

Youtube profile pic for Roasting our Terrible Taste in Games | Trash Taste #45

Roasting our Terrible Taste in Games | Trash Taste #45

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[00:00 - 06:53]The hosts discuss their gaming preferences and difficulties with completing games, as well as their tendencies to start new games before finishing others. They also joke about being "normie" gamers and the potential backlash from sharing their opinions.

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[06:53 - 06:59] Narrator talks about getting an N64 and how he felt like his life peaked

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[06:59 - 07:07]He talks about getting a Game Boy Advance at age 5 and feeling powerful

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[07:08 - 07:18]He mentions having trouble remembering games he loved as a kid for his three by three list

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[07:31 - 07:36]He and his friend discuss their gaming lists and go through their names in a box to see who will go first

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[08:49 - 09:03]The narrator's friend is chosen to go first and they discuss their gaming lists

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[10:28 - 10:41]The narrator talks about wanting to get into JRPGs but being turned off by turn-based battles and random encounters

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[10:58 - 11:07]He mentions Persona 5 as the game that broke JRPGs for him and talks about its battle system

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[13:34 - 13:40]The narrator's friend asks why Tales of Symphonia is on the list and the narrator explains that it was his first experience with a video game feeling like an anime

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[14:00 - 14:06]The narrator talks about getting to the 80% point in the game and stopping

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[06:53 - 14:06]The narrator discusses his experience with gaming, including getting an N64 and a Game Boy Advance, struggling to remember games he loved as a kid, going through a box to determine who will go first in discussing their gaming lists, and talking about his love for anime and JRPGs, including Persona 5 and Tales of Symphonia.

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[14:19 - 14:30]Speaker talks about playing a game called Tales of Symphonia for two years and not wanting it to end

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[14:58 - 15:04]Eventually decides to complete the game and restarts it because they can't remember anything

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[15:29 - 15:41]Talks about playing Persona 5 multiple times and feeling like a kid again

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[17:27 - 17:35]Has trouble getting into games due to "hype fatigue"

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[18:24 - 18:33]Credits League of Legends for killing their ability to get hyped for games

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[20:03 - 20:09]Talks about replaying Mass Effect instead of playing Cyberpunk

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[20:58 - 21:06]Mentions that they expected to be the only Nintendo fan at the table, but is glad to see others

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[21:06 - 21:12]Asks the other person about their thoughts on Nintendo games

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[14:06 - 21:12]The speaker discusses their experience with playing Tales of Symphonia and Persona 5, their struggles with getting hyped for games, and their appreciation for Nintendo games.

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[21:12 - 21:17]Wind Waker was the first Zelda game the speaker finished.

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[21:17 - 21:24]The speaker's favorite Zelda game is Twilight Princess, but they think Breath of the Wild is better.

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[21:41 - 21:50]The speaker was obsessed with Breath of the Wild when it came out and would rather play it than go out in Japan.

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[23:07 - 23:18]The speaker was a Nintendo fan growing up and only owned Nintendo consoles until the Switch.

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[23:25 - 23:31]The speaker's favorite Nintendo games are Wind Waker and Sunshine, which they believe are the most popular 3D Mario and Zelda games.

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[23:56 - 24:01]They think Wind Waker aged well, while Ocarina of Time did not.

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[24:53 - 25:03]The speaker doesn't understand the hype around Ocarina of Time and prefers Majora's Mask.

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[26:30 - 26:44]The speaker also completed Mario 64, Sunshine, and Odyssey, but Sunshine is their favorite because of its summer vibes.

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[27:41 - 27:55]The speaker does not like snow levels in video games and prefers levels that give off a summer feeling.

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[21:12 - 27:55]Overall, the speaker is a big fan of Nintendo games and prefers those with a summer vibe.

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[27:55 - 28:04]The speaker discusses their experience playing Mario Sunshine and how they disliked the boo levels

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[28:04 - 28:11]They mention enjoying the "chinko" level and the summery vibe of the game

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[28:53 - 28:59]The speaker talks about how they never expected to like Subnautica or Gears of War

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[29:05 - 29:16]They mention Gears of War being the first multiplayer game they played and how they enjoyed the online gaming aspect

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[29:22 - 29:27]The speaker also talks about how Gears of War II was the first game to make them emotional

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[29:45 - 29:51]The speaker also mentions that they didn't care about the story but it was still memorable for them

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[29:58 - 30:08]They mention the sad part of the story where a character is looking for their wife

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[30:32 - 30:47]They discuss the satisfying sound of a sniper headshot in Gears of War II

