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SuperMegaCast - EP 249: Give Us Epic Music Game!

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[00:08 - 00:17]Introduction to Super Mega Cast episode 249

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[00:23 - 00:29]Discussion of the high number of episodes and the concept of numbers being crazy

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[02:14 - 02:20]Mention of upcoming content and projects

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[02:14 - 02:20]Description of the filming process for a music video and vlog

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[02:14 - 02:20]Plans for editing and releasing the music video

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[03:03 - 03:08]Excitement for completing the projects and releasing them

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[05:15 - 05:26]Discussion of filming on a boat and running out of gas

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[07:05 - 07:14]Mention of Sea of Thieves and the new addition of Captain Jack Sparrow

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[07:24 - 07:36]Discussion of battle passes and their use in various games

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[00:00 - 08:06]Summary of the episode's topics and discussions

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[08:06 - 08:29]People are introduced in the air, on the ground, and in buildings in a new Battlefield game

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[09:24 - 09:34]The multiplayer gameplay looks great with baked lighting and various game modes

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[10:25 - 10:40]The game features weather changes like sandstorms and tornadoes

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[11:12 - 11:30]They mention upcoming games, such as a new Metroid game and the 40th anniversary of Donkey Kong

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[11:35 - 11:54]Nintendo drops big announcements throughout the year, not just at E3

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[13:40 - 13:49]The hosts discuss their ages and how they have changed since starting SuperMega

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[14:45 - 14:50]They talk about their experience with school and how they did not apply themselves as much as they could have

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[15:27 - 15:50]They joke about their audience potentially being criminals who have gotten away with theft or murder

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[16:01 - 16:06]The hosts share anecdotes of their own minor crimes, such as stealing a cookie and a can of Pringles

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[08:06 - 16:17]The hosts talk about the new Battlefield game, upcoming games, their ages, and their experiences with school and minor crimes. They also joke about their audience potentially being criminals.

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[21:54 - 22:15]June 15th marks the day that most places in California have taken down the mask ordinance.

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[22:24 - 22:29]The mask ordinance is now up to individual businesses to enforce.

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[22:54 - 23:05]Restaurants and bars are now open at full capacity.

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[23:11 - 23:28]Some areas outside of restaurants have been approved to remain open permanently.

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[23:11 - 23:28]June 15th marked the end of the California mask ordinance and the return to some form of normalcy.

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[23:33 - 23:45]California businesses must follow specific laws and regulations, making it difficult to make changes to their establishments.

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[23:33 - 23:45]California businesses must go through a lengthy process to make changes to their establishments.

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[24:05 - 24:15]Businesses can now offer cocktails to go, which was previously not allowed.

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[16:17 - 24:15]On June 15th, California ended their mask ordinance, allowing businesses to decide whether to enforce masks. Businesses in California face strict laws and regulations, but can now offer cocktails to go and keep outdoor seating areas permanently.

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[24:15 - 24:20] Uber and Lyft were not picking up due to lack of demand for rides during pandemic

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[24:20 - 24:52]People were ordering more food, leading to an increase in food delivery services

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[24:20 - 24:52]Uber rides in LA often make the speaker carsick due to inexperienced drivers and lack of AC

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[25:43 - 25:53]The speaker once rode in the trunk of a car and enjoyed the experience

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[28:05 - 28:14]The speaker wants to make their fingers stronger for playing guitar

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[28:41 - 28:50]The speaker's friend had a guitar game that taught how to play real guitar

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[29:40 - 29:48]Rock band and guitar hero were popular games for the speaker

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[29:48 - 29:58]The speaker's mom worked for the government and they would occasionally receive gifts

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[30:14 - 30:22]The speaker thinks a new version of rock band or guitar hero would be successful

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[30:42 - 31:20]The speaker has a podcast guest coming on in August who will be a surprise

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[31:29 - 31:37]The speaker has a memory of a "nickel pack" for rock band

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[31:42 - 31:52]Licensing music for games like rock band can be expensive, especially for popular bands like The Beatles

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[31:42 - 31:52]Most of the budget for rock band games goes towards licensing music

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[31:52 - 32:10]The game itself is not difficult to make

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[24:15 - 32:10]During the pandemic, ridesharing services were lacking demand while food delivery services increased. The speaker often gets carsick while using Uber in LA. They have a desire to make their fingers stronger for playing guitar and have memories of playing rock band and guitar hero. The speaker's mom worked for the government and occasionally received gifts. They believe a new version of these games would be successful. A podcast guest is coming on in August. Licensing music for games like rock band can be expensive, with most of the budget going towards this expense. However, the game itself is not difficult to make.

