

Youtube profile pic for He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[00:00 - 01:03]Two people were talking about someone calling their dad about a Jetta and a knife purchase

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[00:52 - 03:49]They talk about the culture of having a car in high school

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[03:34 - 09:26]They mention a bet about becoming pescatarian and dressing up in animal costumes

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[06:42 - 08:10]They discuss a song about a team that has been through tough times

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[07:26 - 10:53]They mention a bet about becoming pescatarian and dressing up in animal costumes

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[10:54 - 12:37]They discuss a tweet from Twitch featuring a bald streamer and make jokes about bald people

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[12:37 - 15:37]One person makes a controversial reply to the tweet involving a graphic image and they debate whether it was too far

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[14:06 - 15:29]They change the subject to a girl named Sam who they saw on the bus in high school

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[15:06 - 16:01]The speaker and their friends discuss the consequences of their actions, particularly when it comes to online interactions.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[15:12 - 16:14]They change the subject to skiing in the desert.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[15:24 - 16:14]They describe the incident in which they posted a screenshot of a ski mask and sent it to someone, just to be funny.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[15:37 - 16:56]The speaker acknowledges that they have a tendency to challenge authority figures, whether it be companies, governments, or cops.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[16:29 - 17:43]The speaker and their friends discuss the consequences of their actions, particularly when it comes to online interactions.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[17:43 - 20:22]They share examples of instances where they have told someone to kill themselves in the heat of the moment, but ultimately regretted it.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[17:53 - 18:30]The speaker acknowledges that they have a tendency to challenge authority figures, whether it be companies, governments, or cops.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[19:02 - 22:18]They share examples of instances where they have told someone to kill themselves in the heat of the moment, but ultimately regretted it.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[19:43 - 22:45]The speaker and their friends discuss the consequences of their actions, particularly when it comes to online interactions.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[22:46 - 24:48]The speaker reflects on how online interactions can bring out the worst in people and how it differs from real life interactions.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[24:48 - 26:03]The speaker acknowledges that they have a tendency to challenge authority figures, whether it be companies, governments, or cops.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[26:09 - 27:23]The speaker reflects on how online interactions can bring out the worst in people and how it differs from real life interactions.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[27:23 - 29:16]The speaker also shares a personal experience of being asked to speak in a "British" accent by someone who does not understand the concept of British English.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[27:33 - 28:02]While shopping for the beer, a woman who appeared to be on drugs entered the store.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[28:02 - 29:32]The woman approached the group and asked for a shave poodle and then asked the speaker to speak in a British accent, thinking he was British.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[29:33 - 32:36]Later, the speaker realized his mistake and felt embarrassed.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[29:42 - 30:54]The speaker had a conversation with someone who was moving to Malibu, but he thought they were talking about Miami.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[30:38 - 31:51]The group won an award for their work on Mogul Moves.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[31:02 - 31:26]The speaker had a conversation with someone who was moving to Malibu, but he thought they were talking about Miami.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[31:51 - 32:47]Later, the speaker realized his mistake and felt embarrassed.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[32:47 - 33:18]The speaker and his coworker, XQC, had a nice moment while walking to work together.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[33:18 - 37:16]The speaker interviewed someone for his gig and felt a little nervous, but it went well.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[35:27 - 37:00]The coworker's girlfriend is also a streamer and they both stream from home.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[37:16 - 39:25]The speaker traveled to Texas and got food poisoning, causing him to have a fever dream where he believed moving in slow motion would heal him.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[38:23 - 40:08]The speaker was able to attend the Streamer Awards and had a good time.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[38:30 - 38:35]The speaker believes that XQC would have had a good chance of killing him if he was sick and tried to attack him.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[39:25 - 40:08]No one at the time was expecting Pesca to win, but he didn't need it anyway

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[39:32 - 39:52]The interviewers were nervous, despite not being able to see the audience

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[39:32 - 40:39]The speaker interviewed someone for his gig and felt a little nervous, but it went well.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[40:08 - 40:39]There was a discussion about potential energy and it's relation to kinetic energy

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[40:41 - 40:51]Later, the speaker realized his mistake and felt embarrassed.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[40:41 - 40:51]The group discussed his motives and compared him to other forms of media

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[40:51 - 40:58]The interviewers were nervous, despite not being able to see the audience

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[40:59 - 41:16]There was a conversation about bridging the gap between different types of streamers

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[41:16 - 42:41]The interviewers were nervous, despite not being able to see the audience

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[42:41 - 43:33]A person in a Boba Fett mask was causing a disturbance and asking for a picture with a specific streamer

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[43:33 - 45:03]The group discussed his motives and compared him to other forms of media

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[43:58 - 44:52]The person causing the disturbance was identified as someone who had previously gained fame for a controversial statement at a sports game

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[45:03 - 45:55]The group discussed his motives and compared him to other forms of media

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[45:32 - 45:39]They decided to do a unique ad read where they would pass the speaking role to each other by saying "pop"

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[45:55 - 46:42]The person causing the disturbance was identified as someone who had previously gained fame for a controversial statement at a sports game

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[46:06 - 46:36]They play a game about the speaker's previous digital purchases