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[31:06 - 31:11]The speaker mentions the meta of the game being focused on shotguns

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[31:23 - 31:34]They talk about how Gears of War II eventually became less fun due to highly skilled players dominating the game

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[32:17 - 32:28]The speaker mentions that they enjoyed the honeymoon period of League of Legends and how it was their best gaming experience

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[33:04 - 33:09]They also talk about how multiplayer games lose their fun once players figure out the best strategies and techniques

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[33:09 - 33:15]The speaker mentions Fortnite and Overwatch as examples of this happening

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[33:54 - 34:01]They discuss their experience playing as Genji in Overwatch and how they were a "dirty" player

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[34:24 - 34:32]The speaker admits to being a part of a team of Genji-only players who may have caused others to lose

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[27:55 - 34:37]They mention not being a toxic gamer and offer a final thought about their love for multiplayer games.

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[34:55 - 35:06] The person is discussing their experience playing online video games and the frustrations that come with it.

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[35:06 - 35:13]They talk about trying to motivate their team to win with friendship, but also getting frustrated with people who talk too much.

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[35:06 - 35:13]They mention playing Japanese competitive games where people don't smack talk.

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[36:04 - 36:13]The conversation shifts to discussing Metal Gear and the person's lack of interest in it due to playing all other versions except for Metal Gear 5.

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[37:32 - 37:38]The conversation moves to discussing the game "Theme Park" and its various features.

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[39:34 - 39:48]They talk about their preference for cartoonish games and their love for theme park simulation games.

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[40:13 - 40:19]The person mentions not being interested in military games and discusses their love for Crash Bandicoot and other spin-off games.

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[40:37 - 40:42]They bring up the game "Diddy Kong Racing" and its ability to compete with Mario Kart.

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[41:10 - 41:16]The person debates putting Banjo Kazooie on their list, but ultimately decides not to.

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[34:37 - 41:22]Overall, the person expresses frustration with online gaming and a preference for cartoonish and simulation games.

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[45:31 - 45:40] The speaker discusses their love for video games and their tendency to fully immerse themselves in a game, completing all side quests and exploring all details.

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[45:40 - 45:49]They specifically mention their love for Metal Gear and their enjoyment of the long cutscenes and codec calls, despite criticism from others.

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[45:40 - 45:49]They also mention their love for the "skits" feature in Tales games, where characters have conversations and share information.

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[45:40 - 45:49]The speaker enjoys exploring the lore and history of video game worlds, often spending hours reading through databases and information.

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[47:27 - 47:33]The speaker also mentions their enjoyment of trying to decipher hidden messages and subtext in anime, but not in video games.

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[47:53 - 48:00]They express a preference for linear games over those with too many choices.

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[48:00 - 48:07]They give examples of games they have enjoyed for their linear gameplay and immersive storytelling, including Mass Effect and Persona 5.

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[41:22 - 48:07]Overall, the speaker expresses a love for fully immersing themselves in video games and exploring all aspects of the game world and story.

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[48:07 - 48:13] Two of the most choice heavy games and the two exceptions to that rule are discussed

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[48:13 - 48:19]The speaker has a fear of missing out (FOMO) when given a choice in games

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[48:36 - 48:41]Persona 5 is mentioned and how the speaker replayed it four times to see all the choices

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[50:58 - 51:04]The speaker was turned off from JRPGs after playing Blue Dragon, which had a frustrating achievement system and annoying characters

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[51:29 - 51:35]The game was purchased in a three for 20 pounds pre-owned game deal

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[52:34 - 52:41]The speaker had completely forgotten about their FIFA success until just now

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[53:00 - 53:05]The speaker was a FIFA 09 pro and ranked in the top 200 players, even though they did not particularly enjoy football

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[53:24 - 53:31]The speaker accidentally got good at FIFA and is surprised at their past achievement

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[53:38 - 53:47]The speaker's friends were also competitive with FIFA and COD

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[48:07 - 54:44]The audio is a conversation between two people discussing choice heavy games and their experiences with them.

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[54:44 - 54:50] The speaker became a top 200 or 300 player in FIFA by learning the meta and using a broken team.

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[55:03 - 55:11]They initially bought the game to fit in with friends at parties.

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[56:36 - 56:46]Their friend suggested entering competitions, but the speaker was not interested.

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[57:12 - 57:26]FIFA Ultimate Team is a pay-to-win game mode where players spend an average of $30,000 to be competitive.

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[1.01:27 - 1.01:43]The speaker shares a personal experience with microtransactions ruining their gaming experience.

