

Youtube profile pic for We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[00:03 - 00:12]The speaker is happy to see Schlatt again and compares him to a bright star and a beautiful bird.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[00:13 - 00:36]The speaker then compares Schlatt's energy to that of a California condor, mentioning their big wingspan and danger of extinction.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[00:38 - 00:54]Schlatt questions what the speaker means by his own extinction, and the speaker clarifies that he means wasting away in his own way.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[00:54 - 01:14]The speaker then brings up the topic of dead people, referring to them as "extinct" and "never coming back."

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[01:15 - 01:21]The speaker asks Schlatt what kind of bird he thinks he is, and he responds with "blue-footed booby."

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[01:42 - 01:55]The speaker approves of this choice, mentioning that they have blue feet and a "crazy rack."

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[01:55 - 02:06]Tucker is identified as the "bird guy" and the group discusses his knowledge of shorebirds.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[02:07 - 02:43]Tucker uses Google to search why the blue-footed booby is called booby, and the speaker comments on his cautiousness to avoid inappropriate content.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[02:44 - 03:23]They also mention that some people find the blue-footed booby foolish, but the speaker defends their beauty.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[03:24 - 03:33]Tucker uses Google to search why the blue-footed booby is called booby, and the speaker comments on his cautiousness to avoid inappropriate content.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[03:24 - 05:24]Tucker and Ted were discussing a previous episode where they talked about philosophy and it caused some controversy

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[03:33 - 03:44]The speaker and Schlatt make jokes about the name and its similarities to Schlatt's name.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[03:45 - 04:30]They also mention that some people find the blue-footed booby foolish, but the speaker defends their beauty.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[03:50 - 04:09]Tucker is identified as the "bird guy" and the group discusses his knowledge of shorebirds.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[03:56 - 04:03]Schlatt questions what the speaker means by his own extinction, and the speaker clarifies that he means wasting away in his own way.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[04:31 - 05:06]The episode is sponsored by ZokDoc, a platform for finding and booking doctors.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[04:36 - 05:06]They then moved on to discuss astrology and how they were sent their star charts based on their birth information

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[05:25 - 08:18]Tucker and Ted were discussing a previous episode where they talked about philosophy and it caused some controversy

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[08:18 - 09:46]They questioned the validity of astrology and how it is essentially space racism

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[09:15 - 11:30]They then moved on to discuss astrology and how they were sent their star charts based on their birth information

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[11:31 - 13:40]They talked about whether or not anyone remembers being born and how most people don't remember anything before the age of three

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[13:40 - 15:07]Tucker shared his earliest memory of being at Disney World with his grandmother and how his family lineage recently went extinct due to Andrew Cuomo

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[14:06 - 16:19]They talked about whether or not anyone remembers being born and how most people don't remember anything before the age of three

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[15:14 - 16:33]The speaker expresses reluctance towards being defined by their astrological sign and questions its accuracy.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[15:49 - 18:30]They discuss the different signs and their meanings, including the sun, moon, and rising signs.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[18:30 - 21:41]The speaker reads their Virgo description and finds that it aligns with their personality, causing them to feel offended.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[18:39 - 21:16]The speaker expresses confusion and skepticism about the importance and relevance of one's rising sign.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[18:52 - 21:29]The speaker jokes about being "hard all the time," referencing the stubbornness and rigidity associated with Capricorns.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[19:55 - 21:47]The speaker expresses reluctance towards being defined by their astrological sign and questions its accuracy.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[21:47 - 22:25]The speaker jokes about being "hard all the time," referencing the stubbornness and rigidity associated with Capricorns.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[22:26 - 23:33]The speaker mentions that Capricorn is associated with the element of earth and compares it to being an "Earthbender" and "waterbender."

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[22:32 - 26:22]The speaker expresses excitement about their newfound "powers" as a Capricorn, specifically as a "mudbender."