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[46:20 - 46:42]The dad is supportive of the purchase

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[46:42 - 47:01]They decided to do a unique ad read where they would pass the speaking role to each other by saying "pop"

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[46:42 - 48:11]They call the speaker's dad to tell him about the purchase

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[47:01 - 47:51]The ad read was for a meal delivery service with 34 options each week.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[47:01 - 49:02]If the value goes up, the speaker will keep the knife

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[49:03 - 49:47]The speaker bought the knife for a video game called CS Go

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[49:12 - 50:15]They make a bet on the future value of the knife in one year

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[49:48 - 52:14]They call the speaker's dad to tell him about the purchase

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[50:15 - 51:09]The speaker bought the knife for a video game called CS Go

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[51:50 - 54:15]They call the speaker's dad to tell him about the purchase

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[52:44 - 54:38]The speakers discuss buying a knife in a video game for $14,000

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[54:38 - 55:41]The dad is supportive of the purchase

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[55:19 - 56:40]The speaker bought an NFT apartment for $950

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[56:40 - 58:38]They make a bet on the future value of the knife in one year

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[56:45 - 56:52]The speaker also invested in Ethereum

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[56:52 - 59:52]If the value goes down, the speaker will buy the other speakers 100 CS Go boxes and keys

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[59:34 - 1.01:33]They compare NFTs and trading to gambling and the stock market.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[1.01:33 - 1.02:23]They discuss Lud's recent purchase of a "Be Kind" shirt and the message behind it.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[1.02:24 - 1.04:40]They compare NFTs and trading to gambling and the stock market.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[1.02:52 - 1.05:11]They discuss the Japanese stock market crash and the potential for the US stock market to experience a similar crash.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[1.05:12 - 1.06:33]The group talks about Lud's fashion choices and his "ludcore" style.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[1.06:34 - 1.08:38]They discuss Lud's recent purchase of a "Be Kind" shirt and the message behind it.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[1.08:38 - 1.12:54]The conversation turns to Ludwig's previous tweets about hating certain things on the internet.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[1.12:00 - 1.13:31]The speaker had a conversation with G2 Hunter about this issue, but did not change their opinion.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[1.13:31 - 1.14:44]Hunter and Jake Sucky are promoting themselves as news outlets and reposting content for followers, which is considered gross by the speaker.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[1.13:38 - 1.15:45]If Hunter was on the ground during the Arab Spring, he would not have ended up doing what he is doing now.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[1.14:45 - 1.16:57]The speaker retweeted a tweet by Mike about eating a double down for 10 subs, contributing to him eventually eating 6 double downs.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[1.14:51 - 1.15:32]The speaker had a conversation with G2 Hunter about this issue, but did not change their opinion.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[1.15:32 - 1.17:44]The speaker retweeted a tweet by Mike about eating a double down for 10 subs, contributing to him eventually eating 6 double downs.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[1.16:57 - 1.20:01]The speaker had a conversation with G2 Hunter about this issue, but did not change their opinion.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[1.17:52 - 1.18:36]The speaker retweeted a tweet by Mike about eating a double down for 10 subs, contributing to him eventually eating 6 double downs.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[1.18:44 - 1.21:55]Kite has cancer and received hate for winning the award.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[1.19:08 - 1.20:17]The speaker had a conversation with G2 Hunter about this issue, but did not change their opinion.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[1.21:55 - 1.23:52]The speaker is angry at Hunter for reposting someone's tweet and pretending to be a news outlet.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[1.23:53 - 1.25:54]The speaker differentiates between daily loud and mogul males, with mogul males being praised for inserting their own opinions and research into their content.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[1.25:54 - 1.26:31]The speaker acknowledges that they are part of the "evil" in the streaming industry, but believes they are less evil than others.

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[1.26:14 - 1.27:23]They joke about burying their friend Carl in the pyramid and covering him in molten gold

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[1.26:44 - 1.28:02]The group discusses the idea of building a pyramid for a Mr. Beast video

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[1.28:03 - 1.28:26]They discuss the logistics of building a pyramid, including the time and number of workers needed

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[1.28:26 - 1.30:01]The conversation turns to different cultures' versions of pyramids, including the Incas and Machu Picchu

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[1.28:35 - 1.29:44]They also talk about the Luxor in Las Vegas and whether it can be seen from space

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[1.29:30 - 1.30:54]They discuss the logistics of building a pyramid, including the time and number of workers needed

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[1.30:14 - 1.30:41]The conversation turns to different cultures' versions of pyramids, including the Incas and Machu Picchu

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[1.30:54 - 1.32:46]They joke about building a pyramid in Alaska that would never melt

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[1.32:12 - 1.33:11]They come up with the idea for a Dude Perfect pyramid with trick shots and a basketball hoop at the top

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[1.32:46 - 1.33:03]The conversation turns to different cultures' versions of pyramids, including the Incas and Machu Picchu

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[1.33:11 - 1.34:01]The group discusses the idea of building a pyramid for a Mr. Beast video

A youtube thumbnail wor He sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife | The Yard

[1.34:01 - 1.34:34]The podcast ends with a final wish for the fish in the ear to understand all languages.