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[1.01:49 - 1.01:59]To become a pro in FIFA, one must be skilled and have disposable income.

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[1.01:59 - 1.02:09]It is sad to think that some players at tournaments may be relying on the prize money to recoup the money they spent on the game.

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[54:44 - 1.02:09]The speaker's experience highlights the negative impact of microtransactions on gaming.

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[1.02:09 - 1.02:18] Group discusses the stresses of competitive gaming, particularly in terms of finances and travel

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[1.02:25 - 1.02:34]They discuss the competitive scene for FIFA and how it is difficult for those who genuinely enjoy the game

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[1.04:26 - 1.04:33]One member shares their experiences trying to obtain a specific game from China as a child

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[1.05:21 - 1.05:29]They discuss the game's mechanics and how it is one of the best Mario spin-offs

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[1.05:29 - 1.05:36]The first pick is Super Mario Strikers, which they all agree is a fantastic game

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[1.05:43 - 1.05:50]They move on to discuss their top three picks for Mario spin-off games

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[1.05:43 - 1.05:50]The last pick is Super Mario Sluggers, a baseball spin-off for the GameCube that was difficult to obtain

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[1.06:04 - 1.06:09]They conclude by saying that all of the Mario sports spin-offs are solid games and that Super Mario Strikers is up there with the mainline Mario Kart games

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[1.07:15 - 1.07:23]The second pick is Battalion Wars, a highly rated strategy game for the Wii that one member was particularly skilled at

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[1.08:28 - 1.08:33]They briefly mention the game's cover art and how it might not look appealing, but assure that the game is good

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[1.02:09 - 1.08:45]Overall, the group discusses the stresses of competitive gaming, their top picks for Mario spin-offs, and their love for Super Mario Strikers as one of the best spin-off games.

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[1.08:45 - 1.08:54] The speaker discusses a real-time strategy game where players can switch to first-person control of units and do more damage

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[1.09:15 - 1.09:27]This mechanic was not mentioned in the speaker's previous discussion of their favorite games

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[1.09:33 - 1.09:44]The speaker mentions that many of their favorite games have strong gameplay mechanics

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[1.10:08 - 1.10:15]Guitar Hero is discussed and the speaker mentions that it is great at getting non-gamers interested in gaming

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[1.12:30 - 1.12:35]Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, a platformer that uses bongos as controllers, is mentioned as a potential favorite game

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[1.13:16 - 1.13:21]The speaker played Jungle Beat at a friend's house and asked for it for Christmas, but ultimately chose to get Tycho instead

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[1.13:41 - 1.13:50]The speaker has a hard time seeing rhythm games as more than just party games, but enjoys feeling like they are improving while playing

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[1.14:13 - 1.14:19]The speaker has mixed feelings about rhythm games and prefers playing actual instruments

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[1.14:13 - 1.14:19]The speaker discusses a variety of games and their opinions on them, but ultimately concludes that they value strong gameplay mechanics in their favorite games

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[1.14:45 - 1.14:52]Rhythm Heaven on the DS is mentioned as a game the speaker played so much that they broke two styluses while playing it

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[1.15:03 - 1.15:08]The speaker's original DS was damaged from playing too much Rhythm Heaven

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[1.15:23 - 1.15:29]The speaker's DS touchpad was shattered and the DS looked like Baki's body

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[1.08:45 - 1.15:29]In summary, the speaker discusses a real-time strategy game, Guitar Hero, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, and Rhythm Heaven, and reflects on the importance of strong gameplay mechanics in their favorite games.

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[1.15:36 - 1.15:43] Narrator discusses playing a rhythm game called Rhythm Heaven on a Nintendo DS

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[1.16:09 - 1.16:15]They mention having fun playing Sonic Riders on their GameCube

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[1.16:50 - 1.16:59]They also enjoyed playing Kirby's Air Ride

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[1.17:32 - 1.17:37]They have fond memories of playing Sonic Heroes and Sonic Adventure 2

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[1.19:59 - 1.20:04]They also mention playing Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 and Modern Warfare 2 and 3

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[1.19:59 - 1.20:04]They talk about getting into competitive gaming through Black Ops 2

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[1.20:53 - 1.20:59]The narrator mentions Metal Slug X and Metal Slug 3, two popular Neo Geo arcade games

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[1.21:25 - 1.21:32]They also mention playing Contra

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[1.21:50 - 1.21:56]The narrator and a friend played through all three Metal Slug games in one gaming session

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[1.15:30 - 1.22:18]Black Ops 2, Modern Warfare 2 and 3, Metal Slug X and 3, and Contra. They also mention getting into competitive gaming through Black Ops 2 and playing through all three Metal Slug games in one session with a friend.