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[25:45 - 28:46]The speaker expresses reluctance towards being defined by their astrological sign and questions its accuracy.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[26:30 - 26:57]The speaker jokes about being "hard all the time," referencing the stubbornness and rigidity associated with Capricorns.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[27:05 - 27:37]The speaker is stubborn and claims to be a good compromiser

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[27:38 - 28:39]The speaker talks about being a hyper-observant Virgo and how it causes them anxiety and embarrassment when remembering past incidents

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[27:38 - 29:25]They discuss the negative traits associated with Capricorns, including high standards and stubbornness.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[27:49 - 29:01]A conversation about a video format being pessimistic and condescending

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[27:54 - 28:13]The speaker is never satisfied and loves everybody

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[27:54 - 29:16]The speaker jokes about being "hard all the time," referencing the stubbornness and rigidity associated with Capricorns.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[28:14 - 29:25]The speaker is stubborn and claims to be a good compromiser

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[29:02 - 30:37]The conversation shifts to discussing which planet rules the speaker, and they mention liking tuna and wanting to be ruled by Jupiter

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[30:04 - 31:39]The speaker's friend warns them about the dangers of eating too much tuna and getting mercury poisoning

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[30:16 - 30:22]The speaker is never satisfied with having enough snacks

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[31:03 - 31:52]The friend mentions experiencing mercury poisoning and the symptoms it can cause

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[31:53 - 32:58]The speaker's friend warns them about the dangers of eating too much tuna and getting mercury poisoning

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[32:58 - 33:42]The speaker is stubborn and claims to be a good compromiser

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[33:42 - 35:24]They discuss the difficulty of finding a doctor and introduce the website/app Zocdoc for booking appointments

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[35:25 - 37:24]The speaker talks about being a hyper-observant Virgo and how it causes them anxiety and embarrassment when remembering past incidents

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[36:46 - 37:13]They mention wanting to do a "practical joker's chuckle special" and dressing up as a milkman on a New York City subway.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[36:46 - 38:05]They joke about spreading COVID and how there must be a council of astrologers making up traits for each sign.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[36:51 - 40:38]The group teases Tucker about being aloof and detached, but he disagrees.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[37:24 - 37:53]The speaker jokingly claims to have given the city of New York COVID with their milk bottles.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[38:16 - 40:30]The group discusses the astrological signs and how they don't fully align with their personalities.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[40:09 - 41:55]They talk about a character Tucker played in a show and how he did a good job.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[41:55 - 43:11]The group discusses the astrological signs and how they don't fully align with their personalities.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[43:12 - 43:43]The group teases Tucker about being aloof and detached, but he disagrees.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[43:44 - 43:50]Tucker reveals his sign is Aquarius and reads a description of the typical traits and weaknesses.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[43:50 - 44:29]The group teases Tucker about being aloof and detached, but he disagrees.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[44:29 - 45:40]They compliment Schlatt's office setup and joke about his fake window.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[45:40 - 47:37]A person named Kubo is mentioned and the speaker is confused about who or what Kubo is.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[45:40 - 48:36]They notice a weird cat-like figure behind Schlatt and make fun of it.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[45:51 - 48:55]They continue to talk about Kubo and the speaker becomes increasingly agitated and frustrated with the topic.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[46:42 - 48:49]The speaker expresses discomfort and disgust with the product and mentions that it is not a robot but a living being.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[47:49 - 49:44]Schlatt explains it's just a show that the cat is still there and they continue teasing him about it.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[48:06 - 49:24]The speaker also mentions playing with Kubo and someone named Schlatt.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[49:24 - 50:02]The speaker mentions that Schlatt tends to acquire strange or unsettling items and that Kubo may have come from Japan.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[50:03 - 52:07]The speaker and others express discomfort and confusion about Kubo and its purpose.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[50:18 - 50:46]They discuss Kubo's design and how it may be intended for elderly or dementia patients.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[51:31 - 53:32]The speaker expresses discomfort and disgust with the product and mentions that it is not a robot but a living being.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[51:38 - 54:08]The speaker mentions that Schlatt tends to acquire strange or unsettling items and that Kubo may have come from Japan.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[52:22 - 54:21]The speaker becomes increasingly frustrated with the discussion and mentions that Kubo is real and has a soul.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[53:03 - 55:28]The speaker expresses discomfort and disgust with the product and mentions that it is not a robot but a living being.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[54:46 - 55:04]The speaker becomes increasingly frustrated with the discussion and mentions that Kubo is real and has a soul.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[55:17 - 56:50]The speaker mentions that time seems to go by faster as one gets older and no longer has a structured environment.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[56:35 - 56:45]They mention looking up astrological signs and how they may relate to one's personality.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[56:50 - 57:25]The speaker and others express discomfort and confusion about Kubo and its purpose.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[57:05 - 57:31]They continue to talk about Kubo and the speaker becomes increasingly agitated and frustrated with the topic.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[57:33 - 59:08]The speaker reveals that they are a Libra moon sign, which is described as friendly, warm, and balanced.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[58:37 - 58:58]The speaker expresses discomfort and disgust with the product and mentions that it is not a robot but a living being.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[59:09 - 59:33]The speaker reveals that they are a Libra moon sign, which is described as friendly, warm, and balanced.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[59:26 - 1.01:31]The speaker discusses the concept of balance, comparing it to teetering on the edge of a tightrope.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.00:00 - 1.00:21]They mention finding strength and reinforcement through others.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.00:00 - 1.02:50]The speaker jokes about getting a personal assistant, particularly a "sexy receptionist."