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[32:10 - 32:20] Discussion about programmers and their role in creating games

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[32:25 - 32:59]Mention of guitar hero and the desire for custom songs and a multiplayer option

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[32:59 - 33:10]Idea for a custom games browser and a battle pass system

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[33:10 - 33:36]Speculation about why games like Guitar Hero may have stopped being made

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[38:31 - 38:43]Discussion about the music industry and its negative impact on artists and listeners

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[38:31 - 38:43]The negative impact of the music industry on artists and listeners through its exploitative practices.

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[39:15 - 39:27]Mention of Taylor Swift and her public relationships

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[39:41 - 40:05]The negative effects of monetizing personal relationships and heartbreak in the music industry.

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[40:30 - 40:40]Discussion on the negative effects of public breakups, particularly for celebrities and the role of fan bases

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[40:30 - 40:40]The overall negative impact of public breakups due to the added scrutiny and pressure from the public

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[40:30 - 40:40]The negative impact of public breakups, particularly for celebrities, due to the added scrutiny and pressure from the public and fan bases.

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[32:10 - 40:40]The overall negative impact of the music industry on artists and listeners, including its exploitative practices and the negative effects of monetizing personal relationships and heartbreak.

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[40:40 - 41:03]Speaker discusses the public scrutiny surrounding their recent breakup and how it relates to the celebrity gossip industry.

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[41:26 - 41:34]The speaker mentions using personal experiences for financial gain, particularly in the entertainment industry.

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[41:45 - 41:56]They acknowledge the difficulty of being a public figure and maintaining privacy in relationships.

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[41:45 - 41:56]They highlight the pressure for celebrities to date other celebrities, but also acknowledge the challenges of dating within their own circles.

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[44:44 - 45:01]The speaker references the controversy surrounding Jerry Seinfeld dating a high schooler and Quentin Tarantino defending Roman Polanski's actions.

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[45:54 - 46:02]They mention hanging out with Dream and joking about making money off of the LGBTQ community.

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[47:18 - 47:36]The speaker mentions throwing away their "normal pills" and discusses the stigma surrounding mental health and medication.

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[48:51 - 49:01]Repressed trauma and not dealing with mental health issues can lead to PTSD.

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[49:32 - 49:39]They briefly mention their grandfather's PTSD from being in Vietnam.

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[40:40 - 49:39]The speaker discusses the public scrutiny of their breakup, the challenges of being a celebrity, using personal experiences for financial gain, controversies surrounding dating within the industry, hanging out with Dream, and the stigma of mental health and medication. They also mention their grandfather's PTSD and the link between trauma, mental health, and PTSD.

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[49:39 - 49:46] America takes care of veterans who have fought in wars

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[50:16 - 50:34]War is not like the movies, it is gruesome and traumatic

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[50:16 - 50:34]Soldiers have to push aside their emotions to survive

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[50:34 - 50:46]Coming back to normal life is difficult after experiencing war

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[51:03 - 51:21]Firefighters also have to deal with traumatic and gruesome situations

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[52:53 - 53:00]Medication can be helpful, but also has its drawbacks

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[53:15 - 53:21]Honesty with doctors is important when dealing with anxiety and depression

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[55:42 - 55:56]Antidepressants can make a person feel "straight"

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[56:37 - 56:55]The Onion has a funny video about "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

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[56:55 - 57:07]Veterans and firefighters deserve proper care and support

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[57:07 - 57:12]Viewer interpretation is important

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[57:12 - 57:31]Gays should be allowed in the military

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[57:31 - 57:37]Free will allows for different opinions and perspectives

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[49:39 - 57:37]War is a traumatic and gruesome experience that can have lasting effects on soldiers and firefighters. Honesty with doctors is important when dealing with mental health and medication, and popular media often portrays a false image of war. The Onion's satire highlights the absurdity of excluding gays from the military, and personal beliefs and opinions should not dictate the care and support given to those who have sacrificed for their country.

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[57:37 - 57:42] No, they didn't do something

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[57:37 - 57:42] No, they didn't do something

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 249: Give Us Epic Music Game!

[57:37 - 57:42] No, they didn't do something

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 249: Give Us Epic Music Game!

[57:37 - 57:42] No, they didn't do something

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 249: Give Us Epic Music Game!

[57:37 - 57:42] No, they didn't do something

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[57:37 - 57:42]The overall message is that fate plays a role in our lives, but we also have the power to make our own choices.