

Youtube profile pic for Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[00:00 - 01:18]A conversation about fashion and clothing choices

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[01:18 - 02:47]A cat enters the conversation and causes chaos

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[02:17 - 03:32]The other person is teasing them for changing their style

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[02:53 - 08:06]A cat enters the conversation and causes chaos

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[08:06 - 09:59]The other person is teasing them for changing their style

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[08:29 - 10:05]One person has a new bracelet and necklace

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[10:11 - 11:50]They debate which ear is considered the "gay ear" for earrings

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[11:42 - 12:01]There is an iron trap door on the top of the Sphinx's head.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[11:51 - 12:49]A conversation about fashion and clothing choices

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[12:01 - 12:42]The conversation begins with a discussion about a fashion topic and then moves onto the topic of the Sphinx in Egypt.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[12:49 - 17:06]There is an iron trap door on the top of the Sphinx's head.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[14:29 - 16:39]The conversation turns to the possibility of using a drone to explore the chambers.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[14:57 - 15:27]The conversation ends with the mention of a subterranean temple under the Sphinx.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[17:06 - 18:04]The hosts speculate about the contents of the chambers, suggesting they may contain knowledge or secrets.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[18:04 - 19:23]The conversation ends with the mention of a subterranean temple under the Sphinx.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[18:11 - 19:16]There is mention of a "rump passage" in the Sphinx, which was uncovered in 1926 and then sealed off.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[19:23 - 21:00]One host suggests that the government of Egypt may be concealing knowledge to drive tourism.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[19:31 - 20:21]The conversation turns to the possibility of using a drone to explore the chambers.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[20:22 - 21:43]The narrator and Jumbo discuss how the discovery of something has disrupted industries and it's all about the money

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[20:32 - 21:23]They discuss how companies may withhold knowledge for money and the narrator asks what knowledge they would withhold

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[21:01 - 21:36]The hosts speculate about the contents of the chambers, suggesting they may contain knowledge or secrets.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[21:36 - 23:44]The conversation begins with a discussion about a fashion topic and then moves onto the topic of the Sphinx in Egypt.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[21:43 - 23:36]The narrator mentions the average age and life expectancy of ancient Egyptians and the shocking difference in comparison to modern times

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[21:49 - 22:40]They discuss how a society of people who didn't even reach legal drinking age could build the pyramids

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[23:36 - 26:03]They mention the lack of knowledge we have about ancient civilizations and the sphinx

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[24:14 - 25:00]They discuss King Tut and how he died at 19 years old

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[25:01 - 28:45]They discuss Tracks NYC, a charismatic man who hands out gold nuggets on the street

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[28:45 - 31:43]They move on to discussing the nutty putty cave tragedy and how a man got stuck and died in a small space

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[31:43 - 32:14]The narrator expresses his fear of being stuck in a small space and the satisfaction of completing such an activity

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[32:14 - 32:56]They move on to discussing the nutty putty cave tragedy and how a man got stuck and died in a small space

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[32:56 - 33:41]They wrap up by questioning the satisfaction of doing such an activity and wondering why anyone would want to do it again.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[33:42 - 36:42]Tucker is skeptical about the bill and thinks it could cause issues in emergency situations

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[33:48 - 36:13]The New California Republic flag features a three-headed bear, and Tucker likes the Alaska flag as well

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[35:49 - 41:17]Tucker is skeptical about the bill and thinks it could cause issues in emergency situations

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[39:30 - 43:14]People are discussing a California bill requiring speed limiter technology in cars to reduce traffic deaths and injuries

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[42:59 - 44:24]Tucker has noticed more brutal car accidents in California than he did growing up in Massachusetts

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[44:25 - 47:24]The New California Republic flag features a three-headed bear, and Tucker likes the Alaska flag as well

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[44:31 - 46:09]There is tension between states and the federal government, with some people calling for a civil war

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[46:46 - 49:32]The speakers discuss the recent popularity and drama surrounding limited edition Stanley Cups sold at Target stores

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[48:53 - 51:01]They mention that the cups are similar to Yeti cups and are popular because they keep drinks cold

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[50:45 - 54:17]The speakers joke about designing their own cup to appeal to women, with features like a built-in snack tray and two handles

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[54:17 - 55:24]They end the conversation with a joke about the Hall of Knowledge, saying it will probably just tell them to put aspartame in water.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[54:38 - 56:50]They plan to create their own flavored aspartame water to sell on TikTok

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[56:50 - 56:55]They end the conversation with a joke about the Hall of Knowledge, saying it will probably just tell them to put aspartame in water.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[56:55 - 58:17]The speakers discuss the recent popularity and drama surrounding limited edition Stanley Cups sold at Target stores

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt's Insane Conspiracy Theories | Chuckle Sandwich

[58:17 - 1.00:04]They end the conversation with a joke about the Hall of Knowledge, saying it will probably just tell them to put aspartame in water.