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.01:31 - 1.01:50]They discuss the potential issues of instability and giving too much weight to the opinions of others.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.01:50 - 1.02:44]They joke about the accuracy of their friend's zodiac sign's description.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.02:09 - 1.02:59]The speaker discusses the concept of balance, comparing it to teetering on the edge of a tightrope.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.02:24 - 1.04:35]They mention their parents' influence on their financial habits and credit card use.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.04:12 - 1.04:48]The speaker jokes about getting a personal assistant, particularly a "sexy receptionist."

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.04:49 - 1.06:48]They joke about the accuracy of their friend's zodiac sign's description.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.05:02 - 1.05:47]The speaker then moves onto discussing their friend's zodiac sign, Capricorn, and relates it to their personality and behavior.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.05:16 - 1.07:23]The speaker jokes about getting a personal assistant, particularly a "sexy receptionist."

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.06:05 - 1.07:33]They mention their parents' influence on their financial habits and credit card use.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.06:56 - 1.08:48]The speaker discusses the concept of balance, comparing it to teetering on the edge of a tightrope.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.08:49 - 1.09:18]They discuss the potential issues of instability and giving too much weight to the opinions of others.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.09:18 - 1.11:43]The speaker then discusses their personal experiences with credit cards and building credit.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.10:21 - 1.10:34]The speaker discusses the concept of balance, comparing it to teetering on the edge of a tightrope.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.11:43 - 1.12:20]The speaker then discusses their personal experiences with credit cards and building credit.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.12:21 - 1.13:52]They discuss the signs for Gemini, Scorpio, and Virgo.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.12:31 - 1.15:03]They clarify that the rising sign is also known as the ascendant and represents one's social personality and physical appearance.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.12:39 - 1.14:28]They mention other planets but decide to stick with rising signs.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.14:35 - 1.15:40]They mention Kubo, a stuffed cat with a zipper and a heartbeat.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.15:40 - 1.16:57]They joke about these descriptions and their own experiences with their signs.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.16:58 - 1.18:37]They talk about how people often identify with their rising sign, but also mention some skepticism about astrology.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.17:28 - 1.19:14]They joke about these descriptions and their own experiences with their signs.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.19:15 - 1.20:21]They mention Kubo, a stuffed cat with a zipper and a heartbeat.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Took an Astrology Test | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.20:21 - 1.21:01]They wrap up the episode by thanking listeners and asking them to share their astrology signs and experiences.