

Youtube profile pic for How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[00:00 - 00:49]The speakers discuss a beverage called "bubbly bar" and the word "pop."

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[00:49 - 01:33]The conversation shifts to clothing choices and hair styles.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[01:20 - 02:40]The conversation turns to wrapping presents and the use of airpods.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[02:27 - 03:24]The conversation shifts to clothing choices and hair styles.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[03:24 - 03:56]One of the speakers shares a story about a 90-year-old man with a large penis.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[03:57 - 05:24]The speaker's acquaintance is a DJ who stays up until 6 am and starts his day at 2 pm

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[04:24 - 05:50]The speaker and his friends find it amusing and make fun of him for it

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[04:50 - 05:29]The man refers to a woman as a "triple bagger," which is explained to the group.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[04:50 - 07:15]He also loves making jokes and quoting platitudes

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[06:25 - 07:15]The conversation turns to wrapping presents and the use of airpods.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[07:23 - 13:20]The speaker and his friends find it amusing and make fun of him for it

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[11:32 - 12:46]The speaker's roommate has COVID and has been self-isolating in his room

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[12:26 - 14:26]The speaker is worried about his roommate's health and the potential impact on their friendship

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[13:51 - 16:20]The speaker's roommate has a tendency to adopt extreme diets, such as cutting out all sugar

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[14:56 - 16:34]The speaker indulges in sweets whenever he wants, leading to a lack of willpower and self-control

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[16:21 - 18:46]The speaker recounts a drunken trip with friends.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[16:56 - 18:34]He talks about being mean when drunk in the past.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[18:46 - 19:35]The speaker recounts a drunken trip with friends.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[19:05 - 21:12]He talks about being mean when drunk in the past.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[19:55 - 20:34]The group goes back to the hotel, and the speaker strips down to boxers.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[20:48 - 23:15]The speaker gets very drunk and starts farting and being belligerent.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[22:43 - 23:35]He mentions getting into a drunken altercation at a football game.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[23:02 - 25:02]The speaker mentions getting into another drunken altercation in Boston and drinking a lot.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[24:21 - 25:20]The speaker gets very drunk and starts farting and being belligerent.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[24:44 - 27:14]The speaker mentions calling his boss, who is also drunk, at 1am.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[25:33 - 26:53]The speaker gets very drunk and starts farting and being belligerent.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[26:30 - 28:34]The speaker's mom interrupts and asks about the business call.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[27:15 - 30:03]The speaker mentions calling his boss, who is also drunk, at 1am.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[29:13 - 29:43]The speaker's mom interrupts and asks about the business call.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[30:04 - 30:54]The speaker is discussing a conversation they had with someone over the phone, where they had sent a text prior to calling, asking for answers and sending a list of questions.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[30:54 - 31:37]The speaker talks about their fantasy football league and how they lost in the finals, causing them to get "shit-faced" afterwards.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[31:38 - 33:12]The next morning, the speaker has to drive a rental car back and mentions getting "bullied" by the rental employees.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[33:13 - 33:29]The speaker talks about hiring a new employee and mentions how they almost got in trouble for using the company credit card without permission.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[33:35 - 34:03]They also mention not liking the BMW car they drove.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[33:41 - 35:59]The speaker expresses frustration with giving away gifts and suggests just buying them for people instead.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[34:03 - 36:14]The speaker is discussing a conversation they had with someone over the phone, where they had sent a text prior to calling, asking for answers and sending a list of questions.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[34:17 - 35:11]The speaker talks about their love for organization and shares their excitement about getting new bins for their office.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[35:42 - 36:45]The speaker talks about hiring a new employee and mentions how they almost got in trouble for using the company credit card without permission.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[36:15 - 36:53]The speaker discusses buying more tickets for a different game and how they may have used a different payment method.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[36:53 - 38:07]The speaker then discusses a mistake they made in purchasing tickets for a football game on the wrong date and accidentally spending $54,000 on the company credit card.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[38:38 - 40:20]The speaker is discussing a conversation they had with someone over the phone, where they had sent a text prior to calling, asking for answers and sending a list of questions.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[39:12 - 41:28]The speaker then discusses a mistake they made in purchasing tickets for a football game on the wrong date and accidentally spending $54,000 on the company credit card.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[40:20 - 40:35]The speaker discusses buying more tickets for a different game and how they may have used a different payment method.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[40:35 - 41:52]They explain how they were able to give away the tickets as a Christmas miracle, by giving away all of them to people who follow them on social media.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[40:54 - 41:21]The speaker expresses frustration with giving away gifts and suggests just buying them for people instead.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[41:07 - 42:26]The speaker is discussing a conversation they had with someone over the phone, where they had sent a text prior to calling, asking for answers and sending a list of questions.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[41:29 - 43:32]The speaker then discusses a mistake they made in purchasing tickets for a football game on the wrong date and accidentally spending $54,000 on the company credit card.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[41:39 - 42:46]Instead of answering the questions, the person replied with family photos from a football game they attended.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[42:27 - 45:38]Slime's mom loves him very much.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[42:34 - 44:11]Cutie's family is going to a different game.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[42:47 - 44:11]The speaker then discusses a mistake they made in purchasing tickets for a football game on the wrong date and accidentally spending $54,000 on the company credit card.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[42:58 - 44:00]The speaker discusses buying more tickets for a different game and how they may have used a different payment method.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[42:58 - 44:06]Slime feels bad for saying his mom had an attitude.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[43:42 - 46:58]Slime's family met Peter, Ludwig's step-father, and were surprised by his lack of Jamaican accent.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[45:24 - 45:57]Slime thought Professor Pro was African American until he found out he was from London.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[47:42 - 49:42]Slime feels bad for saying his mom had an attitude.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[49:42 - 51:24]Slime admits he was wrong and should not have said that.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[49:48 - 50:26]Slime's mom loves him very much.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[50:46 - 53:41]Slime feels bad for saying his mom had an attitude.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[52:35 - 53:35]Slime had a long conversation with Ludwig's mom after the podcast and she said sweet things about Ludwig.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[53:43 - 54:45]Cutie's family is going to a different game.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[53:43 - 54:45]There is a sponsorship deal with and the opportunity to win $10 in Bitcoin.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[53:52 - 54:51]The speaker talks about filling out quizzes for free cryptocurrency.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[54:06 - 54:33]Slime concedes and says he is now an empath.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[54:45 - 54:51]Cutie's family is going to a different game.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[54:51 - 55:25]Slime calls the others "pajama wearing Spider-Man lunchbox fucking worthless drones."

