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.23:41 - 1.30:38]In summary, the speaker discusses their late realization of their true passion, the uncertainty of university, the desire to try new things, the impact of being a v-tuber, and their admiration for YouTuber Critical.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.30:38 - 1.30:44]The speaker apologizes for not having seen something on their list.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.30:52 - 1.31:04]They mention watching videos with someone named Jojo and feeling honored to work with actors they found.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.31:04 - 1.31:10]The speaker mentions wanting to watch the show and being promised to do so.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.31:10 - 1.31:21]They joke about the show being a cult and mention Trash Taste.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.31:31 - 1.31:37]The speaker suggests getting someone to do voice acting and dubbing anime scenes.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.31:37 - 1.31:46]There is talk about collaborating on the "wrapping side of things."

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.32:15 - 1.32:21]The speaker mentions trying to get the attention of someone who recently hit a high number of views on their debut song.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.36:44 - 1.36:50]The speaker mentions hanging out off stream with other members and occasionally discussing business.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.36:50 - 1.37:00]They joke about how people assume relationships between virtual YouTubers.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.37:30 - 1.37:37]They mention being bad at approaching and being in their own lane.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.30:38 - 1.37:37]The speaker discusses their interest in watching a show and being promised to do so. They joke about the show being a cult and mention Trash Taste. There is talk about collaborating on the "wrapping side of things." The speaker mentions trying to get the attention of someone who recently hit a high number of views on their debut song. They joke about how people assume relationships between virtual YouTubers. The speaker mentions hanging out off stream with other members and occasionally discussing business. They mention being bad at approaching and being in their own lane. The speaker is interested in being a virtual YouTuber in the future.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.37:38 - 1.37:43]The speaker is concerned about whether or not people like them

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.37:44 - 1.37:53]They mention contacting someone and dealing with a potential negative situation

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.37:44 - 1.37:53]They express a desire to not know if someone dislikes them

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.37:53 - 1.37:59]The speaker mentions struggling with YouTube and approaching others

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.37:59 - 1.38:09]They reveal that they have not met any of the members of a group called "whole live Japan"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.38:57 - 1.39:03]The speaker discusses cultural cross pollination and mentions Japanese fans

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.40:48 - 1.40:53]They mention translated clips and thank translators

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.41:37 - 1.41:53]The speaker explains their move to Japan and their love for Japanese music and friends

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.42:23 - 1.42:36]They talk about their initial struggles and culture shock

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.43:16 - 1.43:23]The speaker mentions making progress with their Japanese language skills

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.43:16 - 1.43:23]The speaker discusses the success of streams where Japanese people speak English

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.44:22 - 1.44:29]Other people find their attempts at speaking Japanese endearing

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.37:38 - 1.45:10]The speaker discusses their concerns about being liked and mentions their move to Japan where they have been struggling but making progress with the language. They also mention cultural cross pollination and thank translators for their work.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.45:16 - 1.45:24] The speaker discusses the endearing imperfections of the Japanese language and how they are perceived by non-native speakers.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.45:47 - 1.46:00]They then talk about their experiences with being mistaken for Japanese and how it can be both flattering and condescending.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.47:04 - 1.47:11]The conversation moves on to the concept of "Hongo Josu," or being good at Japanese, and how it is often used as a compliment for foreigners attempting to speak the language.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.50:09 - 1.50:15]The speaker shares their frustration with being constantly mistaken for being fluent in Japanese and having to deal with the NHK man, who collects fees for owning a TV in Japan.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.50:50 - 1.51:00]The speaker and their guest briefly discuss the game and its plot before moving on to another topic.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.51:10 - 1.51:15]They briefly mention a playthrough they did of a game called "Mad Father" and their love for RPG maker games.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.45:11 - 1.52:17]The speakers discuss their experiences with the Japanese language, including being mistaken for being fluent and dealing with the NHK man, before briefly discussing a game they both enjoy.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.52:17 - 1.52:32] A girl's mother has died and she is living in a mansion with her father and his mistress.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.52:32 - 1.52:39]The girl experiences flashbacks and realizes there is a curse on the house.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.52:51 - 1.52:59]Reanimated corpses and jump scares are encountered.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.52:59 - 1.53:05]The game is a classic RPG maker horror game with puzzles and a story.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.52:59 - 1.53:05]Other notable RPG maker horror games mentioned include: Wadda Nohara, Crooked Man series, Eve, Witch's House, Pocket Mirrors.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.53:05 - 1.53:11]There are some "scuff" parts that add to the charm of the game.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.57:40 - 1.57:54]The speaker has played and enjoyed many RPG maker horror games and also explored projects on the RPG maker forums.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.57:40 - 1.57:54]The speaker commends the passion and talent of RPG maker game developers, including translators.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.58:26 - 1.58:38]The speaker particularly remembers a janky game called "Desert Nightmare."

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.52:17 - 1.59:34]Overall, the speaker enjoys the campy and sometimes scary nature of RPG maker horror games.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.59:34 - 1.59:40] The speaker discusses playing the game "Super Hexagon" repeatedly in an attempt to beat the hardest level

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.59:40 - 1.59:47]They describe the game as a "visual crack game" and "epilepsy, the game"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[2.00:07 - 2.00:14]The speaker also mentions other similar games like "Geometry Dash" and "The Impossible Game"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[2.01:18 - 2.01:25]They mention a recurring character in their streams named "Ghost Writer" who appears in super chats

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[2.02:33 - 2.02:42]They mention their streaming schedule and time zone differences

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[2.02:52 - 2.03:03]The speaker promotes their streams and music under the name "Mori Calliope"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[2.04:09 - 2.04:19]The hosts thank the speaker for being their first 2D guest

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[2.04:56 - 2.05:07]They discuss merging the hololive and Trash Taste subreddit communities

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[2.05:29 - 2.05:35]The speaker expresses interest in returning as a guest in the future

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[2.05:58 - 2.06:04]A humorous suggestion is made to do a premiere of the episode for sim money

A youtube thumbnail wor We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

[1.59:34 - 2.06:04]The speaker discusses playing "Super Hexagon" and similar games, mentions a recurring character in their streams, promotes their streams and music, and expresses interest in returning as a guest in the future. The hosts thank the speaker for being their first 2D guest and discuss merging the hololive and Trash Taste subreddit communities.