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[1.22:26 - 1.22:32] The speaker discusses their love for retro video games, specifically side-scrollers like Mega Man X and Contra.

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[1.23:35 - 1.23:40]They mention how they had more patience as a child, being able to beat difficult games like Battletoads and Ninja Gaiden.

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[1.25:09 - 1.25:15]The speaker also talks about the difficulty of playing these games with old controllers.

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[1.25:34 - 1.25:42]They mention Metal Slug as the best example of a clean and well-designed running gun game.

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[1.26:09 - 1.26:15]The speaker also brings up Time Crisis as a favorite and discusses how they used to game the system in arcades to get high scores.

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[1.27:48 - 1.27:54]The speaker remembers the frustration of losing their high scores when the arcade machines were unplugged.

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[1.28:13 - 1.28:18]They point out the old system of trusting someone's word for their high score and relate it to the current speedrun community.

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[1.22:18 - 1.28:24]Overall, the speaker reminisces about their love for retro video games and how it has shaped their gaming preferences today.

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[1.28:32 - 1.28:41]The speaker discusses their experience playing Time Crisis in arcades, and how they found a more efficient way to play.

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[1.29:15 - 1.29:25]They explain the importance of maximizing points in the game and how they would unload all their bullets into one character to achieve this.

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[1.32:07 - 1.32:14]They mention how arcade games have become more difficult and pay-to-win over the years, using Mario Kart as an example.

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[1.32:30 - 1.32:36]The speaker also talks about their experience playing Time Crisis on PlayStation 2 and how it helped them in the arcade.

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[1.33:37 - 1.33:43]The speaker expresses their passion for arcade games and their disappointment in the current state of the industry.

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[1.34:12 - 1.34:18]They briefly mention other arcade games such as Typing of the Dead, JoJo Battle Royale, and a giant mech game.

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[1.28:24 - 1.34:33]The speaker concludes by emphasizing the lack of quality arcade games now compared to in the past.

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[1.34:33 - 1.34:42]4D cinema with moving seats

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[1.34:42 - 1.34:49]Ranked PvP against other players

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[1.34:49 - 1.34:55]Capture the flag and domination game modes

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[1.38:11 - 1.38:18]Fun and exciting gameplay experience

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[1.38:25 - 1.38:32]Good matchmaking and unique character abilities

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[1.39:16 - 1.39:23]Apex Legends being beginner-friendly and not requiring advanced mechanics

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[1.39:23 - 1.39:29]Choosing Apex over League of Legends due to recent popularity and fun gameplay

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[1.39:48 - 1.39:54]Meeting new friends through the game and practicing Japanese language skills

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[1.40:30 - 1.40:36]Playing with friends and having a good time

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[1.40:42 - 1.40:48]Meeting up with players in real life and developing friendships

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[1.34:33 - 1.40:54]The speaker discusses their experience with Apex Legends, highlighting its 4D cinema and ranked PvP modes, fun and beginner-friendly gameplay, and ability to make new friends. They also mention choosing Apex over League of Legends, and how the game has helped them improve their Japanese language skills.

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[1.40:54 - 1.40:59]Friendship based on similar gaming ranks in Apex

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[1.40:59 - 1.41:08]Enjoyment of playing with a 45-year-old man who is bad at the game but funny

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[1.41:15 - 1.41:22]Apex is a chill game but can also be intense

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[1.41:15 - 1.41:22]Perfect balance of talking and fighting

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[1.41:41 - 1.41:51]Considered the best RTS game, despite being unbalanced and unrefined

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[1.41:41 - 1.41:51]Halo Wars was the game that made the speaker fall in love with RTS games

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[1.42:29 - 1.42:39]Played with friends every day and enjoyed the 2v2 and 3v3 modes

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[1.43:32 - 1.43:39]Red Alert 2 also a favorite RTS game

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[1.43:58 - 1.44:06]Civilization games are enjoyed but considered a different style

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[1.44:55 - 1.45:04]Joey's 3x3 list includes some normie choices

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[1.46:12 - 1.46:19]Super Mario World chosen as one of the best games of all time

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[1.47:07 - 1.47:17]Clan ad is a personal favorite for Joey and solidified his love for anime

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[1.47:07 - 1.47:17]Joey's list reflects his birth in the 90s

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[1.40:54 - 1.47:25]Overall, the discussion covers gaming preferences and experiences, including specific games and genres, as well as personal favorites and normie choices.