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[54:51 - 56:20]The speaker also mentions watching John Boy videos about baseball.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[55:25 - 56:48]Slime concedes and says he is now an empath.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[56:20 - 57:02]The speaker talks about a British man who does a show about living like a medieval peasant.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[57:02 - 1.00:05]The speaker talks about a vacation trip to Canada, including skiing and reconnecting with relatives.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[59:05 - 1.01:51]A YouTube channel called "Steep Steep" is discussed, which features a Canadian man commenting on ski competitions.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.01:51 - 1.03:58]The speaker talks about a British man who does a show about living like a medieval peasant.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.02:04 - 1.04:58]The YouTube channel "Fire of Learning" is mentioned, which features a man discussing ancient Rome.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.03:59 - 1.04:53]They mention going to a chain restaurant called Cactus Club while in Canada.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.03:59 - 1.06:05]They want to eat at a nice restaurant, but end up going alone since their family is staying for an extra day

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.04:59 - 1.07:43]The speaker talks about a vacation trip to Canada, including skiing and reconnecting with relatives.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.05:38 - 1.06:00]The man reveals that he is not allowed to enter the US, but avoids explaining why

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.06:06 - 1.08:33]They walk in the cold to the restaurant and sit at the bar

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.06:48 - 1.08:18]The speaker talks about a British man who does a show about living like a medieval peasant.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.07:44 - 1.09:57]The speaker strikes up a conversation with the man, who is an interior decorator from the UK

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.08:33 - 1.08:55]They mention getting algorithmed into watching Roman history videos.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.08:55 - 1.09:40]He once stayed up for four days and missed his flight back to the US

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.09:57 - 1.10:24]The man reveals that he has a lot of wealth and is planning to buy a 29-room Chateau in France with his husband

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.10:24 - 1.11:22]The man's nephew also mentions that he is rich and gay multiple times

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.10:34 - 1.12:20]The man reveals that he is not allowed to enter the US, but avoids explaining why

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.12:09 - 1.15:13]The man tells a story about how he accidentally became addicted to crystal meth as a weight loss supplement

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.12:09 - 1.17:26]The man used to be a flight attendant and would use tea to stay awake during flights

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.12:54 - 1.15:32]He takes the drug by sipping it in tea and unknowingly carries it with him on flights

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.13:39 - 1.16:24]The narrator meets an older British man and his family at a bar in LA

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.14:28 - 1.16:24]He once stayed up for four days and missed his flight back to the US

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.15:38 - 1.17:18]The man used to be a flight attendant and would use tea to stay awake during flights

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.16:32 - 1.17:31]The man tells a story about how he accidentally became addicted to crystal meth as a weight loss supplement

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.17:26 - 1.18:49]The man's nephew also mentions that he is rich and gay multiple times

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.17:32 - 1.19:13]The narrator's friend had a similar experience with an older couple treating her like a "unicorn"

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.18:06 - 1.18:31]The speaker strikes up a conversation with the man, who is an interior decorator from the UK

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.18:40 - 1.19:33]The narrator exchanges information with the man and receives a text later saying police were called due to a mask violation

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.19:34 - 1.20:25]The narrator and the British man's sister discuss his need for a stronger online presence for his business.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.20:26 - 1.22:17]The narrator's friend had a similar experience with an older couple treating her like a "unicorn"

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.21:51 - 1.23:32]The narrator and the British man's sister discuss his need for a stronger online presence for his business.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.22:11 - 1.22:39]Appreciative of friends and Gucci clothes

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.22:39 - 1.23:32]Talks about his own gambling addiction and how it has changed

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.23:01 - 1.23:54]Discussing new chapter in life, giving up on merch and focusing on interior design company

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.23:08 - 1.24:25]Jokes about gambling employees in anime style

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.24:25 - 1.26:23]Talks about watching train stream for six hours straight and his gambling addiction

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.26:10 - 1.28:05]Talks about his own gambling addiction and how it has changed

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.26:23 - 1.26:34]Talks about watching train stream for six hours straight and his gambling addiction

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.26:40 - 1.28:20]Misclicked 50k on football tickets, jokingly says he gambled away speaker's net worth

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.28:20 - 1.29:39]Talks about watching train stream for six hours straight and his gambling addiction

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.29:18 - 1.29:48]Worried about his health and future

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.29:40 - 1.31:39]Bo loses and is replaced by Ayman, who talks about his New Year's resolution to create decorative pieces out of retro video game consoles.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.29:50 - 1.30:51]At shit camp, finds XUC gambling alone while everyone is outside

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.30:04 - 1.31:28]Jokes about gambling employees in anime style

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.31:02 - 1.31:09]The group discusses a news story about a game being removed from the Nintendo eShop.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.31:28 - 1.31:48]Misclicked 50k on football tickets, jokingly says he gambled away speaker's net worth

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.31:39 - 1.33:04]Bo arrives in the studio and he and Nick play a game of chance to determine who will stay on the show.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.32:38 - 1.34:10]Bo loses and is replaced by Ayman, who talks about his New Year's resolution to create decorative pieces out of retro video game consoles.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.34:10 - 1.38:29]Nick calls in and discusses his New Year's resolution to climb a V6 in rock climbing.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.38:09 - 1.40:03]Nick is replaced by Ayman, who talks about the clickbait for their next episode.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.38:30 - 1.40:35]Bo loses and is replaced by Ayman, who talks about his New Year's resolution to create decorative pieces out of retro video game consoles.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.40:03 - 1.42:24]They conclude the episode and tease Nick's appearance on the premium episode, where he will reveal his "double breasts."

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.40:10 - 1.41:15]Nick reveals his tier list of favorite people, with Aiden at the bottom due to losing a Smash tournament.

A youtube thumbnail wor How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 | The Yard

[1.41:15 - 1.42:16]The group discusses COVID-19 and its impact, including Nick's recent diagnosis and their accountant also having it.