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[1.47:25 - 1.47:32]Person talks about top game titles like PS5 and Game Boy

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[1.47:45 - 1.47:50]Memories of playing Super Mario with a difficult level

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[1.48:54 - 1.49:00]Talks about being a Nintendo fan and playing SSX Tricky on Xbox

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[1.50:46 - 1.50:53]Person talks about optimizing gameplay and playing Pokemon Silver for over 999 hours

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[1.53:10 - 1.53:15]Kirby's Nightmare in Dream Land is the first game owned and a favorite for its ability to make the player happy

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[1.53:50 - 1.54:05]Final thoughts on playing games for happiness and including Animal Crossing in top nine games

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[1.47:25 - 1.54:05]The person discusses their top game titles, memories of playing Super Mario and SSX Tricky, and optimizing gameplay in Pokemon Silver. They also mention Kirby's Nightmare in Dream Land as their first game and how it brings happiness. The person also includes Animal Crossing in their top nine games for its ability to bring joy.

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[1.54:17 - 1.54:28]A discussion about the game Animal Crossing

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[1.57:54 - 1.57:59]The game's slow pace and lack of challenge

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[1.58:16 - 1.58:28]The marketing of the game towards stressed adults

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[1.59:59 - 2.00:06]The speaker's disappointment with the game's gameplay

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[2.00:13 - 2.00:22]The speaker's personal experience with the game and their expectations

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[2.00:48 - 2.01:00]A mention of other games the speaker enjoys

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[2.01:00 - 2.01:13]The speaker's preference for linear games over open world games

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[1.54:05 - 2.01:13]Animal Crossing is a slow-paced, non-challenging game marketed towards stressed adults, which disappointed the speaker due to their preference for linear games.

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[2.01:22 - 2.01:33] Animal Crossing has a collecting aspect that the speaker enjoys, while others enjoy the DIY aspect

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[2.01:33 - 2.01:40]The speaker's top priority in Animal Crossing is completing their fish and bug index

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[2.01:52 - 2.02:02]The speaker's love for JRPGs and immersion in the world of Final Fantasy 6 led it to be their favorite game

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[2.02:30 - 2.02:39]Final Fantasy 7 is often overshadowed by Final Fantasy 6, which is held in higher regard by true fans

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[2.03:50 - 2.03:56]RuneScape and Club Penguin were also important games for the speaker

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[2.06:04 - 2.06:13]Terraria is a side-scrolling game that the speaker finds relaxing and has spent a lot of time playing

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[2.06:37 - 2.06:45]Other games the speaker wished they could have included in their list are Borderlands 2, League of Legends, Gary's Mod, Portal 2, and Mario Party 2

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[2.06:51 - 2.06:56]Mario Party 2 is the best Mario Party game according to the speaker, with memorable mini games and frustrating controller mechanics

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[2.07:42 - 2.07:49]The speaker's favorite mini game in Mario Party 2 is Thwomp's Domino, and they also like the skateboarding and balloon blowing mini games

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[2.01:13 - 2.08:06]The speaker's top 3x3 game list includes games they can always come back to, have spent a lot of time playing, and have a special meaning to them, such as Final Fantasy 6, RuneScape, and Mario Party 2.

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[2.08:07 - 2.08:12]Speaker discusses their love for the game "Two" and its gameplay

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[2.08:13 - 2.08:18]Mention of Pokemon Coliseum on GameCube and catching other people's Pokemon

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[2.08:24 - 2.08:30]Speaker talks about being super into Pokemon Snap and mentions a new one coming out

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[2.08:36 - 2.08:42]Mention of Professor Layton games and an honorable mention for the worst game ever bought, Wii Music

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[2.08:42 - 2.08:48]Discussion of the game's mechanics and gameplay being garbage

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[2.09:29 - 2.09:34]Mention of Horizon Zero Dawn and Fire Emblem games

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[2.10:39 - 2.10:47]Speaker mentions playing Bayonetta games and there being too many great games to choose from

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[2.11:39 - 2.11:44]Discussion of the game's soundtracks and how they influenced the speaker's interest in snowboarding and skating

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[2.12:11 - 2.12:17]Mention of wanting to play Theme Park and investing in games to stream

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[2.13:04 - 2.13:09]Discussion of different tastes in video games and a thank you to patrons

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[2.08:07 - 2.13:49]Conclusion with a call to action to follow the show and listen on Spotify while playing mentioned games for an optimum gaming experience.